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File: 270 KB, 1024x658, CF7762D2-818D-4007-9E13-9D52FBA1C663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29522470 No.29522470 [Reply] [Original]

Who else just added more to their GRT stack feels good bro’s

>> No.29522550

I did :3 added 100 more uwu

>> No.29522669
File: 83 KB, 1080x1665, 20210223_234952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 250 during these trying times. It aint much, but its honest work.

>> No.29522785
File: 47 KB, 786x618, 2fddrtmci7121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upped my stack to 2k finally. Average cost $1.25 overall. Not sub 30 cents like some but still feel like WAGMI

>> No.29522960
Quoted by: >>29523909

I started buying at .88, and I'm still buying. LONG TERM WAGMI BOYS

>> No.29523101

China just woke up and they're... buying???

>> No.29523597

Kraken API is down :(

>> No.29523792

Bought some more at 1.35 this morning and happy to see that it's still doing relatively well. Hope it goes back alive $2 by next week just so it's less stressful though.

>> No.29523909

>1-10 GRT: Community Service
>11-25 GRT: Public Apology
>26-50 GRT: Do something nice for a local transgendered
>51-100 GRT: One year of jail, TEN years other punishments TBD
>101-150 GRT: TEN years of jail, ONE HUNDRED years of other punishments TBD
>151-200 GRT: ONE HUNDRED years of jail, TEN YEARS of in-jail punishments TBD
>251-300 GRT: On the spot execution by nearest federal judge, relatively painless depending on judge
>301-350 GRT: Death by lethal injections (multiple at same time to make sure)
>351-400 GRT: Death by electric chair + firing squad
>401-450 GRT: Death by anti-aircraft missile fired right at center of chest + a bomb explodes on you
>451-500 GRT: Death by limited nuclear strike on your location
>501+ GRT: Doubt anyone has this much but if you do rest assured you will receive state-mandated death by humiliation so sell now
uh oh a real risk taker pls see above
you are now "in jeopardy"
For your sake I hope this is another "internet fib" that they say is so common. I don't think anyone can actually afford that much GRT but if you somehow are telling the truth get ready for a lot more truth telling, probably more than you can handle.
WFT?? I doubt this is legal but you buy GRT so what do you care.
China never fully wakes up...

>> No.29523939
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, RIC FLAIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29524432

Based you're doin a little better than me but it won't matter one year from now

>> No.29525387
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 1570638829073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed by based GRT schizo

>> No.29525870

>sold when it went below $1.50
I fucked up. Now I have to buy at a higher price god damn it

Is this thing actually going to outperform bitcoin because I have half a mind to just buy btc for a guaranteed 2x this run

>> No.29525964
Quoted by: >>29530406

I have 5k delegated, and looking into swinging another 600 GRT into something more. I have a problem though...

I'm trying to use Coinbase Pro to swing that babby stack into something more, but apparently Coinbase Pro doesn't allow Canadians to trade GRT for anything other than BTC... and GRT basically just moves alongside BTC, so I basically have no dips and highs. Is there another place to swap babby stacks that actually allows Canadians to swap between the volatile GRT prices with something more stable?

>> No.29526578

Confy fren

>> No.29526746
Quoted by: >>29529401

They wake up already to drain the holders today during the crash
Chinaman right now buying more America land and houses

>> No.29526965

Hi this is henry im looking for my friend brooks

>> No.29526997

after this "little" stunt , I just move on to BTC as usual , shit coins give profits but better choose wise.
Uni has been going good, also imagine the revenue they just made in fees with all the swingies just on grt solo

>> No.29527194

bought more at 1.60. Wasn't at a computer when it was at 1.48 and 1.33 :'(

>> No.29527377

I sold my GRT for RBC because I need yolo gains and am comfortable taking the risk. I still come here for you, baby.

>> No.29527568
Quoted by: >>29529401

wow you just sold the google of blockchain eheheh

>> No.29527694


>> No.29528191
File: 1.13 MB, 960x960, 1612822649817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold at $2 im comfy desu, got enough money to leave my parents house to a fucking nice apartment in the best place, got a sick jeep. good job. autistic g/f here i come. im so happy, I love the graph

>> No.29528287

the graph changed my life and I hope is does for yall as well. itll go up.

>> No.29528443
Quoted by: >>29535083

I bought in at 2.30 like an idiot. I thought it was gonna crab and jump up again. I also bought in much more back when it was .60 though so it's ok.

Feel dumb, but I'm still in a gain. Still holding either way.

>> No.29528772

>sold at 1.75
>bought back at 1.65

could be doing worse.

>> No.29528880

You are a retard.

>> No.29528976

What penalty so I get if I have 100k grt

>> No.29529035

i kept 30k because of kids.

keep stacking.

>> No.29529111

Back in at $1.70 (and 100 coins less than when I sold), let's get to $5 already motherfuckers

>> No.29529164
Quoted by: >>29529524

could've waited till 1.52

>> No.29529169


>> No.29529401

Someone needs to put a fucking bell on you.

>> No.29529488
File: 9 KB, 1280x720, Rikka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love you, funny man.

>> No.29529501
Quoted by: >>29529707

maybe a bells palsy

>> No.29529524
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x800, GRT-the-last-wage-ender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, professional retard reporting for duty. This time I'm cashing out at 2X and not being a greedy fuck

>> No.29529530

The google of shitposting

>> No.29529569
File: 84 KB, 540x522, girthbrooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29529911

brooks was here

>> No.29529595

I was out ob time, got to say it was close , almost got me

>> No.29529651

I was out on time, got to say it was close , almost got me

>> No.29529707


>> No.29529780

Well, I'm the CEO and creative director of retardation so you're in good company

>> No.29529781
Quoted by: >>29530688

>someone please someone
You wish you could take muh freedom of speech..
You have zero power at that pleb

>> No.29529911
File: 11 KB, 1280x720, Eureka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also love you, Brooks
Now get a tripcode

>> No.29529958

https://medium.com/@graphprotocol/the-graph-bringing-indexing-and-querying-to-polkadot-6b433e381fe8 another one

>> No.29530010
File: 95 KB, 382x445, girthbrooksup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50.00 tonight.

btc aint crashing like it did in 2017.
this shit is going to ath out at 113k
then crash to 60k-90k for 2-3 years.
then 200k+
then 500k+

then we all retire. or retard.

>> No.29530088

lmao this is def a gritty holder

>> No.29530103
Quoted by: >>29530881

>mfw holding 65k
They're gone throw me into a black hole at this rate

>> No.29530402
Quoted by: >>29530670

ok is this shitcoin going back to swinging between 2.6 and 2? i need to up my stacks

>> No.29530406

That’s funny I’m in Canada and used basic coinbase to exchange GRT for other coins broski

>> No.29530416
File: 306 KB, 837x837, 1613103583897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just added another 2k to my stack
feelin real comfy bro

>> No.29530670

max travel is 1.8-1.40 right now with safe bets at 1.7-1.5

>> No.29530688
File: 54 KB, 480x478, 8770063E-4435-4025-AD48-C50FCBF7AAB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO fucking jokes bro, don’t let the bastards grind you down.

>> No.29530758
File: 136 KB, 1705x230, Screenshot from 2021-02-23 19-59-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't delegated then get the fuck in this NOW, even if they close a single allocation you'll make literally like 10,000% APY. This obviously won't last once more delegators are on board.

>> No.29530836
File: 368 KB, 1505x879, Screenshot from 2021-02-23 20-02-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29530875

This gonna be all you faggots still holding next month https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1614132108195.webm

>> No.29530881
Quoted by: >>29532355

stake them.
you're set for life.
you made it, whether you know it or not.

>> No.29530910
Quoted by: >>29530983

What. The. Fuck. How much do I need to delegate?

>> No.29530918
Quoted by: >>29530978

wait what
how do i delegate someone post that guide quick

>> No.29530978
File: 3.55 MB, 4088x5586, 1613846318649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29530983

No minimum, they take a 0.5% GRT cut when you delegate, and the gas fees for me were like $25 at 100 gwei. In theory if these yields held you could literally delegate like 1 GRT while paying the gas fees and still be profitable in a day.

>> No.29531030
Quoted by: >>29531119

I only have 1.5k, feel like I can’t delegate due to that. One question I have about delegation is can increase how much I delegate over time? Like can I put the GRT I earn via delegating into the stack I’m delegating ?

>> No.29531056
Quoted by: >>29531119


those numbers tho. how could that possibly last if that's the case

>> No.29531119

When you delegate, the GRT you earn is automatically added to that stack and delegated for you. It takes input to undelegate your staking rewards.

They absolutely can't.

>> No.29531175

wait so when i delegate will the rewards change or will i get 10000% APY forever?

>> No.29531219

Interesting, thanks for the info. I still suppose 1.5k is too low. I’m prepared to have to slowly accumulate for a while if that’s the case

>> No.29531233
Quoted by: >>29531317

The rewards can literally be changed at any time.

>> No.29531247
Quoted by: >>29535747

>501+ GRT: Doubt anyone has this much but if you do rest assured you will receive state-mandated death by humiliation so sell now

You're actually telling me that I made it with my 505 stacklet?

>> No.29531291

sounds too good to be true, anon.
stay safe and look for a modest 10%-20%

>> No.29531317

and when i undelegate i will lose 2x gas fee... right. too good to be true

>> No.29531365
File: 193 KB, 593x635, 93DDEE0B-8C0C-42D8-917D-9F3203D11430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29531451
File: 230 KB, 386x393, 1613683071038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.80 imminent
2.50 EOW
3.00 EOM (end of march)

>> No.29531616
Quoted by: >>29531696

yeah my stack is too small so I dont think I wanna risk playing around with it. seems like that wont last long at all. I only have 1/5th - 1/10th (depending who you ask) of what I should have before I delegate according to other biz bros

>> No.29531665
Quoted by: >>29531724

is there a better way to start delegating, other than on metamask? (because of the security concerns)

>> No.29531696
Quoted by: >>29531916

You at around 1k too?

>> No.29531724
Quoted by: >>29533192

use trezor and metamask

>> No.29531804

Big up $2.20 EOD $14.20 4/20

>> No.29531817

1.60-1.65 imminent in the next two hours

>> No.29531857
File: 576 KB, 707x712, 1613171544307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry brah i'll buy mo fo u

>> No.29531896

lol I can't buy until Wednesday. Such is my wage cuck existence

>> No.29531916

yeah a little over 1k stacklet here. but ive been slowly buying in over time so ive definitely made some big gains. no plans to get rid of this stuff anytime soon. just wanna keep accumulating

>> No.29531980

Jesus, you retards literally buy high and sell low. If there is a single concept in finance that should be easy to grasp, this is it.

>> No.29532097
Quoted by: >>29532134

If it fails to find support at 1.6 it will likely head down to 1.45

>> No.29532134
Quoted by: >>29532161

it found support 1.79

>> No.29532148
File: 528 KB, 500x647, f28bb2ace8686bb7def711e744d57076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.29532161

I disagree.

>> No.29532163

i know the feel. fuck.
i am waiting for ach transfers to actually go through so i know exactly what i am looking at here...
dip will probably be over...
fuck my life.

>> No.29532175

tfw successfully swinged 20% back over a 50% loss
im fine.

>> No.29532235
Quoted by: >>29532471

>fees/index zero

What does this mean? Isn't this were the delegated rewards come from?

>> No.29532243
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>> No.29532355
File: 552 KB, 1440x1574, Screenshot_20210223-212526_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29535699

Way ahead of you friend.

>> No.29532406
File: 131 KB, 571x529, 1613241219339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sold a revolutionary project for a discord pump and dump exchange? Thanks for the laugh

>> No.29532471

Those numbers are cumulative values, so they are 0 if a new indexer just went online. Query fees come from people paying indexers for data, indexer rewards come from inflation of the GRT supply. This inflation gets distributed to both indexer and delegators, but they are only taking a 10% cut of the total currently. The total amount of GRT they get is 99.9% because of the tokens THEY own, meaning the tiny amount of people delegating get 90% of the indexer rewards on the 140 million token supply the indexer is putting up. Basically free money until the number of delegators hits a couple billion, or they change their rewards cut to something more reasonable.

>> No.29532504
Quoted by: >>29532774

cheers, threw all the spare GRT i had into this

>> No.29532528
File: 757 KB, 473x473, 1613687002390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're gonna make it rubicbros

>> No.29532774
Quoted by: >>29534292

how much?

>> No.29532816
Quoted by: >>29532918

1.8 new floor

>> No.29532824

Prepare yourself lads

>> No.29532918

1.65 new floor
1.9 max travel

>> No.29532936

I got paper hands and I lost $3000

>> No.29532979

Picked up another 320+ of these little babies at 1.54 to add to my stackaroo. Feeling good

>> No.29533002
Quoted by: >>29533232


>> No.29533027

do you have weak little baby jello hands? couch foam rice paper faggot hands?
or do you have rolled homogenous tungsten hands? sapphire composite hands?

baby soft kitten belly faggot hands... lotioned never done a day of work in your life dildo cleaning hands...

newborn covered in afterbirth father finger grasping hands. south LA massage parlor top earner hands...

>> No.29533081
Quoted by: >>29533234


>> No.29533141

Woo let's fucking go!

>> No.29533159

Cooling off

>> No.29533170

We're back

>> No.29533192

would delegating, by nature, make keeping GRT safer in metamask, because of the thawing period?

>> No.29533231

>BTC rebounds slightly, dragging GRT with it
>wow guys we did it GRTbros to the moon! Diamond hands!!!

Stop looking at 1 minute candles and chill the fuck out.

>> No.29533232
Quoted by: >>29534732

Talk about a kick in my balls.

>> No.29533234

Literally almost point for point with BTC, as per usual. BTC goes up, so do a shitload of alts, and vice-versa. I'm not even going to bother paying any attention to what it's doing until I catch wind that old man boomercoin has cleaned up his underwear and calmed down.

>> No.29533398

I did even worse and lost $6k lol

Feel like dog shit

>> No.29533461
Quoted by: >>29545664

Got 300 GRT Only because of being a wagie

>> No.29533466

GRT too strong.

Growing stronger..


>> No.29533586
File: 2.25 MB, 616x250, prepare for battle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29533650


>> No.29533650


>> No.29533686
Quoted by: >>29533933

UFFF Chinaman wave finally , was not going anywhere with europoors or ameritards .
Finally It's about time to ditch the bag and get my profit

>> No.29533933
Quoted by: >>29534327

china really does run the show moneywise, doesn't it? I feel like crypto has made this glaringly obvious
at least they're crazy motherfuckers when it comes to investing/trading; absolutely cutthroat and ruthless, no holds barred

>> No.29534292
Quoted by: >>29534519

lol, 450 is all I could immediately move out of coinbase. I have 3.5k already delegated (i got in at .28 but i couldn't buy enough, i just DCA $25 in every day i feel like it)

>> No.29534327

is that a good thing tho? they literally have no souls in anything.

>> No.29534398
File: 40 KB, 750x305, 3889DA6F-47BE-418F-8BB7-70F05BE1A09D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29534497
Quoted by: >>29535156

no I don't like it, but they sure seem to fuck shit up in the markets
I sort of hate/envy them for their soulless undertakings, which I can't even fathom being capable of
their business culture celebrates screwing people over and lying ffs

>> No.29534519
File: 36 KB, 720x765, 1610261066336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain delegating to me, an absolute brainlet? I have 5k GRT and I think I want to delegate... is it like staking? What do I have to do?

>> No.29534552


>> No.29534690
Quoted by: >>29534762

Watching swingies panic to not have their positions priced out is so fucking comfy.
>bought in at 59 cent cost basis
>delegating my stack
>every day getting nearly 30 GRT bringing down my cost basis every single day
>if the price crashes I'll just buy more
See you guys at the end of the road.

>> No.29534732

nobody commented on my OC anon, I feel the need to bully somebody

>> No.29534757

yes. see

>> No.29534762

I got paper hands, shoulda been delegating.

>> No.29534841
Quoted by: >>29535233

The best thing about delegating is that even if you're a tissue paper panic cuck, you literally can't fuck yourself. You're contractually obligated to think about your bitch hands for a month.

>> No.29534869
File: 1.42 MB, 600x275, 1612537103171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29534987


>> No.29534887


>> No.29534987

green position standing by , we moon now , tomorrow europoors wake up to check the buy low orders REJECTED muahhh

>> No.29535038
Quoted by: >>29535162

There are people not buying GRT under 2 freedom bucks. Imagine.

>> No.29535083
Quoted by: >>29535335

I did the the exact same thing except closer to just 2. Feel dumb, especially seeing everyone here getting mad over buying at ~1.6

>> No.29535156
Quoted by: >>29535457

i get it. they certainly get shit done, but damn it's definitely evil at best. That's just in terms of concentration camps/harvesting organs/business. The covid psyop too I guess.

They are damn good at what they do.

>> No.29535162


>> No.29535233


I got 5300 delegated. I couldn't even think of selling because i literally couldn't. Let this shit ride frens. It's out of your control. Just believe in the concepts.

>> No.29535243
File: 27 KB, 307x320, 1606072217373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked cmc. Looks like it's happening? pretty cool.

>> No.29535335

Because it was dumb price , specially when you were having such steady $2 dollar crab line.
Buy cheap to flash around nice bag getting undervalued each day? no thanks

>> No.29535439

uni <3 my baby is growing

>> No.29535457
File: 25 KB, 416x417, ahso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29535677

>in terms of concentration camps/harvesting organs/business. The covid psyop too I guess.
I hate it too bro
on a positive note, this is why I love 4chan
it always shocks and appalls me that I can bring these things up to normies and the look on their faces is like a fucking cow grazing in pasture

>> No.29535677
Quoted by: >>29537093

we are going to make it friend. the world is more complex than npc's can realize. hence crypto. I'm 28, been here for ~14 years. Fairly "normal" but 4chan shows you what's up pretty quick

>> No.29535699
File: 133 KB, 1000x665, cup&#039;o&#039;link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job, anon.
not bad, seeing how it went from the price of a gas station gumballl, to....

about the price.. of a cup of coffee.

i've heard this story before..
if i only i could remember where..

>> No.29535747

How does $505,000,000 sound?

>> No.29535878
Quoted by: >>29535989

I-It's going back down soon, right bobros?

>> No.29535989
Quoted by: >>29536137

It will probably lowest during the middle of the night euro time, those fuckers are always poomping GRT

>> No.29536072
Quoted by: >>29536303

Appreciate the frogs who posted about grt. Got my bag at .46

>> No.29536137
Quoted by: >>29536271

Isn't that now?

>> No.29536178

1.95 we are at green suckers

>> No.29536186
Quoted by: >>29537254

That's a man.

>> No.29536253

I delegated some GRT on the network, will CCleaner destroy my metamask wallet?

>> No.29536259
File: 175 KB, 1080x1346, 119705016_250354999566581_4569523147432821693_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29538299

loaded up at another 12k grties. feels good. wgmi

>> No.29536271

Yes actually but I swear around 3am their time some shit is going on... maybe its actually burgers after work lol.

>> No.29536287


>> No.29536303

my lil bro shilled this shit hard as directly to my face and was telling me to go all in when it was .15...
he's never done that..
by the time it was .25 i got almost 60k of them

>> No.29536316
File: 52 KB, 601x601, 4CB723CC-1956-4894-A789-757504753846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold at 1.6, you guys told me it’s going back to 1 AHHHHHHHHH

>> No.29536425

how is your 1.30 buy order doing LOL
>I still have my full bag

>> No.29536445
File: 2.66 MB, 300x498, 1612165365602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29536460

We had to shake out the normies

>> No.29536635
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>> No.29536740
File: 3.13 MB, 480x360, 1613025640843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29537139

>$10k USD held hostage by an account limit I didn't know about
FUCK I wish I bought more earlier today

>> No.29536960
File: 56 KB, 570x310, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29536996

already back to 2.03 as predicted lmao. I bought at .78 so i dont really care but jesus christ you weak faggots

>> No.29537093

I hate to say it, but I was quite normified when I first discoverd 4chins
the reason I kept coming back, is because I noticed 4chan has a very strong predictive power of trends and happenings in the normiesphere; I felt like I slipped into the matrix and was seeing shit before it happened
political and social upheavals no longer suprise me to the degree they used to, it's almost like everything and everyone is following the programming laid out for it
but yeah wagmi

>> No.29537101
File: 11 KB, 280x180, comfyapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT has the sauce

>> No.29537135


>> No.29537139

I'd put my ass the other way as I'm a bottom and honestly GRT probably feels girthy inside my colo-rectal hug box.

>> No.29537183
File: 180 KB, 1200x630, 13127568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on time

Thank you based Xi

>> No.29537242

pathetically weak hands. ngmi

>> No.29537254

why is every woman posted on /biz/ is a man?

>> No.29537269

Fuck it, dubs and I buy back in.

>> No.29537275
File: 66 KB, 808x589, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29537385

Should we be worried? This death cross just occurred...


>> No.29537292

about the price... of a cup of coffee.

>> No.29537342

>already back to 2
Who else bought the dip?

>> No.29537385
File: 36 KB, 954x592, grt_science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29537433

i've been using this chart since december.
orange = buy times.
green = gains.
it works with most crypto.
it's not to scale, but it's accurate.

>> No.29537389
File: 6 KB, 225x237, 1375828018924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29545664

>poorfag bought another 50 at $1.37

Who /boughtthedip/ here?

>> No.29537411

>tfw bought at 2.6 last weekend
>see red wojacks during the morning shit
>close /biz/ till tonight
>come back and grt is fine

Feels comfy brehs

>> No.29537433
File: 21 KB, 900x1047, indeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that tism is
dare I say

>> No.29537449



>> No.29537458

Damn missed 1.63, but at least bought at 2.08 last time

>> No.29537468

Could be wrong but I think these are new indexers, that haven't started generating any profit/return yet. They seem to show ridiculously high APY in the beginning but will drop down dramatically once they actually get going...

>> No.29537471
File: 29 KB, 428x304, 20210219_233616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more at $1.45 and got my stack up to 2k. Chuckling at paper handed swingies

>> No.29537482
File: 463 KB, 828x1792, ADD2FDA0-B6E6-45D8-AE8A-10404FC6BDB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness my stacks

>> No.29537566

literally the top mover on coinbase

suck my fucking dick bitcoin

>> No.29537865

Where does a leaf get grt without retarded gas fees

>> No.29537872

atom impressed me the most this week.
excellent performance the past few days.

>> No.29537925
Quoted by: >>29538105

Fucking nice. Whatd you buy at

>> No.29537975
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 7530023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked my phone for the first time since this morning, I'm so fucking happy bros. Back at major profits, imagine selling earlier only to see it bounce back literally the next day.

My only regret is not buying more.

>> No.29537995
Quoted by: >>29541624

Don't delegate to this indexer. Graphscan.io showing they got slashed and you won't get any delegation rewards

>> No.29538041
Quoted by: >>29538165

How the fuck did you get 100 gwei/$25 fee only? Minimum gas fee for delegation is $45 every time I try. Often $75-100+

Does anyone know what timezone the 'average gas price' listed on this website: https://www.gasnow.org/ is intended to correlate to? It doesn't even tell you so it's kind of difficult to track and time... I notice the average gas price seems to have risen considerably across every day from where it was just a few days ago though.... Fucking great :/ 1050 gwei on Tuesday, kek holy shit.

>> No.29538055
File: 133 KB, 400x366, pepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is "return to normal" for $1000

>> No.29538081

>next day
It's the same day for na fags

>> No.29538105
Quoted by: >>29538291

I want to say around .60 and then immediately delegated everything

>> No.29538152
File: 1.04 MB, 640x800, bebbies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow this guide >>29530978
if it seems too good to be true, guess what?
it probably is

>> No.29538165

Are you sure that the fee metamask is showing you is ONLY the gas? In metamask it said it was gonna charge me something like $50, and after the transaction went through I realized that it was like $30 of GRT due to the 0.5% fee.

>> No.29538291

you'll be rich in a few year or months.

>> No.29538299
File: 165 KB, 1024x1536, sloot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29538354


how many GRT for china gf

>> No.29538309

Every time I buy this shitcoin it DUMPS


>> No.29538325
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>> No.29538354


>> No.29538394
File: 492 KB, 640x360, 1598588851332.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29538472


>> No.29538461

you're wrong
>t 50k stacklet

>> No.29538472

thats so violent for how wholesome it is kek

>> No.29538544
Quoted by: >>29538787

enjoying your manfaced women burger?

>> No.29538619
File: 6 KB, 182x130, satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros the market is literally lucifer we need to pray and push our hemorrhoids in for Christ

>> No.29538787

Enjoying my pretty russian whores

>> No.29538844
Quoted by: >>29539176

find a japanese russian mix gopnik. They're fucking high tier

>> No.29539176
Quoted by: >>29539306

communist women in general are best it seems

>> No.29539306

they are the worst. they like to delegate their throat. so instead of being deepthroated, you get 40 russian women who are 40 years old pecking at it with their noses and it's technically being deepthroated but it's a communist trick

>> No.29539316
File: 2.31 MB, 498x498, brainwave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what game thank you

>> No.29539414

that sounds great though

>> No.29539452
File: 386 KB, 1038x3091, 768543112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all didn't panic sell...

>> No.29539543

I fuck 40yo milf and she's good, so..

>> No.29539611
File: 264 KB, 474x377, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29539717

this. just give me a QRD without the infographic please. what exactly is delegating? I'm new to GRT and am thinking about buying 100 just for fun

>> No.29539683
Quoted by: >>29540225

Had 1500 GRT. Just sold half. I expect a dip by tomorrow morning. If not, I won't be upset. My initial investment was $700. I now have $1500 secured from GRT. The rest is gravy. I will continue to accumulate back in as I am able to, since I'm a poor fag.
Unless it skyrockets to $10 overnight, I will not rope.

>> No.29539717
Quoted by: >>29540188

delegating GRT. let me google that for you. https://stakingfac.medium.com/the-graph-staking-guide-5ec1455f4783

>> No.29540017
Quoted by: >>29540613

what app?

>> No.29540034



>> No.29540188

love you anon. you'll make it

>> No.29540225

sold already ?
This is a pump what you doing , well I guess you always take some

>> No.29540315
File: 566 KB, 550x555, SNEED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29540482

sold at 3$ bought all at 1.8$

>> No.29540482
Quoted by: >>29540633

3 USD???

>> No.29540550

How far we droppin back gritlords, I'm not done buying.

>> No.29540602
Quoted by: >>29540848

What's the new floor? I'm aping $3k into this cause i wanna start delegating NOW

>> No.29540613


>> No.29540633

Liquidity :^)

>> No.29540668


>> No.29540712

at most 1.7 hopefully. just buy if it goes lower than that anyway, price going lower is good thing

>> No.29540848

GRT's price movements are completely based on bitcoin right now, the new floor is when bitcoin does its 30% correction and the bull continues.

>> No.29540856
File: 139 KB, 680x376, HERE IT COMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29540976
Quoted by: >>29541051

I fucking hate this coin so much all it does is dump and crab

>> No.29541030
File: 228 KB, 400x400, 1613254239830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29542028


>> No.29541051

GRT did nothing wrong, it follow BTC movement

>> No.29541222

Even before then this shit did NOTHING but crab since the jump to $2. This ain't ever seeing over $3.

>> No.29541624
File: 95 KB, 650x675, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know if they're slashed?

>> No.29541855

imagine getting trips while being this retarded

>> No.29542028

Don't be a bitch and hold

>> No.29542162
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1611656826496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crab since jump to 2$
anon...if i may ask, are both of your parents siblings ?

>> No.29542188

no it definitely did something wrong. and you did something fucking wrong now. FUCK YOU FUCK FUCK AHHHHHHHH

>> No.29542620
File: 455 KB, 2000x1334, firing squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret that i have but one life to give for my GRT

>> No.29542702
Quoted by: >>29543125

what game?

>> No.29543125

Elite dangerous to answer your and my own question it seemed so familiar to me

>> No.29543172

How could you be comfy in a 90% overpriced garbagecoin PND?

Exit for Union or you won't be making it this year.

>> No.29543199

I wish CRO would add an earn platform for GRT.

>> No.29543408

yeah, crypto.com should make staking vaults.
even if it gives out cro dividends, that'd be alright.
stake crypto... use dividends...
crypto.com card...

i asked my gas station if i could pay with crypto today just to see what they say, and they said their card reader can do alot of crypto.
so it's already here.

>> No.29543525

Dump it please I need to buy more sirs

>> No.29543539

What coins were good with them

>> No.29543610

Just watch BTC. This shit literally follows BTC by the minute, BTC is going back up to at least 70k

>> No.29543636

Where are we buying at anon

>> No.29543651
Quoted by: >>29544649

whatever can be read by the card reader.
binance will have a visa, crypto.com already has one..
coinbase will have a card soon..

it's like using a credit or debit card.

>> No.29543709

also they have a phone scanner.
he said something about scanning phones.
same terminal as the card reader.

>> No.29543812
Quoted by: >>29544033

They have their earn rates. Anytime I have a longterm hold I put it in there to make a little extra from it plus keep me from panic selling.

>> No.29544033
Quoted by: >>29544171

oh nice. i see what you mean now.
that's great.

i just started using crypto.com.
but they don't have my bank on their plaid.
but i can still send stuff over there and get it out.

>> No.29544171
Quoted by: >>29545232

The longest earn term is 3 months. That can be a long time in crypto but shit like BTC, ETH, LINK, etc isn't going to moon and then crater.
You get a payout from it every week and you can turn it into cro or keep it liquid, the compound it every time the earn term ends.
I have CRO and ETH locked into 3 month ones right now making 6 and 6.5%. I'm sure there's better ways to utilize both but, for me I like it.

>> No.29544222
File: 664 KB, 480x480, 1614015936046.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone ITT index or curate? If so, what is your experience like

>> No.29544649
Quoted by: >>29546912

What do you think about kraken

>> No.29544662

Almost every coin dipped due to btc dude just ride it out, You sound like such a pussy. Ay Le Mayo.

>> No.29544707

these GRT rankings are based

>> No.29544712

Are you guys buying with fiat or btc?

>> No.29544715

ranking sub 1k stacks what is this poor shit
.t 1001 GRT hodler

>> No.29545232
Quoted by: >>29545360

thanks for info.
what's a good stake amount for cro on crypto.com?
minimum is 5k.. that is easy.
but what is a really good amount you think?
(besides obsidion 5mill+ lol)

i probably wouldnt use the card much if at all for now, but after some years of staking, i might. ya know.

>> No.29545278

I'm thinking about throwing my entire savings into GRT. I already have 6,000 but I truly believe in GRT I just am having a hard time figuring out what price this could be EOW/EOM/EOY

>> No.29545360

I'm Jade tier but I'm grandfathered in with only a 10k stake making 16% interest (or about 31 cro a week). I really do like the card and I'm going to be putting more money on it to keep making CRO. Especially with the march announcement.
Any of the tiers are good, I would try and get the 50k one but I hear they're changing how it works and you only need dollar amount now not a specific amount of CRO.

>> No.29545461

this specific one? Why this one. new to this sorry, got a good chunk ready to go.

>> No.29545476
Quoted by: >>29545578

if you can hold onto it for 3-5 years...
probably 50k-100k ..
pretty sure everyone that gets in under $5.00 is "early" or "got lucky"
a few years down the road.

>> No.29545528

interesting. i have about 60k on that 1.
or 30k grt.

>> No.29545578

I don't mind hodling, I just want to know that I will be rich if I buy 250,000 GRT and not lose everything

>> No.29545631

people that have 250k and are delegating already made it. imo.
they'll be allright as long as no nukes/emps or wars happen in this decade.

>> No.29545655

If you want a sure bet then buy bonds or some shit.
Scared money doesn't make money.

>> No.29545664

I’m on welfare and managed to get 1k stop buying the top (at least you didn’t sell though anon gg)
Sold my 1 pancake to get like 10 more to add to my stacklet.
DON’T invest anything you can’t afford to lose anon. My advice but you can risk it for the soggy biscuit if you want I am going to hold long term unless I need to cash out for unforeseen expenses. Buy now but or wait for it to dip again.

>> No.29545705

Won't promise you shit but with 250k GRT you should be in very good shape. Keep in mind anything can happen and nothing is promised. If I had the ability to buy 250k I would.
>t. 50k holder

>> No.29546382
Quoted by: >>29546871

dude if this hits 25 dollars in the next 5 years you are set

>> No.29546621
File: 37 KB, 828x508, 1610882498177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks again.
i have some coins i can send over and stake there.
i hope someday i can get the apustaja card.

>> No.29546701
File: 114 KB, 443x269, leet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29546871
Quoted by: >>29546936

But what if it hits 30 cents? Historically, GRT has always been a pump and dump.

>> No.29546912

i dont use it much, but i have talked to some of their support staff and they are the best.
better than coinbase or binance.

coinbase is the devil.

>> No.29546936

then there will be mass /biz/ suicide and we can make it in the afterlife

>> No.29546961
Quoted by: >>29547264

>>>>Hidden Gems

Share this to everyone........

Flexible payer support for flexible monetization strategies
Off-chain encryption of PolkaID, preventing illegal access.


>> No.29547264
Quoted by: >>29549289

I'll give you ten MCDC for your bag.

>> No.29548927

How new are you? No one, anywhere, knows the price of any asset let alone a crypto anytime, even 5 minutes from now. Jesus I hate you newfags.

>> No.29548985
Quoted by: >>29549296

I can tell you it's gonna be about $1.9 in five minutes.

>> No.29549289
Quoted by: >>29549354

i'm getting closer and closer to believing mcdonaldscoin would actually be a better investment than this shitcoin

>> No.29549296
Quoted by: >>29549342

Closer to about $2 than about $1.9

You couldn't even predict 5 minutes accurately.

>> No.29549342

I guess I'm just gonna kms then.
Especially since I had a buy order at 1.4 and it only dropped to 1.45 after I put it yesterday

>> No.29549353

It's sad to get in during a bull run and then just be crab city

>> No.29549354

Then sell, retard. No one is forcing you to buy anything you coombrain sentiment investing retard.

>> No.29549427

not new at all, looking for opinions you complete faggot.

>> No.29549526

it would suck if all the alt coins begin moonshooting before most americans get their tax returns.. seems likely.

then they all fomo in after...
thats how it'll hit 110k+ (btc) soon...

>> No.29550040

yay 2 dollars again

>> No.29550243
Quoted by: >>29550649

Is 60,000 GRT enough to make it or should I buy more?

Have 30k usd to put in whenever I want but kinda want to diversify, its my only hold atm. If not GRT what else are you Chads holding?

My dream is to get my stack up to 100k Grt

>> No.29550637

good morning

>> No.29550649
Quoted by: >>29551617

holding GRT and BNT only. Would like to get NU as well. but BNT is a solid choice

>> No.29550709


>> No.29551617

Shill me on NU

Can you stake it?

>> No.29553057

was swingtrading during the dip yesterday, made 300GRt in total

>> No.29553101

But i have 2.1k grt

>> No.29553242

Just bought 150 GRT at $2 did I fuck up. Looking for a longer term hold

>> No.29554054

Based Flair poster

>> No.29555347
File: 297 KB, 581x642, crotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29555434




guys realistically how long do you think I'll have to wait for the next dump?

>> No.29555434

6 hours