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File: 25 KB, 1000x543, BitcoinHEX-HEX-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26041711 No.26041711 [Reply] [Original]

Hello hexbros. Hex is a good stable coin and make a good performance. Prediction what are the next goals

>haha toooo zerooooo

nono linkie :3

>> No.26042142

hex is going to the moon bro trust me. but that's not that important right now. people need to understand how great it is. i love this video of one of the devs explaining how hex came to be and why its the most trustworthy crypto and the most intelligently designed crypto in the space. worth a watch its really cool


>> No.26042202

HEx make a good job to promote the coin. We get an article :)

>> No.26042454
File: 36 KB, 342x416, 1533443760779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down over 30% in ETH over the last 2 weeks
cool logo, reminds me of POWH3D/FOMO3D :^)

>> No.26042668

ok linkie :)

>> No.26042919

and now?

>> No.26042973
Quoted by: >>26043094

i think it will make a massive retard pump closer to the end of the bullrun. make sure to keep some liquid because it pumps hard and fast and dumps equally fast and hard

>> No.26043013
File: 719 KB, 780x768, Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 01.20.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26043049


>> No.26043087
File: 231 KB, 1280x865, 1610497031874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great for when you want to take a break from trading, and still make good returns. Also for attempting to time peaks in the market.

>> No.26043094
Quoted by: >>26044733

ah as the BPD everybody told me hex crash to zero? :3

>> No.26043135
Quoted by: >>26043354

Whats the deal with the liquidity on uniswap? I had Richard angrily snap at me in the tgram for not reading announcements, and someone spammed the bot talking point about liquidity.

I'm not stupid, im just not convinced you can game gains by so precisely controlling the amount of liquidity available. If anything im right, given that RH has removed almost all of it on uniswap making it almost impossible to cash out now with turning the price against you.

It feels like trying to cheat the markets natural movements.

>> No.26043354
Quoted by: >>26043499

Well, I guess you will find out once it gets listed on a major exchange.

Guessing maybe Kucoin or a mid level exchange will be the first before others have to capitulate in.

>> No.26043499
Quoted by: >>26043817

we got a little exchanger on january i think the big players (binance, coinbase) can we get in year 3 or 4

>> No.26043817
Quoted by: >>26043870


Yeah the same shit test is playing out again. Differentiate the wheat from the chaff.

The best thing that early bitcoiners ever did was forget they owned any, so couldn't sell too early--like everyone does. HEX keeps your monkey brain away from impulsive short term thinking, and improves your long term planning.

What exchange? Are you a phone poster or 3rd worlder with those typos? I'm not in the telegram groups much. Seems like a waste of time. Just stake and move on with your life.

>> No.26043856
Quoted by: >>26043916

Literal Ponzi scheme

>> No.26043870
Quoted by: >>26043974

the best plan is to stakking the Hex and after 5 years you can sold

>> No.26043916
Quoted by: >>26044022

as link, as doge, as pnk, ...

>> No.26043974
Quoted by: >>26044026

Jesus Christ Ranjeet, use some of your gains to take an English class.

>> No.26044022

This is nothing like LINK.

This shitcoin accomplishes literally nothing. In 3 years you’ll come back to this board where you lost all your money and weep.

>> No.26044026

oh a racist :)

>> No.26044733

well it did dump hard as fuck, and that rebound was also fast as fuck.

>> No.26045340

Sir this is a literal scam.

Get out and read the DIA whitepaper.

>> No.26045785

How does it go down always?
I bought a bit just shitting around one day and rarely check, but it's down EVER TIME.