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>> No.26344009

Inflation is going to be 20-25% this year, no fucking joke. Just buy and hold, economy is collapsing forwards

>> No.26344020
File: 390 KB, 927x1200, 9B8BE699-3DE4-46A5-840D-12F0C00F8906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344145

Anyone here long on gold, or holding physical metal?

>> No.26344053
File: 1.30 MB, 743x800, gamble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344110


>> No.26344058
Quoted by: >>26344114

some of you guys are okay, buy Petrobras

>> No.26344063

but at least they beat trump!

>> No.26344068

It's already been 21 days into 2021.

That's 63% inflation cmon

>> No.26344083
File: 164 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20210121-222050~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 poorfolio. Cringe or decent?

>> No.26344087
File: 587 KB, 533x468, Quock - van Gogh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.26344094

and the fed will raise rates the second that happens and crash the market with no survivors

>> No.26344107
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 46337995-4A87-4428-9DE0-F0C253C5E669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to doom post, but it could be like 50% if the new administration starts pushing policies that scare the citizens.

>businesses get spooked and stop hiring
>Shareholders exit out of all speculative stocks
>Unemployment goes to 15% or 20%
>People demand more stimulus money forever
>We end up printing 10T in one year

>> No.26344110
Quoted by: >>26344162

And then the Sony rumor will manifest into news. .

>> No.26344114
Quoted by: >>26344224

>SA oil
Hey we were starting to look for that last thread

>> No.26344123
File: 52 KB, 490x342, 15536363752357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think girls post here?

>> No.26344130

no inflation until 2023

>> No.26344136

These are extremely impressive

>> No.26344145
Quoted by: >>26344282

Seems to have the same confiscation risk as the other-store-of-value-that-shall-not-be-named, but worse performance. Both in terms of raw returns and security, transmissiblity, etc.

>> No.26344147
File: 29 KB, 335x310, 1611264650876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy RYCEY at open

>> No.26344150

very nice, /smg/ is still sleeping on it

>> No.26344152
File: 104 KB, 1121x283, Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 8.08.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344299

Let me shill you my shilling to my dad

>> No.26344160


>> No.26344162

We can get to $50 on a Cohen tweet at this point

>> No.26344175
File: 356 KB, 2168x1906, 1598164969504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344223

my gf invests but i haven't told her i come here, maybe i will one day. she's into crypto too. as fucked up as this place is it could probably help her with some tips.

>> No.26344177
File: 89 KB, 294x258, 1604513908565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344321

I'm gonna FOMO into GME during premarket tomorrow, fuck it

>> No.26344190


>> No.26344197
Quoted by: >>26344254

if any girls (female) post here then hmu I need a qt stock gf

>> No.26344216

No. Girls don’t like the idea of making money themselves. They want it to be given freely.

>> No.26344223
File: 6 KB, 300x168, zawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's into crypto
She'll be buying kneepads with her remaining money, crypto is crashing with no survivors. I hope she's got a flexible jaw.

>> No.26344224

I'm not here to argue, Bolsonaro doesnt care about climate change

>> No.26344227
File: 548 KB, 612x649, Aki_RedComet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26344242
Quoted by: >>26344920

Never heard of any of these companies so major cringe. What is it penny stocks?

>> No.26344252
File: 1.10 MB, 1306x635, dp01-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo here

>> No.26344254
Quoted by: >>26344953

no if any girls post here hmu i'm more chad and have more money than this nerd

>> No.26344268
File: 150 KB, 1122x436, Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 8.30.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26344276
File: 985 KB, 1257x598, dp01-21-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344401

>> No.26344277
File: 256 KB, 220x388, 1610413913337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the T in TQQQ stand for?

>> No.26344282
File: 35 KB, 236x329, 785F620C-47AD-4F2A-97AD-06C46712E1C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344401

If they try to pick up guns and gold, you better stay at home and wait a few months for the civil war to end, because that will 100000% start a civil war against the current administration. I bought canned food for a reason - so I can wait out any emergency and stay home and protect my family.

>> No.26344289
Quoted by: >>26344320

go suck your daddy's dick fag boy

>> No.26344295

I love you Quock

>> No.26344299
Quoted by: >>26344461

basically nothing in that text is actual financial analysis. impressive stupidity

>> No.26344304
Quoted by: >>26344333

Not alot of memes today huh

>> No.26344306

Female (no y chromosome) investors post on onlyfans forums and screech about what kink is going to generate more money from dumbass cucks given the popularity of current trends

>> No.26344314
File: 62 KB, 788x960, 1609906671765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26344320

I already do you little bitch i suck it real fucking good you got a problem with that?

>> No.26344321
File: 10 KB, 192x220, 1503690270376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344641

>buying the top of a short squeeze

>> No.26344323

whatever happened to the guy that sold naked calls on GME? havent seen him post in a while

>> No.26344327

You know what, that's sadly true

>> No.26344333
Quoted by: >>26346530

>hello good sirs, buy my stocks
>please good sirs

>> No.26344336

CRBP? More like CRAP
POWW? More like OWWW
BFARF? More like BARF
RLFTF? More like ROTFLMAO at your shitty portfolio

>> No.26344340

I have 1000 to invest. What is the realistic best way I can flip that to 5000 by the end of February? I can dump it all in one stock or diversity. I can take out options or...I'm.

>> No.26344351
Quoted by: >>26346510

I looked at the numbers and I’m beating the S&P 500 since March 23rd by ~14%. Does that mean I’m good at stocks or can any idiot do that? (Or both)

>> No.26344356

oh my god im going to ricknmorty my pants

>> No.26344363

idk guys life kinda sucks even with stocks.

>> No.26344365

he destroyed his phone and is currently homeless

>> No.26344368
Quoted by: >>26344489

blackberry LEAPs

>> No.26344376

hasnt posted since that last group of photos

>> No.26344384
Quoted by: >>26344920

Love how my CRBP shilling has mogged everything else on your portfolio.

>> No.26344395
File: 170 KB, 1261x1261, 04F88226-ECF5-42AA-8279-FD2BFABA271B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344450

CLF to 30 after earnings. Sleeping comfy tonight. Goodnight ladies.

>> No.26344396

Attention gamer girls, invest in SNDWH and BJ

>> No.26344400

CLF tranny?
He lost all of his money and used his last $100 to buy some quality kneepads.

>> No.26344401
Quoted by: >>26344524

Still can't believe you make all these trades. Don't you have a day job?


Agreed. I guess the... analogies? are freezes on things like GLD and GBTC for "solvency reasons" or other BS vs later on physical confiscation of bars or hardware wallets.

>> No.26344404
Quoted by: >>26344572

you can do that in one day if you catch the bottom of a morning dip and all in weekly calls on a stock that rockets the rest of the day

>> No.26344410
File: 133 KB, 960x696, jvMHK98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WKHS 1/22 24.5c

I'm an idiot, aren't I?

>> No.26344418
Quoted by: >>26344459

>given freely
but that's how the stock market works?!

>press buy
>line goes up

>> No.26344450
File: 328 KB, 1080x2400, doubleretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get your REFR cheapies!

>> No.26344453
File: 258 KB, 750x467, 884B6BBB-1F26-47A1-8585-6128D58BDC1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the best thing Trump can do is stay out of the public for awhile and wait for the collapse. If he’s out of public consciousness, the media won’t be able to blame the collapse on him. “Out of sight, out of mind.”

>> No.26344459

That's too much effort for women. They prefer
>spread legs
>penis goes in vagina

>> No.26344461
Quoted by: >>26344662

>basically nothing in that text is actual financial analysis.
You wouldn't be able to point out "actual financial analysis" even if it was presented to you in a fucking textbook you moron.

>> No.26344488
File: 79 KB, 350x350, 1610592643989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ISIS attack on US Embassy
>>US moving in on Syria
>>Some shit with Iran/Irag idfk
>>Canadian big heads seething at canceled XL pipeline, saying there will be repercussions

It hasn't even been 3 days. War Economy boys.

>> No.26344489
Quoted by: >>26344525

You are saying I could manage this within roughly 30 days? I'm doing this for family ermegency. I'm not one to gamble. There are other stocks I have personal interest in, but I need a relatively short and guaranteed cash out. The closer to 5000 the better.

>> No.26344491

you're fucked

>> No.26344500

hey, I mean, RKG posts here, right? :^)

>> No.26344501

Trying to find that script for that dark pool scanner posted yesterday

>> No.26344524
File: 1.20 MB, 750x1005, 52EE4952-3874-4C7B-BA71-BB0AE1ED4969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have at least a few weeks of food in the event of an emergency? Enough for your immediate family? I bought some and will just end up donating all of it to the food shelter in 9 months and buy enough to replace it.

So it never goes to waste.

>> No.26344525
Quoted by: >>26344624

Trying to 5x your money in 30 days is degenerate gambling, period.

>> No.26344530

>hold opti for weeks of crabbing
>sell yesterday
>moons today
Fucking jews

>> No.26344534

What 4-8 year stocks should I invest in when I get drafted to Iran

>> No.26344559
Quoted by: >>26344609

Who feeds you these picks Pajeet?

>> No.26344560

It wouldn’t surprise me if they go to war in order to avoid a collapse. Or avoid taking about a collapse

>what do you mean 20% unemployment?
>we are declaring war on the following states...

>> No.26344572

I'm not disagreeing. I just usually don't see a 5x jump on the stocks I follow. I'm not trying to get rich right now. I'm just trying to secure enough to help family

>> No.26344580
Quoted by: >>26346608

Check out DFEN's 3 month chart. This is approximately the amount of war that got priced in when Biden got elected.

Wake me up when an ambassador gets iced, Assad declares, or Taiwan falls into very suspicious chaos.

You can just have a rotating stockpile of food as well - eat the 6 month old stuff, replace it with new stuff. Mormons apparently all do something similar on church instructions.

Personally I lean towards the GTFO route.

>> No.26344605
File: 40 KB, 800x574, 744F3DD9-A0F1-4125-9CA6-8D803479838B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344645

Wagie Payday tomorrow I make it an effort to invest about 100-400 each time, any solid safe plays, I saw AMC tossed around, had GME since the summer but sold a bit to diversify.

>What song is he listing to?

>> No.26344610

this is the fucking life boys

>> No.26344609

One of my friend's friends from high school. This guy is autistic. Indian guy who went to a top top university at their best program and he said nigger more than anyone else i ever knew in my life.

>> No.26344624
Quoted by: >>26345586

I know it is. And I'm willing to gamble 1000 for family

>> No.26344635
File: 449 KB, 600x624, 1603901430565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26344641

the short squeeze hasn't started yet, SI keeps going up.

>> No.26344645

2 of the greatest of all time stocks

>> No.26344646
Quoted by: >>26344756

>25% daily inflation

>> No.26344662

i work as a financial analyst so i might

>> No.26344695
Quoted by: >>26345100

Alright edify me with some financial analysis for COCP and NOVN.

>> No.26344712
File: 216 KB, 850x400, 1591192786978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I analyze fine asses too

>> No.26344713

Musk whisperer here. He begins selling shares next week. A lot of it will be camouflaged with a contribution to a 100MM for carbon capture. This contract will likely go to some subsidiary of TSLA.
And thus begins Musk's exit from TSLA. Having to pump a car company bores him since SpaceX was his endgame all along.

>> No.26344750
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1585626548872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons with $100,000 in stocks crying in joy when they get +4% returns in a day
>Mfw 24 and dumped all my summer job money ($3000) and I'm only slightly happy to be up 30% for my first 3 months of investing

>> No.26344756
Quoted by: >>26346482

Look on the bright side, at that point you'll be able to see glorious green days every day as TQQQ consistently pulls in 20%.

>> No.26344758


>> No.26344767
Quoted by: >>26344909

When do we start buying puts then, oh great and wonderful Musk whisperer?

>> No.26344770
Quoted by: >>26344909

everyone with a brain knows that, him moving to Texas from California is telegraphing him cashing out

>> No.26344773
File: 2.50 MB, 540x960, 1609885338239.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stock should I buy if I like cramming things into my boipucci?

>> No.26344775

So Tesla to $1000, then?

>> No.26344806
File: 184 KB, 1125x978, ED2CB344-F731-4CD2-A395-5E738D775A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate portfolio
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.26344830
Quoted by: >>26345050

30% over the last three months is kinda shit desu

>> No.26344835

you arent mean to make it bro

>> No.26344844

trudeau is such a cuck lol
doug ford could run for prime minister on next elections

>> No.26344846

BB already invaded by heart

>> No.26344859

im out of nexpo and barely sociable videos to watch
the fuck do i do now

>> No.26344865
Quoted by: >>26344885

bull flag for oil stocks?

>> No.26344872
Quoted by: >>26345050

tfw 50% gain in the last month and I feel like utter shit.

Can't imagine how you feel.

>> No.26344873
Quoted by: >>26345050

There’s no other way to be up 30%
For doing nothing other then investing in memes

>> No.26344874


>> No.26344881
File: 472 KB, 722x640, D7089D31-1AA8-480D-9D65-4A2CBFB2E628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> down 240% from daily inflation

>> No.26344885


>> No.26344892
Quoted by: >>26344926

What is NOK doing? I have been seeing it shilled a lot.

>> No.26344909
Quoted by: >>26344982

It is timed for next week to be past the filing date for Form 4. So likely won't show up on this next earnings.
Yes, but this is sooner than expected.
I make no predictions on price. Elon was the last TSLA insider that wasn't selling shares since 2019. Moving to Texas was to cash out.
Also, Fremont factory will not exist by 2023. The Germany factory will be delayed to 2022.

>> No.26344917


>> No.26344920
Quoted by: >>26344935


Most are penny stocks I'm dicking around in hoping for long term gains.. I have another 4600 I'm going to put into something tomorrow.

>> No.26344925
Quoted by: >>26345141

The one that is shouting out to me the most is the 1007 contracts for 2/19 $65 QS calls
Look at the QS chart
>pic related
This chart screams to me consolidation / accumulation
I might pick up a contract or two, going to do more analysis

>> No.26344926
Quoted by: >>26345071

5g and 6g and car systems

>> No.26344935
Quoted by: >>26345587

BNKU please.

>> No.26344934

that pictures making my hands tingle, Id never trust people or myself enough to do that, a strong gust of win could kill you.

>> No.26344950
File: 155 KB, 1280x640, 1611284586318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26344991

Not the Leafs!

>> No.26344953

im broke but im young and tall and handsome so i'm more chad than both of these nerds

>> No.26344982
Quoted by: >>26345084

You've literally never been right about any of your predictions and you're a retard.

>> No.26344991
Quoted by: >>26345041

Day of the grill is coming burgerfat.

>> No.26345018
File: 112 KB, 1024x963, 1608009489108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 6 months worth of food, 1000 rounds for each my AR, shotgun, 9 mm, and .40 just in case of social unrest to protect my home desu

Just watching anime, playing video games and trading stocks and waiting for the financial apocalypse.

Also have a cash reserve for cheapies once the market gets the Biden priced in and inevitably collapses.

I will be rich enough to go from Just being weird to the rich version "eccentric".

>> No.26345041
Quoted by: >>26345212

can you please bring some bacon when you come down from your frozen hellhole? Also, we don't speak mandarin-french, so we'll need a translator.

>> No.26345050

You're telling me. But i have my life story and i don't need to green text it. I fucked up more than anyone.
It depends on how long you've been investing in total. I'm only happy because I've made more in the 3 months since I've started than many boomers have in 20 years.

>> No.26345071
Quoted by: >>26345131

Oh, NOK is on that 5g and 6g. Fuck it, I am in tomorrow.

>> No.26345075

Wrong. You will not make it, because you think that the market collapse will come this year when it'll take at least 2 years.

>> No.26345084
Quoted by: >>26345339

>You've literally never been right about any of your predictions and you're a retard.
Which ones? I have only begun whispering for the past week or so.
I have an innate ability to see into the minds of Africans and Jews. Musk is an open book to me.

>> No.26345100
Quoted by: >>26345327

the literal only useful information in that entire text is that institutional investors have taken note. but even that needs more research. is it actually them or a firm working there? when did they buy, why did they buy?
everything else in that text made me laugh

>> No.26345104

I’m not happy when I’m up 100%?

>> No.26345121
Quoted by: >>26345139

Based. Stay your ass at home if shit hits the fan and protect your family. Let the others fight it out. Any civil war will remove the current administration anyway, so fuck it.

>> No.26345125
Quoted by: >>26345173

study("Short Interest", shorttitle="SI RATIO", precision=3)
qsi = "QUANDL:FINRA/FNYX_" + syminfo.ticker+"|0"
qto = "QUANDL:FINRA/FNYX_" + syminfo.ticker+"|2"
q1 = 1.0*security(qsi, "D", close)
q2 = security(qto, "D", close)

qsi2 = "QUANDL:FINRA/FNSQ_" + syminfo.ticker+"|0"
qto2 = "QUANDL:FINRA/FNSQ_" + syminfo.ticker+"|2"
q3 = 1.0*security(qsi2, "D", close)
q4 = security(qto2, "D", close)

bu = (q1+q3)
se = (1.0*q2+q4)-(q1+q3)

a = input(1,title="Smooth")
//plot(sum(bu+se,a), title = "CumVolume",color=color.yellow ,style=plot.style_columns,transp = 80)
plot(sum(bu,a),title = "BuyVolume",color=color.green, style=plot.style_columns,transp = 0)
plot(sum(se,a), title = "SellVolume",color=color.red ,style=plot.style_columns,transp = 50)

Which indicator type do I add this script to on trading view? This is le epic dark pool indicator

>> No.26345131
Quoted by: >>26345253

buy 2023 LEAPs

>> No.26345136

The fucking Wall Street bets morons got paranoid because they’re all fucking retarded over a fucking twitter

Fucking morons. As soon as I find it of course

>> No.26345139
File: 800 KB, 245x230, 343b34ad1231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345438

Why are burgers so melodramatic.

>> No.26345141
File: 640 KB, 2122x1342, QS-4hr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26345173
Quoted by: >>26345352

>cumvolume color yellow
heh same

>> No.26345176
Quoted by: >>26345842

Yellen is already talking crazy bullshit before the 48 hour mark.

>Global taxes
>Banning BTC
>Printing a metric fuck-ton of cash
>Taxing unrealized gains

She seems to be throwing out feelers to see how much the public will tolerate, if any. I’m bearish on 2021.

>> No.26345206

Guys, wallstreetbets went private. Prepare for a wave of tourists.

>> No.26345207

how the frick do you have so much money

>> No.26345212

Ill have to practice my african american vernacular mixed with spanish, hopefully you'll be able to understand me in your native tongue.

>> No.26345222
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1607524352891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345347

SO how big will CLF go when February earnings drop?

>> No.26345245

couldnt stand BFT im too impatient. it probably pays off though

>> No.26345249

We are calling for a total and complete shutdown of INSTITUTIONS & SEC entering the WALLSTREETBETS until our users and mods can figure out what is going on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu8


>> No.26345253
Quoted by: >>26345397

Why not 2022?

>> No.26345291
Quoted by: >>26345343

Can't say I disagree with the reason. Fuck the SEC and globalhomo

>> No.26345317
Quoted by: >>26346452

$ATOS no doubt

>> No.26345327
Quoted by: >>26345980

>is it actually them or a firm working there?
Would fintel data not indicate a separate subsidiary firm bought up shares for a certain stock rather than the institutions provided on the Fintel data? Would FSKAX and FNCMX not be Fidelity's actual composite funds?

>When did they buy
Are you sure you are an actual financial analyst and not just some larping child? Because the 13D/13G filings were both made on 1-20-21 according to readily available online information.

If you really are a financial analyst explain how a firm working at NOVN would be the ones buying up the shares? What did you mean by that? Be articulate and technical with your explanation as you would if you were a financial analyst.

>> No.26345339
File: 48 KB, 1683x287, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're constantly coming in here and making stupid claims about Tesla that never happen, only recently have you decided to use that name. I figured it was satire but now other idiots are starting to believe it and you're doubling down so at the very least you're pretending to be retarded, which still makes you a retard.

>> No.26345341
File: 110 KB, 680x497, 1308090736002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345538

bix nood, hombre.

after we get done with the negotiations we can sit down at the table for fried chicken and watermelon. Then, we can watch some BBC on Chinese/canadian girls as I know that you Canadians enjoy some of that.

>> No.26345343
Quoted by: >>26345415

I don't go there, what is going on now did the mod get subpoenaed by the SEC or something?

>> No.26345347
Quoted by: >>26345423

I’m not fucking with the risk anymore. My calls are officially doing worse than my shares

>> No.26345352

Probably because you drink too much alcohol.

>> No.26345370
Quoted by: >>26346136

I wouldn't be surprised if that shit with wsb has something to do with GME

>> No.26345377


>> No.26345383

Cool it with the anti-semitism

>> No.26345388

Where will /biz/tards go if 4chan gets killed?

>> No.26345397

up to you, that's not even a full year anymore

>> No.26345403

what's the meme catalyst for NOK? They're late to the 5G game, so 6G?

>> No.26345404

Wtf happened

>> No.26345415

Fears that firms are using wsb to shill, their twitter account making them an easier target, and the GME squeeze pissing off big money who don't like normal people beating them at their own game

>> No.26345423
Quoted by: >>26347792

I will never touch options. You can fuck with stocks for as long as you want but it's fucking impossible to LOSE money. Options are a death wish.

>> No.26345428

We aren’t on 4chan fignut, check the URL

>> No.26345430

8kun or darknet

>> No.26345438
File: 55 KB, 480x544, v43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ boomers have to remind us where they're from

>> No.26345456
File: 174 KB, 1000x1337, USE_IN_CASE_OF_FINANCIAL_RUIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345842

>not understanding taxing unrealized gains is unironically on the table

Here you go, new fren. You'll need this sooner than later

>> No.26345463

Wish a nigger would.

>> No.26345487

They aren’t late, they just haven’t been getting news coverage. They are also leading 6g development and their 5g systems are built to be upgraded which will save money. Also signed into a partnership with google and are involved with car UI systems

>> No.26345502

WSB shutdown means GME will crash, the paperhand redditors will sell everything now that their echo chamber is no longer there to reinforce the tribe mentality

>> No.26345519


>> No.26345538

sounds good america-san

>> No.26345548

theres already been a huge influx of newfags this month

>> No.26345565

Tomorrow just got more interesting

>> No.26345581
File: 537 KB, 1024x683, 1591357611150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one share of BFARF

>> No.26345586

Srac leaps and sell as soon as you can. Blackberry is a good choice as well.

>> No.26345587
Quoted by: >>26345636

Shouldn't we be waiting for some kind of catalyst first?

>> No.26345599
File: 715 KB, 687x415, toecutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26345628
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 1577081325089.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably whatever reddit version of it desu

I'll cringe and hate myself everyday but im certain they'll buy anyone's heavy bags with little effort if it helps them portray themselves as virtuous.

Reddit is been molded to be conned to buy stupider things desu

>> No.26345634
File: 423 KB, 1200x628, 775A9B49-9BF9-4A84-8340-E3F36D906FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345682

Anyone here have confidence in her???

>> No.26345636
Quoted by: >>26345891

You know what a sector ETF is?

>> No.26345641

The feds won't shut down their own honeypot retard

>> No.26345646
File: 500 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210122_061258_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for a wsb influx

>> No.26345647
File: 174 KB, 760x1138, 1610651702613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen if WSB faggots come here expect hordes of CLFtranny type faggotry to follow. Prepare yourselves.

>> No.26345650

doubt it

>> No.26345651

That citron short is the luckiest motherfucker in the world.

>> No.26345678

pol refugees, now wsb refugees

>> No.26345681

Is it shutdown completely or invite only?

>> No.26345682
File: 46 KB, 618x410, janet-yellen-treasury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxes your unrealized gains

>> No.26345689

It's hilarious seeing all the twitter commenters thinking that's real.

>> No.26345694
Quoted by: >>26345820

5g adoption was delayed dramatically by covid. Like a year and a half. NOK is going to have a great year.

>> No.26345695
Quoted by: >>26345739

If they pump my bags I won't care who they are. As long as they dilate, that is.

>> No.26345697


>> No.26345699
File: 44 KB, 582x465, 125643212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Shill them your stupidest, heaviest bags.

I'm going to sell them the shit out of NAK desu

>> No.26345732
File: 41 KB, 511x671, 1549416201418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26345852


Attention redditors:
Fuck niggers, trannies, kikes, chinks, communists, and other acoutrements of less desirable humans.
Thank you.

>> No.26345733

She won’t do that for the large institutions or banks though. Only for the lowly bagholders

>> No.26345735
File: 1.66 MB, 1315x580, No Tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No Tranny!!!!!

>> No.26345739
File: 7 KB, 223x226, 1611259559124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting point. Well it looks like I better get my RYCEY posts ready.

>> No.26345742

ARKK or TQQQ ATM weeklies, and reconduct for the next week everytime it goes +100%

>> No.26345755

wsbbros...did biden do this?

>> No.26345764
Quoted by: >>26345815

Someone answer this:

>> No.26345782
File: 22 KB, 474x374, uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys I'm new here from reddit, I was looking to get into stocks since I lost the $100 worth of BTC I bought at 41k but /wsb is shut down

anyways how do options work, no I'm not going to read any of the information in the OP, I have to hold until the breakeven price and the expiry date right?

>> No.26345805

So far they just set it to private and you’ll need an invite from the mods. We really rustled some jimmies lmfao

>> No.26345808

What time did it go down?

>> No.26345812
Quoted by: >>26345980

Financial analyst bro no broooo don't tell me you were larping! No!

>> No.26345815

It's been set to private so that only mods and select users can access it. A temporary action done manually by mods.

>> No.26345817

hey redditors I have a stock for you:

>> No.26345820

i've looked into it but are those contracts really expected to have a big impact on a company that's already worth over a 20 billion market cap

float is huge on NOK

>> No.26345823

so what youre saying is that if i buy a call i could have unlimited loss? wtf no way im touching options!!

>> No.26345826

Why did they take it private?

>> No.26345842
File: 606 KB, 1920x1920, dago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for a fact that the market will not crash until 2023. How do I know? Intuition. In my entire life my intuition has never led me wrong, I do not doubt. I'm a GOD.

>> No.26345844
Quoted by: >>26345970

Yes. You want naked calls, they have less baggage. Just make sure you’re quotes are besselhiem-compliant and you’re good to go.

>> No.26345852

Dude no one at wsb gives a fuck about profanity. We call each other worse things on a daily basis

>> No.26345856
File: 303 KB, 462x288, go back now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go Back NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26345860
File: 10 KB, 256x224, 39DD4191-3EB5-4030-9B02-A0F63BC78317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is wsb Reddit? Or is it some other site

>> No.26345863
Quoted by: >>26345896

wtf VALE bros...

>> No.26345868

Wrong. I've been banned on multiple accounts there for basic shitposting

>> No.26345873

Shut up nigger

>> No.26345874
Quoted by: >>26346435

This is very good news for my ford calls. Thanks anon

>> No.26345882
File: 31 KB, 1608x237, pltr tits if 50 by eoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were gonna get tits, but we failed

>> No.26345885


>> No.26345887

Thinking about doing the wheel option strat on LUMN. Talk me out of it.

>> No.26345889
Quoted by: >>26346147

NOK feb calls are dirt cheap with high vol and open interest...

is that basically free money rn?

>> No.26345891
Quoted by: >>26345987

Yeah. They decay, and it's currently down.

>> No.26345896
Quoted by: >>26346020

Oh great my VALE calls are kill

>> No.26345903

Let’s be honest it should at least only be people holding for 10+ years hoarding like Jews or taxed only on everything over 2 million or something. This would actually make sense

>> No.26345909
Quoted by: >>26346235

I don’t know. I’m trying to gather info myself. Im guessing our recent escapades have attracted a lot of unwanted attention. This is the only pit of degeneracy I would think we can go to. Never mind the 4chan dorks they’re still waiting for shitcoin to moon. We need to rally the troops. Fuuuuuuck

>> No.26345908
File: 33 KB, 489x488, B58B97F6-37B5-48BE-ADEC-9A0B2016C735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we

>> No.26345911
File: 486 KB, 832x1500, DF3DFBA2-E6F6-4883-8C44-AE74561A0826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346004


>talks a bunch of crazy bullshit and claims to be invincible
>implies that I should listen to any opinions you are babbling about

Nah I’m good.

>> No.26345926

Fucking AMD. Almost wiped out my entire 50k portfolio on calls. This pump has pretty much saved my ass if it holds tomorrow.

>> No.26345949

Get out of options anon. Find the exit dude. Find it immediately

>> No.26345969
Quoted by: >>26346007

Another 12dollsrs an hr day
Life fucking sucks

>> No.26345970
File: 70 KB, 600x600, vbcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I love looking at naked things (hehe I'm gay btw) so anything that's naked has to be good, I'm going to sell 10,000,000 TSLA calls because Elon is such a cool guy, he watches anime and is going to make sure all trannys make it to mars!

>> No.26345980
Quoted by: >>26346070

my bad i didnt see it..

I can't speak to any of it because I haven't done the research. I merely pointed out that nothing in the photo was useful information in the trade.
1. I didnt even understand you were saying it was their mutual funds buying. so no i guess you'd have to wait for the disclosures from the individual funds.
2. what i said was when they bought is relevant. i have done zero research on these tickers.
3. i was saying firms in the firms you listed, not implying theres some investment firm inside of a biotech

>> No.26345982
Quoted by: >>26346526

lol holy fuck did you put 50K in weeklies or something
fyi TSM LEAPs are up +500% since November

>> No.26345987
Quoted by: >>26346051

Wrong. The theory of decay is not logical. The base value of the underlying asset changes significantly in examples provided from a lot of people asserting this decay thesism and this factor is sadly overlooked. Decay isn't real. It is a misunderstanding of simple math and base values.
During bull markets, leveraged ETFs have much higher returns than individual stocks with the same or higher volatility.

>> No.26346004
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, dagoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346100

Do you actually think I care what a retarded /pol/tard thinks or does? The market isn't going to crash, I don't care if you don't take your meds schizo. Shame on you Anon, there is still time for my mercy. Lay down your weapons, come and look upon the heart.

>> No.26346007
Quoted by: >>26346024

How do people fuck up that badly like holy shit I make $35 an hour stacking apples and telling checkers to put asay their phones like fucks sake man I dropped out of college to use crack like holy shit you have no excuse

>> No.26346012
Quoted by: >>26346047

comfy after hours threads are over I guess

>> No.26346020
Quoted by: >>26346053

Fucking done with steel

>> No.26346024

I'm nearly retarded. I can't tie my shoes

>> No.26346045
File: 107 KB, 1024x570, 1611259482036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346090

>$15 Fed min wage
100% no chance the Fed even hints about raising rates

>> No.26346047
File: 115 KB, 631x587, 31C5AA09-E269-4426-AE25-A457FE43C80E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just move to shrimp market general and don’t tell the migrants. Simple as.

>> No.26346051
Quoted by: >>26346167

day 1 you have $100 but you lose 3%. now you have 97
day 2 you have $97 and the stock gains 3%!! now you have $99.91....

>> No.26346053

CLF welcomes VALE refugees. Never bet against America.

>> No.26346070
Quoted by: >>26346170

>1. I didnt even understand you were saying it was their mutual funds buying. so no i guess you'd have to wait for the disclosures from the individual funds.
I think it was quite obvious that these are index funds structure as mutual funds. Are you sure you are a financial analyst dude? You are not very articulate nor do you seem comfortable with the technicalities of 13F/13G filings.

>> No.26346085

lmao, someone paid off WSB mods to dump GME, reminder that Martin Shkreli used to be a mod and used them to short squeeze bioshit stocks

>> No.26346090

If the fed raised minimum wages causing a market crash that would be a perfect storm. You'd be looking at an EASY 100000x from investing in automation, every minimum wage job would be automated within 5 years.

>> No.26346096
File: 832 KB, 500x690, tumblr_n7e5oa5juw1rt479bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this place is done, isn't it

>> No.26346100
Quoted by: >>26346118

Ok good talk. I’m gonna go listen to Dungeons & Dragons games now. Have fun while I’m gone

>> No.26346106
File: 370 KB, 617x523, 1600885877663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw someone say this weeks ago and it was still tnere. Just checked. Its literally over for us

>> No.26346114
File: 106 KB, 879x1024, 1607614186457m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346158

>$15 min wage
>everything doubles in price in 4yrs
>CPI 1-2% for those years

>> No.26346118
Quoted by: >>26346162

I'm watching RLM in the background. G-d I love listening to fat senile old bald men talk about nonsense.

>> No.26346123
File: 3.74 MB, 317x252, 98075640183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346228

Get them to buy a billion shares of NOK.

>> No.26346129
Quoted by: >>26346255


you stupid fucking nigger. Get the fuck out of here you fucking faggot nigger.

>> No.26346131

I want proof, if that's true and it starts circulating retail is going to get fucked with even more regulations than we already have

>> No.26346136

Honestly most likely was the case.

>> No.26346147

The Theta on the 2/2021 calls don't seem great.

>> No.26346158

More like
>$15 minimum wage
>all minimum wage jobs automated or outsourced to China
>unemployment rate rises to 40%
>government forced to enact UBI lest the starving nigger hordes burn down DC
>USA implodes under the inflation and debt
>balkanization and WWIII
But at least the pump is gonna be nice before it dumps.

>> No.26346162

What the fuck is RLM

>> No.26346164

I’m just doing Icln leaps and not checking it anymore

>> No.26346167

None of this is relevant in the context of a bull market where share buybacks and accelerated repurchase programs, credit levels are raised, and dividends are on the horizon for all banks.

The expense ratio only matters when you hold this over a long period which I don't plan to.

>> No.26346170
Quoted by: >>26346344

youre sperging out on specific information about tickers ive never seen before. im well aware how sec filings work thanks

>> No.26346196

CCX warrants

>> No.26346197

Reddit Leddit Media
It's a youtube channel where retarded bald men talk about diabetes.

>> No.26346198

MARA bros...are we saved? I bought more at close and was sweating bullets when we hit 29k...but it seems like we might be safe yet. Though it needs to hit 32.2k before Im confident in a reversal.

>> No.26346209
Quoted by: >>26346534

i found this on twitter but it's a boring wall of text
someone decipher it for me and tell me what it means


>> No.26346218

I don't care if you believe me, this is the world we live in. Retail investors are trying to one up institutions with billions of dollars. They are master manipulators. They make money by controlling perception and warping reality.
Here is cramer talking about how he manipulated markets:

>> No.26346228

If WSB is as autistic as they say, they will buy NOK.

>> No.26346235

The mods collectively made a wsb twitter so I doubt the attentions unwanted.

>> No.26346246

He was a mod

>> No.26346255

I’m not talking to you, you poor fuck. I’m talking to my scattered bros.

Retards rally here:


Don’t worry you slimy incels we’re not planning on staying here. You can have this cesspool.

>> No.26346264


>> No.26346276
File: 3.82 MB, 731x1080, 1600226590704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now wallstreetbets will realize they were entirely reliant on a handful of truly based and high IQ autists like RK and Rod, and that the squeeze will continue without filthy redditors

>> No.26346278
File: 816 KB, 220x392, C0DCE391-67AD-4A47-AF8B-7073A83A188C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26346311
Quoted by: >>26346352

The usual for r/wallstreetbets probably, insider mod drama and scamming

>> No.26346326
Quoted by: >>26346418

You’re here forever. Don’t forget. Once you enter you can’t leave. This is the Hotel California of the internet

>> No.26346332

/smg/ 14 upvote edition

>> No.26346344
Quoted by: >>26346417

I am going to be honest you sound infinitely stupider and less educated than any of the people I've met involved with securities or general complex commercial litigation who have to work with SEC filings and such.
Literally all of the information you are asking about was just available with one click from a link i provided in the text of the picture I sent.

If you really are a financial analyst than you need to be more detail oriented.

>> No.26346347

Your scattered bros are a bunch of profoundly retarded teenagers that are going to sell e dry share of gme if it isn’t back tomorrow. Your portfolio is fucked nigger.

>> No.26346352
File: 526 KB, 1282x680, terrysrazor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26346360

fuck you and fuck your marker

>> No.26346387
Quoted by: >>26346614

Oh no bros this is it isn't it fuck you wallstreetfaggots for acting out

>> No.26346407

show your losses CLF tranny

>> No.26346412
Quoted by: >>26346458

lmao gme tomorrow

>> No.26346414
File: 118 KB, 500x454, v105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these redditfags shitting up the general with fucking offsite gossip
I'm done baking threads xD :^(

>> No.26346417
Quoted by: >>26346530

of course the information is available. i have bloomberg terminal access right next to me on my work computer. the thing is that i dont care. im not at work. i have no interest in your dumb biotech right now.

>> No.26346418
File: 18 KB, 525x478, 1556510275216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw youve been trapped on this site since 2008

>> No.26346435
File: 233 KB, 1500x750, ford-mustang-mach-e-gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346660

Have you seen their new electric mustang? Looks better than a Tesla interior wise. I got calls as well.
Bought some 2022 10c a few days ago after watching this review and they're already ITM. Averaged up on them when I saw all these calls earlier.

>> No.26346452

Hehe, I bought this @ 1.02 holding 3k

>> No.26346456

same, its the only place left with an old school internet vibe

>> No.26346458

this shit is going to make it go even more green with more volume

>> No.26346482

I'm unironically ok with it. The only people getting fucked in that scenario are wagies.

>> No.26346493

They'll sell at the first sign of red without the reassuring HODL posts

>> No.26346500
Quoted by: >>26346643

This thread is fucked, sure, but I'll actually be glad if WSB stays closed permanently. They were attracting too many idiots into stocks and it would have led the SEC and the street lobbyists to make more bullshit rules like pattern day trader.

>> No.26346510

Both. Survivor bias.

>> No.26346526
Quoted by: >>26346584

40 calls expiring tomorrow $90
40 calls next week $90

It had to be one of the dumbest things I've ever done. That said I didn't expect the stock to tank.

>> No.26346530

But you actively made the effort to say "nothing in that text is actual financial analysis" when I provided empirical evidence for institutional mutual fund filings done a day before on top of support levels being broken. >>26344333

I just do not for a moment believe a financial analyst would miss blatant details like this.
>i have no interest in your dumb biotech right now.
You sure were an hour ago. Again if you aren't a financial analyst then ignore me but if you really are then wow you need to get your shit together.

>> No.26346534

basically WSB fucked around and found out. they out fucked over the hedggies and manipulators. now they're getting the press to demonize WSB as a bunch of folks who manipulate markets and stocks.

super fucked up, but I believe it. jews and their puppets don't like competition.

>> No.26346535

Gambling is my way of life...sadly
I spend my life at the casino all day everyday I carry dice and cards everywhere.

Minimum wage I'm getting paid spend it all at the casino

>> No.26346541
File: 18 KB, 967x106, TQQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I taking crazy pills here? I remember a few months ago TQQQ was around 120 a share and I got out to go for something else, but watched it slowly rise up to around 180 or so recently? TD Ameritrade is showing a -50% loss but none of the charts have any sort of dip like that, and on the fund details page it says it went up ~$50.

What's going on with TQQQ?

>> No.26346544

If you have to ask, you wouldn't get it you hack fraud.

>> No.26346547


>> No.26346559
File: 16 KB, 480x360, cwck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346654

>I'm newfag from 09
>2009 was 32 years ago

>> No.26346562

There is no volume without the apes circlejerking, they’ll lose all confidence without their echo chamber. If Melvins smart they’ll go hard tomorrow morning and then watch the dominos fall.

>> No.26346584

well it's a good thing INTC dropped the ball again
your only worry is whether the overall market is green or red

>> No.26346605

No crazy pills, but you're retarded and investing in stocks when you don't know how a split works.

>> No.26346608
File: 396 KB, 850x850, 1611114429755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Markets have a dismal track record on predicting wars, all in on DFEN.

>> No.26346613
File: 157 KB, 776x1024, 1611111174327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26346688

you mean niggers

>> No.26346614

You’re just mad we actually made something happen instead of you larping faggots. See, the difference between us is that we have an actual community. Who is your community anon? A bunch of neckbearded incels you don’t even like? This site is dead. The content is garbage. I’m willing to bet you keep coming here out of spite for yourself. But don’t worry, like I said we won’t be here long. We won’t gum up your precious works.

>> No.26346617
Quoted by: >>26346688

it just sounds like WSB is over-reacting in response for drama

>> No.26346624

> i’ve been here for 14 years
Just fucking kill me

>> No.26346634

Best bait I've seen all day.

>> No.26346636

stock splits anon, how fucking new are you? damn this is going to be a tough year with all these biden faggots

>> No.26346643
Quoted by: >>26346840

That shit isn't going to disappear just because some reddit closes. They'll just find somewhere else

>> No.26346654

You're literally the cancer that killed this site

t. olderfag

>> No.26346660
Quoted by: >>26346797

Holy fuck that guy from that video is annoying, it does look interesting I agree. I tend to think the auto industry in general is trending upward and ford options were cheap as hell. Up 800% on my 10.50c Jan 29 exp

>> No.26346662



>> No.26346667
Quoted by: >>26346793

The largest "stock" forum getting nuked from the inside is worthy of talking about, the comedy value alone is great.

>> No.26346676

Bonds and USD

>> No.26346679

This site is not for globohomo nigger-loving trannies. You won't last long on here without being triggered you fucking faggot kike lover.

>> No.26346685

Attn: to all you r/wsb refugees please refrain from posting for at least a month. Actually it’s better if you just leave.

>> No.26346688

I mean, I did say jews and their puppets.

it's both, imo. they do have a LOT of exposure right now from cramer, "journalists" and the other jewish puppets, so I don't doubt the rumors are true. Not to mention that they literally just fucked citron and a bunch of other short seller hedggies pretty good.

>> No.26346690

>they don't spam rocket emojis every sentence reeeee

>> No.26346697

If you're going to stay here until your tranny shit hole opens back up atleast don't talk like such a flaming faggot

>> No.26346793

How big is this wsb?

>> No.26346797

Ya the dude is cringe as fuck, but if you want to know all of the le quirks and features of car, he does a good job of showing everything that most people would never know about. I'm up the same on my 1/29 10.5c, but I only got 1 contract. I should have trusted that one dude that was saying to buy them.

>> No.26346804

how can we ever recover from this epic roasting?

>> No.26346808

at least a million users lol. i think it was closer to 2

>> No.26346813

That's cool that's cool but you need to go back faggot.

>> No.26346840

It slows them down and posts are less likely to attract new idiots. WSB would have been fine if they stayed off the front page and only had a few hundred thousand users. The peak was a million people pumping and dumping stocks, that's obviously something that they cannot keep quiet and they don't have the tact to stop bragging about their gains as to not bolster their numbers.

>> No.26346850
Quoted by: >>26346950

You’re a bunch of wagies who go weak in the knees whenever someone with more than 100K posts something. You deserve the bags you’ll be holding for following the advice of actual teenagers. The average account on that site is probably less than 5k, your community will be homeless and scattered soon. Have fun larping as an investment ‘community’ in a fucking youtube comment section dumbass. And you posted your link why are you still here responding to people?

>> No.26346875

I used to be on 4chan a lot believe it or not. Back in 08/09. Your scary words don’t hurt me. Besides I’m not here for you. This happening is bigger than you or me or any of us

>> No.26346909

Yeah it’s clearly for trap lovers and furfags. I’ll try not to barf on your carpet

>> No.26346950
Quoted by: >>26347094

What do you think I did on wsb? Talk mad shit of course.

>> No.26346961

1.9M users, and they have a collective ownership of something like 10% of GME

>> No.26346977

GME dropped to 33.50 usd on the German market just now, you better scurry

>> No.26347001

Just stop trolling, faggot. If you're really from R@ddit go to /r/wallstreetbets2

>> No.26347032
Quoted by: >>26347222




thanks for having us nerds it was a pleasure

>> No.26347094

Then do it already, what are you waiting for? Or was that it? You’re probably the same faggot handling the wsb twitter lel

>> No.26347222

It’ll be down again, next time forever. Hope you made a nice home in that youtube comment section to go back to.

>> No.26347792
File: 820 KB, 832x846, 1608695657335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you can't lose any more money on calls than with stocks, unless you hold something with no volume until expiration date. Right?