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26402447 No.26402447 [Reply] [Original]

Alt season coming.

Post alts that you think will moon

I personally strongly believe in GRO:

The platform's intention is to become a complete suite of DeFi tools that will offer its users optimized strategies for all existing DeFi protocols.

It is built around the GRO tokens, which are deflationary tokens that grant users voting and staking rights while also going after capital appreciation. Tied to the GRO tokens are the gTokens that provide a direct appreciation source for GRO tokens through fee burning.

While it initially seems that the gTokens are the interest-bearing tokens for the platform that payout based on a users deposited funds, it soon becomes clear that they offer more value since they benefit from the minting (deposit) and burning (withdrawal) fees charged by the platform. This fee is 1%, half of which gets locked into liquidity pools with varying GRO pairs. These locked gTokens are occasionally burned to increase the scarcity of the token and to lift demand.

As a result, users holding gTokens benefit from the yield of the underlying protocol along with the arbitrage profits of the minting and burning fees.

Additionally, users can always count on low slippage with near no impermanent loss because the protocol constantly locks up liquidity. This is critically important since one of the goals of Growth DeFi is introducing liquidity provider exposure without suffering from impermanent loss.

>> No.26402473
Quoted by: >>26403630


>> No.26402475

API3 is LINK but better, it took a while but the run is now starting up, so I'm pretty sure it is going to grow over time (check graph)

>> No.26402479
Quoted by: >>26402547


>Andre Cronje
>Low fees
>REN Bridge coming this quarter
>Strong community

>> No.26402499

Gather (GTH) 5m mcap competitors are all 200m+

FastSwap (FAST) 1m mcap - bit of a risky moonshot, Crosschain dex

>> No.26402527

ORN is going to be massive once its tool is available to everyone

>> No.26402547

It's only a secret if you keep it that way.

>> No.26402688


>> No.26402708
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>> No.26402720

XMR, people are making real use of it

>> No.26402737
Quoted by: >>26402781

You made this exact thread earlier, just admit your a GRO shill
What happened to all those tg pajeets that were shilling for a few days, they upped and left? Did the marketing budget run out?

>> No.26402760

Upfiring (UFR).
Micro cap alt that has pumped 10x or more in every alt season so far in history. This one will be no different.

>> No.26402775

XMR till I die baby

>> No.26402781

There were never any shills. You're either thinking of GRT or unironically need to take your meds.

>> No.26402782

Should I bother having any QNT or should I just swap it for Albert? I only have 3 QNT.

>> No.26402823

>need to take your meds
thanks for reminding anon

>> No.26402827
Quoted by: >>26402842


>> No.26402839

>alt season is coming
>buy my shitcoin

fuck off OP

>> No.26402842
Quoted by: >>26402929

More like KMS amirite hayooo

>> No.26402914


>> No.26402929

All day erryday

>> No.26402945

Alt season is already over.

>> No.26403084


>> No.26403114

Rsr within 3 or 4 years,
And possibly DRIP.

>> No.26403244
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>> No.26403329
Quoted by: >>26403635

Statera. Made for the bullrun.
Then lifelong profits from pooling as the supply goes down, pricing out everyone except /biz/.

>> No.26403439
Quoted by: >>26403674

There was a group of at least 3 different IDs making daily threads on GRO, having retarded conversations with themselves using all sorts of twitter or telegram lingo they were clearly not /biz/anons
I called them out on it and they thanked me for replying because I was keeping GRO "trending"
Also you ignored my point, you made this exact thread with the same image days ago
It's a nice twist, looks genuine enough and you probably are but as you can see no one else cares about your defi farm token.
Good luck anon but defi protocols are more or less established you need to bring something completely radical to the table or just ride the trusted projects

>> No.26403495

pee pee AND poo poo, dear friend; where worlds collide
see you on the other side

>> No.26403553

you’d have to be a grade-A moron to not buy some XRP. Also SUTER

>> No.26403630
File: 119 KB, 921x788, 20210104_222516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you farm rAAVE with your AAVE?

>> No.26403635
Quoted by: >>26404214

What are suicide/make it stacks? I could only afford a 15k stack for now since im a poorfag

>> No.26403674

Does 4x within a month.
>Nobody cares

>> No.26403826

Fire protocol

>> No.26404214
Quoted by: >>26407488

100k make it, 10-20k suicide which if you hold long enough should become make it since the burn rate is starting to go crazy

>> No.26404918
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>> No.26404988

Soon not even top 10 coin

>> No.26405007

Btc Eth Link

>> No.26405057


>> No.26405712

Hegic, mark, xcm

>> No.26406539

I did alot of research the last days and Im nearly all in FAST and also COIN looks very promising
its a bit of risk involved but I believe my gut that they will atleast 10x-30x

>> No.26406638

waves will moon soon

>> No.26406767
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>> No.26407213
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>> No.26407277
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Just ape some in and let it grow, fees paid off in hours, no staking required.

>> No.26407488

why did u post the nigerian terror cell fund wallet on a pakistani vacuum cleaner discussion forum?