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File: 101 KB, 635x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28564832 No.28564832 [Reply] [Original]

pressure cooker ready to blow edition

>What is Algorand
Algorand is an open source permissionless public blockchain based on a pure proof-of- stake consensus protocol—the first of its kind to support the scale, open participation, and transaction finality for billions of users.

>Proof of Stake (PoS)
ALGO uses PoS protocol so every single user gets free money for holding ALGO, be it 1 ALGO or 10k ALGO

>Where to buy ALGO

>Get the official wallet to get 7% APY, Coinbase only gives you 6%

previous >>28542833

>> No.28564937
Quoted by: >>28565008

based anon getting the general numbering right unlike previous retard OP

>> No.28564941
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>> No.28564954
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>> No.28564974
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>mfw seeing those green dildos

>> No.28565008
Quoted by: >>28565098

i actually fucked up, since APY is 8% not 7% now kek

>> No.28565011


>> No.28565016
File: 719 KB, 1024x768, Breakout price discovery beast mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 dollar make you holler but 2.50 sho gon be nifty

>> No.28565065

want a dildo instead?

>> No.28565084

you ready to go to the moon? The 1.75 floor is already being tested

>> No.28565098
Quoted by: >>28569428


>> No.28565111
File: 167 KB, 1171x1079, 1572572767459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy why are the floors green!

>> No.28565130

I’m out at 8 bucks sorry chads.

>> No.28565179
Quoted by: >>28568776

not selling until it flips ETH

>> No.28565183
File: 130 KB, 354x549, Bitch I got that algo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space baby reporting in. Would've bought more if I didnt have a shitty 3rd world country salary

>> No.28565247
File: 1.09 MB, 992x1403, natsocwaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28565410

Me? I'll sell at 25.

>> No.28565293

800 coin stack after that. What's the suicide?

>> No.28565356

5k sui stack, that's where you start making 1Algo/day

>> No.28565377

Around 5k.

>> No.28565401
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, 1613099820203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28569635

Slightly under 5k if I remember correctly.

>> No.28565410

I keep telling myself a 4 year hold will probably be 30% stack increase after compounding and variable APY. With adoption and absorbing even half of ETH MCAP in that time it could climb to triple digits. My gut feeling is it will hit ETH with it's strong hand long before then.

>> No.28565427 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28565499

>>Get the official wallet to get 7% APY, Coinbase only gives you 6%
if you are a boomer without phone skills: https://wallet.myalgo.com/access

>> No.28565499

I want to buy more, but it's 1.70 whens the next dip/.

>> No.28565608

>>Get the official wallet to get 7% APY, Coinbase only gives you 6%
if you are a boomer without phone skills:

>> No.28565632

literally now

>> No.28565637
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Surely I cant be the only informed person here.

>> No.28565661

this is the dip

>> No.28565827
File: 6 KB, 244x206, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight chads, mumsy has tucked me safely in bed, when I wakesy in the morning, I expect to see at least $2.

>> No.28565950

You see it's safe and getting that 8%

>> No.28566230
File: 32 KB, 931x488, Challenge floor 1.74 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28566332

>> No.28566234

yeah I'd buy more now if I could but I won't be able to until next week. Anything you can get under $2 seems like a home run

>> No.28566271
File: 584 KB, 1125x2436, 7DE6688C-1714-49AF-A30A-4DC3950D468F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10.4K comfy as heck fellas

>> No.28566284

how do we still have this much buy pressure, christ

>> No.28566332
Quoted by: >>28566506

European offensive last night ate up walls like it was going out of business. I think they will deliver again.

>> No.28566391

patience padawan

>> No.28566395

it's still a great deal and we all know! people are DCAing by the hour

>> No.28566405

I don't get it either, buy ratio has been above 64% the whole time

>> No.28566462

The all time chart for this coin is a hoot. Every february and august it moons before going dormant until the next august or february.
Missed it this time but I'll catch you guys in 6 months for sure.

>> No.28566475

just picked up another 1k today. now is the time.

>> No.28566506

that was clutch, I woke up to my stack thinking "how the fuck is the steam still moving?!"

>> No.28566549

What’s actually in circulation? Is the rest only distributed as interest on algo accounts?

>> No.28566622
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 831CAEB8-BFFC-416F-8E62-62BBBAED1667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's right
uhh bros, tell me this is just fud!

>> No.28566740

I wasn't intentionally trying to fud. I was exploring other options for preserving some of my grt gains and ALGO made the cut.
I sincerely wish you all the best!

>> No.28566747
Quoted by: >>28567346

Breath good buddy and hold


Sean Ford at the 52:39 mark "In the next two months or so, uh, lets check back in. I think there's a bunch of pretty big, pretty interesting things that are going to be announced, and when it happens your going to say 'oh thats what Sean was talking about'...

...53:08 mark "I think we are right at the cusp of being able to put out a number of, I would say fairly disruptive and significant partners that people are going to stand up and take notice to"

>> No.28566820

>sample size: 3*
also it started in August 2019

>> No.28566843
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 05776FB3-2327-4285-BB2B-AD937D73CE97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking about buying when it was around .30 but didn’t

My urge to FOMO in on this is so strong. I wouldn’t even think about selling for another 4 years. Should I wait?

>> No.28567124

Same, i got 1k algos rn, but i need more do i fomo

>> No.28567152

Buy and hold for your sweet staking rewards.

>> No.28567215

literally cannot go wrong with the staking

>> No.28567273
Quoted by: >>28567772

the rule is if you are fomoing it's too late.

>> No.28567290

It is. It seemed to be doing well till last Feb, but literally everything crashed and then recovered in august too hard and too early only to crash again. Pretty much all speculation can be thrown out the window if those events are considered. It's easier to judge how well anything is doing if you disregard major events that affect everything else as well, like the 2017 bull run.

>> No.28567335
Quoted by: >>28569903

this year there's actual adaption. the entirety of brazil is using it for the virtual currency. other parts of south america. algo is in talk with banks in the us.

>> No.28567346
File: 276 KB, 920x1062, 963AEAA8-55D8-47E8-B931-CE7A1E316EBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 day ago
... I'm positive we won't have a decent table. But we do, and relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

>> No.28567372

challenge floor to 1.75 and 1.76 now. If breached will be straight to 1.79-1.80. The brakes don't stop this is crazy

>> No.28567424

the ath was in june 2019 what are you on about?

>> No.28567449
Quoted by: >>28567607

Can the algo wallet be linked to my hardware wallet so i can safely stake?

>> No.28567590
File: 26 KB, 934x496, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

algo tanking through 1.75 price walls like a champ, literally the tank build in an mmorpg

>> No.28567607


>> No.28567755
Quoted by: >>28567915

EU goes to bed and ALGO starts crabbing, meanwhile NA dumps their bags and only cares about shorting

>> No.28567772
Quoted by: >>28567907

I know

It’s up like 40% there’s no way this keeps going but I really like Algo

>> No.28567796
File: 57 KB, 704x400, 8660CA62-028A-4714-9075-38E87CC489E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>134 algo @ 1.50
I’m NGMI guys, but at least I participated

>> No.28567907

Look at the shit link did?..

>> No.28567915
File: 18 KB, 600x600, lqb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28567982

Low quality bait FUD
>Everyone is getting 8%

>> No.28567982
Quoted by: >>28568046

dont think it's FUD, just the fact that NA bears are cucks. we'll still see a pump when they wake up

>> No.28568026
File: 245 KB, 1436x1764, Screenshot_20210212-182006_BinanceUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make it

>> No.28568041
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swung my initial GRT investment that netted me 270% into ALGO and left my profits in GRT
The god is here boys and girls. I am the bringer of unbelievable 3 day gains.
>bought BTC 3 days before Elon tweet
>bought GRT 3 days before huuuuge pump
>buying ALGO 3 days before 2.75

Thank me later faggots

>> No.28568046

we up

>> No.28568157
File: 1.18 MB, 800x796, 1613102349712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28568303

algochad indeed
But you have them in the wallet and are making more r-right?

>> No.28568187

thanks dad, I hope I have enough to buy one of your new fangled electromobiles when we reach the moon

>> No.28568268

is ALGO a good long term hold this alt season if I'm not looking to stake?

>> No.28568303

Of course. Do I look like some sleepy faggot who doesn't enjoy 8% on my 75% gains?

3 days. 3 days until 2.75. I am the 3 day bringer of huge gains. Screencap this because I'm about to make sure all you retards stuck in 6 figure hell will have a lambo by Monday night

>> No.28568343


>> No.28568433
File: 674 KB, 1600x900, 1612997032116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't not stake man, it's not locked up cuck staking like the others, you're free to do what you like with it, but yes bullish hodl if you look at the tech and why is behind it...

>> No.28568599
Quoted by: >>28573833

>long term hold
Mothafucka they give you 8% return this is the definition of a good long term hold as the value appreciates and you get interest

>> No.28568776
Quoted by: >>28571238

Yeah, ETH is really shit tech against ALGO.

>> No.28568788

algochad tired, the fight to breach 1.75 failed and support fell down to 1.70. Let him rest a bit lads, the 1.79 boss needs high energy

>> No.28568873

It got to 1.82....

>> No.28568890
File: 32 KB, 933x508, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the chart says algo needs a breather

>> No.28568978
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, 2.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28569145

Heh, this 1.70 is just a break. Wait till you see me hit 1.85 tonight..then 1.90

2.50 13 Feb 2021 @ 1930 EST

This is a promise. 3 days till 2.75

>> No.28569123


jesus christ i knew this was too good to be true. expected -30% revenue loss if you invest now

>> No.28569129
Quoted by: >>28569212

32% staking return over 4 years and the likelihood that ALGO is handling CC and bank transactions over it's network with stupidly low fees. I'm slightly below a suicide stack but I got it with the intention of ignoring the early volatility.

>> No.28569145

alright algochad bringer of gainz, I'll be reporting for duty first thing on the moon

>> No.28569189

Get the Algo wallet. Put the Algos in the wallet. You are now staking. No minimum requirements and it's not locked. No reason not to do it.

>> No.28569212

Suicide stack 5k?

>> No.28569225
File: 84 KB, 735x660, he-panic-sold-pump-it-bogdanoff-on-the-phone-calling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28569272

1.70 is the floor. This is so fucking bullish.

>> No.28569272
Quoted by: >>28569403

isn't it wild how fast this coin finds a new floor to find support on?

>> No.28569284

Seems about right

>> No.28569322

how bad are we gonna nut once algo pushes some good news

>> No.28569403

It really is. It has sat here all day. It goes over 2 tomorrow.

>> No.28569428

holy shit the mad man did it again! i remember when rewards were only like 5%

>> No.28569456
File: 9 KB, 240x210, The battle of olympus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28569674

That's the rough amount. I went in at 1.15, 1.28, and capped off just over 3K with the last little bit bought at 1.75. My big reasoning is the brains being MIT and father of cryptography and his friendly connections to established institutions and government. Glowies know and IDGAF because i'm spending it on tendies and they can have the receipts.

>> No.28569537

meh whatever, apy will make up for it for me kek

>> No.28569614
Quoted by: >>28569783

fucking coinbase making me wait like 6 days to transfer it out to my wallet, the fuck

>> No.28569635

Those tits just made me buy 101 algo

So mad I didn’t buy at .30 but whatever. I’ll hold this for a long time no regrets

>> No.28569674
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>> No.28569675
File: 239 KB, 1080x1478, Screenshot_20210212-214628_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utter poorfag stacklet who bought 300oz of physical silver and just found out about how to trade crypto. Have another $200 and I'm not sure if I should put it in ALGO or GRT.

Am I ever gonna make it or should I just rope myself now and get it over with?

>> No.28569783

>make fake bank account/credit card and buy 1 million algo and before the funds dont go through you tranfer the algo to your comfy wallet

and you thought you could get away with it too

>> No.28569804
Quoted by: >>28569912

You are never getting significant gains on BTC so you may as well move it to XLM or ALGO.

>> No.28569903
Quoted by: >>28570358

is it actually algo or an adaption of algo on the same blockchain? does it matter?

>> No.28569912
Quoted by: >>28572599


own more than half a bitcoin or dont bother

>> No.28569945


yeah okay

>> No.28569983
Quoted by: >>28570064

>it takes more than 15 seconds to validate a wire/ach transfer

>> No.28570000
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRTfriend here.

I'm wishing you ALGObros well!

>> No.28570064

yeah and ALGO is so BASED than it takes 5 seconds to transfer the funds.

ALGO is king

>> No.28570093

Thanks man, and nice quads

>> No.28570226

many gains to you too GReaT fren

>> No.28570259
File: 21 KB, 290x362, cuious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about the fees frens, will they ever balloon like eth ?

>> No.28570358
Quoted by: >>28570691

On the blockchain

>> No.28570436
Quoted by: >>28570482

Never. Algo was built with billions of users in mind.

>> No.28570482

anon, you're telling me that the fees are ALWAYS going to be 0.001 algo???

>> No.28570542

you can't send money that hasn't cleared the bank yet, you can only trade it within the exchange

>> No.28570574
Quoted by: >>28570676


>> No.28570575
File: 290 KB, 666x836, kekgrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We come bearing gains.
Please, take this blessing.

>> No.28570609
File: 76 KB, 980x1024, 8E0EE4F1-76AC-4104-B690-3A94DB236F61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we see Algo price in 4-5 years? Any ideas

>> No.28570626
Quoted by: >>28570676

thats kind of the point of it

>> No.28570643

how does $2000 sound?

>> No.28570676
Quoted by: >>28571884

I coomed a little, thanks

tell me more, i head there is a private network or something, how does it work? like monero?

>> No.28570691
Quoted by: >>28570751

Thank you anon. How do you think adding national currencies to the algo blockchain will impact ALGO (the main currency)'s price?
that's actually the minimum; fees would be way lower if the minimum wasn't in place.

>> No.28570751
File: 91 KB, 212x207, 1605353566761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28571250

>fees would be way lower if the minimum wasn't in place.

>> No.28570774

Yes, and the APY brings intensive to stay on the network, so no sells.

>> No.28570855

the big stuff can be done off-chain

>> No.28571029
Quoted by: >>28571776


>> No.28571090
Quoted by: >>28571437

Algorand is not like most blockchains. It has one block finality. That means, after one block, you know with confidence that the block is valid. Algorand is strongly consistent. This is a very important property for data storage, especially in financial sectors.

When looking at new technologies, always ask yourself not how fast you can see a transaction, but how fast that transaction becomes final. Prioritize reliability and speed over speed alone. You can always increase speed, or transaction throughput, but it's impossible to make a weakly consistent network strongly consistent.


If you read the Algorand papers, you will see that they designed it to protect against even the most sophisticated attackers that can assume control of the entire communication plane and corrupt arbitrary nodes of the network instantly. Speed should not be a factor in the security model. Ask yourself what security means to the team that designed the technology.


This is another general term. Communication, consensus, and governance are different types of centralization. One common talking point is that Algorand is centralized because relay nodes exist. This concern probably comes from the fear of technology like Ripple, which uses "trusted validators". The difference is that these Ripple nodes perform consensus, and communication. As stated above, the two were coupled before Algorand, which is why the fear exists. In Algorand, relay nodes only communicate, they do not perform consensus and can't sign transactions. Consensus is decentralized in Algorand, moreso than PoS ledgers which tend to cluster it in pools.

I think if you keep these things in mind, it will be easier to understand the actual technical value of these blockchains and identify potential misinformation or marketing hype. Expect to see more of this as Algorand gets more attention on it.

>> No.28571176
Quoted by: >>28571353

Put my ETH into this... I think it's just a superior product. This could be my make it stack.

>> No.28571238

Yeah is it?

>> No.28571250
Quoted by: >>28571437

There is no solving of puzzles, miners, delegation pools, etc that usually make fees high. Pretty much just nodes.

>> No.28571353
File: 239 KB, 534x565, redpills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28572167

based and algopilled

>> No.28571377
Quoted by: >>28571641

Can anyone provide some FUD that would make this not a good investment?

>> No.28571428

Hey OP thanks for using my image, fren.
>>28569999 made an update to it btw

>> No.28571437
Quoted by: >>28571641

based as fuck

what about smart contracts etc? defi bullshittery

>> No.28571538
File: 163 KB, 773x1000, algo-2-bucks-by-dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight, anon. sleep tight. Uncle Micali's got this.

>> No.28571641
Quoted by: >>28571858

Yeah my main concern is the phasing out of the current, more centralized state of the blockchain, but they're at least upfront about it.

Responsible Decentralization

The Algorand Foundation is deeply committed to the Algorand blockchain being a fully decentralized network in both its node distribution and voting power. However, the path to decentralization is one that must be carefully paved in the early stages.

To this point, while Algorand’s Relay and Participation Nodes are public and permissionless, they have been bootstrapped by a number of entities representing a wide array of technical and organizational backgrounds across many different countries and continents.

In addition, in the early stages of the Algorand blockchain, Algorand Inc. will put only part of its total stake online, so as (1) not to have a controlling position while (2) offering resiliency against hostile takeover attacks. We believe these steps will ensure that the Algorand network will reach its goal of true decentralization in the safest and quickest way possible.


Smart contracts are built into the base layer and are 1000x more efficient than ETH

>> No.28571709

I started like this in 2016 now its up to 35K+ USD. Algo was my recent big move.

>> No.28571718
Quoted by: >>28572347

Why is this able to do pure proof of stake? Is there some special solution they came up with

>> No.28571744
Quoted by: >>28578359

Algorand has following stablecoins
QCAD - Canada
BRZ - Brazil

Marshall Islands and China are using Algorand blockchain to build CBDCs

>> No.28571776
File: 10 KB, 235x233, ff8f425ad9463f0ca605b5d157a6a826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28571858
Quoted by: >>28572196

Thanks for this brother. Are you invested in ALGO despite these concerns?

>> No.28571884

Unless you want your coin to be suppressed by government regulation, nobody is going to make their coin like Monero.

>> No.28572167

Christ is King, MGTOW and ALGO are freedom from the international Jew. We're all going to make it.

>> No.28572175


Sell your algo you are too weak to be among the algo billionaire chads who will dominate the future.

>> No.28572196
File: 211 KB, 500x367, 3ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28572610

Yes, it's one of my largest holdings! The pros outweigh the cons for me.
At the very least, it's criminally undervalued when you look at the team and underlying blockchain.

>> No.28572306

Have you guys connected your Algo wallet to your ledger?

>> No.28572347

the secret meat ball marinara sauce

>> No.28572349

my wallet is my ledger.

>> No.28572394

Yes. It works perfectly on my Ledger.

>> No.28572419


>> No.28572599

Wish I had bought bitcoins when I was in highschool and they were $7 and my friend and I used them to buy drugs on the silk road instead

>> No.28572610

I'm legitimately trying to decide between ALGO and XLM. Both seem like great projects, but XLM seems like a higher potential ROI. I only have enough capital to make a meaningful investment into one. Your thoughts?

>> No.28572689
Quoted by: >>28572787

I just put all my fiat into algo 30k algo stack aigmi?

>> No.28572705

I chose algo over xlm cause fuck jed

>> No.28572748
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 209F70E9-78FE-4AB0-B106-DFF596E857AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28572772
File: 487 KB, 340x450, bef691a0af2be3fb2381992829fa5693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling into getting into ALGO, the APY in Exodus seems like a bonus also, is it a safe bet to get in now, or will it dip?

>> No.28572787


>> No.28573059
Quoted by: >>28573472

APY is why most people aren't selling.. It's got a lot of anti pump anti trade properties which is why I like it. It's good for long term holders.

>> No.28573254

Feels like Eth at 2

>> No.28573347

I think you'll be great either way. Like you said, they're both great projects, and I've been thinking about picking up a stack of XLM as well after I do some more research.
I'd say ALGO is riskier but has more room to grow, given XLM is already a top 10 coin.

>> No.28573384

ALGO is tanking. I guess it was good while it lasted.

Bad news:


>> No.28573443

Bad news:


>> No.28573472


This guy gets it. Algo works like this

>nobody wants to sell because the APY
>price pumps because no sellers
>increased prices causes holders to see bigger daily gains
>bigger gains for holders means less sellers
>price goes up more

It’s going to the fucking moon as long as the entire market doesn’t crash

>> No.28573486
File: 69 KB, 360x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pajeet, you accidentally double posted again

>> No.28573514
File: 75 KB, 434x600, 1613147581675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28573768

Front Page on Pajeet Times

>> No.28573518
Quoted by: >>28573768

is this what they call the double posting problem?

>> No.28573542
Quoted by: >>28573768

this fud is even worse than it was this morning

>> No.28573560
File: 319 KB, 711x684, 1575438713392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28573768


>> No.28573611

When that stimmy arrives you’re damn right I’m buying more algo.

>> No.28573696

I fucking love this kind of posting

>> No.28573707

This stupid shit pajeet fud again? Are you guys really that stupid and haven't given up on this yet?

>> No.28573746

subhuman trash being paid in rupee to create fud unironically means ALGO is going to $20 near the end of this run
ty for the free signal

>> No.28573757

Pajeet marketing bots upset RBC is losing attraction

This shit is kinda weird though.

>> No.28573768

kekekekekek get fucked pajeet scum

go back to FUD school

>> No.28573769
File: 470 KB, 789x1047, actualETHkiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28574183

And why isn't this going to kill ETH?

>> No.28573833
Quoted by: >>28573918

Can they make more internet coins like ALGO because I love these more than bitcoin.

>> No.28573918

Algo is all you need really desu, nice dubs

>> No.28574123
File: 15 KB, 882x758, 1517790772456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy at 1.6

>> No.28574183

Because 90% of people leave their crypto on exchanges even after mt. gox, insane fees, AND the exchange telling you it's stealing your coins. Most people don't read white papers or have no idea what tps is. They couldn't tell you the difference between PoW and PoS. Crypto is too advanced for sheeple. They rather fall for scams over and over than legit projects.

>> No.28574293

I just bought ALGO for the first time. What am I in for?

>> No.28574334
Quoted by: >>28574998

When there's a mastercard with ALGO rewards for purchases and banking schemes were gonna make it even if we have to drag the normies with us.

>> No.28574395

peak comfy

>> No.28574400
Quoted by: >>28574518


>> No.28574492

GRT and ALGO make up 95% of my poorfolio. 10k GRT and 1.1k ALGO

See you boys on the other side

>> No.28574518
File: 111 KB, 680x979, 1490593928659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28574596

He's with us

>> No.28574547


>> No.28574596
File: 331 KB, 245x250, 1609385773823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28574604
Quoted by: >>28574854

My post was about the development opportunities of algo tho, not really the normies.

>> No.28574628

gainz over time

>> No.28574770

My dude try to get a couple thousand more ALGO if you can generate close to 1 ALGO a day and this shit really pumps off you're set

>> No.28574854

The brains will see the potential. They are already showing signs.

>> No.28574874

Same but some little aave there too, gl us

>> No.28574918
Quoted by: >>28574977

has there still not been any word of important news for this pump?

>> No.28574977

Yes, besides the Brazil news there's been *nothing* to cause this pump. It's organic

>> No.28574992
Quoted by: >>28575188

Check out the action on it rn, it's looking like it's ready to move up

>> No.28574998
Quoted by: >>28575153

goddamn I’m hard keep going

>> No.28575103
File: 26 KB, 930x489, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28575202

dem walls tho

>> No.28575153
File: 1.92 MB, 412x304, 1603841413145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only get so erect

>> No.28575157
File: 6 KB, 433x283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to close the 6h candle green

>> No.28575188
Quoted by: >>28575336

Don't get too excited. It'll probably drop back down to $1.5 over the weekend before moving back up.

>> No.28575202

Fuhhhhh if it could just find its way to 77 then its almost 2 guaranteed

>> No.28575336
Quoted by: >>28575566

Dubs and actually bullish

>> No.28575346

It will when Europe wakes up. I was up till 1 in the morning last night giggling at it passing the 1.50 wall so fast the bots were having trouble keeping up. Even the whales want it to go up in the end.

>> No.28575362
Quoted by: >>28575535

bigger wall at 79-80 but support could be built up to 77 if it can hold that position for a while

>> No.28575415

Ya because the apy

>> No.28575424
Quoted by: >>28575492

euro here, im still up, watching berserk

>> No.28575455
Quoted by: >>28575560

What time zone are you in

>> No.28575462

Just saw this in the ALGO fud thread. Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.28575492
Quoted by: >>28575583

Well played

>> No.28575535
Quoted by: >>28575972

If it breaks the first wall then the rest fall brudder. By that point you have buyers lining up with blank checks in a figurative way

>> No.28575560
Quoted by: >>28575739

PST or GMT-8. I get quite the range of people in the evening.

>> No.28575566
Quoted by: >>28575675

Absolutely bullish. ALGO is likely hitting $3 EOM.

But don't FOMO in just yet.

>> No.28575583
File: 13 KB, 360x344, 1599441810928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28575721

no, I'm tiered, still sad, and what makes all of this worse, watch the dub

>> No.28575675


>> No.28575714

Holy fuck

>> No.28575721

Give it some time and watch the proper one when the weeb bug bites fren. No sense in running ragged.

>> No.28575739

I'm PST. What time do the bongs wake up

>> No.28575772

2 hours from now

>> No.28575835

9-12 and you get lots of mainland Euros in the mix. The Krauts are extremely bullish.

>> No.28575918

ALGO team is loaded with MIT Jews and has so many connections it can't fail. Mark my words and DYR.

>> No.28575968

>Only on one exchange vs Coinbase the god of them

>> No.28575972
File: 27 KB, 934x488, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's do this algobrothers, holding strong breaks price walls, I went 100% full yolo algonaut or nothing

>> No.28576186
Quoted by: >>28576353

Sell all that BS and buy Algorand. Trust me, I'm your fren.

>> No.28576338
File: 49 KB, 760x428, a_ov_Pepe_160928.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, God bless

>> No.28576353

This but keep the lumens

>> No.28576425

$5-$10. It can't balloon imo since there is such a large amount of total supply. But if it reaches full usage it could be a lot higher. Idk hard to estimate. 10 bil supply times 100$ is 1 trillion market cap. So possible, but that is too far away to predict accurately. I'm a large buyer and long term holder. I like it. In the short term I see the price moving higher, much higher and then maybe coming back to earth as more supply is released. Again this rocket is just starting, more people are going to fomo in in droves we are the early money, imagine buying link at these levels.

>> No.28576505
Quoted by: >>28576675

When are the next scheduled token releases?

>> No.28576525

this is the bottom of the dip, currently more demand than supply, numbers will flip hard green soon

>> No.28576568


“And as a new member of the DMI, we relish this fresh opportunity to collaborate with partners in the digital currency ecosystem and to ensure an enduring role for money as a trusted public good.”

"Members of the DMI include Algorand, Amazon, Giesecke & Devrient Currency Technology, Mastercard, PayPal, Six Digital Exchange and SWIFT."

>> No.28576675
Quoted by: >>28576999

no info yet, we need to pay attention to the dev teams' socials. does anyone know how much notice was given last time an auction happened? i only got into algo last month

>> No.28576702
File: 752 KB, 1000x1000, 1602704890861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other Anons said it might hit $2 eoy last week. 1k eoy or I will rope myself

>> No.28576745

Cheapies incoming

>> No.28576819

It’s weird to see to a psyop this coordinated get pull off. Even the the fud is productive.

>> No.28576857
File: 202 KB, 1347x1085, 37489023748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck here we gooooo

>> No.28576999

I think last July or early fall

>> No.28577017

normies will love it

>> No.28577531

I wish people could get better FUD, I wanna buy more at $1.4

>> No.28577639
File: 926 KB, 2000x1413, ooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else PRQ/ALGO hold?

>> No.28577881

Poorfsg here

Would you rather have 450 XLM or 150 Algo?

Long term hold

>> No.28577939

good morning germans, thanks for the green dildo

>> No.28578064
File: 58 KB, 600x608, 1558647670717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28578187

Time to bust some walls boys

>> No.28578076

150 algo.

>> No.28578081

10000000% 150 ALGO

>> No.28578187
File: 190 KB, 800x620, algochads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets do this ALGOlads

>> No.28578359

>QCAD - Canada
>BRZ - Brazil
what impact does this have on the ALGO token though?

>> No.28578460

Network load, increasing demand for tokens due to fees.

>> No.28578522

Imagine when they finish putting all the stablecoins on it. THINK

>> No.28578689
Quoted by: >>28578757

wtf is this buy ratio, how does this coin still have momentum? 69% buy ratio is insane, the brakes aren't stopping these gains

>> No.28578757
Quoted by: >>28579022

imagine not going in on a shitcoin backed by the SEC

>> No.28578762


>> No.28578905


>> No.28578973
File: 67 KB, 932x485, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... the peaks are shaped like algos... it's a sign

>> No.28579014

anyone have an ALGO comfy staking pic? need that in my life

>> No.28579022
File: 453 KB, 512x512, 1485860482353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how big a stack Yellen and friends are gonna have.

>> No.28579086

is it better to do staking in binance or get the algorand wallet?

>> No.28579113
Quoted by: >>28579162

always ALGO official wallet

>> No.28579133

Wallet by far it updates every 9 minutes and it's yours. Just remember to store your phrase in several secure locations for recovery.

>> No.28579139

All I know is coinbase takes a %25 commission on staking rewards :(

>> No.28579162

does it only work for Ledger? I have a Trezor

>> No.28579169

if the same money per coin as eth (100+mill coins) then $20-$30, there will be a max 10 billion coins (current is 2billion increasing 7% a year)

>> No.28579208
Quoted by: >>28579281

Iphone and IOS apps to my knowledge and apps like exodus not sure about Trezor.

>> No.28579281

I hear the Tezor guys were like nah.

>> No.28579282
File: 26 KB, 579x555, comfyalgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go fren, just getting started.

>> No.28579283
Quoted by: >>28579335

not sure about trezor but the app for ios/android is probably the best wallet i've ever seen both aesthetically and functionality

>> No.28579331

iOS app for sure

>> No.28579335

the algorand app? can't you just use the website? i don't want important shit on my phone

>> No.28579433
Quoted by: >>28579605

works like myetherwallet.

>> No.28579526
Quoted by: >>28579691

Website isn't really secure. If you hate the phone idea you can either try your luck with an android emulator like bluestacks or whatever works best right now or just move it to the wallet and stash your phrase and pass somewhere safe and delete the app only to put it back on when you want to recover it.

>> No.28579605

ledger only... sorry

>> No.28579608
File: 46 KB, 468x238, apy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28579750


>> No.28579691

wouldn't website on a PC be more secure than a phone app? i don't understand

>> No.28579750
Quoted by: >>28579890

if only this was the algorand wallet app right bros?

>> No.28579781
Quoted by: >>28579903

It has a 2FA layer that uses fingerprint or faceID which is better on the phone I suppose. I personally want a desktop wallet with a backup function but it will probably come with time.

>> No.28579793
Quoted by: >>28579903

I think what anon is trying to say is
>Website = you & the website owners have the keys to the car per say
>algoapp = u own it bb

>> No.28579890

Ya algorand wallet gives you 8% instead of 6%

>> No.28579903

so i'm forced to use a biometric? fuck

yeah i'd still prefer a desktop app. i might just buy a $100 samsung phone just to do crypto shit

>> No.28579942

No it's just an option thankfully.

>> No.28579989
Quoted by: >>28580049

Oh, you can use exodus on desktop

>> No.28580049

why exodus? can i get as good of a rate as with the algo app?

>> No.28580093

the wallet itself runs on the blockchain protocol, that's what it seems considering all that's needed to use your algo wallet on a desktop is using the 25 word password through wallet.myalgo.com

>> No.28580145

Only bought this since Algo is one of the planets in the Phantasy Star universe, and Phantasy Star II and IV are two of my favorite games ever. Project actually seems good though. Thank you, retard instinct.

>> No.28580589

as long as you have your keys you have your ALGO regardless of what happens to the phone, quit bitching and dl the fucking app

>> No.28581077

I'm still spotty on how it works, it doesn't seem to give more rewards the more ALGO you have? So how does it work?

>> No.28581146

anyone try algo with ledger's desktop app?

>> No.28581260

Currently 8% compounding with a variable rate depending on what they want to do. That goes on for 10 years. Coins are also being released at intervals over that 10 years for a total of 10 bil at the end. Rates could change to make holding and supporting the network more lucrative as well.

>> No.28581296
File: 461 KB, 831x1031, 1612906073690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28581616

It def does, that's how it works. What are you using? If in coinbase you might need to enable it.
Coinbase pro doesn't support staking for some reason
Just put it in the official wallet though so you aren't cucked out of an extra 2% apy

>> No.28581340

Does the official app have an APK downloaded outside of the (Google play store?

>> No.28581392

i cant believe i never cashed in on free money before a week ago.

already up 100% since 4 days ago

>> No.28581461
Quoted by: >>28581640

Bros now that I got algos on my real algo wallet do I need to make a transaction 2x a day or is that autistic?

>> No.28581616
Quoted by: >>28581741

I'm on the algowallet. I made a transaction yesterday and currently have 0.06 rewards.

>> No.28581640


use this there's a box for daily transactions you will only miss out on a few tokens a year by leaving it be.

>> No.28581741
Quoted by: >>28581840

Guys ignore me Im a dumb guy

>> No.28581840

I was going to say... lol
Please get some rest, algo is a cozy coin that can't dump because whales are loving the 8% apy. So no market dumps.

>> No.28581868
Quoted by: >>28581995


>> No.28581995

because its the best product out there during this bull run

>> No.28582322
Quoted by: >>28582551

fuck me when is this shit going back up i bought $100 at 1.77

>> No.28582487
File: 20 KB, 867x234, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28582563

so I have to send a transaction every day or i lose out on compounding? what a shit system. what am i missing here

>> No.28582551

Should be going up all this next week, maybe some draw down days in between hard to call. But you need patience otherwise you dont belong in these markets. I have a lot of algo and I'm always buying more, even at these levels

>> No.28582563

no it compounds automatically
they just arent APPLIED until you do a transaction. its why i have a second wallet in my app. if i ever want to "realize" my steak, i make a .00001 transfer lol

>> No.28582599

10k stack is the minimum. Stay hard.

>> No.28582613

Pretty sure you can do a 0.0000 transaction and just pay the fee and send to yourself.

>> No.28582698

No, that's not true. You lose out on compounding if you do not claim your rewards by doing any transaction. Their official site says so

>> No.28582774
Quoted by: >>28582832

So, is it advantageous to just keep it in coinbase wallet then? or have to go through the process of sending yourself a transaction everyday?

>> No.28582832
Quoted by: >>28582920

>So, is it advantageous to just keep it in coinbase wallet then?
No, because coinbase takes a huge fucking fee (they take like 25% of your total rewards, dropping from 8% to 6% APY)

but if you use the official calculator youll see there is barely any difference between compounding daily and turning it off, like 0.2%. So you could just compound monthly or weekly and not see a noticeable difference

>> No.28582920
Quoted by: >>28582961

so i could just do what this anon said and send myself a 0 transaction every day? because that's simple and easy to remember.

>> No.28582931

kek oh i learn something new everyday
idk man, i use the wallet and have none of that issue

>> No.28582940

Claim in algo wallet every 11 days for the optimum fee loss.

>> No.28582961

Yes you can do that if you want

>> No.28583019


>> No.28583023

So is this expected to dip significantly in the near future or should I just buy in right the fuck now?

>> No.28583031
File: 278 KB, 1200x1132, gwgre$$#@HG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as long as I keep my ALGO in my own wallet, whether it's Exodus or the official app or Ledger Live, I get the same staking reward right? It's just exchanges who are skimming off top of the rewards

>> No.28583125
Quoted by: >>28583511

exactly, but exchanges are also probably holding it in a cold wallet as well and just distributing a smaller percent and pocketing the rest.

>> No.28583130


>> No.28583192

It's Ethereum 3.0 basically. Already past whatever dream garbage Eth 2 was going to be.

It literally runs USDC and Tether, entirely. Those popular stable coins, run on Algorand.

>> No.28583204
Quoted by: >>28583269

this is the dip

>> No.28583211
File: 951 KB, 709x724, 1611799727520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1111 algo at 117

just bought now during dip for 350 algo coins for 1.71

I want to recoup my initial investment so my wife wont be annoying in future about how i lost $1500 in cryptocurrency so im hoping i can double my $600 invested late and just leave the rest of my coins as an extremely long term investment

>> No.28583269

tfw dip is .02 lower than the daily floor lmao.

>> No.28583302
File: 225 KB, 1125x975, 32641372-5DE2-4BCF-920A-C0CF0BAFC2B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT Chad here-

Am I going to make it?

Trump 2024

>> No.28583339

lets not get too cocky guys, this could correct pretty hard, we went up pretty quickly

>> No.28583395

put it into the algowallet for 8% apy

it costs about 0.002 ALGO to tranfer wallets and ALGO transfers in literally 5 seconds

>> No.28583457
File: 76 KB, 1813x508, doesntdip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our dips are so small

>> No.28583511

could i just store in my Trezor? it seems like they only support ledger

>> No.28583516

My stack is only 5.5k, how can I even compete

>> No.28583698

Tech sales brah. Im a low iq mutt with decent verbal skills. The more technical the better

>> No.28584271

Small noob algolet here. I 've been fucked enough by the ETH gas fees to realize what this coin is shilling. Picking up a small modest pouch of 200 and I'm gonna sit on this for a long time. S'all I can afford to spend on crypto funny money!