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File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, EtPIdmoXYAQZdxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27510882 No.27510882 [Reply] [Original]

I am legit curious.
Was it a fun ride?

>> No.27511413

I went in at $38 and sold at $320. Feels great and made $170k from what I put in. Now I went all in on silver etfs Monday. Down 12% hating how I made bank on a meme stock but now loosing it all on a pm that’s supposed to fucking retain value. Don’t want to be holding this bag for 10 years...

>> No.27511514

went from $12 to $420, I had fun the last two months

>> No.27511523

The same as I always feel
Fuck cowards I will never sell

>> No.27511533
Quoted by: >>27511693


You have a six figure stack now, can you stop chasing pumps like a moron?

>> No.27511693

No I can’t.

>> No.27511723
Quoted by: >>27512315

PM's can have some volatility, but you should be fine in the long run.
Better to diversify a bit more though if you want to retain value for sure.
Well played anyways.

>> No.27511734

Pretty good, bought the dip.

>> No.27511772
File: 65 KB, 500x382, pepe hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joy of experiencing the ride with you fine autistic gentleman was more meaningful than any amount of profit.

>> No.27511802

Who the fuck is working? The government has been handing out more gibs than you make weekly at McDonalds as long as you cant work due to covid.
Spend half that paycheck on retarded shit all the time, GME at least had potential for returns

>> No.27511942
Quoted by: >>27512717

I’m only in a couple hundred bucks, make that in a day at my day job. Couldn’t care less. If it spiked I make money if not then I won’t get to go to the bar this weekend

>> No.27512264
File: 410 KB, 221x196, No_Escape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought in kinda late and am holding on the off chance that the squeeze does happen. I figure a $1k gamble is worth it if it starts raining men on Wall St. I can afford to lose the money and if the theoretical squeeze does happen I'll have more cash to put into my long holds.
If not I'll probably just hold forever because it's not really a loss if I never sell.

>> No.27512315

Thank you. I plan to hold for 6 months to a year. I just don’t want to be bag holding like 2011 boomers.

>> No.27512571

Made almost 6 figures with that shit. Yes, feels good. But i feel bad knowing i dropped my heavy bag on some retailler from reddit who came late to the party. He didn't deserve that. He just wanted his revenge on hedge funds but got betrayed by a fellow retailler. But what can i do, we all need to make money, i have no ideals.

>> No.27512593

Very fun ride. Learned a ton of stuff I had no idea about. Lost like 150 dollaridoos. (Plus 100 on some other shitty initial trade). Could not get in early enough to make money because I didn't have a broker account.

>> No.27512685
File: 1.07 MB, 1121x995, IT DOESN'T END HERE HEDGIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling pretty chipper

>> No.27512717

I haven't been to a bar since january (2020)
T oppressed and obeying germanfag

>> No.27512750

Literally me but I'm at 2k

>> No.27512810

It's fun watching you faggots keep trying short ladder attacks on the price.
It's time to pay up hedgie

>> No.27512890

don't care what the price is today. more dips to buy.

>> No.27512931
Quoted by: >>27517273

fuck i wish i could work with cute anime girls

>> No.27512968

The squeeze is over m8, cash out while you can

I made +800 between GME and dogecoin off $1000 initial investment. I'm happy

>> No.27513082
File: 71 KB, 828x839, lol reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513156

I'm down two days wages. I think I'll be okay.

>> No.27513202
File: 195 KB, 553x936, 1601425992523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513608

I'm still holding AMC. I bought into it knowing it might not pop off like GME right away. AMC is safer, even though it's dropped now it'll still go back up once all the covid bullshit clears out. Just means I'll be holding it longer than I would've liked. Also only put a grand into it, if it does simply never recover its not a huge loss.

>> No.27513244

god damn it this made me laugh so hard i cant believe so many fucking people were this retarded. literally fucking mega millions of people did this stupid shit KEK

>> No.27513427

lost one unemployment stimulus check lel

>> No.27513459

down 300$
it sucks and makes me sad but at this point, i just wanna see it through to the end. dont care if i end up 500$ down

>> No.27513460

well... at least you'll work with Chiho

>> No.27513608
Quoted by: >>27514503

Exactly. AMC is a safe bet long term. It used to trade above $20 before Covid fucked everything up. All it takes is one good movie and boom it's back up. GME on the other hand was wallowing around $2 so if you got in at $100+ you're fucked. Switch to AMC on dip and enjoy the ride.

>> No.27513618
File: 123 KB, 1440x1715, 1611933534500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just sad

>> No.27513672
File: 13 KB, 523x497, 1384937827687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 500 in profit but got too greedy and lost 1k

>> No.27513783


Please leave.

>> No.27514231

I'm down about 2.5k right now. Nothing too shattering. Just happy that I didn't invest the rest, like I initially planned.

>> No.27514503
Quoted by: >>27515812

>All it takes is one good movie
Eh, I don't think it's that simple. A lot of places are still heavily restricting and in some cases outright refusing to allow AMC to operate. In my town, it's still shutdown. My idea is that covid fatigue is mounting and people are just ready to go back to regular life. With the vaccines coming and people just being fed up with the bs, I think we're going to see shit open up soon. When it does, I think the first thing people are dying to do is go back to the movies. A lot of big platforms are literally sitting on their movies too and waiting for covid to lighten up to release them. Wonder Woman was held for like a year before they finally dumped it on streaming, and it did horrible which is now making other studios nervous and they've doubled down on cinemas to open back up.

Anyway, that's the idea to me and it makes sense. Or so I keep telling myself.

>> No.27514534
Quoted by: >>27514789

I bought in at $400

I feel great

Great i feel great

At least seeing hedge fund folk crying on tv was funny

>> No.27514706

I am happy since this event got me into investing for the first time and I'm having a blast. Now I see why you guys do what you do, this shit is so much fun.

>> No.27514789
Quoted by: >>27515585

6@413 for me.

>> No.27514950
Quoted by: >>27516128

It'll only start raining men on wall street if the squeeze actually happens. Aside from that your post is my experience as well.

>> No.27515585
Quoted by: >>27515804

At least it was funny, im kinda glad i only had enough free for the 1

I just wanted to be part of the meme, guess i won kinda

>> No.27515587
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1598238873167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations to the AMC GME class of the school of hard knocks! Its a pretty expensive course but it take initiative to go through it!

>> No.27515755
File: 290 KB, 404x534, 1612189069930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a good time. I only went in on what I could afford to lose, and never expected to make any money.

>> No.27515771
File: 24 KB, 317x432, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the dip, made some frens, got some shills angry, made a kike cry on national TV, and sure my portfolio went down a bit but that just means Redditards lost and most likely sold low. Life is good

>> No.27515804

It forced me into getting to know a lot more about more advanced investing, though it has been a pretty expensive lesson.

>> No.27515812
Quoted by: >>27516224

blockbuster theater releases are as dead as rotary telephones and crt televisions.

>> No.27516128

It seems inevitable since the shorts haven't been covered and volume has been staying low, but who knows what kind of (((tricks))) the hedgies have up their sleeves. Hopefully it boils down to a game of chicken between Melvin and everyone that's betting against them since they ought to be hemorrhaging money from interest payments.

>> No.27516166

I feel great. I had a trailing stop order that sold all of my stock in AMC When it started to crash. then bought it all back and more at the bottom.

>> No.27516224

Cali anon here. Worked at AMC for a little bit and in the little time we had open in the summer, many people were showing up because they were sick of the restrictions. Many movies haven't premiered because they were postponed too and people are gonna get COVID fatigue.

>> No.27516260

Im keeping my share not for diamond hands but as a reminder

>> No.27516782

If i see those emojis or the term diamond hands one more time i am going to off myself.

>> No.27516937
Quoted by: >>27517082

My first foray into stocks or investing of any kind. Blew 200 euros. I guess I just feel empty and drained.

>> No.27516956

i don't believe you.

>> No.27517030

It was fun for me, but I ended up losing 21k. I'll make it back soon enough though, it's just money.

>> No.27517052

Aha, thats exactly what im thinking about from time to time when I'm bored. So with basic math you invested around 20k into it?. Now.. if you had 20k lying around I would say you didn't really have problems with money anyway.

And you caught a good price. But there are probably just as many idiots who took these UGH UGH IM A RETARD IM NOT A FINANCIAL PRO UGH UGH MONKEY DIAMOND HAND idiots too seriously and lost pretty much all his savings.

>> No.27517082
Quoted by: >>27517931

you weren't investing, you were gambling

>> No.27517102

watching crusty old jews cry on national tv was definitely worth the thousand bucks I lost on it

>> No.27517106

These people are playing games against opponents that either make the rules or regularly operate outside of the rules, what makes you think they will let them get away with anything? Sure a couple funds have lost money, but most of the money that went in from retail just got siphoned out by the same people retail was crusading against. At worst they do illegal shit to get out of it and are slapped with fines.

>> No.27517132

I bought more

>> No.27517219
File: 39 KB, 410x598, 6EC8B3DF-14D9-4F44-8D78-129E8869E5AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517895


>> No.27517273

this. all shekelstein needs to do it make anime girls real and I'll be a good wagie forever

>> No.27517431

Covered my total investment and started my portfolio with house money. Don't know what to look for now, still watching the hype

>> No.27517669

At this point I can either buy a house, or a pool of gains offset in my taxes for years to come. The tax credits will be worth it alone.

The billionares still cried on TV. So I've already won

>> No.27517895

Holy fuck i forgot about the Shrek cringe compilation memes. How long has it been

>> No.27517931
Quoted by: >>27518642

That's entirely true. I definitely felt the gambling high and I'm now experiencing the low. I'll learn the basics and start with actual investment, I'm just afraid I will never make it.

>> No.27518154


>> No.27518588
Quoted by: >>27518794

OFC everyone ITT was in at $1 and out at $400, totally not a LARP, dude trust me, trust the plan.

>> No.27518642

like some ppl said already you shouldn't base your investment experience on that retarded UGH UGH movement. If you are smart you can make money, if you are not, well, you probably wont. But if you have money maybe ask someone to do it for you, like a qualified person. Or just test your luck.

It really is not as easy as these idiots try to make it seem. Ye buy X amount and hold, gg, you are rich now.. aha..

>> No.27518794

haha jokes on you, I was actually in at negative 100 as in -100. They paid me for buying stocks. Went out at max, I mean since I already made money with buying stocks for -100, i got rich. Cya.

>> No.27518809

When did you realize that most bagholder cope is made by (apart from a couple of schizos) actual sadist sociopaths driving people to lose everything they have?

>> No.27518984

I woke up, sold at a 15$/share loss and was pissed, especially after it climbed back up to 145 but then a took a nap and am not mad anymore. A cheap lesson learned desu, only a few hundred, although it sucks knowing I could have had 10k more right now if I just wasn't greedy as fuck.

>> No.27519411

Jokes on you I never held any GME I just enjoyed shitposting