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28323757 No.28323757 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28323809


>> No.28324280

this same thread was being spammed with
like a month ago, linkies sure are impatient for being long holders

>> No.28325657

We're smart enough to see the wall we're all racing toward and astute enough to know that none of our price targets will be reached. We're trying to figure out what we can settle for and how much of our stacks we're willing to liquidate to not feel like complete assholes while we wait out another 3 year bear market.

>> No.28325758
File: 497 KB, 1171x535, letsgooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28325778
File: 696 KB, 633x758, 1476906303842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28325798

Bros I need money. I thought you guys said this was going to $1k by now.

>> No.28325798
Quoted by: >>28325899

End of year

>> No.28325899
File: 246 KB, 840x854, 1543467264439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28325944

That was last year.

>> No.28325944
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>> No.28326051
Quoted by: >>28326389

When we were in the $12.65 range, we were bottomed out at a ridiculous low on the LINK/BTC chart. I'm glad we finally moved and made some good gains over the past month, but we're still only up like 25% over the august ATH, while everything else has melted faces in that time. And today right now, LINK took a massive shit from BTC dumping a little bit. But meanwhile all the other alts are trucking right along.

And yeah, we're trending up, but everything else is trending up harder. Each dollar value up feels like sisyphus pushing the boulder. I keep thinking we'll break ATH and then go into price discovery, but every time it gets bogged right back down.
Maybe we'll break out after 30 bucks? Who the fuck knows. Not selling.

>> No.28326389

>but every time it gets bogged right back down.

bullish af