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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49624720 No.49624720 [Reply] [Original] [archived.moe]

What are anons doing instead fucking walking for money and getting fit?

>> No.49624731

having a good life being a lazy fat ass

>> No.49624744

Read a book
Watch some movies

>> No.49624746

walking for money? is this about that stepn shit?

>> No.49624759

Sounds like an app of some kind if I had to guess. Tell us OP we desire fitness.

>> No.49624763

Aint falling for your ponzi you can leave biz Rajesh

>> No.49624778

you get in, buy an nft sneaker walk and get some sol in exchange

>> No.49624780

unironically the sMiles app gives me like 100 sats a month just for having it hooked up to my health app on my iphone and apple watch. not much but it works well, lightning network withdrawls are easy and fast as well as some gift card bullshit i havent touched but yeah, i do get money for fucking walking

>> No.49624806


>> No.49624878

Oh my gosh an app on Solana where you buy an nft sneaker and get paid $3/day to walk wow that's so exciting Muhammed tell me more?

>> No.49625143

im doin ur mum

doing doordash in a major city

>> No.49625202

bicycle delivery slave here, I don't make much but at least I'm fit af and I can drink a crap load of beer and smoke a shit ton of weed and ride 30-50miles, every day, some peoeple are just born crazy

>> No.49625230
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>> No.49625362

Fucking hang yourself, pathetic pajeet faggots. You have no idea how unsubtle your shilling is.

>> No.49625406
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Shilling what? Kys schizo

>> No.49625424

ok redpill me how do i walk for money

>> No.49625425

It seemed interesting so I entered their discord and saw it full of Bangladeshis and Arabs. Everyone was non ironically adding sir after every question and people were crying about the chinese ban.

They have a channel for people to post pictures of their IRL progress and it was literally empty except for one average looking dude with a sixpack.

The community is shit, the scalability is shit and the entire ecosystem will 100% crash once someone realizes they can just tie some phones to a windmill for free money. There is already reportedly a GPS hack in the works though that's just rumours.

>> No.49625525
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Yeah wtf I'm just here begging, sir.

>> No.49625911

You have six threads up, asshole.

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