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29681286 No.29681286 [Reply] [Original]

Ummm... g-guys is Fantom (FTM) kill?
No blocks produced for 4-hours now?!


>> No.29681355
File: 7 KB, 240x210, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was a fun ride. i actually started looking into small houses to buy. back to the wagecage for me.

>> No.29682565

Seriously, what the fuck is happening? Do I sell? Give it to me straight

>> No.29682621


>> No.29682634

From dust to dust senpai

>> No.29682714

damn wish i knew about this swingers must be celebrating this fudd

>> No.29682742

hold, once the problems fixed, why would anyone need to sell?

>> No.29682876
Quoted by: >>29688281

>plane crashes
>they halt trading
>fix the plane
>market opens back open on the stock

>> No.29683548

It's not a problem it's a "feature" of centralization

honk honk

>> No.29683712

here comes the rug

>> No.29684482
Quoted by: >>29700909

oh god i can't move my funds, why did fell for this centralized bullshit

>> No.29684737

Just market sold my stack. Not worth the risk of losing everything when I already made 2.5x in 5 days.

>> No.29685142

it's over isn't it?

>> No.29685458

This happens with every ETH killer. It's like clockwork. Some meme team releases hype chain full of buzzwords, it lasts for 2 weeks, everyone fomos in, adopters make a 10x return and dump on Redditors, then everyone realizes it's a broken centralized piece of shit. Meanwhile ETH has more usage than ever and is going to be flipped by a chink centralized fork for 'CeDeFi' and cardano which still doesn't even have smart contracts.
So which one is next up?

>> No.29686150

It's a scam chain, hold at your own risk

>> No.29686429
Quoted by: >>29687108

someone just market bought 2m FTM and this shit is climbing back to 0.7
i really can't tell wtf is going on

>> No.29686679

it's over for the time while devs are fixing it. however these sell walls are faggotry, imma going to buy the deepest dip

>> No.29686705
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>> No.29687029
Quoted by: >>29701703

Fuck all supposedly ETH killers. No one is killing ETH now that matic and quickswap exist. I literally just sold all my FTM and almost all of xtz and dot to put into quick

>> No.29687108
Quoted by: >>29687906

short squeeze exit pump

>> No.29687215

AH, so the first Centralised Fail actually happened.

BSC next, please.

>> No.29687467

>dips a bit after 2 massive pumps
>omg guys its over
dont know if FUDing to buy low or actual retards

>> No.29687587

The reason this is happening is nobody else is drinking their urine. There needs to be at least a couple others who drink it after all that guys info. To bring fantom back to being healthy

>> No.29687906

followed by massive dump with continued downtrend :D read the chart

>> No.29688280
Quoted by: >>29689560

the only thing is this is still way better off than avax. most of us are up 20-50x and a lot of people are 60-100x. avaxfags were up what 4x? when the network dumped?

i was in fantom since the old days when the threads for 20 replies and every single person had their stack and was staked and not even worrying about the price that much until a year or two.

that being said it totally depends on the team not being retarded right now. a lot of people are still buying the coin RIGHT now. when i first bought this fucker i was down 50% 50 fucking % in a week. i didnt cry or bitch about it and now im up 20x

>> No.29688281

you don't fixed crashed planes, you analyze the wreckage

>> No.29688628

and this kids is why people want decentralization. i knew something like this was coming, at least i got some profits

>> No.29688674
Quoted by: >>29694472

so fucking funny. me and every other holder of this scam coin are leveraged to the fucking tits. we would all be autoliquidated if they had that feature rolled out. FTM was pumping on its own fake ass currency with fUSD

>> No.29688723

what fudd nigga the blockchain is down are you retarded

>> No.29688749


cant fucking sell this shit fast enough

>> No.29688817

what fudd nigga are you absolutely braindead? the blockchain is fucking down, and you don't just add hundreds of validators overnight. This shit is not easily fixable

>> No.29688839

check out Harmony ONE, 1000 validators, sharding
look at the chart
this is the last time I'm going to mention this, stay poor if you want

>> No.29688877

>read the chart
but i agree witg you. Exit pump = last time for whales to manipulate price upwards so they can sell as high as possible

>> No.29688906
Quoted by: >>29689070

I can't send anything what do?

>> No.29689070

rope time

>> No.29689194

Guys i can't swap my fantom what is happening???

>> No.29689560
Quoted by: >>29692018

>Still shitting on avax when his coin suffers a worse bug
Why are all ftm niggas such haters. I hold both but the amount of mudslinging by ftm holders during avax's minting bug left a bad taste in my mouth. Karma's a bitch ain't it?

>> No.29689562

You’ve been scammed by yet another Andre project, thanks for stopping by and the ethereum donation.

>> No.29689700

>why would anyone sell a coin whose main feature, the network, can be brought down by two nodes?
AVAX's issue was far smaller and it's been slowly going down for two weeks.

Once the network is back online, a lot of people are gonna dump their bags.

>> No.29690293

Except something like 60% of all FTM is staked, and if you unlock it early you can't move it for 7 days. Dump proof.

>> No.29690463
Quoted by: >>29690564

Yes, most AVAX was staked too. Go look at the chart and you can see the exact moment people could unstake their AVAX.

>> No.29690564

FTM trannies, I don't feel so good

>> No.29690659

>Dump proof.
Oh anon

>> No.29690928
File: 190 KB, 800x620, 1613078282670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706089

>First AVAX
>Then FTM

Meanwhile i'm here just comfy with my algo.
You should really invest in shit that works guys...

>> No.29690997

You will never be a real man

>> No.29691009
Quoted by: >>29691870

What the fuck? Wasn't this decentralized? Why is the entire network broken over a few validators?

>> No.29691278

eta on fix? Andreeeeeeeeeee heeeeeelp

>> No.29691461

FUD right on time

>> No.29691870
Quoted by: >>29692226

you currently need about $2 million in FTM to run a validator node so there's a very limited number of them
imagine your entire network being dependent on forum posters who aped in early enough to afford a large stack. proof of stake is retarded

>> No.29691896


>> No.29692018

kek yeah you sound like youre swimming in gains

>> No.29692226

desu it was 50k two months ago, so they will probably lower the requirements soon

>> No.29693258

absolutely rekt.

>> No.29694472

Glad i didnt leverage right now...

>> No.29694762

they just banned me from telegram and discord for mentioning the fact that the network is down. not even fudding just mentioning it. biggest fucking sell signal i've ever seen.

>> No.29694931
File: 23 KB, 567x541, 1601573650411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes desu

>> No.29694939
Quoted by: >>29695521

There is no telegram you larping creep.

>> No.29695041
Quoted by: >>29695376

Im out. It was agood run and ill probably buy back in once this shit is sorted. Good luck holdfags

>> No.29695222

It’s intentional. They want to cause a sell off so insiders can come in before they moon. Look at my ID.

>> No.29695376


Literally several posts mentioning "network is down" are still up on Discord, anon.

>Good luck holdfags
Thanks, got nothing to lose other than meager 850 USD.

>> No.29695521
File: 527 KB, 1305x1018, inb4 its unofficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes there is, faggot. i don't care that it's "community" run either the fact that you can't state real, provable facts there shows this is going to dump hard as fuck because people are trying to cover this whole thing up so people don't sell right now.

the second wallets go live again these people are dumping.

>> No.29695558

>invests in emerging technology
>has minor hiccup

Were you seriously expecting a cozy ride to $10+ anon? Why did you invest? If you don't have a coherent reason stop looking at the charts and come back in a month to see if your mindless gamble paid off.

>> No.29695657
File: 12 KB, 626x76, simone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29695853

>> No.29695661


>> No.29695702

Do you guys not have your FTM in exchanges? the price didn't actually drop yet?

sell and invest in next coin.

>> No.29695853

>governance vote

fuck that shit. the people running the node will spend millions of FTM to keep it high so they can mysteriously go offline when they get a hundred thousand stakers.

>> No.29696032
Quoted by: >>29696484

if it's not official who gives a fuck whether you got banned kek
there's so much legitimate fud at the moment and you choose to whine about that?

>> No.29696077

still no blocks... 7 hours... what is going on?

>> No.29696120
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>> No.29696124

Nothing to see here folks just FUD from the usual suspects problem if you can even call it that is already dealt with my Fantom stays Platnum $5 end of year

>> No.29696219

look at the reddits and telegrams and discords and twitters. all these people are gaslighting saying this is a standard correction and do everything in their power to avoid talking about the fact that the fantom network is literally dead and has been for almost 7 hours now. they're desperate to keep the price afloat because they have six to seven figures tied up in staking and need to lie their asses off in order to be able to dump it.

>> No.29696251
File: 636 KB, 750x750, 1613591819606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29696305

ask yourself this, will you sleep well knowing what happened to avax, knowing that people say dont sell dont sell but minute they unstake they can dump?

if u entered under 2c, I think u can be fine

>> No.29696344

This bug was because too many people were on the same validator. Two things and this never will happen again..

1. they need to lower the maximum cap per validator.
2. Lower validator cost to 500k-1m ftm.

After that a 2/3 desync would be impossible. Bitcoin and ethereum had a few bugs similar when they came up. This is an easy fix. Actually because of the way opera works the nodes can reverify better than a normal blockchain

>> No.29696441

Avax and ftm hodler here. Seeing major deja vu. Fucking selling all that isnt staked rn and rebuying at bottom

>> No.29696484
Quoted by: >>29697643

Seriously. Some of the most pathetic FUD I've seen. Called him on his bullshit and has the nerve to screenshot the "Fantom Marines" telegram? Amateur hour.

>> No.29696554

>female to male

it being a tranny coin and all I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier

>> No.29696662

This is the end of the thread. You can all stop posting.

>> No.29696738
File: 366 KB, 750x772, 1614150302953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedge yourselfs with $dag. or just buy $dag. its the new D.a.G. coin 4 /biz/.

>> No.29696741

Fucking Christ the chart even lions exactly the same

>> No.29697526
Quoted by: >>29707119

Any price this pumped is bond to eventually correct hard. All this network deal is doing is accelerate the process. Unless you bought this low you are insane to be holding now.

>> No.29697643
Quoted by: >>29697835

you're probably the faggot mod that banned me from it. don't worry. i spent enough time in there to figure out your plan and dumped my shit ASAP.

you can tell this whole thing is coordinated.

>minor hiccup
>btc dumped so this was expected

anything and everything but the truth which is that fantom, for all intents and purposes, just died 7 hours ago.

>> No.29697808

yep the same as you make. fucking vietnam flashbacks

>> No.29697835

No one is gaslighting you. Fantom tweeted about the bricked chain within an hour. You're mad some bozos on the unofficial price channel are slinging hopium around? Are you an idiot? Glad you sold, anon.

>> No.29697839
Quoted by: >>29697984

gl to holders but i dont have the means to play around with such gains. time to find something else to speculate in bc waging is killing me. i thought this might have been the ticket.

>> No.29697984
File: 614 KB, 600x336, hodl-fantom-hodl-.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698347
File: 430 KB, 800x553, 1__duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is why this has been shilled everywhere past few days.. its a damn rug pull!!!!

>> No.29698566
Quoted by: >>29698802

the two nodes that are missing were absolutely rugpulls

they just ran off with hundreds of millions of dollars and will probably throw some andre conje's way before the end of the month. history ALWAYS repeats itself.

>> No.29698609
Quoted by: >>29698700

Can I send ftm directly from pwa to f.e. binance or erc mew?

>> No.29698637
Quoted by: >>29699648

fantom doesnt rugpull, its a legit project

>> No.29698700
Quoted by: >>29698802

You can SEND ftm from PWA (opera) to Binance (opera) now yes.

>> No.29698802

It's been enabled yesterday. Withdrawal from Binance to PWA is tomorrow. Right now the deposit to Binance is disabled though until the network is back on track.

>> No.29699207
Quoted by: >>29706610

get avax'd

>> No.29699648

>fantom doesnt rugpull
ok, assuming its not a scam, shouldn't you still be worried two nodes going down shuts the whole thing down?

>> No.29699817
Quoted by: >>29701517

We were legitimately worried and that's why a lot of holders were pushing for governance to increase no. of nodes and delegating maximums. But it grew too fast in the past week. It was worrying but if anything it's good this happened before the multi chain bridge goes live.

>> No.29700679
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>> No.29700909
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ADA chad checking in to laugh at your centralized shitcoin.

>> No.29701037
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>> No.29701090

You can laugh when you have smart contracts.

>> No.29701150

Lol this is Bzxr 2: electric boogaloo

>> No.29701333
File: 133 KB, 666x469, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Hello, Binance?
> I'd like to sell all my Fantom.

>> No.29701517
Quoted by: >>29702850

This. Glad they’re catching it now.

>> No.29701703

>This happens with every ETH killer. It's like clockwork
Its never been advertised as an Eth killer. Andre is a massive eth fan. Its an off chain scaling for Eth.

>> No.29702256

Now that we are finally done with FTM we can hop on the next moon mission, ARPA.

>> No.29702635

this shit will never be fixed because those nodes stole everyone's FTM. faggots lying and saying it's impossible never read the TOS agreements

>> No.29702722
Quoted by: >>29703070

Actually neck yourself for doing fud this cringy

>> No.29702780

hehe...that'll never happen....GoFantom isn't a malicious actor....

>> No.29702850

can they fix this or would it change too much? like is this an issue that needed to be set up from the get go?

>> No.29703027
File: 377 KB, 645x773, EGfM0dDXoAM_p5Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to laugh when retards and women talked about their robinhood shit not being able to sell and watched and they lost thousands

and now im living it. thanks fucking chinks

>> No.29703070

then where the fuck are they? it's been 8 hours. all they had to do was plug their ethernet cable back in but they're not doing that because they just stole $100 million.

>> No.29703122

Its been like 7 hours now since a block lol

>> No.29703193

i stayed the fuck away from this scam when i had to buy like 500 dollars more of tokens to transfer off their shit network and wait all that time

>> No.29703224
Quoted by: >>29703499

You guys are insane to leave your shit staking while the price was pumping this much. I bought at 310, sold at 1200 and never stacked, but if i were, i'd have pulled most of my stack out way before 1740 sats.

>> No.29703261
Quoted by: >>29708189

this. AVAX is a breakthrough in consensus tech and any true tech breakthrough will face bugs that need to be corrected. centralized classical consensus ghostchains with broken validators though, you simply can't correct an issue that is fundamentally built into the network. this shit was pumping ridiculously and unnaturally and now it will dump back down to 20 cents easily.

>> No.29703499

80 fucking dollars to send. i wanted nothing to do with the wallet the second i touched it but fucking chinance and jewnited states collaberated to fucking rape my life

>> No.29703597

Are the rumours true, everyone staking is getting a 5% compo payment once the network is back up?

>> No.29703676
Quoted by: >>29704189

fantom scan is showing new transactions but the wallet wont load

great probably gonna fucking unload on us

>> No.29704189
Quoted by: >>29704708

they are letting the insiders dump. you better keep refreshing and be the first of the retail fags to move your shit to binance and dump, because that's what everyone is waiting for

>> No.29704708

never touching this coin again what the fuck was i thinking

there is never NEVER an alt coin pump that doesnt get totally fucked rugged or goes to shit some way

>> No.29704803
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>> No.29704944

I am 8k in debt due to minting and the price tanked. Dont think Ill be able to pay the debt without shitting my bags.

>> No.29704950
File: 146 KB, 1280x1234, photo_2021-02-26_00-33-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705693

nodes up blocks coming

>> No.29705176

im so sorry bro. honestly if this shit didnt happen it wouldnt have been bad if youd be okay with a quick 2x or .5x

>> No.29705666

fucking wallet (fWallet) is still down, 1 week to unstake, price in 1 week? 0.1

>> No.29705693
Quoted by: >>29706007

Can you determine yet if there has been a rugpull? Or is everything fine and dandy?

>> No.29705773

>Id: GOY

>> No.29705800

>fucking wallet (fWallet) is still down, 1 week to unstake, price in 1 week? 0.1
wallet need time to sync, just wait

>> No.29705822

Probably down by 50% like AVAX, so if you got in before the moon mission you can atleast leave with some gains.

>> No.29705916
Quoted by: >>29706187

its not gonna drop THAT much a shit ton of people are still staking and up 100x

>> No.29706007

if there was one price wouldnt be going up

>> No.29706080

I made a thousand bucks!

>> No.29706087

lol what rugpull :D nodes is up, if wallet not show nothing wait need time to sync

>> No.29706089

Based PURE proof of comfy steak

>> No.29706110
Quoted by: >>29706401


>> No.29706187
Quoted by: >>29706502

Dude 75% of avax was locked in staking when they had their bug.

I'm seeing so many similarities in cope right now that it's amazing.

>> No.29706215

price go up soon now ftm is cheap

>> No.29706346

noice, ill go in at .50

>> No.29706401
Quoted by: >>29706615

lol, want rugpull go buy uniswap shitcoins, you fucking troll

>> No.29706502

yeah but theyre up 100x and been staking for years lol avax people were staking for 2 days and got fucked

>> No.29706610
Quoted by: >>29707035

AVAX shit the bed in an arguably more devastating mannet than FTM, i would not be gloating right now (I own neither)

>> No.29706615
Quoted by: >>29706659

right just like yfi wasn't rugpulled either, huh

>> No.29706659

fucking wallet still wont send

they used money in the yfi vault to pay people back

>> No.29706763
File: 54 KB, 233x352, 153-collar_pull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andre conje in a couple days
>sorry, guys, someone hacked the fantom network while everything was down and all of the FTM staked has been stolen
>oh that $30 million payment i received from the hackers? uhhh.... y-yeah i'm going to return that now i swear

>> No.29706825

Same situation as me. Lets keep holding each other brah

>> No.29707001

how the fuck do i send this shit to kucoin? i sent it from the eth chain to kucoin and its not showing up but it says completed fucking ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone help me i just want my stack on kucoin

>> No.29707033

So this is a centralized piece of shit? Maybe you guys can collab with binance.

>> No.29707037
File: 76 KB, 480x720, 46203803-350C-4035-80E4-DB31DAF10A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708268

Its kill because its a centralized shitcoin.
Should have bought AVAX instead you dumb Nigger subhumans.

>> No.29707035

Possibly true, but avax proved its decentralization in the process.

While the opposite is true in fantoms case, it's proved to be centralized. Which now voids all claims it had in being a competitor.

If I wanted centralized shit I'd go to BSC

>> No.29707119

i bought below 5c. is that considered low? should i take profits now, or just hodl?

>> No.29707332
Quoted by: >>29707689

sell it ffs. its gong to drop further and you can always reenter if the train get back on the rails

>> No.29707434

Sell and if you buy back you can do it lower. Absolutely take profits if you bought at 5c.

>> No.29707490

I very much doubt it'll dump below 5 cents. However, It might dump to like 0.3/0.2 and take centuries to reach the 0.6 range again (or never do). I'd take profits now for mad gains and possibly buy the eventual dump depending on how the graphic is looking.

>> No.29707526

how the fuck do i send this shit to my kucoin wallet? i tried eth chain and its not showing up im losing so much fucking money

>> No.29707606
File: 103 KB, 500x500, DZOpo_rW0AE4AKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its 63 cents and rising, but people are saying to sell.
Guys, they fixed the node problem, its going to go back up, don't get fud'ed

>> No.29707689
Quoted by: >>29708083

>sell it ffs. its gong to drop further and you can always reenter if the train get back on the rails
its going up

>> No.29707771

BASED, last chance

>> No.29707823

BTC is also shitting the bed. Psyops in full swing

>> No.29707837
Quoted by: >>29707974

Don't listen to any of these subhuman rat species of fudders. They're salty they missed out. Blocks are moving again.

>> No.29707840

I was swing trading and bought in at 0.75... Should I cut my losses and sell at .7?

>> No.29707853

Algorand, oo do algorand! Or iota!

>> No.29707896

Market psychology is what matters. Over-pumped assets already make people apprehensive, if you add something like this to the table traders become afraid and will pull out.

>It's going up
It's on a downtrend. The only reason it's going up is whales want to push the price a bit in order to dump higher.

>> No.29707974
Quoted by: >>29708140

probably just going to sell half my stack, or a third or something. That way I can sleep well at night even if it has a disgusting dump in a week, but still have a foot in the door

>> No.29708023
Quoted by: >>29708089


omfg, I hope you didnt fucking sell!!!

>> No.29708050

i just want it in my kucoin wallet i dont want to stake

>> No.29708083

marginally. how many people do you think have unstaked their ftm today? how many of them are selling off when they get available?

>> No.29708089

man at this rate its going to be the non trannies at

>> No.29708099
File: 28 KB, 746x299, poas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708220

All of the previous dumps were within the zone of support lines. Coin is in trend reversal right now.

I predict a small bull trap and then massive dump incoming.

>> No.29708108
Quoted by: >>29708338

Another poo poo chain dies

>> No.29708134
File: 201 KB, 857x1134, 1610147322504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708263

nigger might have just fudded me, I'm thinking sell half.

>> No.29708140

Do what you need to do, anon. I have no business giving you financial advice cause I don't know your situation. But you shouldn't dump your whole position. Look at this: https://fantom.foundation/blog/how-to-use-curve-on-fantom/ These same fudders will be seething when they have to pay a dollar for our fanties to catch the train.

>> No.29708189

kek avax crashed for days it’s another meme

>> No.29708220
Quoted by: >>29708318

Yes just wave your fucking tarot cards like you can predict anything

>> No.29708257

how do i send it to my kucoin wallet? i tried a test send and its not showing up and i used the eth chain and now its showing it being sent to a different address than the one i put in

>> No.29708263

If you trust TA, you're ngmi. Might as well be reading chicken bones

>> No.29708268
File: 57 KB, 590x593, 1612562443984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't shit on them too bad, fellow AVAXbro. We had our own share of issues. Let them experience what we did first hand.
Who knows, maybe they'll realize the importance of further decentralization...

>> No.29708272

>It's on a downtrend. The only reason it's going up is whales want to push the price a bit in order to dump higher.
bla bla bla again whales... lol

>> No.29708318
Quoted by: >>29708458

Neither can you faggot. It's all about which guess is more persuasive, and FTM is not looking very persuasive right now.

>> No.29708338
Quoted by: >>29708426

>Another poo poo chain dies
fud, all is fixed

>> No.29708426

Being fixed doesn't mean shit. Confidence is spoiled and people will dump.
All this damage control is just to keep people from driving the price down so that they can be dumped on later.

>> No.29708444
Quoted by: >>29708887

Idiots dont sell this https://twitter.com/FantomFDN/status/1365079613689503748?s

>> No.29708458
File: 789 KB, 1112x772, F55A36A1-6D90-4F8F-AC74-BAE37FE71DAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708567

I’m not pretending like I know, retard

>> No.29708567

You're telling people not to sell so you are pretending to know shit yes. Except your guess is based on nothing aside from ''trust me guys''

>> No.29708747
Quoted by: >>29709925

Whales literally cannot sell due to unstaking taking 1 whole week, expect a huge dump in a week.

>> No.29708752
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1612298780070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha dumb goy

>> No.29708853

Turned $370k into $4.5M with Fantom.

Thank you, you fucking halting shitcoin. I thought I would make at least $40M in this bull run

>> No.29708887

holy shit

>> No.29709079
Quoted by: >>29709269


>> No.29709167
Quoted by: >>29709506

I was one of the biggest shillers, thinking that this blockchain won't halt like AVAX... then it fuckiing happened. At least it retired me. Thanks!

>> No.29709190

I'm up x100, not selling until $10

>> No.29709269
File: 930 KB, 1200x675, LgeUwuasy3d6fCMUvJsGc5-1200-80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29710668

these bags were worth carrying

>> No.29709325
Quoted by: >>29710529

always something will happen any cripto project
look fucking eth fucking fees, eth never scale vitalik failed but you fuck ignore this and hate other projects because they can be better than eth
but stupid trolls calls ftm shit , scam because they not like fantom
this is fucking retarted

>> No.29709506

You're equating what happened to AVAX and FTM? Not even close. In any case, I don't think it will hurt AVAX in the long-run. Faulty heuristics, anon.

>> No.29709925

by then we'll be >$1 and everybody will restake
fwallet has in-built weak hands protection

>> No.29710225
Quoted by: >>29710645

we just got rug pulled bros.

>> No.29710484
Quoted by: >>29710691

Check the 4h graphic, back it up a bit and you'll see that this movement happened like 4 times already before FTM pumped to the next level

You have 8h to accumulate before it pumps to 1$

Godspeed anons, im just mad that i have no more money to dump on this

>> No.29710529

Being a good project is probably 10% of what makes prices rise or fall in this market, especially short term. It's a lot more about whether people perceive the coin as a valuable speculative asset or not.

99,9% of people have no idea about Ethereum functionality outside very superficial elements. They trust in ETH value to keep increasing though because it's an established, well known, player people trust.

>> No.29710598
Quoted by: >>29710727

how do i check for mass unstaking pls

>> No.29710645

>we just got rug pulled bros.
Fudders like you need stay poor forever

>> No.29710668
File: 208 KB, 900x741, fantomchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29710691

You're correct but the circumstances of the dump are different. Very risky to put money in right now.

>> No.29710727

>how do i check for mass unstaking pls
wait when when wallet sync

>> No.29711151
Quoted by: >>29711269

Historically, FTM would always go to pre-pump values, if it went from 100 sat to 200, it fall back to 100. So if it went from 1 cent to a dollar, expect it to go to 1 cent

>> No.29711269

based, I'll buy $100k worth if it does