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File: 218 KB, 561x561, 1612959909937 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28341078 No.28341078 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.28341151
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6969 stack reporting in.

>> No.28341293

Sell order wall of 1.5 million coins at 4 cents.

Yeah, gonna be a minute before 5 cents

>> No.28341301
Quoted by: >>28341381

Reef will never fall below 4c again. screenshot this.

>> No.28341353

It started at 6 million

>> No.28341354

why the fuck did it just hover at 4c for 5min. never seen candles that just stop flat on an even number like that.

>> No.28341381
File: 2 KB, 93x45, agedwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28341385

$1 when?

>> No.28341388
Quoted by: >>28341614

>people said the same at .025, yet here we are

>> No.28341412

A 14 million reef wall was being eaten

>> No.28341421
Quoted by: >>28341467


>> No.28341458

hoes mad

>> No.28341467

i wish

>> No.28341522
Quoted by: >>28341559

This shit isn't allowed to pump till I buy in. You fuckers.

>> No.28341529

I sold at 0.04...

>> No.28341548

When product gets released

>> No.28341559
Quoted by: >>28341615

we've been fucking tell you for weeks now

>> No.28341593

this was one of the comfiest investments (57k reefer) i made so far. never been this early on a project. outperformed my eth so far

>> No.28341603
File: 53 KB, 602x252, main-qimg-1395687092d1c82318a4895335c15e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28341614
Quoted by: >>28342255


Anyone know what caused all the volume today?

>> No.28341615

Waiting for funds to clear

>> No.28341732
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1702, 1612648107765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers brother, we're the next avax, people sleepin

>> No.28341860
File: 567 KB, 900x597, 1612923019742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28341923

i bought a kayak so i can float around in my REEF earns....feels good.

>> No.28342255
Quoted by: >>28344105

Whale breaking through another whale sell wall

>> No.28342475
File: 630 KB, 1024x768, REEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a dip with me anons.

>> No.28342651

Price is being heavily suppressed for some reason, maybe due to the trading competition going on this week. That ends tomorrow though so guess we'll find out soon enough.

>> No.28342803
Quoted by: >>28344530

This is hitting 30 cents in 2 weeks.
$1 in May 2021
>biz - you have been told. Don't miss out on a 10-30x in this bullrun
Screen cap this u fags.

>> No.28343278
File: 37 KB, 300x250, Q5GNcRYpA2-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means that tomorrow the big dump will happen, correct?

>> No.28343446

Why yomorrow?

>> No.28343454
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>> No.28343638
File: 136 KB, 1124x860, F0E17D14-975F-443A-94AB-7ECD62BF4CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28343718
Quoted by: >>28343804

What trading competition

sounds like the most virgin shit ever

>> No.28343804
File: 458 KB, 1222x457, 1584462539827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28343992


>> No.28343849
File: 199 KB, 959x465, 1612783193395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels Reef, man

>> No.28343871

it ALWAYS dumps after the competition.. for every coin and reef is no exception

>> No.28343961

It’s been out performing nearly everything. Bought under 2 cents. Wish I could have got more but I’m a poor fag

>> No.28343992

sorry for not being the smartest around reefbros, but won't that mean that after the competition people will just sell their reefs driving the place downhill and seeing a volume drop from 100 M back to 20M ?

>> No.28344073

TRX did the same shit and it still mooned hard after

>> No.28344098

market cap is still very low anyway
Reef is going up, no questions about it

>> No.28344105
Quoted by: >>28344229

Checked. Can you explain how a sell Wall works?

>> No.28344229

whales put big sell orders to keep the price low

>> No.28344429
File: 54 KB, 564x789, 45598295_500524570448731_4874396089748291584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28344539

care to explain why?

>> No.28344530


>> No.28344539

volumes might decrease as the competition is about who can generate the most volumes

>> No.28344647

When do we sell bros?

>> No.28344852
Quoted by: >>28344960

Never tf is wrong with you?

>> No.28344948

I just did

>> No.28344960

I like to buy stuff

>> No.28344983
Quoted by: >>28345351

tomorrow so you can sell at top and buy back in later

>> No.28344988

sell now! sell all your coins, right now! do it!

>> No.28344996

On 1$ minimum

>> No.28345007

This, made a lot of money on that chinkcoin. It went above $2 after starting out at the same price as Reef is at now actually. Similar pattern so far, this might be a big one bois.

>> No.28345350

It's going back to 68 sats, then rebounding to 5c

>> No.28345351

How sure are you, because if they announce the winner then open the platform we're getting rekt and priced the fuck out, not bickering, actual question

>> No.28345461

how long till $1

>> No.28345523

3 hours max

>> No.28345609

I personally want to strangle all swingies to death. You niggers are partially the reason why this dumps. I know sell walls are the main thing but you stupid fucks don’t help and I’m willing to bet your bet doesn’t work out 60% of the time.

FUCK swingies!

>> No.28345625

take a step back and think logically. look at past coins and stop investing with your heart.

>> No.28345628

It's long term investment

>> No.28345804

Good thing I sold to buy ADA when it was at 0.62c. I missed out on REEF gains but made some insane gains off ADA, SEEYAH NERDS. I'll be buying REEF again when it falls below 0.03c

>> No.28346006

What price did avax start out at? And how fast did it moon?

>> No.28346186

No we aren’t lmao, not until they have some semblance of a working product.

>> No.28346237

Sure me playing with my 20k reef stack is supressing the price. Also i need more reefies

>> No.28346358
Quoted by: >>28351351

No I'm on your level, it's not heart it's the admin rumor of announcement this week and there's only 2 days left

>> No.28346375
File: 440 KB, 1125x2436, 33EC17F1-6C32-4CDC-9C5D-94D19FB03681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28347094


>> No.28346401
Quoted by: >>28346719

Its the culmination of multiple people swinging their small stacks, not just one person.

>> No.28346407
Quoted by: >>28346719

Yes, collectively swingers hurt hodlers and hurt themselves. You are a fool and a nigger.

>> No.28346719
Quoted by: >>28350930

Suck my cock faggots, ill buy you hookers with my swing benefits. Or ill rope if i fail

>> No.28346804

Bros how do I buy this in NA?

>> No.28346931

Uniswap my friend

>> No.28347001
Quoted by: >>28347294

swingies buying and selling, in the end they do not suppress the price, retard

>> No.28347061


>> No.28347094


>> No.28347141
Quoted by: >>28347579


>> No.28347215

Pancake swap

>> No.28347294

They suppress pumps you fucking idiot. It pumps a couple fractions of a penny and all these spastics begin to fumble over themselves to add a few to their stack, compound this with the recalcitrance of the sale walls and you’ll find every pump gets the legs knocked from under it.

Swingies are niggers and most of the time they lose. You buy and you fucking hodl like an intelligent, white investor.

>> No.28347306

Binance if you are in Canada

>> No.28347466
File: 8 KB, 227x222, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28347508

Just sold, will buy tomorrow at .035/6, tongue my anus

>> No.28347508

Faggot nigger you can act smug now but when you get the rope I will laugh SO hard

>> No.28347549

Is there reason it's not available for americans at binance?

>> No.28347579
Quoted by: >>28347890

Do you have a referral code?

>> No.28347611

American are Israeli cattle, the instruments of financial emancipation should not be readily available to such bovine tier chattel.

>> No.28347685
File: 95 KB, 641x428, 1308685946001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28347894

Swingies buy more then they sell, you fucking delusional retard, because they increasing their stake.
Keep holding and miss out on gains.

>> No.28347759

Just use uniswap. You need a good amount of eth to cover fees but you'll end up making so much more. Honestly fees are a non issue unless you're broke as fuck and can't have a few hundred sitting around solely for fees.

>> No.28347808

March 2nd

screencap this

>> No.28347890

dubs of truth

>> No.28347894

I don’t care how you rationalise your nigger Jew tier behaviour, the simple fact is that they knock the legs off a pump. This coin has a ridiculous amount of swingers, it’s not a wonder it can’t break sell walls with you fucks pissing on every pump over chump change.

When this shit breaks it will go parabolic, so please just stop being a nigger. I will not plead with you any longer, you’ll get the rope soon enough.

>> No.28347918

>no prediction
anon this defeats the purpose of the screencap.. State the call or forever hold your silence.

>> No.28348097

This is true. The most money I've missed out on this last couple months is from selling too early, I sold rbc for a $2k gain when if I waited a few more days it would have been a $11k gain. It's so important to just ride the shit out sometimes. We're trending upwards and we will continue this for the coming weeks. Do not sell.

>> No.28348345
Quoted by: >>28348416

Whether you like it or not this is going to $3-$5 by december-jan

>> No.28348416
Quoted by: >>28350717

Of 2023

>> No.28348681
Quoted by: >>28348856

We start the pump, we end the pump, we increase out stacks for organic market growth. Keep sitting on your tokens doing absolutely nothing for the market, room temperature iq faggot.

>> No.28348856

No, you kill pumps and you will miscalculate and get the noose soon. Buying and hodling is what solidifies positive price action, not your Zionist chicanery.

>> No.28349033
File: 119 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210209-184414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handsome and gentle aussie reef Chad reporting for duty. Get on board boys, we're hitting $1 EOY with this hype and consistent volume.. it's hardly slowing down.

>> No.28349070

Guys please shill me on reef. What does the project do? Is it a scam? I'm reading into it but can't figure out what it does

>> No.28349084

Fucking shitcoin kek.

>> No.28349226
Quoted by: >>28349807

>Australians buying in
Sell signal

>> No.28349276


>> No.28349455
Quoted by: >>28350673

Obviously DYOR but it's basically an all-in-one DeFi platform that handles everything from staking to lending to liquidity. Kind've like AAVE but with more stuff you can do on the platform.

>> No.28349592
File: 361 KB, 800x549, LunarReef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love u beefy reefy niggas

>> No.28349609
File: 9 KB, 247x204, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28349668

guys tell me the best wallet to store my reef

>> No.28349657
Quoted by: >>28349769

Swinging sucks but i think a part of the problem atm is the binance reef competition.

>> No.28349668


>> No.28349769

The problem is sell walls and suppression from whales. I honestly don’t think the sales competition is making a dint, 50k means fuckall to the big players. We’ll have to just wait and find out when the competition ends tomorrow night, we’re either gonna pump or fuckin dump.

>> No.28349807
Quoted by: >>28349990


where do we see the sell wall ?

>> No.28349888
Quoted by: >>28349990

50k reef is literally nothing. I have 1.5 million reef lmao

>> No.28349990

Check exchanges like Binance to view transactions

50k dollars of REEF

>> No.28350040
Quoted by: >>28350203

Yea the walls are a problem too but i mean, if you got enough stack to win the competition and get extra reef at it then why wouldnt you? Like itd be smart to swing and then let the coin pump after the competition because everyone knows it wants too.

>> No.28350130
File: 7 KB, 230x219, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 8k reef...
>tfw poor

>> No.28350203
Quoted by: >>28350768

Idk my dude, there probably are whales participating but for the most part the whales just seem to be contributing to stringent sell walls at each level, they’ve been doing it from 0.2, 0.25, 0.3 and now 0.35

We’re actually breaking them pretty fast.

>> No.28350216
File: 712 KB, 600x540, 1612905491938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28350576

Historically, REEF is a pump and dump. Hate to break it to you folks, but it is. These are the facts. People saying it isn't, you're on the wrong side of the data. The entire market is being run by trade bots. Large REEF tokens have been already allocated to holders, way before REEF even hit the exchange platforms, because of testnet operations (before mainnet).

I estimate each token to be valued at 0.0000001-0.0000001 maximum until larger companies want to use it, which currently they don't, because it is too expensive too. ETH is expensive, in general, to use anyway.

With that being said, REEF is a utility token which means the price has to remain low for companies to even want to use it. It is just the way it is right now

>> No.28350400

I'm poor too,but i went all in so i have 23k

>> No.28350485

you're about to break 3 digit hell ;)

>> No.28350513

Does it really matter anymore? Absolute shit projects are 10-50x'ing.

What really matters is tokenomics. Coins with low supply and low price are undervalued and will easily be pumped. Reef is an easy .50 cent coin by the end of the year by the very minimum based on its supply. The nice project/website is gravy and can push it forward

>> No.28350576

lol top tier fud

>> No.28350673
Quoted by: >>28351618

Thanks anon just bought 6k reef. Realistic price estimate eoy pls? Curious if the project picks up

>> No.28350708

And ill buy loaddsss of reef, balls and all, then sell that shit at $1 next season.

>> No.28350717

fine with me. titanium hands

>> No.28350768
Quoted by: >>28350947

Volume has gone up 10x in a week, whales are actually losing their bags to the small buyers.

>> No.28350846
Quoted by: >>28350947

i feel your low reef pain bro, i plan to buy this hard after unifarm unlock in 85 days

>> No.28350930

dubs for rope, roll em

>> No.28350947

Cool. This coin has a lot of hype about it 2bh.

What’s that?

>> No.28351283

I have 1k Reef dude, legit third worlder poorfag here but I hope we all make it.

>> No.28351351
Quoted by: >>28351640

What are you referring to?

>> No.28351618

Still too early to speculate imo because the project isn't even off the ground yet, but I've seen 50 cents thrown around a lot.

>> No.28351640

Binance trading competition

>> No.28351648
File: 100 KB, 1020x574, reefette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all the FUD, REEF has such a comfy chart. Can't believe we already hit 4 today lads

t. bought 100k at .18 chad

>> No.28351942
File: 128 KB, 500x671, 1612736727363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never queefing my Reef

>> No.28352107

Who of you did tell reddit about our coin? It is getting mentioned more and more over there.

>> No.28352246

No! screen cap this

>> No.28352371

i bought reef and i will not touch it for at least 6-12 months. swing trading is not for me.

>> No.28352450
File: 465 KB, 751x768, jswhjp3t46i21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you buy REEF logout.
Comeback in 3 days for that 0.05 news.

>> No.28352675
Quoted by: >>28353070

Propably discovered it themselves,but that's good thing

>> No.28353061
Quoted by: >>28353133

if all goes well, how much will it hit in 2-3 years?

>> No.28353070
Quoted by: >>28353174

Good. I hope they will pump it more. Sitting here comfy on a 5 million reef stack.

>> No.28353133
Quoted by: >>28353320

3 gajilion niggerbux

>> No.28353174
Quoted by: >>28353343

>5 million reef stack

Fucking jealous, 200k reeflet here, ngmi

>> No.28353241
Quoted by: >>28353343

apparently we've been shilled by a rapper and a big crypto youtuber

>> No.28353320


>> No.28353343
Quoted by: >>28354278

Knew about the rapper but not about the crypto youtuber. Do you have a link perhaps?

But I am all in on Reef, I dont have anything else. So lets just hope it will go well.

>> No.28353421

EOY predictions?

>> No.28353482

7 gazillion niggerbux

>> No.28353488
Quoted by: >>28353587

whats the suicide and make it stack? sitting on 15k reef now

>> No.28353503
Quoted by: >>28354344

how does 20$ sound?

>> No.28353587


Soon to be 50k/500k

>> No.28353744

comfy reef zone

>> No.28353792

I dont think EOY prediction are actually that usefull. It should be more like end of bull cycle prediction.

>> No.28353805
Quoted by: >>28353994

why are we dumping from 0.04

>> No.28353963

25k stacklet here
already made 400$ off of this shitcoin

>> No.28353994

Let it dump, I have $5k on the way to buy more REEF

>> No.28354064

0.035c stablecoin REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.28354180

i wait 2 years for a xlm pump to dump my bags at a nice proce , if reef turns on to be a shitcoin, i can wait another 2 years to do the same

>> No.28354218
File: 348 KB, 1000x500, 1612817662388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DCA all the way

>> No.28354278


More of a shoutout than a dedicated video

>> No.28354344
Quoted by: >>28354761

sounds like a 400X?

>> No.28354530
File: 955 KB, 360x360, image (87).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding 2000 Rubic
>tfw holding 10000 Reef
>everything else is giga pumping and mooning

Never selling either though

>> No.28354533
File: 561 KB, 743x440, 162F0219-96C7-48AB-8FF7-25457164AF2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28354721

I kept dumping coins and chasing pumps and moons back when I was new to crypto, if I had just held my shit I would have 100x my initial investment, instead I lost almost all of it. Never again, once I make a buy decision I stick with it until the end.

>> No.28354761
Quoted by: >>28354812

You didn't ask for realistic predictions

>> No.28354812

Crabbing is usually a sign of a solid project. But unfortunately it doesn't mean the coin will be worth alot one day.

The bull market hasn't even started yet dude.

>> No.28354851

>Holding 2.6k Rubic
>Holding 25k Reef
>Holding 1.6k GRT
Only gave myself 1000$ to start, and Im already at 5k. How high can we go?

>> No.28354938

Man I hope it dumps low on Friday when I get paid. If it does I'm loading back up again.