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File: 58 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-02-15 22-26-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28830868 No.28830868 [Reply] [Original]

The thing about this time is we have a backbone for the community. Our first run up was amazing, then whales dumped, and fud was the vibe. Meme coins bring in people from outside crypto. All the new people escpecially didn't expect this, a lot bought the top thinking it was moon time. Through the down trend we learned a lot. Despite not knowing if our coin would ever recover, we knew we had formed a great community through the chaos. We've fought, forgave, and prevailed. We held the price, and kept having fun. Jump in and enjoy. Meme and shill it up. Welcome to one of the best communities ever.

>> No.28831047
File: 59 KB, 986x536, 13BD747C-030C-468A-878F-BC434EB16544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28832690

If you’re a fan of bbc join us!

>> No.28831231

this post is extremely gay but u guys got a nice pump goin so I'll think about it

>> No.28831302

G Great opportunity to profit 10x + with HOGE

>> No.28831305
File: 61 KB, 400x387, 16vm0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28831309
File: 338 KB, 906x909, Screenshot_20210215-223610_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and hogepilled

>> No.28831540
Quoted by: >>28831906

ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ ほげ

>> No.28831658

My favorite hold, unironically.

>> No.28831728

this will blow up and reach a new ATH and all the fudders will neck kek

>> No.28831906
File: 10 KB, 199x254, ほげちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28832205
Quoted by: >>28832512

This will blow. Nobody believed this would get listed on CMC. Coingecko and Blockfolio next.

>> No.28832512

seems like a possibility, I'll keep my eye on it

>> No.28832690

Is this ironic

>> No.28832730
Quoted by: >>28832885

Why spend $150 on fees for a dead pnd shitcoin when I can throw that same money on wynaut which has better tokenomics and pay a fraction of a penny on fees since it runs on the BSC?
Face it, hoge hype is over. Anybody who gets in deserves to be dumped on and get stuck forever with the gas fees. wynaut is more efficient and encouraging due to low fees.

Unironically not buying your bags, Pajeet.

>> No.28832885
File: 38 KB, 638x606, 1612910738800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28833138

This fud is truly pathetic you're a loser dumb nigger lmfao we are blowing up on twitter

>> No.28833138
Quoted by: >>28833257

>can't come up with a solid argument against efficiency
>resorts to insult and spout racial slurs
The hoge community, ladies and gentlemen.
If you really want to make some money quick, hop on to the WYNAUT train. More so, ditch that shit of uniswap for BSC already. What the fuck are you all doing using that old turd in this day and age when there's a better alternative literally printing money right now across the street? Do you hate money or something?

Or don't do it. Couldn't care less, honestly. In the end, I am the one benefitting from all this. Meanwhile, you're getting lured by a group of Indians from Twitter to pump their ATH bags. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.28833257

>More so, ditch that shit of uniswap
very convincing pajeet

>> No.28833727 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1600670163920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello mam do you have 15mins
>Yes thank you mam i would like to tell you about a new exclusive bitcoin share opportunity
>Let me explain
>The thing about this time is we have a backbone for the community. Our first run up was amazing, then whales dumped, and fud was the vibe. Meme coins bring in people from outside crypto. All the new people escpecially didn't expect this, a lot bought the top thinking it was moon time. Through the down trend we learned a lot. Despite not knowing if our coin would ever recover, we knew we had formed a great community through the chaos. We've fought, forgave, and prevailed. We held the price, and kept having fun. Jump in and enjoy. Meme and shill it up. Welcome to one of the best communities ever.
>So mam can i sign you up just tell me your credit card details
>Mam are you still there mam

>> No.28834508
File: 115 KB, 694x500, 1a0fwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28834599
File: 42 KB, 521x937, 1613052122961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my hold and my HOGE chads and looking forward to the FUDders crying as this pumps more and more, fucking based coin and community

>> No.28835648

Shillers mad they can't draw people out of the Hoge community. Lul.

>> No.28835991
Quoted by: >>28836470

fuck you cunt

>> No.28836470
File: 40 KB, 300x210, thumb_they-seemerollin-they-hatin-they-see-me-rollin-they-hatin-50967532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$ほげ <3 HATERS

>> No.28836937
File: 128 KB, 1064x1372, 61jMA4+QAeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
