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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.26969924
File: 45 KB, 746x541, 1609254102646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not over yet for doge, throw them in

>> No.26969959


>> No.26970023

Where do you think you are right now? This is it, this is the moment

>> No.26970051

>throwing 5k at memecoin

>> No.26970077


>> No.26970105
Quoted by: >>26979456


>> No.26970144

none of those things you listed will amount to real money though, you're unironically going to be ahead of these retards come tomorrow by doing literally nothing kek

>> No.26970149

Throw some in it, diversify of course but remember it's not going to hibernate so soon

>> No.26970185

You didnt miss GME. Buy one stock even, use sell it at whatever fucking price you want. THEY WROTE A BLANK CHECK THEY CAN'T CASH.

>> No.26970246

AMC is literally 8.63 a share right now retard. Go and place your order because its gonna sky rocket tomorrow when everyone's orders go through. Moon mission tomorrow morning

>> No.26970276


>> No.26970326

physical silver, and if things don't pan out? well you still fucking have silver

>> No.26970358

What do you mean

>> No.26970366
Quoted by: >>26972456

its steady at 0.04 and climbing again it might be worth it but I wouldn't leave it alone overnight

>> No.26970414

Everything in DOGE

>> No.26970418

xrp 2k eom

>> No.26970423
Quoted by: >>26973075

This anon gets it

>> No.26970431

Obviously GRT and LINK

>> No.26970442
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1610254377750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974245

We're in the clown market phase of the bull market, anon. Literally every shitcoin goes double. If you don't hatch on to any ride at all, you're a retard and should stop getting in crypto.

I'm in RIGEL, RBC, and FTM. Only FTM actually has a great use case, RBC is a decent one and RIGEL is a shitcoin.
But they all have massive capacities and meme powers so they'll moon. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.26970480
Quoted by: >>26978234

You have not missed GME, it starts on Friday and lasts 5 working days, next Thursday is possibly the peak

>> No.26970512


>> No.26970521
File: 195 KB, 1024x627, 593604C5-9190-49CA-B1BA-BE168BE6E5F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26970651

Doge is stilling waiting for you. Dont miss the boat faggot.

>> No.26970535

Doge's dip is about to be picked up, you can jump in.

>> No.26970539

Statera you nerd. Look at what's happening to it right now

>> No.26970553

you have to go back

>> No.26970563

my sell is at $100, I hope it's not too low

>> No.26970571

Long hold API3.

>> No.26970573

Be glad you missed DOGE bro.

>> No.26970609
File: 71 KB, 1055x703, 1608844800697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck XRP faggots

>> No.26970623 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 347x308, 1582223734125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26970684

You need to take risks in order to succeed, anon. I'll give you one I believe to be worth your money:

Whitepaper: https://viralclick.network/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/viral-click-network-whitepaper-v11.pdf
Basically they're aiming to be a marketing/advertising firm for blockchain projects, but not only. They WILL tackle on the issues tied with censorship and centralisaton especially.

>330k marketcap
>doxxed CEO with experience in marketing
>bottomed out at 0.07 cents
>staking and farming coming in the next two weeks
>less than 200 holders
It will soon be listed on Coingecko. Moreover, a single tweet will propel this straight to the stratosphere. Already 8 cents now. Don't sleep on it for too long. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.26970643

Now is the time to buy silver

>> No.26970651

it's actually a really low dip now, it will at least dead cat bounce but probably go up 50% from here, not exaggerating or shilling at all

>> No.26970659
Quoted by: >>26976984

NAKD is next

>> No.26970671
Quoted by: >>26970936

Don't try to fucking time the market you retard faggot. You'll just fucking lose.
Time in the market > timing the market.
Wait for NOK to dip another 30% today and buy shares for pennies, hold until end of year, sell with profit.

>> No.26970684

Nigger it's HALF of that

>> No.26970706
Quoted by: >>26970898

Next normie pump will probably go to Nano desu

>> No.26970745
File: 50 KB, 1280x669, 1611194120654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26970898

You're not too late for Rubic my frend. This exchange will be killer, invest now, before we truky moon..

>> No.26970767

You haven't missed GME, kikes are on full damage control and have halted the trade early, but when it opens to the shorters they'll try to dip the stock by short ladders, that's when I'll buy GME, and steal the stocks that the shorters are playing ping pong with.

Not financial advice although fuck the SEC

>> No.26970818

>Missed AMC
You missed the tuesday jump, but 75% of us did too. Just buy the dip in a few hours

>> No.26970898

Seems like a lot of reddit faggots want nano to pump because they got left holding the bag on a shitcoin. Its at least worth watching.
RBC is worth buying a bit at least on the short term here because a swing back to 18c is a decent margin.

>> No.26970936
File: 49 KB, 216x218, 1566000442208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26971204

>Don't try to fucking time the market
>Wait for NOK to dip another 30% today and buy shares

>> No.26970965


>> No.26971016

OP, you’re an idiot if you don’t invest in Algorand or VGX.

>> No.26971041
Quoted by: >>26971224

Rubic is a good hold through 2021. Don't listen to fudder faggots, they don't want you to make it.

Accumulate RBC and hold ETH/Link. 2021 will be heaven.

>> No.26971155

You haven't missed AMC. It hasn't even begun to be shorted.

>> No.26971204

exactly, having an optimistic plan generally fucks it all up

>> No.26971224
Quoted by: >>26971342

>Accumulate RBC and hold ETH/Link.
Agreed. I also have a large chunk of API3, and XPB I jumped in on expecting it to turn around when the app is fully launched.

>> No.26971231
File: 880 KB, 270x270, 1611896440266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to everyone who hasn't gotten it through their thick skulls, this robinhood fiasco is the most bullish thing that could've happened to defi. Centralized finance is so transparently rigged that it's nearly impossible for the little guy to win big, and if by chance too many little guys start winning, they will simply shut you down and there's nothing you can do about it. Not only that, but crypto and defi also eliminates the need for clearing companies and 3-4 day transaction approval periods.
Narratives have tremendous power. The narrative will swing big towards defi when this is said and done, and rubic has the lowest risk:reward ratio on the market today

>> No.26971319


>> No.26971342

Smart choices anon. I've jumped into GRT. Gotten a nice 3x so far. Honestly, not sure if I should sell or HODL. GRT seems like a nice hold though.

>> No.26971413


>> No.26971435

Time frame for 10 or 20x?
Short term 100% doge high risk but meme energy strong.
Long term more stable 10x to 20x LTO
Wanna play both chances half half. Short term go 2500 doge and strap the fuck in.
Then after the dust settles whatever happens sit comfy with your warm LTO stack

>> No.26971504

Combine crypto and stocks

>> No.26971643

what? you missed nothing just buy them anyway and fuck the (((wallstreet))) people

>> No.26971646

You need to find a gem that no one's talking about because once they are you've already started missing gains.

Put it into AERGO, wait 6 months for 100x, no joke faggot.

>> No.26971656

AMC is only beginning

>> No.26971665

I saw an article earlier saying Koreans preferred xrp over eth. I’d bet on rubic, 1inch, or coinbase though. They released news saying that they were considering an IPO. They’re all exchanges which should rise in the future. This isn’t financial advice though, I’m just a retard that supports the projects

>> No.26971714


>> No.26971723

Melvin capital needs as many shares as they can get their jew hands on because of the short squeeze. Buy GME like there's no tomorrow and just hold until 800-1k, buy a little at a time tomorrow every one share that is not in these hedges hands the better.

>> No.26971802

ur insane

>> No.26971854
Quoted by: >>26974609

AMC was never even a thing, or if it is it hasn't yet fully manifested

t. bought into AMC and was too slow for GME or doge, still diamonds with it

>> No.26971867
Quoted by: >>26972579

How do I trade shitcoins? I have coinbase wallet and I don't want to miss out next time

>> No.26971975

0x bitcoin and nimiq

>> No.26972023

STA or bust

>> No.26972031

Buy physical silver. Or buy pslv don't buy SLV it's just a paper fake ass ETF fagot piece of shit that kike's can just print more of.

>> No.26972222

Buy coins not paper.

Coolest investment, best investment for mass qe that is coming

>> No.26972358

nigger shill, GME is just getting started today. In the next 5 days you will CRY so much more since this is the biggest infinity squeeze in the history of mankind in the making. You either are retarded and cant see it or you are a payed shill trying to create narrative its over when its not.

>> No.26972456

I left it overnight, even with the dip back to 0.04 i trippled my money.

>> No.26972527
Quoted by: >>26975703

TRX is ready

>> No.26972579

I switched to binance.

>> No.26972592
Quoted by: >>26973358

you heard it here first

>> No.26972668

Abev. Cheap stock. Buy tomorrow. Wait 2 weeks.

>> No.26972682

Rubic my guy

>> No.26972683

>Missed GME

The short squeeze didn't even start yet. But it looks like they're out of Jewish sorcery now.

>> No.26972696
Quoted by: >>26972982

>missed doge
missed what?

>> No.26972909
Quoted by: >>26980251

it's so funny how it hasn't even started and people are out

>> No.26972925

Hardly. Robinhood, and probably others, are now limiting the number of shares and options you can get on all these.

>> No.26972955
Quoted by: >>26974424

>GME short float still at 120%
>too late


>> No.26972982

doge coin, and he didn't miss it's 6c now and will go to 10c easy tomorrow (USA time)

>> No.26973075
Quoted by: >>26973120


>> No.26973120
Quoted by: >>26974175

looks dead as hell--I don't get it

>> No.26973138
File: 15 KB, 748x228, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26973223

You didn't miss doge, its going to 1$

>> No.26973223
File: 235 KB, 614x686, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974294

XRP's flare network is going to add Doge, Everyone who holds doge is getting flare.

>> No.26973358


>> No.26973414

buy doge now retard you can still make it

>> No.26973417

I'm not telling you to buy Naked, but it was one of the stocks (((they))) shut off today on RH among others. It's still under $5. This stock peaked over $500 in 2018, so it has been squeezed before.

>> No.26973502
File: 175 KB, 1089x607, 879451254678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Such a stock newfag I didn't even know I'd have to wait DAYS for bank verification on Robinhood
By the time I can get in it will really be too late. I would have just gotten in around the dip and held bros. Just think of me on your yachts.

>> No.26973620

Unironically renDOGE, you can x2 off it pretty easily right now.

>> No.26973667

50:50 GRT and Link

>> No.26973668


>> No.26973670
Quoted by: >>26974034

robinhood gay

>> No.26973777

What so good about AMC exactly?

>> No.26973814
Quoted by: >>26974034

Robinhood, after what happened yesterday? Get schwab or fidelity bro

>> No.26973834

for a get rich quick scheme? nothing.
as a long, it's great.

>> No.26973905


>> No.26973957
File: 9 KB, 300x318, Drevil_million_dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974129

>Buy one stock even, use sell it at whatever fucking price you want
one billion dollars

>> No.26974034

For stocks I was thinking of going elsewhere but I thought Robinhood was the only option for doge at this point?

>> No.26974101


>> No.26974129


>> No.26974175
Quoted by: >>26974217

New CEO that has a good track history of bringing up smol companies and they have a product release in march. Up to you, already put 150+ into it and its less than a 1$ at the moment

>> No.26974217
Quoted by: >>26974536

Alright, I'll bite.

>> No.26974245

You seem like a nice anon, Nalich. I'm ok with missing most of the current moment's moonshots, but what wallet / trading platforms should I use? Do you think wasabi / binance-coinbase / uniswap would be good desu?

>> No.26974294


>> No.26974330
File: 708 KB, 723x627, bitcoin flashbacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros...I can't feel my wrists...Where are my bags? I'm cold.

>> No.26974353
File: 566 KB, 1199x1080, 1544888003228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974363

All sorts of DeFi projects are about to blow up after the retail investors lose faith in the mainstream brokerage apps.

>> No.26974373
Quoted by: >>26979941

I think it was a psy-op to take attention off gme, and it actually worked really well

>> No.26974394
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have missed out on GME, Link, AMC, or other things in life, but don't miss out on God's free gift of eternal life.

Once you receive the gift of everlasting life by faith, it's yours forever anon, you don't have to go to hell for your sins

>> No.26974424

Gamed (hehe) the system today and ONLY got back 20%


>> No.26974428

unironically xrp

>> No.26974454
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1611259011333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too man, wealthsimple is taking fucking forever

>> No.26974458
Quoted by: >>26974590

GME calls/puts
DOGE 2.0
Real silver

>> No.26974527

AMC is real and there's still time for GME.

>> No.26974530

>fuck XRP faggots

>> No.26974536
File: 1.30 MB, 743x800, 1611901681122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and riskedpilled anon

>> No.26974539

I’m literally shaking in anger when someone thinks he missed or it’s over

>> No.26974590

real gold should go up too, especially if gme fucks the stock market

>> No.26974609
Quoted by: >>26974769


>> No.26974656
File: 80 KB, 220x150, nothing is over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974733

what are you even on this board for if you ignore all the threads?

>> No.26974763

Bro I've got so much fucking money now. I'm legit serious. If you want to work at my drycleaners in Texas I'll hook you up with a job plus 5k to resettle. I made well over 6 figures in gme and amc so far. Options + stocks. Then like a dumbass I dumped 50k into dogecoin as soon as I saw the pump picking up. I thought I was printing money before but never imagined that meme shit would actually work out. It was tough getting out of doge though, had to setup an army of limit sell orders at a variety of prices but I finally offloaded it all after like 3 hours. I finally made it and I WILL be giving back to the community and any fellow netizens that need it.

>> No.26974769

and it won't be quick, it will take 5 working days, with each day getting higher

>> No.26974793
Quoted by: >>26975553


you should be able to verify your bank and buy quickly but not sell for a few days, I cant sell until thursday but im $100 in on dogecoin and I just downloaded robinhood yesterday. I'll be holding and with no choice to sell and im sure plenty of others will do the same, hold to the moon!

>> No.26974844

tourist here the bitcoin mania from december got me lurking this board I bought 50dollars dogecoin at 2cents a piece did I do okay?

>> No.26974845

employ a white man

>> No.26974917


>> No.26974934

Norwegian Air Shuttle NAS, where GME was a month ago, cant reveal sources but its going big

>> No.26975000
Quoted by: >>26975276

it was actually a dumb buy then and you got lucky

>> No.26975038

What do you mean you missed GME? The squeeze didn't even happen yet you absolute moron.

>> No.26975066

cash out, wait the dip doge will probably go back to 0.2

>> No.26975162
Quoted by: >>26975351


yeah but robbin'hood is trying to rape us, we have to shill for binance because those chinks never cuck us from trading.

In fact they appreciate it when we're fucking up US economy.

>> No.26975276
Quoted by: >>26975723

nice digits I'm using money I won't miss for now cause I clearly still make mistakes was buying them at 2cents too risky and I just lucked out? is it smart to sell half get my investment back and hodl the other half of dogecoins?

>> No.26975351

>In fact they appreciate it when we're fucking up US economy.
Can it be called fucking when you are just redistributing it using free market?

>> No.26975553

Is my bank just shit? I'm waiting for it to make two small deposits by February 3rd.

>> No.26975703

yeah fuck TRX. i was holding 25k of that chink coin while it did literally nothing for 3 years

>> No.26975723

nah you should hold, I wasn't insulting you, you made a brilliant move but this was totally unpredictable and it was most likely to dump from 2c. You can set a stop limit at 3c, and that way you at least make 50% in the worst case

>> No.26975802
Quoted by: >>26976591

buy with a card and take the small transaction fee like a man

>> No.26975897

>to late
Dump that shit in faggot during this dip and enjoy the ride to the moon

>> No.26975909


>Missed AMC

Nigger what?

>> No.26975956
Quoted by: >>26977525

Anon the next battle is silver.

>> No.26976012
Quoted by: >>26976591


I dont know, my bank wont actually transfer the money until the 4th and then i can sell, but robinhood added the 100 and let me buy with just a message saying to make sure I have 100 in the bank for when the transfer actually occurs. I did sign up over 24 hours ago though so verifying the bank probably happened yesterday this was just the first time i added funds and bought anything.

>> No.26976158

NAKD is the smart play, buy the shares at $1.50 when prices spike in meme stocks tomorrow you will easily double your money. Taking 5k into a $10 stock nets 500 shares. To make double your money you need to see a $5 increase. To double it in NAKD you need only a $1.50 increase.

>> No.26976281

quant about to pump 10x

>> No.26976411
Quoted by: >>26976559

Fucking europoors always selling wtf

>> No.26976463
Quoted by: >>26976984

thing is, the price already pumped 100% yesterday due to memes, I don't see people really talking about NAKD in the next days but I'll drop 1K just in case

>> No.26976524
File: 9 KB, 219x230, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976828

>made around 300 usd today from doing fuck all
>currently smoking, drinking coffee on my balcony all the while chilling to Edith Piaf
Today was such a comfy day

>> No.26976559
Quoted by: >>26980072

are euros even human?

>> No.26976591

I would but I don't even see that option on RH
Yeah I'm not getting that option.
Does anyone know any alternatives that I can even use from scratch at this point? Binance isn't available in my state but I've heard of Kraken and Voyager. Are those any good?

>> No.26976603
File: 69 KB, 945x936, link_wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% LINK
10% GRT

>> No.26976609


How did you miss all 3? Lol

>> No.26976682


>> No.26976809
Quoted by: >>26977874

By now yeah Its too late but people who got in on GME early will make literally millions

>> No.26976828
File: 91 KB, 626x344, storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976973

ngl I tossed a banana and some chocolate milk into a blender and now Im bullshitting on /biz/
we're all together taking down jew fuckers, and its pretty comfy m8

>> No.26976973

Ahh, yeah anon - as a white man myself I totally am against the jews

>> No.26976984
File: 206 KB, 1953x1204, NAKD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAKD jumped right after open, then dropped due to 2 reasons:
1 the Robinhood lockout. All meme stocks dropped when robinhood locked them out.
2 NAKD just released a massive amount of new shares to the market yesterday.
>Naked Brand Group Limited (NASDAQ:NAKD) ("Naked" or the "Company"), a global leader in intimate apparel and swimwear, today announced that it has entered into securities purchase agreements with certain institutional investors for the issuance and sale of 29,415,000 of its ordinary shares at a price of $1.70 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $50 million, in a registered direct offering priced at-the-market under Nasdaq rules.

So a release of more shares plus the Robinhood temporary ban on sales both affected the market. I think when normies look at the list of possible meme stocks from the news they will see NAKD is the cheapest and it will be the one that the target after AMC becomes too high to purchase large amounts of shares.

>> No.26977092

How can you have missed gme when it hasn't even BEGUN. Buy the dip below 100 today

>> No.26977312

you missed the first doge train, but not the last one, pump like $1k into it right now and sit on it, this is your last chance pretty much, doge has a meme status and will be last crypto to shoot up like this
worst case scenario you will be out $1k so nothing terrible

>> No.26977463
Quoted by: >>26977758

you didn't miss doge dude, it's still going on.

>> No.26977525

no, it's gme and doge for a while yet, we need big gains to influence silver

>> No.26977758


It will be going on for a week. The normies can't buy right now cause the exchanges won't let them. When they get in it'll skyrocket.

>> No.26977817
Quoted by: >>26978280

0chain (ZCN) for a safe long hold

>> No.26977874

Which is less than 5% of people..

>> No.26977917

try RBC. It's pretty much in a dip right now

>> No.26977939

If you dropped $5k on Bitcoin you would have made like ~$750 since writing this.

>> No.26977960

We could tell you but you'd just call it a scam

>> No.26977962
File: 315 KB, 498x287, CLASS WAR LETS GOOOOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kikes say they heard of me, I ain’t heard of you
Get the fuck up out my fuckin’ face, ‘fore I murder you
Bitch kikes always shortin’ stock, but I know they fu
Whole squad full of fuckin’ holders, I’m a holder too
Pumpin' stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, nigga
Every kike gettin’ pop, pop, popped, nigga
The thing go “rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah,” nigga
We pumpin stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, stocks, nigga

>> No.26978039
Quoted by: >>26981619

NAKD is next week's golden boy. Get in today lads

>> No.26978077
Quoted by: >>26978288

Draft Kings

Invested 2 weeks ago and already up 25%

>> No.26978111

I don't have a debit card or a bank account fml

>> No.26978142

You really think it'll shoot up that high?

The low price of amc is tempting as fuck.

>> No.26978234
Quoted by: >>26978473

No you're basing that on the new short selling that just went down. That's just from people waiting for the inevitable plummet. You won't get paid this way.

>> No.26978280

this is not the time for safe holds, there are massive gains to be made this week

>> No.26978288

Another stock iv made 25% on in 2 weeks is TDOC (Teledoc Health)

>> No.26978451
Quoted by: >>26978554

Dumb question alert: What would happen if GME declared bankruptcy?

>> No.26978473

well if I don't get paid that way, I just won't get paid, no big deal I can always make more money, I aint jumping out a window over it

>> No.26978528

Parsiq nigger

>> No.26978554

it would be swiftly rejected because they clearly have adequate funds?

>> No.26978634


>> No.26978697
Quoted by: >>26978954

It's literally over dude.
GME looks like it's gonna explode.

>> No.26978870

Retard here, I’m willing to get in on this and fuck the hedgies but when do I buy? The stock is at 400 bucks now, do I wait for the dip?

>> No.26978954

It was rising again in the morning, but it might be drying up now, we'll see in the coming days if it is really over

>> No.26978990

would you do it for a brit who needs to get the fuck out? or even just stand next to me and help me make 10k so i can get into a rented property of my own, build more cash and buy a house.

>> No.26979031
Quoted by: >>26979143

>do I wait for the dip?
buy in the dip, sell, buy in dip, rinse repeat

>> No.26979043
Quoted by: >>26979379

So you buy meme coins...and if they go up the same place you bought them from will just buy it back with real money?

This seems to good to be true. What the hell do they get out of it

>> No.26979067

>1 in 20
i feel like that's high, but if it isn't i feel even worse for not being in gme

>> No.26979143

It will definitely dip today, right?
This thing just feels so unpredictable I don’t know what to expect

>> No.26979215

I am poor beyond belief and always have be, but it taught me the truth that happiness is actually not anything other than an internal factor.
Keep your cash just please try to help the homeless in your city.

>> No.26979256
Quoted by: >>26979560

AMC is unironically your last chance

>> No.26979271
File: 221 KB, 2040x1146, $AG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$AG all the way

>> No.26979304
File: 453 KB, 1440x1434, 1611900171240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't miss out again, anon.
Don't forget your tickets.

>> No.26979327
Quoted by: >>26979434

>I don’t know what to expect
I don't either, I am just watching and laughing.
There is no precedence to this, it is unheard of. No one other than the (((ones who orchestrated it))) know what is going to happen.

>> No.26979379
File: 26 KB, 554x554, 501151F7-F278-48E6-8529-A35DFA726717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979476

Nothing, it’s just reddit retards throwing money back and forth at each other. Jump in and hold for a few days then sell to take advantage of it

>> No.26979434
Quoted by: >>26979719

Fair enough, thanks for the advice anyway anon. I’m just so new to this that I’m scared if I don’t buy as soon as the market opens I’ll be kicking myself.

>> No.26979456

this is big

>> No.26979476

Idk. Seems like I'd go to sell and it won't work for some reason.

>> No.26979501
File: 1.30 MB, 192x192, 1516897796418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979602

>I cashed out 200 dollar when doge first come around and the meme died down
>Many years later I could have 2500 dollar right now
>Third world shitter so that amount of money would have made me basically do nothing for a whole year without any worry

>> No.26979533
Quoted by: >>26980364

most people think it will dip, I think it will go to as low as $70 but who knows

>> No.26979560

its $13 right now, should I buy?

>> No.26979587
File: 369 KB, 500x501, spiritbomb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980722

Put in $200

>> No.26979602

yes, but you would have sold at 1.5 cents

>> No.26979631

Well done, sir. I wagecucked during the Dogepump.
I bought in now, probably a mistake.

>> No.26979709

bro I'm a tard from /cgl/ and even I have seven GME shares

>> No.26979719
Quoted by: >>26980364

honestly, if you really want to know what is happening go to /r/wsb, and read the advice there.

>> No.26979860

LTO easy x25 eoy

>> No.26979941

this soo much

>> No.26980072

>Euros wake up
>crypto pumps
fuck off

>> No.26980089


>> No.26980251
Quoted by: >>26980790

>it's so funny how it hasn't even started and people are out
It's a little hard to buy in at $400+. I'm dying though, because I wasn't liquid even though I have a decent amount invested, so I missed it at $45-50. Probably just gonna kms.

>> No.26980364

Thank you both

>> No.26980458

10am pst there should be a dip.
Either there or at 7:30am pst

>> No.26980722

another noob here, recommended portal?

>> No.26980789

Fuckkkkk that

>> No.26980790
Quoted by: >>26981235

I bought in at 330. Selling half at 1k and half at 10k

>> No.26980986
File: 8 KB, 200x200, rrrerz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siacoin is just getting started

>> No.26981114

keep your eye out for btc to drop
i don't like that recent growth

>> No.26981160

put itinto LTO and GTO dont miss them make sure ur staking LTO on xeno

>> No.26981235
Quoted by: >>26982127

Where's the money for even $1k going to come from? These fuckheads are already running out of money as it is. Anyway, I would invest what I can afford to lose, but that's not much at $400.

>> No.26981548

AVAX obviously

>> No.26981619
File: 17 KB, 767x251, neeeeekigdes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at anyone on the NAKD train. Shits about to get delisted

>> No.26981668

You probably still have some time before you miss STA. Probably

>> No.26981785

Just buy btc fag. Now that even normies woke up to how rigged everything is they will run to bitcoin

>> No.26981814

why arn't you shorting doge dumb fuck? fucking idiots I swear.

>> No.26981947


>> No.26981988
Quoted by: >>26982390

Fuck dodge, but you have not missed GME or AMC. Especially not AMC.

>> No.26982127

I don't know where it's coming from, but I know where it's going

>> No.26982336

It's ok bro.

We are literally about to 100X MUSE. Tons of people are hopping onboard. You need to get in early though

>> No.26982390

gme hasn't even begun,

>> No.26982429

This is bad advice

>> No.26982634

Nano is a shit level tier coin.

>> No.26982892
File: 24 KB, 700x700, dexgwhite0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 reasons to buy DEXG

1. Speculative AMM greatly reduces slippage.
2. Single asset pools reduce impermanent loss for liquidity providers.
3. Fast order books, limit orders & chart tools coming.
4. Transaction fee rewards for holders and liquidity providers.
5. 55,000 capped supply.
6. $12 Million market cap. (uni $2.8 billion, sushi $990 Million, Balancer $230 Million)
7. Offchain asset minting for enterprises who will need to hold DEXG.
8. Holding DEXG allows a governance vote in the ecosystem.
9. Secondary token airdrop for holders.
10.It will make you filthy rich.

>> No.26983021

Xlm u absolute unaware

>> No.26983575
File: 63 KB, 810x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish

>> No.26984098


>> No.26984139


>> No.26984573
File: 21 KB, 510x340, IMG_20210128_145455_950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real adoption big clients best tokenomics and biz model
Undervalued, one of the non meme non jew answers