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>> No.27097163
File: 224 KB, 648x567, 1466982080824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27097219
Quoted by: >>27111633


>> No.27097260
File: 149 KB, 2892x558, r557em3t5ce61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know how please help

>> No.27097277
Quoted by: >>27111633


>> No.27097286
Quoted by: >>27111633


>> No.27097304
File: 111 KB, 900x614, bonus star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27099833

2nd hour of the gamma squeeze

>> No.27097332


>> No.27097343

Selling? No.

>> No.27097359

not gonna sell
i sold enough to get back my initial investment, just gonna keep the rest and see where this goes

>> No.27097365


>> No.27097439

S...se...ell? What is this..."sell"?

>> No.27097442
File: 75 KB, 600x696, 92A883F3-44BF-42CD-A39F-F7EDDC854C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27097482


>> No.27097493
Quoted by: >>27100413

What the fuck would I do that? I finally own GameStop. I'm going to go in and hassle my employees once the covid lockdown lifts for 3 hours.

>> No.27097534

sorry robinhood employee ur job is toast next week. not selling

>> No.27097613


>> No.27097673


>> No.27097759
File: 58 KB, 828x612, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27097837
Quoted by: >>27099675

I'm not selling till jews start jumping off skyscrapers

>> No.27097882

Deleted the sell key.

>> No.27097942
Quoted by: >>27098096


>> No.27098004

I'm going to laugh my ass of when it hits resistance @ $1488

>> No.27098016
Quoted by: >>27112632

10k, 36k, 50k, 100k, 250k, 500k,

>> No.27098069


>> No.27098096

Ha, a man wisdom. Same here anon.

>> No.27098127


Sold yesterday at $370. Dude this shit has already mooned. Gullible normies and boomers think it’s going to $10k (hint it’s fucking not). Maaaaybe it’ll spike to 1k but it could just as easily dump to $30

>> No.27098148


>> No.27098196

Nice try Schlomo

>> No.27098220

cope. cant wait for your FOMO anon

>> No.27098384

Hopefully I can ride it out for 15k but I'll set up a safety net at 5k when we blow past it.

>> No.27098400

You know the squeeze hasn't started yet right? They haven't brought anywhere near enough to start it, all gains up to now have been a pump and now they have to take the squeeze on top of it.

>> No.27098532


What if they just run out of money?

>> No.27098767

its on the banks, and then afterwards the government bails us out for 10k a share. if people still hodl after that then maybe the economy could crash but most people will take the 10k.

>> No.27098817

They borrow from friends and after it all they get a bailout but at least this time he got a cut of it.

>> No.27099097
Quoted by: >>27107164

>the economy could crash
Shit's not that big, it's just a couple of hedgefunds being memed on, everyone else is just enjoying the shitshow

>> No.27099174
File: 103 KB, 480x953, 1604722276443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it goes to the brokers. If they run out of money too then the banks. If the banks run out of money the US collapses.

>> No.27099230
Quoted by: >>27099853

Moving sells to $1b, thanks for the info.

>> No.27099242
Quoted by: >>27100738

Never, probably.

>> No.27099303

so what happens when the shorts fold and can't pay everyone?

>> No.27099353
File: 504 B, 128x128, 17313_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27099366

Anybody who sells under 4000$ is retarded.
Having followed the threads, a lot of people are saying they will hodl until at least 10.000$.
So 10k it is. But first we need to survive Monday.

>> No.27099418

Sell? I heard Melvin and Company are offering a revolutionary lending method where you can give them your shares via a dapp, and they'll stake the share to provide you non-taxable dividends. The share is used in their decentralized oracle node so you can get it back whenever you want, but then you'll lose out on an awesome 150% ROI guaranteed by the Rothschilds. But you have a limited time to give them your GME.

>> No.27099430
File: 1023 KB, 500x361, 1592221443709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the gif
>not holding

>> No.27099461

thanks for the kek anon

>> No.27099496

Yup, Monday will be hard. I'm saiming for 5k

>> No.27099581
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, GreedyJew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at $255.30
>sell limit at $510.60

Aiming for 2x-gain...not being greedy here, desu.

>> No.27099675

lmao please this

>> No.27099712

i only have 1 stonk, will probably hodl onto it forever

>> No.27099768
Quoted by: >>27100283

>selling at 5XX
ya, that's goin in the ol' cringe folder

>> No.27099770

Never. I am not selling. I will take the loss.

>> No.27099805

I'll consider selling half of it at 5k a pop

>> No.27099833
Quoted by: >>27100150

exchanges will go bust within 30min

>> No.27099836
Quoted by: >>27099994


>> No.27099853

The fire rises

>> No.27099954
Quoted by: >>27100265

If I'm serious for 1 fucking second, yeah, I'm thinking ~$5k

>> No.27099994

No point to it when the market isn't open

>> No.27100007
Quoted by: >>27100253

I can afford 10 shares, should I?

>> No.27100015

Enjoy your bag

>> No.27100050
File: 30 KB, 500x500, FCBA2EA1-8AB9-4A1A-8B4D-F4BA36C256DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27100595

>Zey bought?
>Start ze squeeeze

>> No.27100150
Quoted by: >>27110091

Why? Won't the driving force be hedgies having to buy putting their money on the table before any sell action.

>> No.27100183

I’m in a similar situation I want to make some realistic money at around 500 so I can yolo the rest.

>> No.27100220
Quoted by: >>27100442

Chad move:
>Bought 100 shares early
>set limit to sell 85 shares at 800
>1 share at 1500
>1 share at 3000
>1 share at 6000
>1 share at 12,000
You get the idea.

>> No.27100233

I only have 0.29 share, i am poor. when should i sell?

>> No.27100253

Personal risk anon, I threw 10% at this because it's high risk / high reward.

>> No.27100265

I'm doing ten shares at 5K and then eight spheres at 10K, just in case

>> No.27100268
Quoted by: >>27107275

All I have is faith in everyone. That's the only thing that will make this go up. I have entire faith in everyone here to diamond hold until those prices.

>> No.27100274

Only have like $20 in it.
idk, I might cash out at $497 and order some pizza.

>> No.27100283

>ya, that's goin in the ol' cringe folder

I said I wasn't going to be greedy.

Besides, the random people on the Internet giving financial advice predicted today (Friday) would be the squeeze. hurr durr... HODL until Friday!

Well, Friday came and went and there was NO squeeze.

>> No.27100297

i guess im selling whenever robinhood decides to forcibly liquidate me

>> No.27100307

I’ve brought £2100 of GME and £500 of AMC and I’ve made only £500, I ain’t holding out for shit cos I doubt I’m going to make much more.

>> No.27100316
Quoted by: >>27100504

Look man, I hold LINK bags. I have no problem holding these doombags

>> No.27100330
Quoted by: >>27100705

I don’t believe in this GSE shit at all but just so you know if it broke its current resistance enough to go past 500 it probably would go much farther. Cancel that sell limit order dummy

>> No.27100410

Already did. Too much normie hype. Don’t care if it goes to $1000 it’s too gay

>> No.27100413
Quoted by: >>27101184

Tfw at the end of all this for each share of GameStop you get one store

>> No.27100442
File: 94 KB, 1278x993, 1576002373924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying it's going into the thousands

>> No.27100494
File: 601 KB, 473x800, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27100504

I see you are practised in the art of HODL, I myself trained on ARK.

>> No.27100508
Quoted by: >>27100878

a week ago
>implying it will ever touch 420

>> No.27100595


>> No.27100619

What don't you get anon? They HAVE TO BUY but WE AREN'T SELLING, this is what is known as a sellers market.

>> No.27100621

Btw £2100 = 9 share of GME and £500 =52 shares Of AMC, though I’ve only gained money from GME and I’ve lost £30 from AMC.

>> No.27100649
File: 169 KB, 887x1347, 1611935504558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27102642

i dont know who told you friday, but it was probably a shill

>> No.27100705
Quoted by: >>27107327

>Cancel that sell limit order dummy
to what, then... $400?

>> No.27100736
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, 1545171687178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27107889


>> No.27100738

Like, literally, my assets are being transferred to Fidelity between now and next Friday...so short of RH kikery, I am holding forever.

>> No.27100758
Quoted by: >>27101391

WSB became the fastest growing subreddit of all time today.

Markets are closed and there's 500 000 current users monitoring the reddit (counting bots of course).

Monday will have lots of redditors buying in, i'm planning to get out ASAP. I don't believe in the squeeze, it will be dragged out to infinity by new shorts and the old ones being paid for during the dips in the market (redditors buy these dips so that is why they are halted long enough for the shorters to close some).

>> No.27100760

This is about more than money now.

>> No.27100767

you are right, you should short it

>> No.27100804

>Pay up Gayvin Capital

>> No.27100838

If you ask Vegeta he might be able to tell you

>> No.27100859

You're not deepfuckingvalue fuck off

>> No.27100860

at 999 trillion dollars per share

>> No.27100878
Quoted by: >>27100953

It's currently at 330

>> No.27100907
Quoted by: >>27101022

You will all be fucked when gamestop inevitably issues more stock

>> No.27100921


>> No.27100938

Not for sale

>> No.27100953

and it has touched 420 multiple times
even though soys thought hitting triple digits was not possible in the first place

>> No.27101000
Quoted by: >>27101713

Post your portfolio, lmao.

>> No.27101008

Go home Mr. Glowie, trading's over for the day.

>> No.27101015


>> No.27101022
Quoted by: >>27101844

I keep seeing this but they can't before March, get new material man.

>> No.27101076

The broker app I'm using was not working at all during market hours so even if I did consider selling I'm all in on the hold.
I just wish I put in more money.

>> No.27101117

Based on outstanding shares and the total value of Melvin and Citadel, a price target of $700 would bankrupt both of them.

>> No.27101122
File: 51 KB, 750x760, 1611944653255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME volume is way down. Is this concerning?

>> No.27101148

then they go bankrupt. just like if you ran out of money and can't pay your debts. their assets are placed in receivership and then auctioned off to service as much debt as possible. the securities lenders from whom they borrowed to short are treated like creditors. literally ignore the people who think tell you this is going to crash all banks and the US government and you're going to be paid $infinite per share, they are either trolling or unironically very low IQ dunning kruger cases.

>> No.27101176

I have 9 shares and I doubt I’m going to make 20k -_-

>> No.27101184
Quoted by: >>27101351

The shares might actually be worth more than the stores next week, lol.

>> No.27101253

It's a good sign. It means people are holding and any drop we see is likely just hedgies trying to short ladder

>> No.27101334

Not necessarily.
When the volume completely tanks, Melvin's bots malfunction and buy (partial) shares at retarded prices.
Think 5k a share.

>> No.27101345

It has been holding relatively stable in spite of the hedgies' best attempts to drop the price.

>> No.27101347

I'll sell when they all go back to birkenau

>> No.27101351
File: 29 KB, 680x366, bfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27104062

>walk into gamestop
>show them your portfolio
>just start taking items off the shelves without having to pay

>> No.27101359

Too low. Put some zeroes on that.

>> No.27101391
File: 32 KB, 361x361, 1611820373335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27101533

>pay money to close a short at a huge loss
>still have money to open more shorts
ya makes sense. i do that all the time.

>> No.27101446
Quoted by: >>27101757

Isnt the point that the fund has to buy it?

Also, alternative question, when the fund finally starts to buy the stocks, what would happen if no one is selling?

>> No.27101533

Melvin isn't using their money anymore. They ran out yesterday.

>> No.27101547

I'm literally never selling it, for me it's not a financial opportunity but a movie ticket to watch the edgies seethe

>> No.27101639

lol, the shorters are still over 100% the float. We've already guaranteed a gamma squeeze in the next 2 weeks, and $1k is a low estimate imo. Enjoy your pink wojaks

>> No.27101713
File: 26 KB, 327x715, 12344321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but I'll post it because of those sick repeating digits

>> No.27101748

At $1488

>> No.27101756
Quoted by: >>27102033

They borrow from you and you become the new financial elite, thier short positions compound daily and there will be a breaking point where they must negotiate.

>> No.27101757

That is when the squeeze goes gamma, it'll spike vertical several thousand and that is why people are unironically talking about $5k.

>> No.27101844
Quoted by: >>27103207

a QA pasta should be made until bots run out of material
> what if gme issues more stock
Board has a grudge with hedges trying to short their company to bankrupcy and cant legally issue more until march

>what if shorts are canceled
can't because short contracts are variable distributed amongst many different lenders and due to legal reasons, brokers are forced to make sure their contractees meet margin requirements.

> the shorters covered
short interest is still greater than 100% according to ortex and S3 Shortsight and the volume of the market would have changed to reflect the massive amount of trades

> what if government does X
with the number of foreign investors buying into GME such as euros and pajeets, it would be a near impossibility and congress is still on recess until feburary 17th

>> No.27101921

well if the hedgies/underwriters have infinite money they can afford to pay me $10k a share

>> No.27101929
File: 773 KB, 684x3227, finance fairy tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a crossboarder and up until now I've been just lurking. I'm profoundly fascinated with OP's question.

Okay, people are holding. And then what? You do need to cash in at some point. I'm curious how far people will take their inner struggle of Greed vs Fear. This will be interesting to watch.

>> No.27102002

Theres only 46M shares on float with 226% of the floated shares shorted per yahoo finance and 122% of all shares held by institutions.
Odds are every single share held by an autist is owed to an institution and everyone can name their price for every individual share that they have up to something like $10 million per share.

>> No.27102033

>/biz/ settles and takes Citadel wholesale
>/biz/ is now Wall Street
Not going to lie at that point I'm taking my cut and moving somewhere commie just to be safe from what happens next.

>> No.27102356

a lot of people are bag holder archetype

A sucker is born every second.

>> No.27102443
Quoted by: >>27104411

How do I fucking sell my stock at a higher limit if my chump bank brokerage won't let me do limit sells/buys above 15% market value? Is that what put options are for?

>> No.27102551
Quoted by: >>27102744

The reality is anyone who was going to make A LOT of money already has. Everyone here is late to the party and scream HODL because thats all they know how to do.

The FOMO kills em and they end up with the bag. Bitcoin had the exact same thing. I remember the pink wojaks.

>> No.27102620
File: 336 KB, 731x437, Forg an Scopers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.27102630

I'm not

>> No.27102642

why is this no spread around on reddit?

>> No.27102726
File: 779 KB, 300x300, problem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell for $10K
>rebuy on the eventual short ladder attack with $1000 limit buys when they try to shake paper hands with "volatility"
>the game never ends

this is not investment advice

>> No.27102744
File: 658 KB, 828x612, PeePee PooPoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27102978

What is shorts that haven't been closed for $5,000?

>> No.27102826

never selling, my GMElly stays super smelly

>> No.27102875

for me its zero

>> No.27102927

Robinhood rejected my sell limit of 5k so I set it to 10k instead

>> No.27102978

I'm just saying those who truly gained were those who were on board immediately.

A lot of people screaming hold are doing so because they bought in late af after the headlines already were on MSM etc.

>> No.27103009
File: 932 KB, 500x255, 1565143113838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, pussy.

>> No.27103027

6 million

>> No.27103130
File: 1.72 MB, 640x360, 1611882471029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, faggot. You are being greedy by selling and taking profit. Kike.

>> No.27103161

This is what I said about bitcoin when it was $500 in 2010

>> No.27103207
File: 326 KB, 1853x853, archives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but what if shorters short more
keeping a short incurs interest which is at 30% right now. it would be in the billions and no lender would allow them to do so since they would eventually run out of collateral/assets and can't do so on credit alone.

> You do need to cash in at some point
people are holding their shares until a substantial amount of shorts are closed

> its a WSB reddit scam
gme had been shilled and talked about in /smg/ for the past 2 years

>> No.27103238
File: 23 KB, 400x400, Get these Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27103799

True there is no "unlimited monies", but there is a lot of unfulfilled shorts, honestly more so for AMC.
Based on the amount of short left and the amount of stocks owned by retail investors, this is going to be a shitstorm.
The bull run on these stocks haven't even really begun.

>> No.27103619

noob here, will i get fucked if I don't set a limit and try to watch and time my selling? im scared ill blink and miss it.

>> No.27103660
Quoted by: >>27108530

Yes, dumbass.

>> No.27103752

paper thin hands. you're gf's boyfriend would be ashamed

>> No.27103773
File: 361 KB, 728x496, 9835749872342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw $gme a literally dead company is going to be $1000 eoy before chainlink :^(

>> No.27103792

The smartest players got in early, got a wealthy return and still hold some bags for a shot at something amazing, something ground breaking, something that will get SEC rules changed.
You don't want to be the guy that sat out the dodgiest legal trade before trade reform do you?

>> No.27103796


>> No.27103799
Quoted by: >>27104032

how high do you see AMC going, realistically? I got in thinking i'd be happy with $30 but a lot of people seem to think higher.

am hodling tho

>> No.27103821


>> No.27103833
Quoted by: >>27104498

Set a limit anon
Dudes were getting fucked over yesterday when their shares started getting sold without their permission
A limit order should prevent that

>> No.27103923
Quoted by: >>27104309

I don't even understand the concept of selling.

>> No.27103957

set a limit either 1k, 5k, or 10k

>> No.27104032
File: 88 KB, 730x783, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27104656

we are in uncharted waters. I honestly have no fucking clue. I will tell you what I do know.
Volkswagon was 11% shorted with 99% ownership by the big boys.
AMC is at 50%-80% shorted with 10% ownership by the big boys.
GME is even more grim.
It is going to be a fucking blood bath.

>> No.27104062
File: 1.27 MB, 805x805, 1431438829400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27104239

>people start expropriating furniture from the Melvin Capital lobby when they can't pay up

>> No.27104090


>> No.27104203

I purchased mine at 25 us dollars and will sell when it goes down to 50. I like Gamestop and it's worth 50 at least. If people sell at 4K that will be awesome. I will sell after the assholes who tried to destroy my only source of used video games are wrecked.

>> No.27104239

I call dibs on his wife

>> No.27104309

As far as I can tell it's were stocks come from, like you buy a stock and HODL right, but where did that stock come from?

>> No.27104351

>is a greedy jew himself

what did he mean by this?

>> No.27104411

This is what I'm wondering: >>27102443

Very new to this shit; hoping to limit sell a couple shares to recoup my investment, then diamond hands the rest.

>> No.27104498
Quoted by: >>27104867

Ameritrade isn't letting me set a sell limit for my initial investment @ 3.5k. It keeps saying limit is significantly higher than last traded price. Why does it have a problem with me setting a limit that high?

>> No.27104523

>fudding bong

>> No.27104526
Quoted by: >>27107474

Retards like this thinking it was ever about bragging about the gains made.

>> No.27104552
File: 12 KB, 154x178, 1595067392695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, I got out because it could go down, but it could also go up
what did he mean by this?

>> No.27104656
Quoted by: >>27107235

thanks anon! this is hot. im excited

>> No.27104664
Quoted by: >>27104947

Cool story fuck stick.

This is like getting 20 minutes in Episode IV and complaining you haven’t seen any Ewoks.

>> No.27104867
Quoted by: >>27104939

I've heard guys saying that TD is restricting them to 1K limits, but I can't confirm that firsthand.
I would try a few different figures and see if they work.

>> No.27104939
Quoted by: >>27105071

I'm so tired of these fucking kikes dude

>> No.27104947

People have told me I'm not too late to get in on this and others said I have. Which is it, bros? And what's the lowest I can get in on from if it isnt too late?

>> No.27105068

It's actually a good sign. It means people are HOLDing

>> No.27105070
Quoted by: >>27105192

Did not mean to reply

>> No.27105071
Quoted by: >>27105418

Me too anon
Fortunately, if all goes well, we're finally going to get on over on them

>> No.27105192
Quoted by: >>27106016

Today might have been the last day to buy in before the squeeze, nobody knows.

>> No.27105234
Quoted by: >>27106016

How much money are you willing to gamble with anon? I spent 1500 on gamestop when it dipped today so whatever happens happens but literally nothing changes in my life if it doesn't work out.

>> No.27105393
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, dr strangelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm riding this baby all the way into the ground. Pic related.

>> No.27105408

Taking out my initial investment at 1K and then riding to 1000000k.

>> No.27105418
Quoted by: >>27105621

Do you know any good brokers that won't take days to verify and can transfer my shares over? If I can't find anything before monday I'll have to watch my phone like a hawk at work.

>> No.27105621

AFAIK Fidelity has been pretty solid throughout the whole process.
The problem is that transferring your shares will take longer than the weekend, which precludes you from making moves on Monday if necessary.

>> No.27106016

Probably like $400 if that's possible. Wouldnt be so bad if I lost that.

Damn. That sucks if so.

>> No.27106336

Was more interested in your lifetime gains since you apparently thought my proposal implied the price was likely to exceed 1000 when it clearly implied the opposite.

Why would you sell almost all your shares at 800 if you thought 1000 was reasonable?

>> No.27106441
Quoted by: >>27106677

Got in on this late. Bought 2 shares with RH at $311. Bought 2 shares with fidelity at the same price. They will sit in my account untouched until I die just to drive home the point of how retarded of genes my children inherited.

>> No.27106528
Quoted by: >>27107454

Is 28k unreasonable? I set my limit every day to scare kikes.

>> No.27106557

$14,888.88 limit

>> No.27106677

Fucking based
Make sure they bury you with a printout of your portfolio

>> No.27107023

You are mistaken sir, we have their balls in a Vice grip. A share of GME is currently the most valuable asset in the universe

>> No.27107094
File: 218 KB, 828x1792, 4457DBF4-4DCE-481C-8074-9125ED52B973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27107680

It keeps telling me this when I try to make a stop market order. Anyone know a workaround for this?

>> No.27107164

Except if the hedgefunds can’t pay, the next down the line have to, and then the next and the next. If you don’t sell, theoretically you can become a black hole for cash that will drain every dollar in existence straight into your hands

>> No.27107235
File: 2.31 MB, 498x498, needmoar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to HODL though. Today was the beginning Monday is the start.
It will only get more insane from there.
Honestly it isn't enough of the market share for the government to intervene.
Diamond hands!

>> No.27107275

I genuinely believe we are in good company. People who held today have proven their mettle

>> No.27107294

Fun fact: nobody is gonna be able to withdraw. In fact, I am willing to bet that not only will you not be able to withdraw, but if you are on RH, you will also likely lose all the money in your brokerage account.

Cap this post.

>> No.27107327

You’re missing a couple of zeroes

>> No.27107357
Quoted by: >>27111506

Then the settlements from the lawsuits will just have to do

>> No.27107454

you won't get it unless bots pick it up as a partial share, but apparently it can stop your stock being randomly sold by your broker so gg

>> No.27107474

it was, commie

>> No.27107680

Fucking kek.

>> No.27107859

Based that means I can sue for what they should have given me based on my very own limit price plus emotional damages.

>> No.27107889


ahh fuck looks like my fucking ex

fuck you

>> No.27108338
Quoted by: >>27108520

Is my 1,999.95 limit sell too low?

>> No.27108520

You're missing a few zeroes

>> No.27108530

how the fuck do i set a limit on revolut?

>> No.27108586

5 hours ago when it stabilized in the 300's and I realized moon mission was canceled.

>> No.27108783

All the big losers dropped out. For all you know massive firms bought shorts at $480 (yes it got that high PM, look it up) or at least high 400's, and then bought MORE shares at the $110 mark after closing those.

>"They're out of bullets!"
Everyone forgets that later in that movie after the bum rush, they all get gunned down by ONE guy who still had bullets further up the train lmao

>> No.27108877
Quoted by: >>27109422

>Bro it's just like a movie
Fuck off

>> No.27108946
Quoted by: >>27110149

there's no way a bunch of retarded normies are going to end up with thousands after this, that's not how the world works

>> No.27109312
File: 25 KB, 360x450, Seeyiyay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27109514

If you can see the volume was there why not post it, this is an imageboard after all.

>> No.27109422

I'm mocking the dumb meme that was circling out to here from reddit, and pointing out how THEIR shitty analogy for the Institutional money being exhausted. The grunts (Melvin and Citron and others) ran out of bullets already, but they're going to get fucking rugpulled by the real Market Makers soon.

>> No.27109514

Lol the volume was there on Thursday retard it literally hit the circuit breaker every 30 seconds. The fact it hit $110 and its weekly high within hours of each other should concern the fuck out of you. These people can execute trades faster than any of us retail cucks.

>> No.27109612
Quoted by: >>27110170

Same, currently holding 3 shares just in case and then 400 NOK for long term.

>> No.27109632
File: 54 KB, 521x937, 1605051523290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lupin III Thread

>> No.27109670

merck is based. at least they had sense to get out of the "muh vaccine" scam.

>> No.27109962

millennials are experts at picking the shittiest most worthless assets to pump. This isn’t populism. This is grifters like Musk and Chamath using gullible plebbitors to get rich.

>> No.27109965

the tower is an allegory for my penis

>> No.27110091

We are talking about (((them))) remember

>> No.27110149
Quoted by: >>27110915

When has that never not been how the world works?

>> No.27110170
Quoted by: >>27110568

NOK is literally the only company here that’s been unfairly shorted. If plebbitors had an iota of intelligence between them they’d be buying it like candy

>> No.27110242
File: 228 KB, 646x680, 1610162254128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I set a limit sell price on RH, is that set in stone? Or can I change it tomorrow or wheneverI want?

>> No.27110379

$1488 or bust

>> No.27110396
Quoted by: >>27110711

I don't have RH but you can usually edit some aspect of your limit order. If you can't you can always cancel it and do a new one.

>> No.27110398
Quoted by: >>27110711


>> No.27110448

The Robinhood/Reddit mob are not investors. They’re gamblers. It’s a game. Under the guise of ‘sticking it to the man’ these folks are actually trying to make fast money without working for it. There’s nothing noble about being a pig. Taking a rabble of four or six million traders, hopped up on Internet chat, and throwing it against one security or asset to purposefully inflate its value is dangerous and irresponsible. It’s certainly not an ethical strike against boomers, market participants, brokers, investment funds or capitalism. But it is exploiting vulnerabilities in a system designed by people who never thought folks could be this stupid. Now we know.
What can go wrong?
Lots. Tons. The implications are large. Securities regulators are all over Reddit, Robinhood and the capital markets because what’s taking place sure smells like deliberate crowdfunding manipulation. The issue is simple: values purposefully detached from reality. This undermines market integrity where pricing is constantly scrutinized and adjusted (earnings reports, fundamental analysis, forward guidance, prospectuses, p/e ratios, macroeconomics, sector analysis – you know, the adult stuff). Yes, valuations get out of whack when investors make bets on the future, but this is new ground. This is inflation merely for the sake of creating notional wealth. Greed, personified. Turned into a video game.
The crowning achievement in this moronic, self-serving, narcissistic behavior is to cloak it in moral outrage. A whole bunch of people clearly think they’re victims, so it’s perfectly cool to slag their elders, victimize each other and screw up capital markets where most people’s family nesteggs, education funds and retirement bucks are housed. So they can be porcine.

>> No.27110491

He just meant he's a paper handed bitch

>> No.27110568

Entirely true. Not to mention they have gotten so many contracts for 5G, some stuff for cars, moon 4G, and are working on 6G. Just seems like a good investment, only dumped 1.8k into it for 400 shares so who knows where it’ll go.

>> No.27110593
File: 96 KB, 700x700, 1547562304973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it for $30 a share 4 days ago purely for anti-semitic purposes, I wanted to see Jewish billionaires squeal like the pigs they are, I already sold it all when it hit $300, I told myself that would be the highest I would ride. Made a fat stack. We should do this more often.

>> No.27110616

Dumb bitch, you don't think we know DFV's portfolio cap?

>> No.27110684
Quoted by: >>27122512

They’re not gamblers either. They’re cult members. We’ve seen the TSLA and BTC cult. Now we have the GME cult. It’ll be trading at $40k right until the moment it’s delisted. Mark my words

>> No.27110693

6 969.69

>> No.27110711

Yeah, ik lol. But I wanted to get in on this gme buzz and it was the quickest option for me since I'm a total newb to this. I'll be switching to something else.

Perfect, thanks!

>> No.27110738

Even a single share represents something that almost nobody has: the ability to make the Jew cry out in pain without even hitting him.

>> No.27110808


>> No.27110915


>> No.27110918
Quoted by: >>27111463

Good move. For some reason, what nobody has mentioned yet is that these online brokerages don’t have the 18 billion dollars in leverage to pay out on infinity squeezes. They’re just gonna take your money and say “we’re bankrupt”

Nobody is cashing out on this after Monday. Cap post

>> No.27110920

Never fucking selling ever. Fuck you

>> No.27110941
Quoted by: >>27117887

that would mean gen X and boomers are experts at picking the shittiest assets to short :')

>> No.27110968
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>> No.27111044
File: 356 KB, 467x333, 1-16-17-Unity-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only acceptable answer

>> No.27111043

Near the start of a short squeeze volume should drop to nothing because nobody is selling and nobody can get fills at the buys (or trying to close out shorts) that they put on the market. So volume is effectively nothing until someone finally raises their price enough to get filled, and then the flood gates open.
The fact that volume today was so low is a good sign. NOBODY is selling, its all gay ass short ladder attacks. Those got bought up HARD when it hit 250.

Also take note: Yesterday, we hit 150 as the low, and closed at 200. Today we hit 250 as the low and closed at 320.

>> No.27111216


>> No.27111375

>A share of GME is currently the most valuable asset in the universe
Unironically, this, unless there are ayyylmaos with advanced dildonium

>> No.27111421
Quoted by: >>27111809

>so it’s perfectly cool to slag their elders
The ones that were literally called "boomers" because there were a fuckload of them?
The ones that weighed the average voting age from 18 to this fucking day?
The ones that demanded higher minimum wages and got it because they had voter numbers then activly fight agaisnt it now they are the employers?
Boomers were the first generation to control the vote for an unusually long amount of time and look where we are. Bra-fucking-O

>> No.27111451
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>> No.27111463
Quoted by: >>27117977

>shills replying to shills

>> No.27111506
Quoted by: >>27111580

As someone who has sued and been sued multiple time, I can tell you that you are in for a rude awakening fren

>> No.27111519

Which will screw the 1% over more, an easy lawsuit or GME approaching the vertical asymptote?

>> No.27111580
Quoted by: >>27111720

>he's not aware of the multiple class action lawsuits already in progress

>> No.27111633

when its worth its weight in gold or 6grillion

>> No.27111719

Sold over a million in profits, holding initial investment to see what happens.

>> No.27111720

Ok. Welp don’t say nobody told you

>> No.27111809
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>>27111421 Part 2
>never thought folks could be this stupid
Correction, you never though retail could be this stupid. The only reason the GME play went down in the first place in the "pros" hung their ass out and one of us saw it.

>values purposefully detached from reality
So it's an "accident" when you do it?

>undermines market integrity
And pic related doesn't?

>inflation merely for the sake of creating notional wealth
Once again see pic related

>The crowning achievement in this moronic, self-serving, narcissistic behavior is to cloak it in moral outrage
You think we are pretending to be pissed? When we lose we wear it like men and despite the fact you have every advantage and know it but when you lose it's time for socialism, capitolism is only for when you win.

I know this is copy pasted shit but just maybe there is a human there, have a read if you want to see what is "motivating retail traders".

>> No.27111825

Why not?

>> No.27112239


>> No.27112431

I'll sell when they kill me, steal my phone and execute the sell

>> No.27112463

Unfathomably based

>> No.27112632


>> No.27113152

Imagine thinking that your opinion matters because of your pretentious vocabulary.

Don’t moralize the stock market you fuck

>> No.27113315
File: 1.28 MB, 851x468, Dandy Nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27113324
Quoted by: >>27113389

I have five shares because I bought in late like a retard

$100k would be amazing, I'd throw that into a 401k immediately

>> No.27113334
Quoted by: >>27115221

deepfuckingvalue has already cashed out 12.5m

>> No.27113389
Quoted by: >>27113891

Enjoy never seeing that money ever again

>> No.27113891

it would jump start my retirement immensely. To retire at 35 a 22 year old only needs to invest 2.2k a month, and it would take 3.7 years to invest, by which compounded interest and market gains would have made it worth even more. I barely have 15k atm

>> No.27115221
File: 49 KB, 750x771, facesqueeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deepfuckingvalue has already cashed out 12.5m

>> No.27115498
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>> No.27115716
Quoted by: >>27116081

Can a shill answer how if the hedgies have a magic out button / technique why they resorted to fearmongering, stopping trade, and selling and buying to themselves to scare people into selling?
Why not just use the out?

>> No.27115980

Posting with God damn legends over here

>> No.27116081

final gambit
it's all or nothing in a game they're losing despite it being rigged from the start AND changing the rules halfway through.

>> No.27116104

Realistically my main market is cryptocurrency. I am simply using this to try and make more money to put in there.

However, I don't think I want to wait for two fucking weeks. We will see what next week holds. If there is no price spike, I will take my current profits and more than likely flip them into BTC, ETH, LINK, and GRT.

I do not like playing in what is a rigged game.

>> No.27116206
File: 741 KB, 1920x1080, Pump it HIGHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27116225
Quoted by: >>27116411


>> No.27116351

Then who's fucking capital are they using? Reminder that all the dumbass hedges that shorted games have competitors. They do not have infinite money.

>> No.27116411

can someone please photoshop this on the outside of the close up of the lettering on the ring from LotR for future use? I can’t photoshop for shit

>> No.27116460
File: 86 KB, 499x442, 2fa5sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honest question though... wtf do most people do when they sell GME.

If it does moon to $10k per stock, and people make 300-800million dollars. You have to sell since there's no way it will stay that price for long. But the taxes will be insane.

>> No.27116467

This is their new scare tactic. Spammed everywhere.

>> No.27116486
File: 246 KB, 1080x1350, 1597611302433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 50 shares. never selling. writing it off as a loss and forgetting about it.

>> No.27116551
File: 1.67 MB, 2731x4096, 0EA0501B-B7E5-483D-A3CC-6F2D18DBE236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27116985

Already did, got in @ $62, out @325

Made 25k. Got new car, and back to trading my shit green energy stonks for .3-2$ gains.

>> No.27117858

Anyone looking at the massive dip after it hit $430 a stock max 2 days ago knows its mooned & came back due to teh meme buy/hold. anyone who's held has only helped the hedges get their cash back
yesterday & today was only bleeding stuck pigs & fisting shorties 2 days in a row

>> No.27117887

>Implying either are mutually exclusive

>> No.27117921
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>> No.27117977

>retard incapable of discussion screeches shill
You still walk around with a football helmet on or?

>> No.27118059

Who the fuck cares about taxes when you make multi millions

>> No.27118175
Quoted by: >>27118419

Everyone here is ignoring the fact that every single normie will cash out at $1k. That's why I have enough set at $1k to cover my buy in on this and AMC, then I have more set at $2k. I'm also keeping over 1/3 of my GME to see where it goes.

>> No.27118419
Quoted by: >>27119086

Why settle for 1k when you can have 10k?
Spread that message around and people will continue to hold

>> No.27118502
File: 99 KB, 532x672, 1536379771111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in

>> No.27118618

never you retard

>> No.27118636

when the kikes start suiciding

>> No.27118724

>when are you selling your $GME?
when the whale explodes

>> No.27118728
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>> No.27118937
File: 549 KB, 498x268, 1611903938698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When robinhood forcefully freezes the market, uses bots to lower the price to $100 per share, and then forcefully liquidates everyone's assets before declaring bankruptcy.

>> No.27119086
Quoted by: >>27119651

Literally everyone my age I know is invested in GME and I was the first one to pick up the significance of it a few days ago (I know, newfag with stocks). They'll be happy with 1k and not want to risk losing $800 or so on it.

>> No.27119374

If I sold for 10k per share I'd make about 200k, and the first thing I'd do is get it the fuck off RH and into crypto.

>> No.27119642
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>> No.27119651
Quoted by: >>27120091

I got all my friends in on it on Monday

>> No.27119849
Quoted by: >>27121141

im going to need a source on that


>> No.27120091

But we are talking about the mindset of the average person. Not some one on /biz/, r/wsb or especially an autist. They have a short attention span and not much money to lose right now. When they see a decent return, they'll cash out for fear that they lose a few hundred.

>> No.27120775

Literally this
>I'm holding while 80% of other shareholders sell and make money

>> No.27120823

Volunteers of Gamestop

What is going on in Wall-Street?
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Getting money through the street
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Oh, Hearing all the cries and laughs in the street
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
One generation got old
One generation got broke
This generation got nothing to hold on
Than throwing it down
Hey, it's time to go through the sky
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Hey, we are groping them to the ground
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Who will broke you for good, we will and who are we?
Well, we are investors of Gamestop (investors of Gamestop)
investors of Gamestop (investors of Gamestop)
I've got a retribution
Got a retribution

What is going on in Wall-Street?
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Getting money through the street
We are squeezing(We are squeezing)
Oh, Hearing all the cries and laughs in the street
We are squeezing, oh-oh
We are investors of Gamestop
Yeah, we are investors of Gamestop
We are investors of Gamestop (investors of Gamestop)
investors of Gamestop(investors of Gamestop)

Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane

Do a cover faggots

>> No.27120923

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you.

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “yolo” and “tendie” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and its about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.27121141

Lazy fuck hasn't updated the site since 10am

>> No.27121386
Quoted by: >>27121481

Fuck off kike shill.

> Implying the 1% won't get a bail out like always, if they even actually need it (spoiler: they won't).

They are lucky we aren't doxxing them and paying visits in person.

>> No.27121481
Quoted by: >>27121551

Elites like me won't get punished in any way. You'll see soon,you dirty goy.

>> No.27121551

Of course they won't, but at least we can make them sweat and redistribute the wealth a bit.

Also, nice bait kek

>> No.27121681
File: 54 KB, 584x436, 1591894754544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice copy pasta, you turbokike faggot.

>> No.27121702

Not my country not my problem lmao.

>> No.27121852
File: 562 KB, 2754x2974, VW 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at game theory, Prisoner's Dilemma.
It's like that.

There's two groups of anons
weak pussy ass paper hand virgins
dank diamond hands chad mother fuckers

Both groups stand to gain the most if neither sells out
But selling out is appealing, because our monkey brains are wired to grab what we can
Both sides get money if selling out happens but, not nearly as much as if they cooperated

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of dips, I will fear no shortlette: for share art with me; thy equity and thy floats they comfort me. Thou preparest a squeeze before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with gain; my tendies runneth over.

>> No.27121975
Quoted by: >>27122395

Selling off a bit at 5k

>> No.27122081

>people were kidding around about GME ever hitting 420.69 less than 7 days ago

>> No.27122395

Ill sell 1 share at 5k to make up for my cost basis

And keep the 114 remaining until 69,420

>> No.27122512

No ones laughing at the guy who bought TSLA or BTC at 300 today.

This is why tons of people are dropping 700k+ on GME today at 300+.

>> No.27122828
File: 23 KB, 536x275, 1-s2.0-S0927538X16300075-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you also look at VW AG squeeze history. It went from being a shit 20 dollar stock to 200 dollars, then the squeeze happened and it went to 1000, then back to 200. And this took not months but YEARS.

Its also profitable for us if GME takes a similar slow paced course because they gotta pay interest on unpaid shorts too. AND we'll pay capital gains tax instead of income tax if it takes longer than a year for the squeeze.

Also notice, theres no bag holders in VW. Worst case you got a 10 bagger.

>> No.27123444
File: 215 KB, 1600x909, Charlton-Heston-as-Moses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take my Gamestop shares when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

>> No.27123537
File: 54 KB, 499x366, my face is diamonds - mgs v 1559169639594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dank diamond hands chad mother fuckers
We're all diamonds, Kaz.