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File: 101 KB, 640x640, 1612992567068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28346251 No.28346251 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We circlejerk about our 7% back we get with our cozycoin and wait for the AVA refugees to come in on the cozy.

>> No.28346515
File: 49 KB, 1200x676, algorand_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine owning a coin where because your 7.3% interest is constantly accumulating, you're trading entirely for free. They're paying YOU to make transactions.

Holding ALGO, never selling. This is the next ethereum. Waiting for AVAX to realize their blockchain is completely and totally fucked so all the AVAX people dump everything into secure and stable constant slow gain reliable ALGO.

>> No.28346784
Quoted by: >>28375293

praise Silvio

>> No.28347888

i finally convinced my dad lads to move a portion of his 401k to a kraken corporate account, the 7% returns made his really excited

>> No.28348224


>> No.28348525
Quoted by: >>28350996

I'm getting a steady 40+ ALGOs a month right now on return, hope to move up soon.

>> No.28348540
Quoted by: >>28361297

This and LTO are two of my biggest holds and both return 7%. So comfy. Catch me in a camper van fishing in the Rockies, living off staking gains this time next year

>> No.28348952
Quoted by: >>28350057

I have about 3k algos in my ALGO wallet currently and about 7k still in Coinbase. Waiting for the transaction to clear on Coinbase so I can move the rest of them over. I’ll be making ~2 algos per day off interest in the wallet. Max comfy.

>> No.28348966
Quoted by: >>28360771

AVAX absolutely tanking. Time to get even more cozy with the influx into Algo.

>> No.28349393
Quoted by: >>28349542

Prepare for melted faces by end of week (most probably on Friday)

>> No.28349542
Quoted by: >>28349667

Why dis

>> No.28349667

Big announcement (positive news)

>> No.28349866

I’ve been seeing posts like this on biz for a while now and one of them a few weeks ago caused me to ape in a couple more eth. If it was you, thanks based-insider I hope this you’re right

>> No.28350057
Quoted by: >>28351234

Nice my man. I'm a lowly 4k ALGO holder but getting 5.6~ algos a week is still kinda comfy. I should have put more in when it was .3 but I was too new to the crypto scene to understand suicide stacks on good projects. Started off too slow.
>Oh I only want to dabble with a little bit of my savings
In reality the projects I chose if I went at them like I should have I'd be up 5x instead of my current 2x portfolio. Live and learn.

>> No.28350747

Proto-Boomer burger here. looks promising because it's on Bittrex and Coinbase. is this going to hit top 10 before the crackup?

>> No.28350985
File: 8 KB, 238x212, 1612909752460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28372284

ALGO was the 2nd altcoin I got into after LINK when I first started crypto last year around August. Cheers algobros.
Big thanks to the OG who informed me about the official wallet and staking rewards.

>> No.28350996
Quoted by: >>28354860

How big is your bag

>> No.28351234

Thanks man. Hindsight is 20/20 on this stuff. Everyone has been in that boat. But I only invested into ALGO this past weekend at like $0.77 per coin in several separate transactions, which is why I still have some transactions pending on Coinbase. I wish I would’ve known about this when they were $0.30 each. Best of luck though anon. ALGO to the moon.

>> No.28351792

can we break .000024 of a btc tonight bros?

something tells me we can ;)

>> No.28351813

Hi everyone! I'm sorta new to crypto, and I've got about 200 in ALGO. Will I make it if I keep pouring in a bit more every week?

>> No.28352183
Quoted by: >>28352924

What big news fren?

>> No.28352326
File: 1.31 MB, 600x338, 1563940832913.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28362427

keep what you have in now and start putting a little bit in every week starting in march and you will do well

>> No.28352924

It might be mastercard


>> No.28353109

thanks anon

>> No.28353253

The 7% alone, yes

>> No.28353415
File: 9 KB, 219x230, qwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28353982

feels good having some money in the vaults of the bank of algochads
steady gains everyday

>> No.28353982
Quoted by: >>28355260

I know every shill coin thread thinks their coin is the best but I truly do enjoy this coin.

this must be what the linkies felt like all that time.

>> No.28354860
Quoted by: >>28356666


He probably has around 7K Algos

>> No.28355052

I doubt it, but let's see what happens.

>> No.28355239

7% Annual? $70 per $1000 for a year? I can do that safely in CD. I'm here for gains, big gains.

>> No.28355260
Quoted by: >>28355562

i'm not even shilling at this point, I swinged some bucks I had and I don't feel the need to do anything more, if not just pour some extra fiat on it, honestly feels a lot more safe
I'm sure that the interest and slow growth disuades people from actually dumping it recklessly unlike other shitcoins

>> No.28355562

it's way more than 70 dollars a year for 1k

You aren't thinking about the price rising. Say you bought 1k coins for 500 dollars 2-3 weeks ago

You would have made double your money just from the price rise.

the 7% means you will have 1070 coins at the end of the year. That's 1070 x whatever the current price of algo is and you are continually getting algos until 2030.

This is the best coin to do like this anon >>28355260
says and keep putting money on besides bitcoin.

>> No.28355623

Your an idiot.
This isn’t cash moron, ALGO was .30 in December so do the math on that one.
Imagine if you had 1000 shares of Tesla when it was 20 bucks and Elon was like “hey anon, if you HODL I will give you 7 percent, paid out in shares, not cash”
How much wealthier would you be?
Fucking pleb

>> No.28355637

Where is there a CD that is anywhere close to that amount??

>> No.28356006
File: 10 KB, 250x209, 1529171260617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28356238

These threads will be screencapped and linked whenever algorand gets to the top ten so make sure your grammar and punctuation are on point. You don't want to be an embarrassment to your future selves.

>> No.28356238
File: 668 KB, 750x1334, 1612846302533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> respek

>> No.28356279

What is your favorite dapp that runs on ALGO? Mine is Blockstack.

>> No.28356365
Quoted by: >>28356666

Was literally going to make this thread fuck hahaha
Anybody got the accumulation calculation? 13,000 to gain 2 ALGO per day rite?

>> No.28356666


every 4500 or so is 1 per day

>> No.28356715

Is it too late to get into ALGO? Better to wait or not get on at all?

>> No.28356866
Quoted by: >>28361169

have you looked into what ALGO does? it has functionality similar to ethereum

>> No.28356916

Thanks Super Satan!
I feel late too. Oh well. Never stop buying Algo.

>> No.28357041
Quoted by: >>28362526

It's not too late until 2024 or so

This is a long term hold coin. Think of the way ethereum was before it rocketed up or chainlink when it was just a json parser.

Buy some algorands and watch your stack grow. In 2-3 years the stack you have now people will be asking how could you afford to even have it. If you could afford 500k algos for example you would be making a return of 100 dollars a day just from holding.

That 500k algo stack cost 50k just last year. Anyone with a basic concept of math will realize the inherent value of this coin. It's why it has steadily increased all of these weeks. It's not a coin you just pump and dump. My entry price is almost 3x what it was when I first bought this. I assume it has to retrace eventually but who knows when that is. Don't let some big player announce a partnership and buy up a stack of these. We will never be at a dollar again even with all 10 billion coins.

>> No.28357084
File: 1.45 MB, 300x205, 4acdf78d2973ed5aeaecc3b19f7e233a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28357495

I get ~5 algo a day

>> No.28357105

nah it's (using the algo wallet) 4932.5~ algos for 1 a day

>> No.28357152


this is a terrible sign>>28356916
I got this one as well >>28266666

I may have to market sell and leave crypto

>> No.28357182

Idk if it’s too late. I sold half my stack at .75. And rebought same stack at .95 I’m not sure we’re going back down. Not selling again I’ll call it my stupid tax if it keeps going up or dumps.

>> No.28357495
Quoted by: >>28358127


A lot of people say they are in it for the long term but I think this is going to be the best coin to buy now and hold until the next halvening cycle. Everyone wants it here and now and chase pumps but when this coin is inevitably worth double digits everyone is going to wish they bought it when it was a dollar. Every coin you earn now is going be worth what algo is worth in the future. That's what a lot of people are missing. If you can afford to get>>28357084 5 coins a day now if algo reaches 20 that's 100 dollars a day for this anon when he holds.

>> No.28357535

Algo is your new savings account. Just buy in every pay check and forget about it. Real price discovery wont happen until the supply has been completely distributed and that will take a solid year unless volume explodes. Like a multinational shipping or fishing company could use algo network to make their taxes easier and then boom $15USD a pop. Even then, keep fucking buying.
I see $100 as a garuntee at this point.

>> No.28358127

I’ve had it for a while. Keep in mind it increases supply a few time a year. Next auction or w/e should be in March so our highs might be in the end of February. Love this damn coin that’s why re had to get my stack back.

>> No.28358270

I have like 140 ALGO on binance, how do i capitalize on it? Do I just download the ALGO wallet and transfer the coins there?

>> No.28358410
Quoted by: >>28358513

Then it automatically stakes.

>> No.28358439
Quoted by: >>28358513

Yes actually, it's idiot proof, unless you are the anon that sent it back to coinbase without looking at his wallet address...

>> No.28358513

Thanks anons, as an idiot I do enjoy idiot proof systems.

>> No.28359972

I unironically believe ALGO will be the currency of the future.

>> No.28360325
Quoted by: >>28360723

Likely a currency of the future, but i doubt it will be THE currency of the future

>> No.28360660
Quoted by: >>28360723

I have been really terrible at picking projects so I can guarantee no way this one makes it.

>> No.28360723

algo and fantom are my picks

>> No.28360771
File: 9 KB, 336x223, sureavaxistanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX absolutely tanking

>> No.28360979
File: 96 KB, 1333x709, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28361300


>> No.28361169
Quoted by: >>28361938

Tell me why won't ALGO over take ETH? It sounds too good to be true. I've got over 8k though.

>> No.28361274
File: 8 KB, 433x173, Algo Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28361491


AIGTMI fellow Algo chads???????

>> No.28361297

Does lto have a wallet? Where do you stake it?

>> No.28361300

that looks like the code on the matrix to me even after all these years. I read up all about low volume and double candles and wicks but it still seems no different than astrology.

>> No.28361325

it's kind of sad really how excited boomers get about a measly 7%
granted, it's loads better than any bank, but still...just goes to show how conditioned we are to accept whatever our overlords decree

>> No.28361491

you need more than that. if you are as poor as it looks like wait until a dip. Save up some money and as soon as you can double/triple your stack go ahead.

I think you want the stack that gets you 1 coin a day. That's what everyone needs to aim for bare minimum which is 4951.

>> No.28361938
Quoted by: >>28362182

i would say it entirely depends if ethereum 2.0 goes well and how long it takes. if ethereum was stuck in it's current state, then algo would easily overtake it

>> No.28362182

I like that its run by a guy who's pretty clearly not a scammer, and all transfers are only .001 ALGO while paying 7% interest. I'm a newfag who's done great so far in the last two months trading but I'm worried about missing out on being able to retire off crypto. As much as I like hearing good stuff about this coin, I want to hear reasons why it might fail.

>> No.28362365

Right now we are all at a point where we are taking what it can do and expecting it to get picked up for something irl, like >>28357535 if that never happens it'll be a stable coin at like $4-$5 absolute maximum until it tanks one day when people chase something shiny and new

>> No.28362427

Not bad for a pajeet bitch

>> No.28362526

This guy fucks

>> No.28362588

What do you guys think about the 8-10 percent apy from nexo?

>> No.28362763


Here are my fudpoints:

1. First mover advantage is not with this coin. Ethereum has been here for years and has hundreds of dapps. Dozens of ETH killers and Defi coins will pop up to steal marketspace

2. Tokenomics. I love the way this token is setup and I know what Silvio is going for but the average crypto enthusiast for the most part is looking to make out rich quickly. 10 billion coins released slowly makes it impossible for this to have the month that Avax has had. This discourages a good chunk of the market space.

3. Advertising. This is clearly an unnoticed gem. Silvio is marketing to all of the nerds and what not but in the age of zoomers social media is everything. It made it to coinbase but hardly anyone knows what Algorand is. I have been on this board since it's inception and I only recently found this with the "glowie knows" poster.

4. Regulation. There is no guarantee this coin or any coin for this matter will be viable with all of the regulation bound to be coming. https://tlaib.house.gov/media/press-releases/tlaib-garcia-and-lynch-stableact Politicians will be able to pick the winners and losers in the crypto market and there is nothing we can do about it.

>> No.28363448

>implying the one group working with the federal reserve out of MIT wont be lined up for regulations

>> No.28363935


>1. First mover advantage is not with this coin. Ethereum has been here for years and has hundreds of dapps. Dozens of ETH killers and Defi coins will pop up to steal marketspace

Yeah, that what I was thinking, VItalik might have won the game just through path dependency.

2. Tokenomics. I love the way this token is setup and I know what Silvio is going for but the average crypto enthusiast for the most part is looking to make out rich quickly. 10 billion coins released slowly makes it impossible for this to have the month that Avax has had. This discourages a good chunk of the market space.

I want to retire like now too, but if I gotta wait a few years so be it. I would think that the real market movers are the ones that'll make or break this coin though.

3. Advertising. This is clearly an unnoticed gem. Silvio is marketing to all of the nerds and what not but in the age of zoomers social media is everything. It made it to coinbase but hardly anyone knows what Algorand is. I have been on this board since it's inception and I only recently found this with the "glowie knows" poster.

Yeah I lucked out and traded my XLM for a bunch at .65 and bought some more below a dollar. If this is the real deal, the right people will use this. The trilemma they claimed to solve sounds important, though I honestly don't understand crypto that well.

4. Regulation. There is no guarantee this coin or any coin for this matter will be viable with all of the regulation bound to be coming. https://tlaib.house.gov/media/press-releases/tlaib-garcia-and-lynch-stableact Politicians will be able to pick the winners and losers in the crypto market and there is nothing we can do about it.

Yeah if this has got strong federal reserve connections, I doubt the SEC or Congress is going to destroy them.

>> No.28364179
Quoted by: >>28367137

I have 80 LINK, considering trading them into ALGO. Thoughts?
>1k ALGO stacklet

>> No.28364431
Quoted by: >>28364751

First mover advantage isnt ACTUALLY that huge of a problem. Remember, blockbuster was huge 20 years ago but now its long forgotten with everybody using netflix, hulu, ect.. and remember the dot com boom? Almost all of those first movers are long gone

>> No.28364751

That's not quite the same. Blockbuster was the first in the video rental market but they didnt transition to streaming. Even if we say it's a 1:1 analogy they still had the huge advantage in which they failed capitalize on https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/netflix-blockbuster-meeting-marc-randolph-reed-hastings-john-antioco.html..

But think of it in terms of the market share that google has over all other search engines. Microsoft has over all other operating systems. apple has over the smartphone market. Tesla over EVs. Amazon over online retail.

Being first is almost synonymous to being only.

>> No.28364832

>Yeah if this has got strong federal reserve connections, I doubt the SEC or Congress is going to destroy them.
altavista (eth) vs yahoo (ada) vs google (algo)

>> No.28365028

Blast off

>> No.28365126

Apple wasnt the first phone company, nor was Amazon the first online retailer. They succeeded because they were a superior product to their predecessors. A more advanced crypto would overtake ETH because people would have a better reason to use them regardless of whether or not ETH was a household name or not.

Not saying it'll happen this year but it could definitely happen.

>> No.28365454
File: 17 KB, 236x282, 1605598096432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28365607


>> No.28365607
File: 534 KB, 645x1024, 1612903104871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, train is leaving. This happened last time too.

>> No.28365675
Quoted by: >>28367423


>> No.28367024


>> No.28367137

Im not a fan of link thats a good move imo

>> No.28367423
Quoted by: >>28367572

1.10 end of this post

>> No.28367529

Transferred 10k algo from coinbase to algowallet for long hodl. Not letting CB take anymore rewards from this. Algo team doing useful things, and it’s going to be huge in the future. Get in while it’s still cheap.

>> No.28367572
Quoted by: >>28373975

1.10 end of this post. it's sitting so close to 1.10 right now. push it up, buy more coins boys. i'm about to put in a buy at market. stock up.

>> No.28367746
File: 16 KB, 652x75, algo110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28368249


What's next stop?

>> No.28367878
File: 50 KB, 502x484, 1611507893794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28368030

11200 ALGO here, been staking this little nigger for many months.

Will i make it?

>> No.28368030

Yes. 10k stack is the minimum

>> No.28368249

$110, i'm just memeing but who knows. in the meantime i'm researching and using the various dapps available on ALGO

>> No.28368717

Praise Silvio. Only project with a Turing award recipient chad at the helm.

>> No.28368770


>> No.28368836
File: 239 KB, 534x565, redpills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New floors today

>> No.28368853


>> No.28368867
Quoted by: >>28369061


>> No.28368970
File: 130 KB, 354x549, igotthatalgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28369054
File: 249 KB, 1078x880, Screenshot_20210206-115352_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28369061
Quoted by: >>28369144


Goddamn it /biz/ tell me I bought my opportunity to fuck off to SE Asia and Latin America. Ive got an 8k stack and a handful of ETH.

>> No.28369084


>> No.28369090


>> No.28369096

We moon

>> No.28369144
File: 681 KB, 1042x807, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya do it bro

>> No.28369160

looks like we won the "eth killer" wars with avax crappign the bed

congrats on those who were able to stack up

I literally needed 2 more days

this is some bs

>> No.28369205

7% of 0 is 0
enjoy your loses

>> No.28369295
Quoted by: >>28370340

If this is the real deal, then 10 or 20 cents won't matter.

>> No.28369307

literally none of that matters, zoomers not knowing about this is a good thing, algorand is a heavily bot-traded, vc backed, institutional coin, price action isnt going to come from zoom zooms on coinbase buying, this project is gunning to be the layer 1 for CBDCs and national-level financial infrastructure. that means trillions in value. who gives a flying fuck about marketing to retail or ETH shitcoin dAps

>> No.28369321


>> No.28369378

i needed one more day, i get my direct deposit in 3 hours LOL

>> No.28369385
File: 1.32 MB, 384x288, 1611946414136.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28369516

$1.18 Algochads

>> No.28369425

It dips every morning, you haven't missed out yet

>> No.28369434
Quoted by: >>28369516

WHAT THE FUCK?????????

>> No.28369486

I was not expecting it to go up 20% tonight

>> No.28369516


>> No.28369604


>> No.28369622


>> No.28369625

Its at $1.21 and probably higher by the time I post this and check again. WGMI Algochads

>> No.28369672
File: 382 KB, 1080x1528, 1612902712690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine when binance turns back on and it's still stuck at 1.06 on there

>> No.28369689
File: 220 KB, 1280x853, 1610921394883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28369976


>> No.28369697


>> No.28369702


>> No.28369764
File: 32 KB, 505x490, dos-scoopos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is this pumping?

>> No.28369783

i'm watching GRT and ALGO, they both are following the same pattern. is there an influx of newfags buying?

>> No.28369785

omg they still are tring to shill this trash on /biz/
fys and delete your 4chan acc
so stupid to check how you try to make faggots buy
I am not a bastard who believes in this shit, I use Bot Ocean for profitable trading with unique strategies

>> No.28369817


>> No.28369830


Still time to get more friend <3

>> No.28369859

>bought at 40 cents
>bought again at .99 cents because I believed


>> No.28369870
File: 64 KB, 300x300, jajajjajajaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28369899

ROFL get out of here, you cretin.

>> No.28369933
File: 190 KB, 800x620, algoneversell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not pumping. this is normal friend. if only everyone had been paying attention to our calls for making it.

>> No.28369956

I wanted to accumulate more before this, its happening to soon daddy silivo

>> No.28369976


>> No.28370270

I've got 1,800 ALGO. Is that enough to make it?

>> No.28370340

My autism likes round numbers. I won't be at 10k stack friday like I was planning now because I was planning on it being around a dollar. By the time friday gets here it will be 1.20+

>> No.28370374

How does $180k sound?

>> No.28370388

can't you stake algo without an algo wallet through coinbase? it lets you earn rewards through holding in the exchange. besides security why get the wallet?

>> No.28370389
Quoted by: >>28370615

it depends when you bought obviously

>> No.28370399

Nope. aim for at least 5k for the 1 algo a day.

That's what everyone needs at bare minimum.

>> No.28370415

I’m thinking 10k algorands to make it

>> No.28370444

1.2 get

>> No.28370446

I can't believe making money is this easy :)

>> No.28370447

Gains 10c avg every week. Comfy

>> No.28370448

Jewbase is 6% rewards. They pocket the rest.

>> No.28370475

So that coinbase isn't stealing your coins. Also if you guys want this to succeed the less coins exchanges get for free the faster the price point goes up.

>> No.28370551


>> No.28370556

This. Do not store your coins on CB if your planning to hodl. Use the algo wallet

>> No.28370578

Fuck your stablecoin

>> No.28370579
Quoted by: >>28370822

What's the difference between holding on Algorand's wallet and Exodus? I'm getting 7.19% on Exodus.

>> No.28370595

coinbase won't fucking verify my account. the page freezes everytime i try

>> No.28370615

I bought at around 25 cents.

>> No.28370689

mama mia what an algorithmo

>> No.28370738
File: 541 KB, 718x802, 1583164577914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw holding & accumulating ALGO and GRT

>> No.28370822
Quoted by: >>28371073

I have no idea. I am just using the proprietary wallet as it's pretty easy and I know for sure it's going to give me what's due. People seem to like exodus so idk. As long as it's not on exchanges. I am not here every thread but all you regular algo posters make sure all the new people get their coins off coinbase. Slowly we may be able to ween away coinbases stack really driving the price up.

>> No.28371073
File: 461 KB, 831x1031, 1612906073690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28371082
File: 750 KB, 200x200, 1612970625378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little under half my stack is on binance because I was preparing a stoploss

>> No.28371163


>> No.28371468
File: 471 KB, 888x482, bigmeme4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28371724

>tfw coinbase holding stack hostage saved me from dumping at 1.03

>> No.28372109

>new floor is 1.10
my cock is throbbing

>> No.28372170
Quoted by: >>28373531

i'm finally going to bed algochads, that last hour 20% jump was nuts. i can't wait until the other anons wake up in the morning to see their gains

>> No.28372208
File: 135 KB, 1035x666, 1612818045889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might need to update this.

>> No.28372284
Quoted by: >>28373936

Link is a scam

>> No.28372480

bless up tho for 7.23% APY

>> No.28372495
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, 1597432945197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get comfy

>> No.28372572
File: 398 KB, 1170x1546, E519AC6D-1F6E-4E8C-A02A-04ABA8FFEC0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28372808


>> No.28372719

I thought they said $5 EOY, not $5 EOD????????????????

>> No.28372787

I traded my LTC bags bought at ath for Algo instead of GRT... make daddy proud

>> No.28372808
Quoted by: >>28372880


>> No.28372880

the marketcap exploded. That's usually a signal of a big player or a pump and dump. Algo isn't really a target for a pump and dump because of the sheer amount of coins.

>> No.28373083
File: 19 KB, 428x368, hmuyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28373126

mfw coinbase
mfw no 7% in my country

>> No.28373126
Quoted by: >>28373484

get an algo wallet off the app store and transfer to it, it'll take all of 5 minutes.

>> No.28373158


>> No.28373344

I have no idea what the fuck ALGO does. I have not read a single thing about it, but I threw $40k into it right before it took off because someone mentioned it in an AVAX thread.

>> No.28373432

its pretty stable, gives interest for staking, and is a very safe hold

>> No.28373476

Goddamn it hope it dumps tomorrow morning fidelity is taking forever to liquidate my shares (gained in AMC and parked in MSFT where i lost $140)

>> No.28373484

Thankyou fren i wasted some bucker n it feels bad but you helped. you are a good man

>> No.28373510
File: 80 KB, 736x1030, photo_2021-02-11_00-30-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28374792

double dubs confirms.

>> No.28373531

Some whale bought into it realizing he could make hundreds of dollars a day.

>> No.28373554


>> No.28373606
File: 1.05 MB, 358x390, 1611521335008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does staking work on both coinbase and coinbase pro?

>> No.28373676
File: 19 KB, 642x129, my-lil-algo-doin-sum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. love the normie optimism.

>> No.28373714

it's a better ethereum, but also very different at it's core. dyor if you're interested, but in short it should be a steady gainer

>> No.28373780
Quoted by: >>28373863

idk why, but no, you would be wasting a good 7% anyways lol

>> No.28373804
File: 70 KB, 990x990, 1611580792223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28373889

Jewbase keeps a % of your stake gains for yourself. Do NOT store algo on it.

>> No.28373824
Quoted by: >>28373942

I moved 136 from coinbase to algo wallet, now will i win the big ones?

>> No.28373847
File: 70 KB, 852x944, 1611119147956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what this token is or does
just bought 2.2k
going to sleep now, don't let me down random shills

>> No.28373863
Quoted by: >>28373970

it just sucks having to wait however many days to send the algo to your other wallet

>> No.28373889
File: 31 KB, 555x644, 1604805396130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*themself. Dont keep your algo there. Also you help raise the price by removing it from their circulation.

>> No.28373936
Quoted by: >>28374063

It would be insane to think they're all /biz/raelis but both have been HEAVILY shilled over the past month. I think a lot of LINK hodlers are getting weak hands from all the crabbing

Also, no it isn't kek

>> No.28373942
File: 144 KB, 1024x1022, 1551056915894m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the big ones

>> No.28373970
File: 392 KB, 710x805, pepecryptowizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it take that many days? bittrex is under a minute from the exchange to my wallet which is the fastest I've ever moved out of a wallet.

algo is real hot.

>> No.28373975
Quoted by: >>28374073

More like 1.25 end of this post

>> No.28374063
Quoted by: >>28374465

Im HODLing Link AND i bought Algo. I have 5k GRT staked and probably wont buy anymore, but Algo is a weekly buy for me along with Bitcoin and efferiums.

>> No.28374073

damn I have to have more faith in my algos. u rite.

>> No.28374256

$2 by dawn

>> No.28374284

Big sell signal

>> No.28374358

I hope it pumps to $2 and crash to $0.40 so I can get a proper suicide stack

>> No.28374375
Quoted by: >>28375033

God i hope not i need more. Luckily it typically dumps when mutts wake up.

>> No.28374391
File: 85 KB, 1080x1132, Fof9eokrjfkd35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28374644

Orange is BTC, blue is GRT, black is ALGO. You can kinda see what's going on here... as BTC loses steam the other two gain, and when BTC pumps a little the other two falter a bit

>> No.28374420

Neither of those will happen

>> No.28374465

Winning strategy, anon

>> No.28374506
Quoted by: >>28374659

There will probably be a giant wick up near 2 but yeah it won't last.

>> No.28374644

Forgot to add that when BTC loses harder everything loses. So either Coinbase values all tokens in terms of BTC value, which is how it should be, or it's because handlets are scurrying back to cash or tether at the slightest downturn

>> No.28374659

It's got 7% interest the fuck you mean it won't last? This is a Boomer's dream coin but instead of clipping coupons we are just getting comfy.

>> No.28374792

That’s one of the trillest memes for ALGO I have seen yet.
Thank you fellow ALGO fren!

>> No.28374892
Quoted by: >>28375003


>> No.28375003
File: 11 KB, 583x148, 4839837498437 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28375127

Small correction, super normal. Just look at the charts, will be back back to new highs tomorrow or friday.
>Screencap this

>> No.28375033
File: 744 KB, 773x1000, ethereum-2-dead-two-dollars-by-dawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the original pepe Silvio meme (chalkboard) along with the one of him in front of his computer with his keep america great hat (lost it though). It was time for a fresh one, though.


>> No.28375127

plus you're still earning 7.3%, what are you worried about?

definitely be new peaks by weekend.


dubs confirmed. $2 by dawn.

>> No.28375145 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 773x1000, eth-2-dead-by-dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28375302

ah I fucked the lines up, kek. fixed.

>> No.28375203

Above $1 is a great time to sell this VC scam-coin. Shit investment regardless.

DIA is life.

>> No.28375252

No coiner detected

>> No.28375285

FUD. Buy in now since you have no coins. Only going up. Make it with us friend.

>> No.28375293

Glory to Silvio.

>> No.28375294

is it just me or is coinbase not working

>> No.28375302
File: 353 KB, 1872x1872, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28375382

kino anon, saved

>> No.28375326
File: 163 KB, 773x1000, algo-2-bucks-by-dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28375479

ah I fucked the lines up, kek. fixed.

>> No.28375382
Quoted by: >>28375577

sorry, had to delete. fixed a little bit more (added scanlines on the logo) and gaussian blur to Silvio's head.

>> No.28375387

>$1 stablecoin
>boomers hate this

>> No.28375446
Quoted by: >>28375992

>coinbase fucking up
big dumps incoming

>> No.28375479
File: 19 KB, 100x100, pep comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28375577
Quoted by: >>28376012

what would it look like if you ran his head through one of those cartoonifier programs?

>> No.28375992

least i can make my bag now

>> No.28376012
File: 161 KB, 773x1000, cartoon-silvio-2-dollars-by-dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28376113


>> No.28376113
File: 48 KB, 600x632, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a half-life scientist

>> No.28376117
Quoted by: >>28376231

Thanks for holding my bags algocucks

>> No.28376231

we got you, it's a cozy hodl

>> No.28376531

New floor is secured and being staked for 7%
sleep well my brothers.

>> No.28377003
File: 960 KB, 568x396, 1612789912341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28377140

everyone here is way too bullish, we know what happens then. see you at .50

>> No.28377140
Quoted by: >>28377450

Bullish, but 0 reason to sell.
7% keeps it at its new floor

>> No.28377450
Quoted by: >>28377746

wdym? if anything, 7% creates constant selling pressure

>> No.28377746
Quoted by: >>28378301

It creates buy pressure, why wouldn't someone want to make 7% of the money they put in back and then some?

>> No.28378301
Quoted by: >>28378387

i thought whales sale their staked algo for free money all the time

>> No.28378387
Quoted by: >>28378485

Why would you? If you are a whale that shit compounds quickly.

>> No.28378485

meh well see

>> No.28379269

$2 eom