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30407236 No.30407236 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>30409309

EOY price prediction?

>> No.30408268

10$ screencap this

>> No.30408934
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>> No.30409149
Quoted by: >>30409181

Did we get memed by holding this?

>> No.30409181

Wait you still hold this? Anon....these are just memes bro...

>> No.30409183

Lost all faith in this, holding 10k bag still, shouldve sold at 25c

>> No.30409239
Quoted by: >>30409294

sitting comfy just staking mine until eoy desu

>> No.30409284
Quoted by: >>30409589

If we don't pump in march I'm unironically going to kill my self. I hope you're reading this Rubi, my blood will be on your hands

>> No.30409294
Quoted by: >>30409714

Not comfy any more. what is the realistic price EOY?

>> No.30409309

Devs given up. Liquidity gone. Tokens not even worth the gas it takes to cash them out.

>> No.30409357

0.08c, where it's at now. this shitcoin goes nowhere.

>> No.30409589
Quoted by: >>30409921

A dashboard won't pump this. We need real high APYs that not happening by any reason which is. All of those wanted to buy already did and the rest unless they see real results, won't.

>> No.30409714
Quoted by: >>30409939


>> No.30409921
Quoted by: >>30410120

Impermanent loss fixes will come with any eth killer with an EVM — either avax or cardano

Dashboard + this = 999999999999999 dollar eoy

Just get it together devs. I’ve held to 47 cents. I’ve held to 3c. I’m holding and pooling at 8c. I took out my initial investment just seeing how this goes forever.

Either 0 dollars or unlimited money eventually.

>> No.30409939
Quoted by: >>30410755

with this team and chart, would be happy even with $1.

>> No.30410120

Also got a few Uni airdrops because all my disorganized ass wallets. Those are worth 10k each. Not a bad haul for this coin.

I really think it will go somewhere otherwise I’d cash out completely. I don’t see a better alternative. Only ever sold for the API3 ico and that was for a flip. My Statera bags are huge at this point. Either make it or break it for me.

>> No.30410755

Maybe, it's impossible to tell. The idea is good though, and the market cap is tiny, so it feels like it's worth the risk.
Not a coin to put your entire life savings into though.

>> No.30410830
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>Marketing hasn't started
>20% APY
Where will this go after marketing starts?