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2501370 No.2501370 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good coins to daytrade?

>> No.2501409
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None. Have holdings in Bitcoin or the top 5 coins and nothing else unless you're 100% sure that they will moon. Never fall for alt-coins. The people who shill them are trying to make it big.

>> No.2501412

Nice girl, i'd say it depends more on the stage in which a coin is in. If it had a lit of volatility the past few days, chances are they'll have a lot of volatility the next day. Volatility is a daytrader's friend and enemy.

>> No.2501413

Anything with low volume that is somewhat stable. For example I've been seeing CPC get shilled hard today, so I invested in that because shilling tends to lead to a steady price increase unless it's pepepumps

>> No.2501426

BitBean, LiteDog maybe NGR

>> No.2501462

What do you consider the top 5. Or do I just look at something like bittrex and sort by volume or something.

>> No.2501488

xrp is really fun for day trading

>> No.2501540
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Quoted by: >>2502683

Swarm City is down a lot

>> No.2501551
Quoted by: >>2501753

cpc getting shilled to the point of an artificial moon.

>> No.2501568


You can constantly make more bitcoin by day trading, even if its for a bunch of 1 dollar profits, those sats will rise with btc/fiat as well

you turn pennies to dollars

>> No.2501611
Quoted by: >>2501633

Trying to time a rally on altcoins is dumb, but keeping money spread between several semi-reputable ones (i.e. UBQ, LBY, DGB, etc) rather than absolute shitcoins (i.e. MOON) can easily result in solid weekly gains, as long as you buy the dip and hodl until 30+% gains

>> No.2501633
Quoted by: >>2501707

I'm going more for 0.1%+ gains multiple times per day.

>> No.2501707

where do you do your trading? Bittrex takes a .25% commission

>> No.2501753
Quoted by: >>2501814

>another blockchain currency
>literally will never meet the heights of BTC or even LTC

useless coin

>> No.2501814
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Quoted by: >>2501890

>he thinks altcoins mooning has anything to do with the actual technology behind them
>he thinks we're actually trying to prop up some sort of technological advancement here
>he doesn't know that hype and human emotion are the only deciding factors in this arena
You'll never gonna make it. It's 1s and 0s man, 1s and 0s.

>> No.2501844
File: 15 KB, 247x252, Godamnit again seroiusly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my actual dick

>> No.2501890
Quoted by: >>2502168

i used to think this and it did actually used to be the case, but there are a lot of promising crypto techs coming up now. The game is changing

>> No.2502168

Exactly, but they are too many. It's pure chance and, once again, nothing but human emotion to determine which one will win.

If you think that some ICO or new coin jumps up 500% one day because it is actually used and valued that highly, you're out of your goddamn mind.

>> No.2502683

Don't fuckin remind me ;_;