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29581546 No.29581546 [Reply] [Original]

So how do i actually buy this

>> No.29581580


>> No.29581700

I am trying to buy as well. I am planning on buying bitcoin and exchanging for MONERO on coinswap or some other place where I can buy MONERO.

>> No.29581770

I bought bitcoin on Kraken then used the BTC to buy Monero.

>> No.29581803

by not being retarded

>> No.29581807


>> No.29581814

the american gov would never allow its citizen privacy.
enjoy losing your stack when the great patriot firewall blocks every monero node

>> No.29581847

You have to know a guy.

>> No.29581921
Quoted by: >>29594153

Zcash is better

>> No.29581922

Not the cucked us version but the real one.

>> No.29581926

maybe just stick to foodcoin ponzis with your browser extension wallet, oh yea and also be a good little statist bootlicker and fear the government like >>29581814

>> No.29581938
Quoted by: >>29582022

whered u buy the monero

>> No.29581989
Quoted by: >>29582022

You can just buy Monero on Kraken.

>> No.29582007

you can't see the monero citadel without the address, sorry anon, you missed the boat

>> No.29582017

Exodus wallet will exchange btc for it.

>> No.29582022
Quoted by: >>29591519


I couldnt buy Monero direct because my fiat is GBP and were not allowed to buy monero. But we can buy bitcoin, then use btc to buy monero.

>> No.29582093

isn't that the bad boi coin? aren't you worried you'll get arrested for holding that?

>> No.29582129

This is the lamest FUD I've ever seen on biz and I've been here for 4 years. Yeah, the government doesn't ban strong encryption and Tor, but it'll ban XMR. Sure, buddy.

>> No.29582152

my professor said anyone holding stuff like monero should be arrested because they are clearly hiding something.

>> No.29582175
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you can also transfer any coin like ETH/BTC/LTC etc to CakeWallet and exchange there

>> No.29582200
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>> No.29582239
Quoted by: >>29583955

not even China cant ban Tor lol. Bridges. this shit never dies.

>> No.29582324

monero is never going to be on BTC level. this is all broke bitch cope, this coin will die off in a matter of years and you all will act like it was always a joke.

>> No.29582396

Ok, don't buy it then.

>> No.29582423
Quoted by: >>29582607

Sell signal

>> No.29582465

No kyc. Perfect on-ramp. Can use cash via mail.

>> No.29582467

these people are literal schizos or 12 year olds who don't understand how the world works, if you actually get a chance to debate them instead of them hiding after 1 post you'll see. (I don't have anything wrong with schizos btw lol, just the retarded ones)

>> No.29582488

lol theres infinite supply..

>> No.29582504
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>> No.29582512
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>Food coins

>> No.29582514
File: 1.02 MB, 283x198, Monero_general.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv monero
'ate gains
nuff said

>> No.29582559

imagine thinking your hiding your money buying this kek

>> No.29582577
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>> No.29582591

Only brainlets don't understand tail emissions.

>> No.29582607
Quoted by: >>29582725

Lol btc maxis are threatened.

>> No.29582620


>> No.29582669
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>> No.29582725
Quoted by: >>29582991

I was referring to people like BOUsVqnV

>> No.29582727
Quoted by: >>29583852

Actually the amount of desperate fud in this thread is positively bullish

>> No.29582728

You had seven years, Shekelberg

>> No.29582755

when you think about it literally the only people who would GAIN from fudding this coin are federal agents

>> No.29582832

Based game theorist Anon

>> No.29582917



>> No.29582991

Woops my bad. I still rest my case though lol

>> No.29583023
Quoted by: >>29583308

Use Litecoin instead

>> No.29583029
Quoted by: >>29583441

And one pajeet with a $6 bag of 0xMonero

>> No.29583275
Quoted by: >>29583907

The annoying thing about these people is that they only shit up threads for people already in XMR. They should FUD hard
in general crypto advice groups so I can reach 4 XMR figures.

t. nomoner

>> No.29583308
Quoted by: >>29583456


>> No.29583414

FUD FUD FUD. SEC has no concerns with Monero.

>> No.29583441

lol he never misses the general

>> No.29583456
Quoted by: >>29585372

cheaper tx

>> No.29583588
Quoted by: >>29583647

>So how do i actually buy this
you don't
you buy the superior PirateChain instead

>> No.29583647

where can I buy this...

>> No.29583742

>buying terrorist coin
>wanting to be on a list
>wanting FBI & CIA agents reading your emails and listening to while you are on the phone with your mom

take my advice buddy, buy literally anything else. soon it not be available on any exchange and xmr fags will be left badholding

>> No.29583852

because there are actual government paid shills here to FUD the coin.

>> No.29583853
Quoted by: >>29584308

kek did people say shit like this about bitcoin too

>> No.29583907

yea I don't get what they hope to accomplish with that either, but if they're glowies they don't want it to get a lot of publicity hence why it wasn't in the chainalysis report. But a lot of them are probably xmr holders hoping to keep the price low. But I don't see the point of that either because I really don't think biz has much influence and the ratio is already really low, at this point we should be wanting it to pump.

>> No.29583955
Quoted by: >>29584438

they're trying to attack and de-anonymize Tor users constantly using e.g. Correlation Attacks.
You don't know what they're doing with monero yet but they won't just give up and let everyone have privacy.

>> No.29583958
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early bitcoin energy honestly

>> No.29584070

noone listened. the fools

>> No.29584172

>>try to short sell this
stupid fucker, don’t shill on /biz/ with this shitty shitoptions u faggot
trading with best analysing and different bots is on Bot Ocean now
but still you can find a fucker who will buy your fuckbot

>> No.29584177

lol monero wont die, and u dont know why, and im not gonna tell you, CUZ YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH

>> No.29584207
Quoted by: >>29584236


signal literally CIA
tor literally the navy

>> No.29584236
Quoted by: >>29584438

>use signal use tor
redpill me

>> No.29584305
Quoted by: >>29584847

how many XMR you need to even have a chance of making it? i can hold 10 years if need to

>> No.29584308

only difference is the fact that soon sleepyjoe will introduce legislation banning all "privacy" cryptocurrencies that obfuscates transactions and make them untraceable.

>> No.29584438
Quoted by: >>29584820

I'm not saying they will but you realize how hard it is for them? They have their backs against the wall especially for Monero. The IRS tried to pay corporations to "crack" it. they're out of resources.
Signal is end to end encrypted messaging. It's a clean app and uses phone numbers so alot of people don't like it for that, Wickr is like Signal except no phone numbers, you can use VOIP to verify your account though.
Tor is useless to you unless your internet is censored or you wanna see darknet shit for fun.
I doubt it will be sleepy joe himself if it even happens, also if you like the team games of politics lets remember Republicans introduced the Lawful Access To Encrypted Data act, there is no teams to this shit, the entire government hates you having privacy.

>> No.29584518
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good sources anon

>> No.29584619
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You don't.

>> No.29584759

if you aren't on a list already you're a lame faggot and should just honestly kys lol

>> No.29584786

imagine being this retarded

>> No.29584820
Quoted by: >>29585010

>I'm not saying they will but you realize how hard it is for them? They have their backs against the wall especially for Monero. The IRS tried to pay corporations to "crack" it. they're out of resources.

Monero will still need to get updated as the incentive for the feds grows, Tor would be pretty useless now as well if it still used the old rendezvous protocol and no entry guards

>> No.29584847


>> No.29585010
File: 333 KB, 640x625, 1611250658663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and they update it

>> No.29585067

Hate that Kraken only has payments with SEPA and not credit card (at least in Europe) which implies big fees with most banks if you are not in the UK due to it being an international transfer. If you want to put just 100 euros you might get a fee of over 15 euros just with SHA. It's probably better to just buy BTC in Binance and swap them for XMR.

>> No.29585331

sepa costs like 1 euro what are you on about? Maybe it's time to switch banks

>> No.29585372 [DELETED] 

if fees are your main issue then why not use BCH?

>> No.29585415

chang you have to go back

>> No.29585573

i'm from europe and i can buy with credit card, also sepa is really cheap and takes most 1 business day to get credited into your account

>> No.29586022
File: 13 KB, 195x258, monero_southern_businessman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your swapping with BTC, Bisq might be a good option

>> No.29586298

Supreme Court has ruled encryption to be speech anyway

>> No.29586386

you can convert BTC into XMR but the fees are a fuckfest

>> No.29586545

you can do swaps on exodus wallet.

>> No.29586620

good utility, still just an alt though, therefore not a store of value, so looking for btc gains is ignorance

>> No.29586833
Quoted by: >>29587088

I hate Kraken's wire transfer deposit. What do instead?

>> No.29587088
Quoted by: >>29587492

Buy XLM somewhere, send it to Kraken, lighting fast and sell it and buy w/e

I don't use bank wire transfers anymore only XLM.

>> No.29587492

Ok I was thinking about doing something like that

>> No.29588715

2^64 actually

>> No.29589120
File: 224 KB, 657x631, 1613585336496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29590353

Once atomic swaps are implemented there will be no reason to use btc anymore

>> No.29590353

if i had a lot of btc i would make my address into a QR code and put it on a chain around my neck to flex

>> No.29590916
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>> No.29591014

Always astounded to see this question asked. You're asking "How to buy Monero," not "How to buy crypto," which implies that you already know how to do the latter.

Fun fact. You may not have known this, but crypto exchanges like Kraken get their name from the English word "exchange," which means "to trade one thing for another."

>> No.29591519

>my fiat is GBP and were not allowed to buy monero.
anon I literally did this yesterday, just pay in euros, you won't get charged by your bank.

>> No.29591730

Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>> No.29592872

Fiat onramp through uphold or binance or coinbase kraken etc. Either buy xmr on kraken, or i personally send to hotbit and buy xmr from there.

>> No.29593489
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I bought Ethereum first and sent it to my wallet on Exodus. Exchange Ethereum for Monero. Welcome to the club faggot

>> No.29593789
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Srsly though.
>Just buy ALGO on another exchange (low transfer fees)
>send it to Kraken and sell it to fund account
>purchase XMR with funds.
Most cost effective method.

>> No.29593974
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>doesn't understand portforwarding

>> No.29594153

zcash has a trusted setup and uses new crypto which hasn't been exposed to as much risk as xmr...

>> No.29594177

Transfer BTC to an exchange that has monero and convert to XMR.

>> No.29595493
Quoted by: >>29595526

Sell heroin for it

>> No.29595526


>> No.29595733


You can also go to your local dealer, he might have sum' to get rid of.