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File: 29 KB, 680x461, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2987814 No.2987814 [Reply] [Original]

We might be doing something boys. We might be booming, banging, serving all the babies

>> No.2987913

No one?

>> No.2987919
Quoted by: >>2987927

Facing heavy resistance right now, hope itll break through

>> No.2987926

Bought about 20 BCC yesterday. The flippening is upon us brother.

>> No.2987927


102 now...boomin, bangin

>> No.2987928
Quoted by: >>2987941

Once it breaks 0.1 its a second moon

>> No.2987937

Jup, moon run confirmed.

>> No.2987941
File: 71 KB, 600x328, this-really-is-jihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTF got to 102 and immidiately dropped to 99

Live Action Hong Kong movie directed by Jihan "John" Woo

A Better Tomorrow: The Hardest Fork

>> No.2987952

Volume increasing, dip bought off DIRECTLY. Strap in boyos

>> No.2987963
File: 57 KB, 258x261, 1501347067771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking ready

>> No.2987970
File: 36 KB, 1255x299, hmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2988028

BTC flash-tanks
BCC flash-spikes

What did they mean by this?

>> No.2988014
File: 49 KB, 440x515, 1502185369275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's stuck!

>> No.2988028

Classic chinks subtly shorting BTC and pumping BCC after work hours when every other chinks are dining with their parents.

>> No.2988030

Stop selling!!!!"#!"#

>> No.2988039
File: 21 KB, 751x365, dayum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great bid wall of Chyna

>> No.2988055
Quoted by: >>2988071

YASSSS, 1k per coin soon

>> No.2988071

>1k per coin

C'mon now buddey, this is August 8th thread, we daily here, watching the daily show of the great summer blockbuster Hong Kong action movie.

Get realistic. $500 a coin would be ultra, I would eat the table where my computer is.

>> No.2988083
File: 26 KB, 508x402, african-space-program_o_1141899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to MOOOOON

>> No.2988098
File: 72 KB, 870x621, IMG_0157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2988112

>> No.2988112


Is that papa Jihan?

We 107 now

>> No.2988165
File: 23 KB, 813x418, jih-woo-fuckery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High stakes poker

>> No.2988405
File: 4 KB, 623x76, next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooling off...BTC rising again.

Let's see if round 2 commences today.

>> No.2988492
Quoted by: >>2988514

"Unknown miner" stopped mining BCC. That why there are only 4 blocks mined in the last 9 hours. Expect a difficulty adjustment in the next hours, after that more blocks should be mined again.

>> No.2988514
File: 23 KB, 646x720, 1491870076321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why, where, link, source? Difficulty up?

BTC war games?


>> No.2989049
File: 22 KB, 640x400, fb8caeb4b7544edc86bbf8e958365d7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2989091

We live again, price action, boomin, bankin...

>> No.2989056

u-up we go

>> No.2989091
File: 21 KB, 576x458, makethebizsayaye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Told ya. Might as well say thanks in legacy btc :D 1MGtMMHPFghz7wz5tVc9Z294bi6mqugZs7

>> No.2989724
File: 47 KB, 1178x414, movealready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2989799 >>2989802


>> No.2989767

The whales are going to crash it to scare people out and so they can buy lower. Mark my words.

>> No.2989791
Quoted by: >>2989822

dropt a buy order at 0.92

>> No.2989799
Quoted by: >>2989809

What exchange is that?

>> No.2989802
Quoted by: >>2989853


that's not how this works

>> No.2989809

are you blind its trex

>> No.2989811

Sold my 33 at 350 last night, made a nice profit but how fucked am I?

>> No.2989822
Quoted by: >>2989841

At 92 cents?

>> No.2989841
Quoted by: >>2989850 >>2989851

0.92 btc dog

>> No.2989850

You mean .092 and I think it'll go lower.

>> No.2989851

you're paying almost 1 btc for bcc? ur bad at this dude

>> No.2989853


I know no pleb outsider can time the market, but just wanna keep an extra eye...im scalping.

It's boomin and bangin again

>> No.2989874
File: 53 KB, 562x639, 1490756160498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2989881
Quoted by: >>2989892

Whahaha , you will be begging for 1 to 1 once you get your head out of cores ass and snap back to reality

>> No.2989892

I've been holding BCC since 0.07 though

>> No.2989894

gotta break that .12 sat wall...getting heavily pushed though. No sleep 7am...nailbiting

>> No.2989903
Quoted by: >>2989934


It's pushing up the 113 now...seems we'll see 114 and pump soon...


>> No.2989908
Quoted by: >>2989959

I FOMO bought the ATH yesterday, hoping to pass my bags to someone else this pump.

>> No.2989916

That brings up a good question: should I buy at the ATH or at the ATM?

>> No.2989921


He meant 0.092, I got in at $150 and $200 so I'm sitting pretty already. BCC is only going up, it's still grossly underpriced, obviously.

>> No.2989923


I'm in since 88

116...it's going off

>> No.2989926

Nice better than me

>> No.2989934
Quoted by: >>2989967 >>2990050

always gets stopped at the .12 Seems like he really wants everyone to eat it. Fucking huge sell wall too.

Since you've been here since .07 do you remember any other big ass sell walls 100+ BTC before it started mooning? I just got on board at .107

>> No.2989935


>> No.2989959

Looks like you are about to hand off your bags...kinda unsure of how high to expect this...I mean he wants that .12 wall gone. I just don't know if they'll eat it. Wish I would have been watching this closer.

>> No.2989967
Quoted by: >>2990016

>always gets stopped at the .12 Seems like he really wants everyone to eat it. Fucking huge sell wall too.

Yep, it's been doing that last few hours around 106, 110...now 112, 113

We could be jumpin real good if he gives up...

>> No.2989977
Quoted by: >>2990005

everyone who is not in this now is going to cry hard later. Volume is so high and shits brewing

>> No.2990005

Luke is going to build a party for us all

>> No.2990014
Quoted by: >>2990024

.12 is over 400btc away on bittrex

>> No.2990016

I want to believe...I lost 2 BTC to this on it's descent I would really like those back. If it hits .15 then I'm whole again. Not sure if it will today but maybe later this week.

>> No.2990024


look at the volume it's huge

>> No.2990034
File: 315 KB, 660x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990059

>BCC shill club

>> No.2990050
File: 39 KB, 1600x361, Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 9.53.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990104

it's been manipulated to fuck ever since it bottomed out, yes

>> No.2990059
Quoted by: >>2990080


Weak meme, 0/10, you gotta try harder faggot.

>> No.2990061
Quoted by: >>2990078

It's starting to fall back down

>> No.2990071

>buy one after the initial crash
>already making hundreds of dollars
Wow, this crypto shit is easy.

>> No.2990076

>Bought high sold low yesterday because I'm super panicky this shitcoin could flop at any moment
>Wake up thus morning
>Up 50%


>> No.2990078


Wait a bit, try to endure :D or get out if you want to, I'm still in.

>> No.2990080
File: 378 KB, 594x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"tell him that his meme weak and he faggot, so we earn 2 rupees more"

>> No.2990091
File: 86 KB, 640x360, IMG_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 400, then we can all have a coffee

>> No.2990104
Quoted by: >>2990117

ok good, I'm gonna get cozy and sleep then since clearly dude is on a mission. I think he's trying to get us to a new support level so everyone doesn't panic sell.

>> No.2990108
File: 8 KB, 623x134, weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990164

Fuck it, too much stress :D

>> No.2990117
Quoted by: >>2990160 >>2990194

one guy is about 1 mil USD deep in this shit. and that wall didn't get pulled btw it got sold into.

>> No.2990157
Quoted by: >>2990198

Giant whale manipulating isn't going for 10-20% gain...a 200+ BTC buy wall told me all I needed to know...I just wanted to make sure he's in it for some serious gainz and found out he's been doing this all the way up from 0.07. He's gotta be able to sell his stack and that will take time and effort to get this up high enough so he can do that at a profit and long enough to sell off.

>> No.2990160
Quoted by: >>2990186 >>2990213


What?? I wish I could roll back order book that far back...

You sure you saw 2000 BCC's moved?

>> No.2990164

fair call even if it goes up, nice job

>> No.2990186

it's entirely possible the guy was removing bricks as the sells were coming in, yeah

but there were definitely a LOT of sells into that wall, I couldn't keep track because of how fast it was.

>> No.2990194

sheeeeiiiitttt...wonder if it's Roger Ver's crew.

>> No.2990198
Quoted by: >>2990218 >>2990272

How high you think he's going to go for?

>> No.2990213

BCC is worth 10,000 buy with a discount at the moment, made possible by Blockstream.

>> No.2990218
Quoted by: >>2990236 >>2990247


I think the goal is to at least break the previous ATH of .48, they are in it to win it.

>> No.2990236

>break the previous ATH of .48

I don't think so. That would take some mind-warping volume.

>> No.2990247
Quoted by: >>2990258

How long would that take? That seems like an unrealistic goal.

>> No.2990258
Quoted by: >>2990280


Well was it any more realistic for people to be buying at that range a week ago?

My theory though is they want to get it just high enough to lure more miners over when BCC becomes more profitable than BTC, increased miners will make it easier for the market to panic buy and send it higher. How long it will take who knows. I think alot of action will occur after Segwit locks in tonight.

>> No.2990272

no clue. I feel like I am low enough of a buy in at .107 (though not as lucky as the one anon who got in at .07) that I would be ok dumping on the sell side of the mountain. I feel like he would go to at least .13 or .14 since he is clearly making a heavy handed effort to get to .12 and the sell wall that's there. I would really really like for this to get up to .15 but that's alot of fucking money to go through. I think we have hit support level...will probably be kinda calm for now.

>> No.2990280
Quoted by: >>2990291

>My theory though is they want to get it just high enough to lure more miners over when BCC becomes more profitable than BTC

That's what I'm thinking too, it's about bottom line not some crypto autismo after all. But remember, on the ATH day (I was day trading) the volume was, if I recall, at least 50% more than ETH volume.

So the surge needed to get ATH is, in my opinion, pipe dream.

But then again, from 110 (where we seem to be stuck now) to 200...perhaps. I like this BCC, very action, much excite! :D

>> No.2990291

>to 200

I'm talking in "coming days/weeks" of course, just to be clear. Not today lol.

>> No.2990296
Quoted by: >>2990331

Can we get to .150 toda? papi i like

>> No.2990316
File: 23 KB, 778x422, bchrollercoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also guys - it's nice to zoom out every once in a while :D

It's nice to dream! :D

>> No.2990331

doubtful...it took a day from .07 to now. Maybe tomorrow if this maintains. I'm hoping once it appears AGAIN on the front page of trex that the volume and FOMO realization kick in and we get a heavy pump...

>> No.2990360
Quoted by: >>2990371

ugh is that a good old double top forming

>> No.2990363
Quoted by: >>2990403

I'm just really hoping these fuckers push harder and harder. That chart reminds me of NMR and I would like some nice big gainz and not the steaming turd dead fish NMR has become.

>> No.2990371

I think he is raising support levels.

>> No.2990379
File: 111 KB, 1436x910, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990466 >>2990494

my latest meme

please donate bcc to:

>> No.2990403
Quoted by: >>2990443 >>2990488

>reminds me of NMR

AAAAAAAAAA don't curse BCC, Numaleaire was shitcoin, I don't think anyone will see returns on that if they got burned.

BCC on the other hand, is flexing muscles.

>> No.2990434
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2990443
File: 50 KB, 500x625, 1484560453713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990713 >>2990738

>tfw holding $1200 bags of NMR bought at .05

>> No.2990449
File: 94 KB, 640x516, 1500233452894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin has good fundamentals. Price will continue to trend upwards. Screen cap this.

>> No.2990466

an honest chuckle

>> No.2990473


Just hold you autistic cunt, a 5 billion coin with solid fundamentals is not disappearing overnight.

Hell even a shitcoin like eth is still holding value

>> No.2990485
File: 217 KB, 1502x801, www.tradingview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990508

Not my work, obviously, I don't know jack shit about charting. But some of you might find it useful.

>> No.2990488

yeah BCC is actively trying to supplant it's rival and has whales actively pushing for that.

>> No.2990494

Good a little bit on the way hope more follow. Lots a little bits is one more right?

>> No.2990503
File: 17 KB, 1585x86, flippeningsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overnight YOLO paid off.

>> No.2990508

that will be a long fucking hold to .6...not complaining but damn thats alot of money to go through to get back to that.

>> No.2990531
File: 297 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170808-105538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990553

>tfw bought in at .07 Sunday when I saw the signals that it was going up, hoping for a quick trade
>Saw it kept on going, and going, and going
My only downfall is that I only had enough to get 1.6 BCH at that price. Trading with peanuts here, but im up 50% right now. Feels good after CFI absolutely annihilated my portfolio.

>> No.2990538
Quoted by: >>2990571

Aaand its crashing. I think thats it for today.

>> No.2990553
Quoted by: >>2990616

we need a veterans memorial for CFI casualties...I barely got out of that shit with minor loss.

>> No.2990571

no like i have been saying that is the support level .109 - .11

>> No.2990616
File: 35 KB, 1840x314, 08_08_2017_0.00003000_BTC_CFI_Cofound.it000075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990721

>we need a veterans memorial for CFI casualties
You know only a fraction of my pain... I'm still trying to recover. I was on the ICO kick and made some dosh on PTOY and thought "CFI is a great investment!"

>> No.2990620
Quoted by: >>2990667

Aaaaand down it goes.

>> No.2990644
Quoted by: >>2990679

how do you establish support levels? honest question
I saw someone last night post support levels at .1, .09, and while I saw the .1 I didn't understand where .09 came from

would love some rationale

>> No.2990645

fuck guess not.

>> No.2990667


Keep watching, entry point awaits.

This shit ain't over yet. Might be for today...but...

>> No.2990679
Quoted by: >>2990810

So dude had a buy wall at .107 for 700BCC. People typically will try to sell in front of that wall because the idea is no one has enough money to take the wall out. But the dude just removed his wall and that is why you saw it go from a steady .11-.109 to dropping down to .105. He provided the support with his wall. Now its gone, they will remove it if they think it will get eaten into.

>> No.2990682
File: 7 KB, 250x167, 1500913448570s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2990701


>> No.2990701


Cute smug reply, anon. Unfortunately, for your DGB XRP ANT ass, six hours ago I was in early, and got out on time.

Enjoy your bags and keep projecting.


>> No.2990706
Quoted by: >>2990821

stay calm and HODL on....we are just establishing a new floor...gonna be sideways for a few hours maybe then we bust that .120 cherry

>> No.2990713
Quoted by: >>2990738

heh, you're that guy. did you sell your bags yet?

>> No.2990721


>> No.2990728
File: 36 KB, 300x300, bouncy_deadcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2990730
Quoted by: >>2990821


>> No.2990738


if it makes you feel better, my first ever shitcoin buy was posw at 10k sats+ and i have still not sold to this point. I put .50 btc in, had i put it into DGB or Ripple at the time, I would have been up a nice 50k or so. So take it as a lesson, don't sell for loss at this point, just wait for the rebound.

>> No.2990810
Quoted by: >>2990889

What do you think the long-term prospects for Bitcoin Cash are? Any personal theories? I believe most of the FUD against BTC is just that—FUD—but there's a lot of truth to it, and BTC backers are indeed shady fuckers. It's hard to say at the moment. I can see it hitting 0.5 again.

>> No.2990821


> It is currently 54% more profitable to mine on the original chain.

Hmmm...will this change anytime soon?


Who knows, may be...

>> No.2990889
Quoted by: >>2991015

something will eventually usurp BTC as a medium of exchange. At the rate BTC is going it will be like spending gold coins at McDonalds. I can't say that I can give any sound advice. I have heard pros and cons on both sides but I do feel that BCC was also about being a cash grab. There is mischievous players on both sides...we're all pretty in the dark so your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.2990922
Quoted by: >>2990935 >>2991015

>missed to sell my bags because of work

>> No.2990935
Quoted by: >>2990954

You will thank work by the time you get out and its hitting 450+

>> No.2990954
Quoted by: >>2991002


>> No.2991002
File: 27 KB, 536x521, CsxgZSIWgAAeTdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought the double top...

Hold me brehs..

>> No.2991015

set sell orders ahead of time... just buy more on this huge dip

obviously an ERC20 token :^)

>> No.2991087
File: 69 KB, 500x615, 1trnjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>$20,000 worth of ASICs
>Running one of the first ABC nodes
>Mining Bitcoin Cash since the fork
>Sold most of BTC to pay for 2 months power, bought 1 BCH
>FlexTrans coming, malleability actually fixed
>Quadratic hashing fixed
>8MB blocks
>Multi-client support
>No SegWit, No RBF garbage
>"Bitcoin" Core is old news
>I'll push this chain myself if I have to, come with or cash out plebs

>> No.2991113
Quoted by: >>2991169


Congrats anon.

Your opinion on

> It is currently 63% more profitable to mine on the original chain.


>> No.2991128
Quoted by: >>2991136 >>2991169

What do you think BCC's place is now that bitcoin is 100% segwit

>> No.2991136
Quoted by: >>2991147


Aren't we in grace period now, 100% segwit in few weeks?

>> No.2991147

Just mean there's no going back now

>> No.2991169


That can change any time, that number is irrelevant until I sell. I'm mining 6x the coins for the same power.


Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, Core is playing a losing game with opt-out soft forks that don't even fix the problems. Get the fuck in here.

>> No.2991225

Wasn't /biz/ like 80% Core shills recently? What happened?

>> No.2991261
File: 2.78 MB, 272x198, 1497012062976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know man, I'm just here for a ride :D

The Bit Coino drama is intriguing...and as I've said...my limited understanding and knowledge plus hunch tells me there's some credence to BCC side...but then again we can't refute the incredible marketing weight and reputation BTC has...

All I can say is - dis gon b good.

>> No.2991264

people needed to sell high and buy in low

>> No.2991274
Quoted by: >>2991305

BCC/BCH is death

>> No.2991305
Quoted by: >>2991311


Why? Honest question honest answer pls.

>> No.2991307


how many blocks have you found so far?

>> No.2991311
Quoted by: >>2991357

w-well it doesn't have the backing of my corporate overlords a-and they'll kill my family if i buy bitcoin cash please buy bcore for the love of god

>> No.2991357
Quoted by: >>2991411


Haha, I mean, it's competition, nobody killed anyone to fork and nobody forced anyone to do this, so if people want BCC they'll get it, and if they don't , BCC will evaporate and life will move on.

I don't understand why are people so obsessed with BTC purity...it's a financial asset at this point, not some utopian crypto cyber anarcho saviour. It will most likely be regulated or jewed in one way or another.

The only crypto I believe in for it's crypto cyber cypher bla bla bla purpose is Monero, as it's as close to "private" as it gets. Other than that, we're talking speculation.

BTC included. It ain't no sacred cow, it could dump tomorrow. It won't...but...it could. It's not a national treasure we all need to savior and protect by any means...imho.

>> No.2991367
File: 822 B, 127x35, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2991452


jesus /biz/ is only fucking shillers and fudders, why do you think you see those bitbean fucking threads every day, along with ans and heaps of other absolute garbage getting peddled non-stop.

I was fudding BCC heavily on /biz/ until I purchased all my coins (which I'm happy to say I purchased at $200 or less)

Admittedly I'm a poorfag so I couldn't buy many.

Pic related. Now that I'm set I couldn't give two fucks what happens here on in, BCC is not going away and will in all likelihood devour BTC, eventually.

>> No.2991395
Quoted by: >>2991421

literally Pajeets being paid to shill. Also some bagholder among them, but mostly paid shills. You can spot the paid shills because they always say the same bullshit like "muh blockstream" "muh slow btc" "muh satoshi's vision" etc. etc.

>> No.2991411


This is what you get with digital currency, shit changes. You can't hard fork a dollar or a brick of gold, if you don't like it then invest in something else.

What irritates me though is the idea one chain is "purer" than the other. IMO Ixcoin is now closer to Satoshi's coin than either Segwit or Big Block Coin from a scientific perspective. It's all a matter of perspective.

>> No.2991421

Any proofs of that? In my ((leddit)) account I have tons of anti-bcc accounts tagged with their history being nothing but shilling pro-BS, while I didn't notice many anti-BS shills of this low quality. If Jihan is shilling, his definitely doing it better imo

>> No.2991435
File: 9 KB, 531x46, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2991470 >>2991626

Last Caaaaaaaalllll!

>> No.2991452
Quoted by: >>2991504 >>2991934

There are actually people invested in this trash heap. I want to say I'm sorry for you but I'm really not.

>> No.2991470
Quoted by: >>2991515

Is the additional difficulty reduction algo active only for some time, or is it permanent?

>> No.2991504
File: 17 KB, 550x330, 1493341234385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2991528

>There are actually people invested in this trash heap

I mean, if you think BCC is utter trash, ok then, but why are you mad though? Think of BCC as...any altcoin. Are you angry at people trading all the hundreds of altcoins as well, are you lecturing them online in their threads?

Or do you have issues specifically with BCC for some reason?

>> No.2991515
Quoted by: >>2991551 >>2991827


EDA guarantees BCH survival no matter what, BTC chain can grind to a halt in <24h if the miners leave.

Core will change PoW, lower blocksize, and then eliminate mining. Don't be a Core bagholder for their new shitcoin.

>> No.2991528

At least other altcoins try to do their own thing. BCC is literally just a clone of bitcoin with larger blocks and less miners, anyone could have made this. What do you think will happen when people realize this?

>> No.2991551
Quoted by: >>2991580 >>2991623

>if the miners leave

I would like to say that no matter how impartial I am - this is fud, highy speculative one. I don't want to take sides in this duel BCC BTC - but the scenario of miners leaving BTC is...

Well it's possible, sure, it's also possible I still manage to get drafted in the NBA, possible of course, but the likeness of that happening...well...


>> No.2991564

People will switch to BCC as it is clearly a superior scaling solution?

>> No.2991580


The scenario of segwit being signaled was very unlikely as well, why did miners all suddenly decide to support it especially after how Core has went back on their word to them?

>> No.2991603
File: 205 KB, 906x799, 1498667747445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone could have made this

Why are you here and not making shitty BTC clone to cash in on initial hype/greed, if you get even one half-decent pump when you get added to any exchange you should be good for many many many years.

Also, love your comment on how altcoins have purpose. If you're gonna diss BCC, please do so without that false premise of "altcoins at least have use".

No they really don't. 99% of them are utter scam trash, and their use and purpose is one and only one - get BTC. Thank you very much. Ethereum is "popular" and "established" and it's a literal ponzi scheme infinite trashcoin centralized entirely by that autistic russian faggot who is not just russian but also a leaf (you can't make that shit up) and his ponzi scheme has worldwide traction, respect, and recognition. And that's just Ethereum, let's not go down the tier 2 altcoins, lmao, "BCC is turbo trash, but did you read the MUH WHITEPAPER for ETH based muh smart contract muh dapp bullshit ICO wow real world usage ahhahahahaha.

So remember anon - shitcoins, no matter how shitty - can go a long way.

>> No.2991623
Quoted by: >>2991668

Core are actively turning BTC into a settlement network which begs the question how will miner get paid if there are less fees to collect? Block reward will reach 0 eventually and fees are supposed to take over by then in compensating miners but that might not be the case anymore. BCC keeps transaction on chain so miner can continue to collect fees. As difficulty continues to drop it will soon become more profitable to mine BCC rather than BTC. How will BTC cope when miner leave en masse to the more profitable chain grinding BTC to a halt? FYI when BCC first forked it was 80% more profitable to mine BTC it's now down 30%.

>> No.2991626


>> No.2991668

>How will BTC cope when miner leave en masse to the more profitable chain grinding BTC to a halt?

I would really want some BTC-evangelist to answer this question, would love to hear both sides.

>> No.2991672
File: 85 KB, 1022x358, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 2.05.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2991745

top kek
I love you, whoever you are

>> No.2991745
Quoted by: >>2991774


I don't see it. You think it's gonna get tanked?

>> No.2991774
File: 35 KB, 750x499, larry silverstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2991936

I believe that the price will increase dramatically

>> No.2991827
Quoted by: >>2991893 >>2991928

when miners leave doesnt the difficulty decrease?

>> No.2991833
Quoted by: >>2991845

Core 0.15 will disconnect all non-SegWit1MB nodes.

Sybil attack complete, BTC is now Bitcoin Core's project. You gonna be bagholder for banker funded Bcore?

Miners gonna fork again and create SW2X? Fuck no, BCH is going up.

>> No.2991845
File: 1000 KB, 500x330, evil laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2991886

BCC is not even real. You cant even deposit them into an exchange right now.
The current price is totally fabricated.
Sell if you can

>> No.2991893
Quoted by: >>2991909

Difficulty in Core chain adjusts every 2016 blocks. No blocks no adjust.

>> No.2991909
Quoted by: >>2991931

You think 100% of the miners would leave?

>> No.2991928

BTC adjusts difficulty every 2016 blocks. ~100 blocks left as of now until next retarget with projected ~8% difficulty increase. There is no mechanism for a quick retarget in case of losing significant hash rate so BTC network can grind to a halt or move excruciatingly slowly. With the small block size it will become nearly impossible to use. BCC has a quick retarget mechanism in case of significant hash rate drop otherwise it uses the same 2016 block retarget.

>> No.2991931
Quoted by: >>2991956

Never, miners want stability no disruption. Transitions wil be controlled proceses.

>> No.2991934
File: 1.87 MB, 187x155, 1501829613903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


100% pure fud

although in this instance I think you actually believe yourself

>> No.2991936
Quoted by: >>2991984

Getting mixed signals here

>> No.2991940


>> No.2991951
Quoted by: >>2991965

The dumping begins

>> No.2991956


Miners want future profits to pay off their equipment and keep making money, Core's SegNet is a losing proposition for miners and users alike.

Bitcoin is dead, long live Bitcoin.

>> No.2991965

Again?? They promised cheap BCC before... is it real this time?

>> No.2991978
Quoted by: >>2991985

if everyone that wanted to sell their bcc could the price would be $20 rn

its not a real market. you can buy, but not sell right now

>> No.2991979
File: 9 KB, 225x224, lionkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello July August is calling, he's saying wake the fuck up its August

>> No.2991985
Quoted by: >>2992000

>you can buy but not sell
>someone must sell to buy
>you are a retard

>> No.2991984
File: 239 KB, 501x585, merchant abstract 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the game is played

>> No.2992000
Quoted by: >>2992085

im talking about all the people that hold BCC privately. Not the people already on a public exchange.
Learn how this shit works before posting

>> No.2992030
File: 84 KB, 1022x393, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 2.52.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992058


>> No.2992058
Quoted by: >>2992064 >>2992091


We ain't going up today...if that's a real wall..nobody will eat it

>> No.2992064
Quoted by: >>2992089

$500 by Thursday confirmed

>> No.2992085
Quoted by: >>2993175 >>2993181

this still makes no sense
You couldn't sell BCC as quickly as people who got them in bittrex, but that's almost a week ago.
It takes 20 confirmations, whatever, but they can still be sold. And people who wanted to dumped them, already did

>> No.2992089
File: 800 KB, 500x500, 1493657181487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992098


Nope. We're going sideways.

>> No.2992091

Look at the buy market sum vs sell market sum.

>> No.2992098


>> No.2992104

here comes support, we'll see how it fares
might be hitting 300, 285 today lads

>> No.2992115
File: 28 KB, 409x395, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 3.01.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is holding the price up while dumping with a bot heh

>> No.2992136

get your buy orders in at 300 lads

>> No.2992199
Quoted by: >>2992224 >>2992241

Will it reach todays ath anytime soon again?

>> No.2992224
Quoted by: >>2992241

It'll be $1400 in about a week

>> No.2992237

will bcc go up or down
i have 5 btc and 29 bcc bought bcc at 9204ksats

>> No.2992241
Quoted by: >>2992268


Cmon anon, let's not turn this nice thread into /bizrael pajeet session :D


Nobody knows. Watch the charts.

>> No.2992249
File: 254 KB, 1280x720, Qz4UShc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992268 >>2992281

SegWit locked in, 0.15 being released

Top kek

>> No.2992264

Why hasn't the difficulty adjusted yet to make mining profitable? Is BTC attacked by SegWit?

>> No.2992268
Quoted by: >>2992281

>Cmon anon, let's not turn this nice thread into /bizrael pajeet session :D
100% Aryan here

RIP BCC, it's truly ogre

>> No.2992281
Quoted by: >>2992299 >>2992317

So to summarize is /biz/ recommending to sell?

>> No.2992299
Quoted by: >>2992492

so I can buy cheaper

>> No.2992301
Quoted by: >>2992337

whats your prediction for when the hashpower flippening will happen? What about the price flippening?

>> No.2992317
Quoted by: >>2992332 >>2992492


Ditch your BTC before the mempool makes it impossible to move them, 80% of miners and huge numbers of wallets, exchanges, and payment providers are committed to SW2X.

If you think SW2X is going to win, hodler BTC

If you think BCH is going to win, buy BCH

If you think SW1MB is going to win, enjoy being a bagholder lmfao

>> No.2992332
Quoted by: >>2992429

segwit2x will not happen. Core doesnt want it, their new version even bans nodes signalling segwit2x... they dont want the block increase.
So inthe end it's just btc and bcc

>> No.2992337

3 days ago, it was 80% more profitable to mine BTC. Yesterday it was 55% more profitable. Today it is 30% more profitable. Segwit and Bitcoin difficulty adjustment happen very soon, so it's plausible that the foundation for the flippening will begin to set over the next 72 hours. If that happens, there's a small but real chance that Bitcoin could be genuinely fucked and Bitcoin Cash could simply become the "real" Bitcoin. Even if that unlikely scenario doesn't play out, there's a very real chance that Bitcoin Cash will be worth $1400 not long from now. Habeeb it.

>> No.2992406

i habeeb it

>> No.2992422
File: 106 KB, 350x486, Better_Tomorrow_2646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992432


I mean god damn this really makes it sound like a god damn movie.


And just got back in :D :D :D :D

>> No.2992427
File: 205 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2992429
Quoted by: >>2992445


Yeah there is no way Segwit2x is happening, BCC is officially the new "resistance" coin, nobody who hates Core is going to wait around 3 months for another fork to try and take them down.

>> No.2992432
File: 7 KB, 300x35, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 3.31.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2992445
Quoted by: >>2992480

>BCC is officially the new communist coin
fixed that for you pajeet

>> No.2992460
Quoted by: >>2992464 >>2992540


Well damn let the fuckery begin. Official BCC theme music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LPRHiUQcCg

>> No.2992461

the dip is here

buy for a easy 10% profit

>> No.2992464

CORRECTION: Official thread music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP7utU8Efow

>> No.2992480
File: 36 KB, 500x437, 1trxtm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992502


>Free market actors create a new choice for users
>Free markets undertake price discovery
>More actors make decisions based on market movements

>> No.2992486

The spread between BTC price and BCC price needs to continue to go up, because BCC can retarget difficulty faster than BTC, or else it becomes more profitable to mine BCC. So if BCC price continues to rise BTC price must rise faster to keep it the most profitable chain for miners. Can it do it?

This is going to be one interesting week.

>> No.2992492
Quoted by: >>2992496 >>2992510

Ok so /biz/ is telling me to sell right?
Then according to my trading strategy of doing the opposite of whatever /biz/ tells me I will hold.

>> No.2992496

wait until it drops to 330 and then sell, I will buy it from you

>> No.2992499
Quoted by: >>2992509

Why is this fucker dipping, segwit just got activated, miner difficulty is decreasing, wtf...

>> No.2992502

>>Free market actors
Puppet of the communist chinese government + millionaire who would like to become the Rothschild of crypto and dictate monetary policy because "I AM RICH HURR DURR"

>Free markets undertake price discovery
Literally a pump and dump, but you'll find that out yourself

>>More actors make decisions based on market movements
BCC is a shitcoin, no matter the price anon. All the technology is in BTC, all you have is "BIGGER BLOCKS" which is the crypto version of "PRINT MORE MONEY YELLEN"

>> No.2992509
Quoted by: >>2992562

BTFD newfag_

>> No.2992510


First rule of BCC Club - you don't ask for trading advice. You read and asses, and come up with your own decision. Nobody is spoonfeeding anyone here.

You have to go to Ant or DGB threads for that kind of guidance.

>> No.2992540
Quoted by: >>2992559

Why not this


>> No.2992547


Ok sweetie.

- BCC is shitcoin trash blah blah...BTC is worth based on what, explain in 3 sentences or less.

- BCC is [trump]Chyna[/trump], what is BTC? Global universal from the people? LMAO

- "all BCC has is bigger blocks" and that sucks am I right anon?

But off chain tx is GREAT.

Good reasons anon, I'm dumping the wrongcoin and getting in the RightCoin.

>> No.2992552
File: 9 KB, 265x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>BCC is a shitcoin

Shitcoin with #4 mcap that is 1 week old

>> No.2992559

Is the BCore soundtrack, my mistake!!!!


>> No.2992562



>> No.2992564

Segwetters BTFO soon


>> No.2992570

Bitcoin (bcore) official soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4

>> No.2992572
Quoted by: >>2992595

>BCC Club

more like bagholding club

>> No.2992595


Sure thing buddey, we dgb shill stats now fuck!

>> No.2992601

BCC is like adding a stick of ram to a perfectly well-functioning computer just to give another boost of power

Segwit is ripping the whole damn thing apart and putting it back together as a bundle of twigs and gum.

>> No.2992620

good analogy.

Also, this post is great: https://www.reddit.com/r/BCore/comments/6s8vxf/alternative_bcore_scaling_proposal/

>> No.2992629
File: 384 KB, 1160x204, 1482286416077.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992641

>BCC is a shitcoin

>> No.2992641

Free you's omg

>> No.2992662

Dont forget the credit card and spy cam!

>> No.2992861
Quoted by: >>2992915

damn it keeps going down....disappoint

>> No.2992915
File: 127 KB, 585x549, 1500397200448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot coin literally cost me a weeks worth of gains, feel like suiciding myself..

>> No.2992927
Quoted by: >>2992946

Hang one for me too i'm out

>> No.2992931

Buy high sell low technique?

>> No.2992946
Quoted by: >>2992981


well, i think it's got another pump to 110 at least if you all really wanna dump it

>> No.2992962
Quoted by: >>2992972

if you zoom out, you see that it did a double top just before this last pump too and then took off again....hoping for something similar

>> No.2992972
File: 27 KB, 749x336, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 1.31.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2992981 >>2993041


>> No.2992981
File: 12 KB, 310x138, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 4.34.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw comfy

>> No.2992988
Quoted by: >>2992990 >>2992993

hold or sell?

>> No.2992990
Quoted by: >>2993001 >>2993121

I think we're gonna consolidate at around $333 USD and rocket up to $370 shortly thereafter. Don't bother capping this post, I'll still be here shitposting.

>> No.2992993

get more and hold


>> No.2993001
Quoted by: >>2993005

Remember boys, always do the opposite of what biz tells you.

>> No.2993005
File: 59 KB, 531x404, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 4.38.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993020

some baby whale walls propping it up before the huge dump
JIDF detected

>> No.2993007

r/btc are literally the niggers of crypto. More time goes on, the more their shitcoin will implode and they will chimp out. I have no sympathy for them honestly. If you fall for the lies of a retard like Roger Ver you deserve to stay poor and lose everything

>> No.2993020

Thats nothin compared to the volume. bcc moon soon

>> No.2993026
File: 64 KB, 1483x673, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally free from work, time to watch the charts til my eyes bleed

also some pretty good memelines

>> No.2993041
File: 95 KB, 1548x836, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last double top didn't even go down to test 15min 100 SMA it's different this time. Last swing high failed to test the ~0.12 high and now price has moved below 15min 100 SMA, bounced off the trendline twice and is now breaking below the trend line. It looks like the rally is over and sellers are taking over. If you think this will continue higher this might be a good area to buy but keep a tight stop. Personally I'm sticking to the sideline waiting for a bigger dip.

>> No.2993042
Quoted by: >>2993048 >>2993058

>tfw we hit 0.2 by Friday
memelords win again

>> No.2993048
File: 76 KB, 1441x639, memes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993058

more memes for you sir

>> No.2993053
Quoted by: >>2993058

I have buy orders at $267 and $207 personally

>> No.2993058
File: 53 KB, 624x434, pepe plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993091

(and a sell order at .16)

>> No.2993091
File: 63 KB, 1445x625, targets locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993104

better get in line boi

>> No.2993097


You have to consider the fundamentals, the only reason this is even at the price it's at is because big money WANTS it to be up. They wouldn't get this far to give up now and let it drop too far other than to accumulate.

>> No.2993104

wuzz yo point dawg

>> No.2993121

>I think we're gonna consolidate at around $333 USD and rocket up to $370 shortly thereafter. Don't bother capping this post, I'll still be here shitposting.

>> No.2993148
File: 18 KB, 1301x269, member.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993152 >>2993157

remember when it was 17% as difficult and %75 more profitable for the original? I hope because that was last night

The hash power landslide is coming and at the very least for right now it will take half the hash power from btc. As more of this btc fuckery unfolds people will start picking their sides.

If bcc becomes more profitable to mine than o boi

>> No.2993152
Quoted by: >>2993168

don't tell them

>> No.2993157

.... then we will also have miners dumping BCC on our asses. Oh wow!

>> No.2993168
Quoted by: >>2993177

no lets plz speed this up so I can make some moves back into neo. Going balls deep for a bcc moon and simultaneous neo dip.

>> No.2993175

not quite true. there are a lot of bitcoin core holders on coinbase who don't have access to their bitcoin cash yet. i suspect that if coinbase makes these available after the new year (like they said they would) we may see a massive sell-off as core holders turn BCC into USD or BTC.

>> No.2993177
Quoted by: >>2993189

>so I can make some moves back into neo
you meme loving fuck

>> No.2993181

it's 10 now

>> No.2993189
Quoted by: >>2993201

fuck that, meme or not if it hits triple digits then who really lost? They have all of china right behind them, I'm willing to bet on them with a portion at least.

>> No.2993201
Quoted by: >>2993218

>They have all of china right behind them
This is not entirely true. In fact, a lot of Neo speculation is due purely to Western speculators.

>> No.2993210
Quoted by: >>2993234

I suspect we are gonna see some dunk soon m8s

>> No.2993218
Quoted by: >>2993231

That doesn't matter. Once it starts being integrated with the gov over there and it gets the blessing then deals will fly.

I doubt that fuck can't handle some business calls or meetings from interested people. Seems like he handles himself well enough in english.

All of us just might be a foot in the door

>> No.2993231
File: 26 KB, 600x375, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once it starts being integrated with the gov over there

>> No.2993234
File: 35 KB, 936x569, soclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming

>> No.2993300
Quoted by: >>2993334 >>2993339

We laggin bois...94...where is the love? :D

>> No.2993334

we have officially entered the Downward Dog pattern

>> No.2993338
File: 576 KB, 713x711, Foto 01-01-17 19 46 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im eating cant think whats the plan boys

>> No.2993339
Quoted by: >>2993370

Gonna hit 0.2 tomorrow... :D

Some whales in action now

>> No.2993370
Quoted by: >>2993375

>Some whales in action now

Where do you see their action? Curious anon wanna learn.

>> No.2993374

current floor's around 890. Weak hands getting ate up by the whales

>> No.2993375

they just pulled their buy walls if you didn't notice

>> No.2993404

this is scary

>> No.2993414
File: 66 KB, 1453x656, 1502157560920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993445 >>2993636


>> No.2993424
File: 6 KB, 129x135, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 5.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2993445


I don't believe in that meme one bit.

>> No.2993446

0.93 hmmmmmm

im making loss from here

>> No.2993478
Quoted by: >>2993490 >>2993561

0.98 in next 15 min

>> No.2993490
Quoted by: >>2993501


>> No.2993501


>> No.2993542
File: 3 KB, 21x46, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 5.42.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the memes get real

>> No.2993561


Volume is bleeding...I say it ain't happenin.

>> No.2993571


Your mom is bleeding

>> No.2993593
File: 8 KB, 345x146, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2993616


lol nah, a few hundred from 20k+ volume does nothing

>> No.2993620

0/10 for effort.
0/10 for knowledge.
I bet you don't even understand what happened when they forked do you? You are just displaying some super saiyen tier cognitive dissonance.

>> No.2993636

Holy shit

>> No.2993665
File: 59 KB, 549x449, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 5.53.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993689 >>2993712

more bleeding soon

>> No.2993689
Quoted by: >>2993712

get your chips ready for the dip

>> No.2993712

It's dippening but in the other direction LOL


>> No.2993716
File: 7 KB, 317x57, 🤔🤔🤔.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2993724

s-stop buying you fucking noobs

>> No.2993727
File: 13 KB, 319x105, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 6.00.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[muffled reeee in the distance]

>> No.2993742
File: 55 KB, 542x394, Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 6.01.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one guy btw

>> No.2993759
File: 1.85 MB, 250x320, black chicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2993771

I've got my buy order in at 0.16


>> No.2993771

>buy order
sell order*

>> No.2993794
Quoted by: >>2993805 >>2993807

strong resistance at .097 now....fuck...this thing is dumping back to .080 isn't it

>> No.2993805


>> No.2993807
Quoted by: >>2993907

looking closely at the charts and sweating over a 0.003 change...
guys, just sit back and relax. This shit is gonna be worth thousands.
Day trading is not good for your health

>> No.2993819
File: 567 KB, 295x207, Jerry-Seinfeld-No-Thanks-and-Leave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this im going to do something else

>> No.2993865

already bounced off 925 three times it can survive again.

>> No.2993907
Quoted by: >>2993937 >>2994016

>worth thousands.
lmao sure your moms worth thousands

>> No.2993937


>> No.2994016
Quoted by: >>2994053


understand this: btc is going to be 5k not too long from now, bch only needs to be at 0.2 to be worth a $1000....still laughing?

>> No.2994053
Quoted by: >>2994064 >>2994113

And DGB only needs to be worth 1 BTC to be worth 5000 a piece when BTC is 5000.

>> No.2994064


>> No.2994113
Quoted by: >>2994134


DGB $1 by November m8

>> No.2994134

November 2999 maybe

>> No.2994252

we're going up now

>> No.2994270
Quoted by: >>2994300

the buys are backkkkkkk

>> No.2994300


The buys are back in town! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQo1HIcSVtg

>> No.2994305

13 hours from now will decide the fate of BTC
also here's new thread