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File: 62 KB, 700x700, papa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28355585 No.28355585 [Reply] [Original]

i tried telling you a month ago that elon would do this.


step 1 elon buys bitcoin
step 2 tesla buys bitcoin
step 3 tesla accepts payment in bitcoin (YOU ARE HERE)
step 4 tesla creates solar powered mining farms bigger than any mining giant we have ever seen so far
step 5 all tesla profits reinvested in bitcoin, causing price increase in both bitcoin and tesla
step 6 elon literally controls the world and the next world we inhabit, mars
step 7 history books refer to this period as the 2nd renaissance

>> No.28355701

not even mad because he's white

>> No.28355714

I.. I think I'm f-feeling it now, m-mister Krabs..

>> No.28356101

>step 4 tesla creates solar powered mining farms bigger than any mining giant we have ever seen so far
except this isnt close to profitable

>> No.28356161


>> No.28356227

he's african you bigot

>> No.28356281

he doesnt look like a nigger

>> No.28356293
Quoted by: >>28356467

yea man you're not retarded at all

>> No.28356433
Quoted by: >>28359028

That’s even better. Because he had lived among niggers he knew how bad niggers are to humanity. He won’t bring any to the Mars

>> No.28356455

I sold the second he made tesla buy. fuck elon.

>> No.28356458

Why a 6.2 ft tall billionaire would hang out with that rat faced tranny is beyond me

>> No.28356467

Room temperature IQ unable to detect obvious joke

>> No.28356511


>> No.28356575

1st African American Quadrillionaire

>> No.28356585

Elon tried vanilla and it turned out to be crazy anyway. Some of her songs changed perspective on her.

>> No.28356629

He is the antichrist?

>> No.28356671

That would be Bill Gates.

>> No.28356673
File: 87 KB, 633x640, 1530053179461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I own a couple bitcoins, guess the history books will remember my name. Cool.

>> No.28356689

Elon is gonna be the president of Earth isn't he guys?

>> No.28356692
Quoted by: >>28356840

holy shit
also step 4 is lame

>> No.28356706

This. At least it’s not a fucking jew.

>> No.28356786

nah that's our billy boy

>> No.28356817

Thank you for this, HODLing.

>> No.28356819
File: 133 KB, 960x960, 1598035386614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly speaking e-girls are my achilles heel

>> No.28356840

yeah, I was thinking a hydro powered mining farm
like, just build it near a waterfall you idiot billionaires

>> No.28356875

like Tesla in general, but itll still happen

>> No.28357058
Quoted by: >>28357197

I hate to break it to you guys but solar panels aren't as powerful as you think they are. Tesla only have one plant that runs entirely on solar the "Gigafactory" in Nevada.

>> No.28357146

Alright how’d you know, anon?

>> No.28357197
Quoted by: >>28359106

Nobody thinks they are, but they are still "cool" and they've gotten efficient enough in the past few years

>> No.28358247


>> No.28358271

why is the richest man in our solar system dating smeagul

>> No.28358319

anon, do you understand what is going to happen when elon announces the first tesla solar mining farm? lets just say that gamestop will look like a joke compared to what is going to happen

>> No.28359028
Quoted by: >>28359570

>implying civilization on mars will ever fucking happen
safe to say you're the dumb nigger here

>> No.28359106

>Nobody thinks they are
People in this thread are suggesting doing mining with them.

>> No.28359299
Quoted by: >>28359959

>Don't exchange your coins for goods and services!
One hell of a currency you got there.

>> No.28359570

>he doesnt think man can over come
never gonna make it

>> No.28359920

WTF is that thing next to Elon.

>> No.28359959

>can't trade gold directly for goods & services
>that must mean gold is worthless
why is this argument only made against bitcoin and not gold? at least you can trade bitcoin directly for some goods and services, but you can trade gold for exactly zero goods and services.