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File: 151 KB, 1100x1022, Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 20.43.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
486968 No.486968 [Reply] [Original]

Let's applaud Bitcoin for worst investment of the year.

And let's all point and laugh at these losers:

>> No.486971

Laggards gonna laggard.

Bagholders gonna baghold.

Those forums are full of morons.

Notice how mostly people who inherit their wealth gamble it away. They don't realize the worth of money.

>> No.486975
File: 11 KB, 129x113, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>486985 >>487073

>Sour grapesing the internet of money on an anonymous image board.

>> No.486985
Quoted by: >>486992

>Sour graping.
Listen, faggot, I bought sub 100

Not sour graping anything, just laughing at laggards and bag holders

>> No.486992

>anyone cares about your typed out denials.

>> No.487068

Hey, I just told you to sell, you didn't. Now look where you are. Should have listened dumb fucks

>> No.487073
File: 266 KB, 500x500, bitcoin_bankrupt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487164

>internet of money
>coiners actually believe this

>> No.487078
File: 950 KB, 350x191, XO685d2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody come grab some popcorn and sit down, the show has begun

>> No.487110


>> No.487117
Quoted by: >>487124

>worst investment of the year
But it's up 300% since a year ago

oh nevermind welcome to 4chan, thread hidden

>> No.487124
Quoted by: >>487128

>a year
>not the year
It's down 46% from the start of 2014.

>> No.487128
Quoted by: >>487145

Exactly, it's one of the worst investments and only dumb fuck bag holders are holding now

>> No.487142
Quoted by: >>487294

This is really only the beginning. Bitcoin has been way overvalued for a long time now. The price is correcting to adjust to the actual use which is around $50/bitcoin.

>> No.487145

>not shorting it

>> No.487147
Quoted by: >>487149

I bought at $3, sucks to be you OP.

>> No.487149

...so you didn't sell at $1200?

>> No.487164

All dat propaganda.

Goldman-Sachs pls be kill.

>> No.487192
Quoted by: >>487196

Bitcoin is kill.

if you didn't buy below 100 and sell above 1000, you are a dumb fuck and will never get rich.

Laggard idiots

>> No.487196
Quoted by: >>487208

You don't make money by just buying long you dumb shit.

>> No.487208
Quoted by: >>487216

Learn to read faggot

>> No.487216
Quoted by: >>487218 >>487224

Dude are you a retard or something? Do you know what short selling is? Are you a muslim or nigger or something you sound pretty retarded?

>> No.487218

Maybe a Slav?

>> No.487224
Quoted by: >>487227

Try to add more swear words, maybe it will make your argument more compelling

>> No.487227
Quoted by: >>487245

But we're not arguing, I'm just asking if you're non white.

>> No.487229

>Let's applaud Bitcoin for worst investment of the year.

Let me correct that for you:

>Let's applaud Bitcoin for speculative play of the year.

>> No.487232

But Bitcoin is up 3% in the last ten minutes.

>> No.487235

>bitcoin is kill

ok m8s

>> No.487245
Quoted by: >>487248

I'm caucasian, white, Norwegian

>> No.487248
Quoted by: >>487252

Oh shit you're a retard then.

>> No.487249
Quoted by: >>487257

The most hilarious attitude from bitcoin holders is this:

>oh, bitcoin's crashing? Yawn.
>I'm so devoted to bitcoin I don't even care about the price.

Meanwhile, the price never actually recovers. It goes down and down and down.

I'm seriously questioning their sanity at this point. Why wouldn't you fucking sell something that's losing value constantly. Why. You can still have all the bitcoin you want, but MORE OF THEM when the market bottoms out.

>> No.487252
Quoted by: >>487256

keep sprouting meme words stupid bag holder

>> No.487256
Quoted by: >>487261

Fucking Christ dumb nigger, can't you see I'm shorting it? You make money on something that is highly volatile like Bitcoin you dumb nigger. Stop being a dumb fucking shit for a moment and try to understand what I'm trying to convey through your thick negro scull.

>> No.487257
Quoted by: >>487260 >>487265

>selling at a low

gee great idea

>> No.487260

>not cutting losses
>not realising low is relative
>being this noob

>> No.487261

Stop using swear words and trying to be a big man

lol, enjoy scam exchange stealing your funds.


>> No.487265
Quoted by: >>488087

Christ, are you retarded.

Look, if you believe in bitcoin you have two options:

hold through this slow bleed forever no matter what the cost

sell your coins and buy them back at a genuine low

Second option gives you more coins. First option is actually retarded, especially since everyone knows bitcoin crashes 20%, recovers 15% and then never goes higher. It's happened like fifteen times since $900. Regular as the tides. Stop being stupid please.

>> No.487266

Seriously , you're a nigger right?

>> No.487268

Who let this retard in?


>> No.487271
Quoted by: >>487273 >>487275

>Let's applaud Bitcoin for worst investment of the year.
Speak for yourself buddy, I made $50k from the bubbles.

>> No.487273

Trading != investing

>> No.487275
Quoted by: >>487277

lol yeah right, of course you did.

go bet on red and maybe you make some more

gambling idiot

>> No.487277
Quoted by: >>487278

Wow . what's with the negative attitude? Lighten up, how much did you lose?

>> No.487278
Quoted by: >>487282

didn't lose anything, I only profited. Gambled and won, but at least I can admit it was all a gamble and now looking for norma, safe and conservative investments like big people do. This crypto shit is for babies and retards, grow up!

>> No.487281
Quoted by: >>487285

>not knowing the way of the nose
>be greedy and feast when others are afraid
>be afraid when others are greedy and feasting

>> No.487282
Quoted by: >>487284 >>487285

Wow easy there .
You profited? Then why do you act like you lost all your money? You're pretty weird, are you special or something?

>> No.487284

he's black read the whole thread

>> No.487285
Quoted by: >>487287 >>487291

worked well for Exxon right.
sprouting these meme phrases means you know nothing
next you say - buy when tehre is blood in teh streets

stupid cunt, don't you realise that it's not alway sblack and white

these phrases mean nothing

I don't act like I lost money. Why do you think you can't hate something just because it's stupid and obnoxious.

>> No.487287

You act pretty strange for some reason, I don't see any reason for hating on something that you don't have a horse in, so I'm guessing you must be autistic or something, or even black.

>> No.487289
File: 273 KB, 560x560, turgid^2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I've been looking for this thread and this is my first post on /biz/.

>> No.487291


I'm going to tell you this once.

You don't know about the financial goddamn Armageddon that's knocking on tomorrow's door.

BTC is about to get its day in the sun, and at the moment the market is being manipulated to gut the cowards and get these things cheap, before the storm hits.

It's going to drop like a rock. Buy as much as you can, hand over fist.

/pol/ is never right, but it's fucking happening.

Screencap this, and cry like a child when you didn't heed my words.

>> No.487294
Quoted by: >>489591

>around $50/bitcoin
Where did you get that value from?

>> No.487295


>> No.487296
File: 21 KB, 493x315, 1410779533479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.487297

The grapes are sour in this thread.

>> No.487299

what was even that
where is your technical and fundamental analysis

>> No.487303

>Stop using swear words and trying to be a big man
>lol, enjoy scam exchange stealing your funds. retard


>> No.487316
Quoted by: >>487350

>mfw all these relative newcomes since 2014 have no idea of BTC's price history prior to this year and are judging it based on 9 months of performance

You know there were people saying virtually the exact same things after the crash from 32 in 2011 and the crash from 260 in april 2013?

The people that bought at pennies and sold at dollars probably felt pretty smart about themselves at that point, and likely want to hang themselves now for pulling out too early

Not saying past performance is a guarantee of future results, but it's the best indicator and I really don't see this cycle being any different

Worst case it hits around 250 before starting to rebound, either slowly or quickly, but it will rebound

What negative news is even out there? The blockchain fork didn't kill BTC, MtGox's bankruptcy didn't kill BTC, neither did the SR bust or any other significant events

Why do you really believe now, of all times, it's headed to 0?

>> No.487317
Quoted by: >>487336 >>487802

bitcoins are over, I've lost everything

I'm ruined

>> No.487322
File: 701 KB, 1900x2050, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is never right, but it's fucking happening.

Excuse me? /pol/ is always fucking right.

Bitcoin is finally dying off. Took a fucking while. Shut it down, niggs.

>> No.487336
File: 657 KB, 214x171, 1391781132517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.487339

I had all the money I was going to use to get a kidney transplant on bitcoin.
And now "POOF" I'm gonna spend the rest of my life on dialysis.

>> No.487341
Quoted by: >>487350

daily reminder that there are people who:

bought btc when it was $1200

didn't sell their btc when it was $1200

laugh at them, point and laugh at them

>> No.487350
Quoted by: >>487392

I don't have enough fingers and diaphragms to keep up. The echo-chamber of positivity on bitcointalk from all the dipshits up to their shrivelling balls in loss makes me laugh so hard.

>Why do you really believe now, of all times, it's headed to 0?
Every time there's been a dip with BTC like those occasions you mentioned, the only people really holding it together and stopping it going <$100 are dipshits like you that want to hold forever. This time, I think even some of your clan will start to see the light. I'll be ready to take them off your hands when you hit bottom and sell your coins to preserve what little dignity you have.

>> No.487392
File: 132 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487942

You're the "prove you can cash out" guy from /pol/ at the beginning of the year aren't you.

You got told back then and you'll get told again, soon enough.

How's being bitter and salty at the same time working out for you?

>> No.487802

Hahah, so you sold low at a super loss or what?

>> No.487809
File: 238 KB, 1469x1175, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sums it up well

>> No.487811
Quoted by: >>487827 >>487830


There is actually people who STILL support bitcoin... Holy shit

>you will never be as delusional as these people

>> No.487827

Well, you could buy hyip's, that could be worse.

>> No.487830
Quoted by: >>487832

technically it is an investment, because you are financially invested

>> No.487831
Quoted by: >>487834 >>487912

sure is a lot of jealousy in this thread

look, bitcoin has crashed 4 times now. every single time, people like you come out the woodwork and scream that bitcoin is dead, it's killed and it was a fad, ponzi, tulip etc.

the bottom line is that this currency is useful and fills a niche. it will continue to be useful and fill a niche. it is not 'dead'.

>> No.487832

About as much of an investment as purchasing a new car.

Incredibly volatile currency designed and primarily used to purchase drugs.

Besides, one person owned 50% of bitcoin a year ago, he can control the price as he likes

>> No.487834
Quoted by: >>487836

Sure I'll just buy a new house with bitcoin for $400,000

Whoops, those buttcoins are only worth $230,000 2 weeks later! Sorry!

>> No.487836

don't buy a house with it then, problem solved

>> No.487843
File: 118 KB, 1153x533, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in poor as fuck 3rd world country
>have pic related.

And here i though bitcoin would take me out of this shit hole.

>> No.487848


>> No.487849
Quoted by: >>487850

Born shit, forever a shit. Stop hoping on miracles

>> No.487850
Quoted by: >>487851

>Stop hoping on miracles
Technically it's not a miracle if im actually trying to do something about it.

You must be american

Born a little shit, forever a little shit.

>> No.487851
Quoted by: >>487854

Know your place, pleb. You thought magic internet money will make you rich. Typical stupid sheeple bagholder, kill yourself, you 3rd world country pleb, guess you are brown, too, lol

>> No.487854
Quoted by: >>487855

>pleb pleb

Say pleb more, people will think you're cool.

Also, you seem mad little boy.

>guess you are brown, too, lol

Guess, you, are shit, at grammar. So American. So mad. So fat.

>> No.487855
Quoted by: >>487858

at least he can afford a caloric surplus you little shitskin

>> No.487858
Quoted by: >>487861

>at least he can afford a caloric surplus you little shitskin

Give me more. Your fat fueled rage makes me happy.

Let's all try be as fucking rude as we can to everyone, because people will think we are cool then. We are so tough. We are so fat.

>> No.487861
Quoted by: >>487863

Delusional loser

Enjoy your $397 LOL

>> No.487863

>Enjoy your $397 LOL
Jokes on you kiddo, I don't even have $397.

Loser, pleb, shitskin, shit, etc. You guys sure are mad constantly. Little children.

>> No.487870 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1080x1920, 760bf1e6-7993-4988-981c-a54fa8467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the graphs of the buttcoin haemorrhage, you post suitable reaction pics. Only those with <$100 in buttcoin need apply.

> yfw that'll be everyone before long

>> No.487872 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1080x1920, 62f2f834-8365-42bb-8e51-e611d659d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the graphs of the buttcoin haemorrhage, you post suitable reaction pics. Only those with <$100 in buttcoin need apply.

>yfw that'll be everyone before long


>> No.487874
File: 178 KB, 1080x1920, c9d7536e-48b1-45f7-a978-906174c2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487942

I'll post the graphs of the buttcoin haemorrhage, you post suitable reaction pics. Only those with under $100 in buttcoin need apply.

>yfw that'll be everyone before long

>> No.487875
File: 161 KB, 1080x1920, c20e86f0-39fb-423e-985f-b39496e3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>captcha: d hivaide

>> No.487877
File: 173 KB, 1080x1920, 518a9ce9-9bd9-4b75-82e6-ec614b831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>kraken packing the lulz as per usual

When we see the bottom, I'll be there waiting to get all your coins for cheap. I predict we'll get there within a month, perhaps a fortnight if the market keeps up this free-fall. Gg.

>> No.487900
File: 17 KB, 1004x284, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.487912

Bitcoin isn't a currency, it's a digital commodity.

>> No.487915

Damn man.
Can I touch your feet or something?

>> No.487917
Quoted by: >>487922 >>487959

But in all seriousness, well fucking done man.
Im really impressed.

You have given me something to strive towards.

>> No.487920
File: 65 KB, 961x749, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487923 >>487926

yeah, bitcoin is dead

shows over guys

>> No.487921

>391 usd
this gon b gud

>> No.487922
Quoted by: >>487923 >>487924

Losing $58k since that image was made is something to strive for?

>> No.487923
Quoted by: >>487925

so mad

see >>487920

he has likely made a fortune

>> No.487924

Having $58 to lose.

I have about $1200 in total. In everything I own.
Sucks to be nerfed early game.

>> No.487925
Quoted by: >>487928

No... he lost $58k.

>> No.487926

Wow the crash is starting to look really bad even on the log chart. That's how you know Bitcoin is in it's death throes.

>> No.487928
Quoted by: >>487933

only if he bought at the top

>> No.487933
Quoted by: >>487940

No, he lost that since the image was made. He has lost at least $58k that he could have had unless he sold already. He could have sold and had $490.8k. Now if he sold he'd only have $432.8k.

>> No.487940
Quoted by: >>487944

swings and roundabouts. if he invested early enough then he's made a sweet profit. look at the log chart - the price fluctuates heavily but has been steadily rising as adoption increases. investing early and holding through the crashes has so far seen good returns with bitcoin.

if you honestly believe this crash is the last one, and bitcoin is dead, then fine. but i will be holding through this crash as i have the rest, and continue to profit while you guys whine on image boards because you're angry you never bought any.

>> No.487941
File: 12 KB, 412x295, thisiswhattheybelievehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm All In - Sold My House!
>good on ya man!

>> No.487942
File: 1.42 MB, 640x352, [satisfaction intensifies].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487945 >>487949

Haven't discussed buttcoin on 4chin until now. The only reason I would be bitter and salty is because I didn't get in when it was hovering around/below dollar-parity. But the way things are going right now, I'm predicting a Bitcoin meltdown as this free-fall continues to deteriorate its value.

There will be little inflection points that make it look like it's about to bounce back (as have already happened), but soon you will see it's true value. Take a look at this post (>>487874) and the ones below it: those are the graphs of the big exchanges that I posted earlier. Shit is getting vertical with the occasional false-bottom like I said.

Up until now, all of Bitcoin has been speculation. However, as adoption increases, it becomes less speculative and less volatile. People predict that it will reach a level of stability similar to fiat currencies in the future. I do believe Bitcoin will eventually reach that stage. I do believe that within half a decade or so, each coin will be worth >$10K and >$1M within my lifetime.

But right now, people are losing money because they sold their house/heirloom/cat for bitcoin at a time when it wasn't dirt cheap and was clearly capable of haemorrhaging. So as the price gets closer to where I'd be willing to buy for the long-term with guaranteed stupid gains and almost negligible downside, I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh.

>> No.487944
Quoted by: >>487946

>steadily rising
No, it hasn't. It's been on a downtrend all year.
>then he's made a sweet profit
Not as sweet as if he had sold when it was over $1000. If he invested early enough he's lost even more than $58k.

Buy low, sell high.

>> No.487945
Quoted by: >>487951

nothing ever goes to the moon, it rises exponentially until it bursts through the ceiling then it is like that scene in cartoons where they're still running but they're in mid air and when they finally notice they start falling

>> No.487946
Quoted by: >>487948

yes, it has. look at the price since 2009 and draw a line under it. it is going up overall but we are in a drawn out bear market this year.

>implying you would be able to time the market perfectly and sell at the top

go and work for goldman sachs, you are obviously a trading genius

>> No.487948
Quoted by: >>487950 >>487953

>using price since inception
>time the market perfectly
Even a blind monkey should have been able to sell higher than the current price.

>> No.487949
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1384175159195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will watch as the VC firms, Winklevii, BTM manufacturers and people like you pick up the pieces of their shattered cryptocurrency, desperate to build it up again, too deep in loss to not want to make some sort of effort to repair its value. Of course this isn't the death of Bitcoin - it's the rebirth. The value will go to utter shit, I will buy and then I'll spectate as the aforementioned parties work desperately to restore value to my cheap-as-shit coins.

I a few years, you'll start succeeding. Adoption is increasing, people are warming to the idea and all that fuzzy crap. But you exposed yourself too early and the need to make back what you lost afterwards, in my opinion, will rival increased adoption/positive opinion as a driving force for Bitcoin's value after this storm. Too many people are up to their ears in Bitcoin exposure for the party to end after this. It will hit a floor - a very low one - and then people like me will pile in to make a fortune in the long-term as if the clocks had been turned back so that we could get another chance to buy Bitcoin at $10-$100 a pop.

A decade from now, you'll probably have sweated enough to rebuild what you lost and then some. I'll be the man on the moon smiling at all your toil for my benefit. Thank you, based anon.

>> No.487950
Quoted by: >>487952

>Even a blind monkey should have been able to sell higher than the current price.
if you are so smart, why aren't you a millionaire yet

>> No.487951

You're right, there will be corrections, but long-term, stability will increase, volatility will decrease and we'll be left with the beautiful deflationary cryptocurrency that fanatics thought was scheduled for 2016.

>> No.487952
Quoted by: >>487954 >>487957

What makes you think I'm not?

>> No.487953
Quoted by: >>487966

>Even a blind monkey should have been able to sell higher than the current price.
confirmed for haivng never traded

with your brilliant mind that is able to time markets, you are surely rich, right?

>> No.487954

the fact that you are showing a complete lack of understanding of even the most basic principles of markets?

>> No.487955
File: 52 KB, 249x238, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>487958


>I bought in with money from my dead grandmother.
>Now I lost 60% of her fortune (230K)

These people.

>> No.487956

All these rich people, teach me your ways.

Mammon, give me a fucking break plesae.

>> No.487957
File: 123 KB, 1150x924, filter that negro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not filtering the posts of dipshits like that

>> No.487958

fools and their money are soon parted
people like that are gamblers, nothing more.

>> No.487959

Eh I kinda made/make my money selling illegal stuff, so I don't know if I'm kinda the role model you're looking for. If I try and cash out all together the IRS will be all over my ass again. Life's good though.

>> No.487960

you should start slowly selling your stash on localbitcoins. dont try and do it all at once

>> No.487961

What's your plan to liquidate? There's a guy on SR sells dollar bills for bitcoins, legit and able to handle big orders too.

>> No.487962
Quoted by: >>488000

Teach me. Take me under your wing old wise One. Please. I can't go on like this.

So many ideas, so little money.

>> No.487966
Quoted by: >>487967

>implying it takes a brilliant mind to see a downtrend that's being going on all year

I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I do have a net worth over $1 million.

>> No.487967
Quoted by: >>487968

hang on a second, lets get this straight.

you would have sold at $1000, because you saw the downtrend thats been going on all year?

so basically you can see into the future. ive no doubt you are a millionaire if you can do that.

>> No.487968
Quoted by: >>487969

No, I'm saying I would have sold before now, not that I would have necessarily been able to sell at $1000.

>> No.487969
Quoted by: >>487971 >>488484

yes but what you are saying is that you know what the market is going to do, before it does it.

the trend can reverse at any time because the market is so heavily manipulated. someone with $20million could send the price to $2000 right now if they wanted.

>> No.487970
Quoted by: >>488000 >>488007

Im willing to quit my dead end job right fucking now if you help me. Ill quit my job and work for you.

>inb4 Wolf of WS reference

>> No.487971
Quoted by: >>487974

Apparently I do, because I've been calling this overall continued downtrend since /biz/ was created. The gift must not be unique to me either since plenty of others called it as well.

>> No.487972


>> No.487974
Quoted by: >>487984

well im very happy for you. the next logical step is to put your money where your mouth is, transfer your $1million to an exchange and become filthy rich.

or alternatively you can sit on 4chan saying 'i told you so!1111' until a bull run starts again, at which point all of you people go very quiet.

>> No.487975
Quoted by: >>487981

$383...holders sure look dumb now

>> No.487981
Quoted by: >>487982

>7660% profit

>> No.487982
Quoted by: >>487983

stop pretending idiot, you sold nothing and are holding bag of shit now

>> No.487983
Quoted by: >>487990

i didn't invest very much money, just got 5 coins, so im not rich.

but i will continue to hold through this crash, as i held through every other one.

>> No.487984
Quoted by: >>487987

I'm content with my moderate gains from equities, thanks.
>bull run
>all of you people go very quiet
There hasn't been one since /biz/ started, though there have been bull traps that brought all of the shills out of the woodwork saying 'i told you so!1111'

>> No.487986 [DELETED] 

Someone please give me a bitcoin and put me out of my misery.

1MCaFePDHmJn842bU CTxTMKeZexqMW8Vv9

Yes I know you wont send, yes I am a pleb/loser/scum.

>> No.487987
Quoted by: >>487991 >>487994

not talking about biz specifically

it's just that every time there has been a crash, the media and jelly neckbeards all come crawling onto forums and comment sections and spamming the same kind of shit you see in this thread.

>its dead
>bubble burst
>bitcoin is killed
>it was a fad

it has happened 4 times and every time it's the same. meanwhile the price continues to rise and adoption continues to increase overall.

>> No.487990
Quoted by: >>487996

Holding is for fools, you have no guts to trade and deserve to lose it all!

>> No.487991
Quoted by: >>487996

To be clear, I don't think it's dead, but I don't think you'll see another meteoric rise ever again (as in, no $10k / BTC ever). Feel free to screencap me and laugh later if I'm wrong. However, it's very possible that the current trend can reverse / stabilize.

>> No.487994
Quoted by: >>487996

>meanwhile the price continues to rise and adoption continues to increase overall.

Where have you been the last 6 months?

>> No.487996

yes. trading btc is basically gambling, you don't know what it's going to do next. but i am extremely confident that the price will rise over the coming years.

actually i agree with you, and the previous bubbles show a trend of levelling out - they are becoming less extreme. $10,000 requires an enourmous market cap, so it could take many years to reach, if at all. but personannly i believe in the technology and its potential, and i'm sure we will see >$1000 again.

>cherry picking one window of time to describe the overall trend of a commodity

>> No.487999
Quoted by: >>488000

Anyhow, what's with all the drama in this thread?

>> No.488000


No drama, just sadness.

>> No.488007
Quoted by: >>488012

Pathetic leech, kill yourself
Life is not a movie, no handouts

>> No.488012
Quoted by: >>488025

>Life is not a movie, no handouts

Why so angry? What's wrong? Talk to me.

>> No.488025
File: 16 KB, 224x225, 1393690241385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.488040
Quoted by: >>488804

Imagine once this idiot wife finds out what he did:

>> No.488072
Quoted by: >>488080

>tfw your bitcoins you spent $1000 on are now worth only $120,000

damn shitty investment

>> No.488080

yeah haha what a pleb, bag holder eh guys haha

>> No.488087

I bet you told people to sell their Bitcoin a year ago.

>> No.488095


>> No.488132

This thread has given me so many laughs. You guys have really made my day, so thank you. I love you guys because every time Bitcoin plummets lower and lower you Bitcoiners all come out for maximum damage control. The air of desperation here is fantastic, I can almost reach out and grab it, that's how palpable it is. You have to admit that deep down in your hearts there is that lingering doubt that this may be it and that Bitcoin is on its last leg even though you shroud yourself in delusion. I can't stress enough how you make me feel better about my own life and my situation in contrast. I guess its the same fascination people get from watching train wrecks. Please don't change my friends. You bring comedy to the finance world and that stands for something.

>> No.488144
Quoted by: >>488150

another butthurt nerd who wishes he'd bought

sorry bro, there will be other oppurtunities

>> No.488150
Quoted by: >>488155

Lmao damn I love you.

>> No.488155

we love you too

>> No.488180

Are you The Devil? Damn, dude.

>> No.488183
File: 1.43 MB, 275x208, 1376423869804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488548


>> No.488190
Quoted by: >>488437

Man, I don't give a fuck about the dropping price.

I'll just spend 200+ bucks a month buying on the downtrend.

I don't give a shit if I lose money.

If it bounces back, awesome. If it don't, awesome.

>> No.488191

I made a killing off the LTC boom a year ago. Feels good knowing I got off before it plummeted and leveled off at $4.

>> No.488197

>all these nerds THIS mad they didn't listen to /g/ and buy bitcoins at ~$10
U jelly madfags?

>> No.488203
File: 32 KB, 413x395, 1334408584504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, the really juicy, beyond delusional material comes from Bitcointalk.com.

Here are some of my favourites:
>first person ever to put my house for sale for bitcoin
>we just need to wait for Wall Street to come in!
>Bitcoin is going nowhere but up!
>not everyone converts to fiat
>I lost 60% of her fortune (230K)
>I registered on this forum to get professional advice from real economists
>history shows paper money never works, its a 100% failure rate
>fiat money days are numbered
>it can reverse any moment and shoot to 500$ like in few hours
>bitcoin is the future because there is no alternative

>> No.488364

I wish I could even make that much money

>Make money short-selling VRC
>buy XMR after re-listing
>XMR just goes down and down
>back to where I started

1 step, 1 step back.

>> No.488437
Quoted by: >>488476

>I'll just spend 200+ bucks a month buying on the downtrend.

You are idiot if you buy in downtrends and don't wait for reversal.

>I don't give a shit if I lose money.
You are even more dumb then, what are you doing on /biz/?

>> No.488476
File: 5 KB, 85x126, 1334093924815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first sensible post in this thread

Keep this up and I'll stop filtering you, pleb.

>> No.488484

Would be a waste of 20 mil

>> No.488521
Quoted by: >>488524 >>488526

>lingering doubt that this may be it and that Bitcoin is on its last leg even though you shroud yourself in delusion

Nope, I have no doubts like that.


Because I'm not from the financial world. I'm not a speculator. I'm from the tech world. And I know a ground breaking once in a lifetime technology when I see one.

The price could creep down to $1, and my long term view would be unchanged.

Have fun with your charts.

>> No.488524


How did you feel about palm pilots during the first year of their introduction?

>> No.488526

There's definitely more than one cryptocurrency not tied to any fiat value, and then some others that are tied to the dollar and stuff, once in a lifetime is starting to look more like a dime a dozen. Cryptocurrencies are cool but buttcoins aren't.

>> No.488527
Quoted by: >>488528

Dammit. I can't find the archive where that one guy said he mortgaged his house to buy bitcoins. This was when it was reaching $1000.
I wonder if he killed himself.

>> No.488528


Look at the brightside, one more estate auction to scoopy scoopy at!

>> No.488529
Quoted by: >>488562

SO, at what point do we buy in to take advantage of this crash? 300 bux? 250? I'm thinking 250 but I'm gonna see what the market does.

>> No.488548
File: 2.17 MB, 400x320, Extremely funky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>488556

I'm wondering why someone would set themselves on fire before throwing themselves out of a building.

>> No.488556

At least you can talk

>> No.488562

It hovers at x50 for.months before dipping below x00. So 550 for a while before dropping below 500 and so forth.

Since its the intermediary coin needed to cash out into fiat id say at 350 you could enter the altcoin market and daytrade for a while.before cashingmout

>> No.488607
File: 225 KB, 2000x1587, fatstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the price is down, people are betting more. I run a bitcoin casino from the Netherlands, bankroll is up over 600€ just today alone.

>> No.488640

Want to send some my way?

>> No.488658

gamblers gonna gamble

>> No.488744

Is it legal to run a bitcoin casino from the netherlands if you live in america?

>> No.488804
File: 90 KB, 255x502, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>489264


So he bought in January when it was over 1k?

>> No.489264

yeah what a tard

>> No.489276
Quoted by: >>489285

Instead of just pointing and laughing at random people like retards you should be thinking how to make money out of them. You're on /biz/ not /b/.

>> No.489285
Quoted by: >>489315 >>489323

We're laughing whilst we wait for the price to properly crash. Then we'll buy in and watch Bitcoin slowly get back on its feet before tentatively climbing. Cash out before the subsequent correction. Buy back in and wait to see if long term growth is coming our way. If so, hold. If not, sell after a rise. The thing with getting the coins cheap is you (almost) can't lose.

>> No.489315
Quoted by: >>490124

Where can I buy your crystal ball?

>> No.489323
Quoted by: >>490124

Are you shitting me? This whole thread is couple underage raging btards trolling other poor btards.

>> No.489349

I typed in 999999999 in my Computer surly I must be Rich?

>> No.489591
Quoted by: >>490602

probably out of his ass

>> No.490110
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Quoted by: >>490124

So should I start buying now or what?

>> No.490124
File: 12 KB, 270x186, 1560d183-ad5d-4057-bbc6-dad919f08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490431 >>490436

>Where can I buy your crystal ball?

PC: $1,000
Broadband: $40/mo
Chart analysis: 10min/day
News reading: 20min/day
Flaming idiots on /biz/: 10min/day
Common sense and yfw: priceless

I'd rather be underage than burnt out from crypto haha. Thankfully I'm neither.

Yes. The markets a tiny bit bearish at the moment but around this time next year, your weekly shop, mortgage, petrol, pocket money...all going to paid in Bitcoin with the Bitcoin you make from this sound investment. You smart cookie, you.

>> No.490127
File: 7 KB, 283x255, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490161

>yfw XMR is kill


>> No.490143

>tfw even though I made money independently my bet on XMR and VRC has made me lose a little bit.

Well fuck. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

>> No.490161
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>> No.490431
File: 1.45 MB, 292x493, photo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490600

>Yes. The markets a tiny bit bearish at the moment but around this time next year, your weekly shop, mortgage, petrol, pocket money...all going to paid in Bitcoin with the Bitcoin you make from this sound investment. You smart cookie, you.

Im not talking about investing my life savings here, I just wanna save money when i buy goodies on the deepweb

>> No.490436
Quoted by: >>490600


>Flaming idiots on /biz/: 10 min/day

you mean 10 hours nigga go outside

>> No.490549
Quoted by: >>490589 >>490647

Bitcoin Thread Inspector here. Taking pictures of this thread for further postage when Bitcoin is a worldwide accepted phenomenon. Will be back in 10 years to enjoy my wealth while I post the aforementioned owned pictures. Enjoy this fine day now.

>> No.490589

lol good luck, after 10 years we will have much better technologies and Bitcoin will be obsolete

>> No.490599

>This house was inherited from my father who passed away a few years ago and he always believed in me and told me I would make it big one day and so I shall

jesus christ

>> No.490600
File: 2 KB, 99x125, 1410975317128 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>490610

I sympathise with that cause and in all seriousness, long term, you do not want to be touching Bitcoin with a barge pole right now. The next week or two at least are going to be a series of new lows with those occasional "it's at the bottom, let's buy again!" moments. I currently have ~$25 left on SR just as change from my last purchase. It's pointless going through all the tumbling and converting just to stop it from shrinking when it's such a small sum, but yeah, it's shriveling like a prune right now. The only ways you'd want to expose yourself to Bitcoin right now are through short selling and day trading.


>> No.490602

Thought so.

>> No.490610
File: 22 KB, 216x234, 1379619141858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs. Also, that post makes it sound like it's merely going to be bearish for the next couple of weeks or so, but the reality is there's almost unlimited potential and likely downside right now. Read about the paradox of increased adoption killing Bitcoin right now, it's fascinating. I've also heard rumour that Rooskie's are dumping their coins as their government clamps down on cryptocurrency, so that could be a contributing factor as well. Anyway, we need to right this out before we hit the true floor and that could take anywhere between six weeks to the end of the year. In the meantime, just stroke your jimmies to the thought of all these socially and financially inept neckbeards who are having to ask their parents for more money because they tried to become millionaires by holding forever.

>> No.490612
Quoted by: >>490617

there was some guy who bought bitcoin when it was around 250 or so. he mortgaged his house to buy bitcoins. then they fell 100 bucks and he said he couldnt look his wife in the face anymore. A year later bitcoins went around 800-1000 or so.

Im not sure of the actual numbers here. I wonder if this guys wife left him for joe thundercock the electrician or if she stuck it out. did he sell low or wait it out? did he end up making it?

Cant help but remember that one guy eveytime bitcoin gets brought up.

>> No.490617
Quoted by: >>490734

The thread is still up on Bitcointalk.com, have a look for it. The OP was the guy that sold his house for Bitcoin. Everyone applauds him at the beginning (around January?). After around April, there's radio silence from OP and a mixture of condolences and mockery.

>> No.490647

It's always been like this though, and can be seen through achieved threads on /g/ and /pol. When bitcoin grows they go all
>why didn't I bought it earlier
And when it falls
>it's over, bitcoin is finished

>> No.490734



>> No.490768

by btc now. sell at 500+. easy 25% gain, you heard it here first