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File: 196 KB, 431x931, 523532253253523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24926181 No.24926181 [Reply] [Original]

No pajeet tier shilling here, only facts.
Come in if you want to learn more about one of the most promising low cap project in crypto right now. For this once I will spoonfeed you

Starting off with this nicely written summary from stansberry research, they gave Parsiq perfect score on everything except 2 points:
>Parsiq holds a large number of tokens in reserve.
400m tokens are locked up for 4 years. 100m will be the circulating supply for the foreseeable future.
>Limited liquidity.
PRQBoost helps with this, also Binance listing is imminent, they partnered with them after all

>> No.24926231


In Q1 2021 these new tokenomics will be fully implemented. The token will then be used for the following:
>Creating public projects/workflows with Parsiq that other users can subscribe to with PRQ
>Businesses and customers using Parsiq will need to hold or lend PRQ to use the product
>Holders can stake/lend their PRQ for passive gains

>> No.24926304
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Quoted by: >>24927042

>Upcoming partnerships
One of these was revealed yesterday, Binance Smart Chain: "The integration opens a whole new world of monitoring opportunities on BSC, utilizing the first true blockchain monitoring solution, using custom Smart-Triggers that enable users to create sophisticated actions to be triggered in real time by smart contract data and events happening on-chain. These Smart-Triggers react to blockchain activity to automate any off-chain computations and even execute actions."

Still upcoming in December is a partnership with a defi protocol, and the announcement of a new product that the team speaks very highly of.

>> No.24926411
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Quoted by: >>24932016

Why would you buy PRQ?
>20-25m mcap with a huge upside potential
>A fully functioning product that fills a need in the market no other product fills right now
>No direct competitors
>High interest from big players in the scene and already established partnerships with for example, Binance and Bitfury
>An all-white, all-male team with an impressive resume

>> No.24926419
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>> No.24926551

>all white team
>no women

>> No.24926687

Retracing before the next leg up, this weekend is the last chance to load up below $.25

>> No.24927042
Quoted by: >>24931265

Binance Smart Chain actually wasn't one of the upcomings, and was an unexpected development, per devs in their telegram. Still 3 to go

>> No.24927065
Quoted by: >>24927178

finally somebody dropping real knowledge on these biz retards

>> No.24927178
Quoted by: >>24927274

Obviously they are less interested than the average scam thread though

>> No.24927274

they will be making threads in 2024 about how they missed parsiq at 0.2 lmao

>> No.24927329
Quoted by: >>24930888

>Proper PRQ Thread
>no prq videos

>> No.24927389
Quoted by: >>24927460

Woww great buy opp now! Hurry Anon!!

>> No.24927460

No need to hurry. He opened the door for everyone else to look into it for themselves. Most have at least this weekend to get in under .25 if that's what they decide.

>> No.24927596

$PARSIQ will be recognized as much as chainlink for its first mover advantage. Reverse triggers technology alone itself can bring this GEM top 10 in mc. People doesnt know how big is parsiq tech.

>> No.24927613
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here is the real report

>> No.24927695

Currently all in on GRT making sweet gains

Real question is how much more is grt going up and is PRQ likely to give better returns soon

>> No.24927705

>makes computer programming accessible by giving users a simple interface
I've read this sentence so many times before. It never works.

>> No.24927755
File: 171 KB, 498x494, 6326234263462342634623462346324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT will most likely give you the better returns today and maybe tommorow, not even going to lie to you even though Im all-in on PRQ. Just dont forget to get out before the bubble bursts anon, you're always welcome here

>> No.24927799
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 263462432643624362436234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say it is working out pretty well so far anon. And this is only the beginning

>> No.24927810

I dumped, left 20% in, maybe ill rebuy if retraces below .20. Moving money to PRQ the rest of the year at leasr

>> No.24927856
Quoted by: >>24928074

Get CVP vibes from these threads, no Booba with coin in eyes. Just facts and actual information. When memes aren't neccasary to prove a point it's always promising.

>> No.24927920

This, no one will go out of there way to buy some shitty token. There will be something like this that comes along that you could just use crypto of choice. Token not needed.

>> No.24928074
Quoted by: >>24928310

refreshing isn't it, hopefully this coin will turn biz back into its former self

>> No.24928310

Too bad it wont. People fudding are either delusional retards or bag holders whaling upwards. This will unfortunately make a lot of people pass on this until it's too late.

>> No.24928580

Obv haven't done your research. Clients can pay in major cryptos OR fiat, which is then programmatically and silently converted into PRQ on the back end

>> No.24928617

20k PRQ enough?

>> No.24928814

that's literally the project. the other cryptos get converted into PRQ, though if you buy with PRQ the trigger comes at a discount.

>> No.24928819

It would be nice because this is what im currently holding. 100k is more of a "make-it" stack though.

>> No.24928955
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>> No.24928985
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Quoted by: >>24929069

>> No.24929039

Can never have enough PRQ. But if we ever get into the top 10 your 20k stack is a make it stack

>> No.24929069

>The team hasn't disclosed a public plan for the remaining tokens.

I think I have an idea. DUMP IT. This will never see past 30c

>> No.24929123

the next page finishes the sentence to say that "PARSIQ will likely use the tokens as incentives to foster adoption instead of dumping tokens into the market"

>> No.24929128

Stop shitting up our high IQ thread with your low IQ comments sir

>> No.24929137

Bought a $1000 suicide stack last week. Here for the comfy hold.

>> No.24929141
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>> No.24930245

>"handles the blockchain-to-real-world half"
Almost more important than the other half if you think about real-world integration.

LINK, BAND, and TRB handling one half.
PRQ handling the other half.

Checks mcap.

Doubling my fucking stack.

>> No.24930409
File: 74 KB, 200x200, 53212513215352135231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets it

>> No.24930566
Quoted by: >>24930857

oh no biz is starting to get it

>> No.24930857
Quoted by: >>24930888

I've been doing deep dives into projects for the last 2 months. I've waited for more info to drop on PRQ in particular as it has the highest current value in terms of maximizing profit.

This last week has sealed the deal in terms of information. All in now. Once the graph hype slows down and parsiq drops their "announcements" then we will all be very happy anons.

>> No.24930888
Quoted by: >>24931005

>This last week has sealed the deal
anon i..

I've been posting about it since august, when it was 0.009 >>24927329

but dont worry boomer fren, we're all gonna make it

>> No.24931005
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Checked, I understand what he's trying to say though. Back when it was 1c it was a pretty big gamble, we didnt know much. But over the months since August it has became clear this team and project is the real deal.
I myself bought a small bag back in August at 4c before the Uniswap pump, but over the months that followed I sold all alts I had to buy more PRQ.
We're going to make it frens

>> No.24931076
Quoted by: >>24931101

What's a suicide stack?

>> No.24931101


>> No.24931211

>it was a pretty big gamble
>we didnt know much
not true anon. foreheadman endorsed it, the team was as great as it is today
only thing that was bad, was the tokenomics, but even if they stayed like back then it would still be a 10/10 pick

>> No.24931255

This right here. It has always looked very promising. I'm just not into gambling my investments. Now i'm 100% in with the nothing but the sky left moving forward.

>> No.24931265

Can confirm however two announcements were pushed back into January to acheive the Binance partnership integration quicker.

>> No.24931288
Quoted by: >>24938638

This is perhaps the most bullish thing about the entire project.

>> No.24931407
Quoted by: >>24931582

Some extra layers of comfy.
If you "literally who" this just go buy GRT instead.

>> No.24931582
File: 30 KB, 236x314, 1608005125063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so cutting edge market prediction teamed up with automatic purchase triggers?

>> No.24931873
Quoted by: >>24933527

So what's the best way to get it?
Uniswap or coinmetro?

>> No.24932016
Quoted by: >>24932060

Where is that pic from?

>> No.24932060

From the stansberry research paper that was published this december.
This page

>> No.24933527

Uni imo. Just need ETH in a MetaMask wallet

>> No.24933560

fellas, honest advice: buy the fucking dip before next weeks announcements

>> No.24933767
Quoted by: >>24934109

frigging based

>> No.24934109
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In Anatoly we trust

>> No.24935152
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Quoted by: >>24936289

refute this

>> No.24935490
Quoted by: >>24935738

Eh, this shitcoin will do. In the coming weeks the altcoin market is going to explode, so being exposed now is the right move. This project seems just good enough to achieve critical mass levels of hype

>> No.24935738

exactly, it checks all the boxes and already proved themselves in crypto space, my money is safe with parsiq

>> No.24935812
Quoted by: >>24935938

I tried to use parsiq via their website and it looks like you can do... nothing.
Is this just still in beta?

>> No.24935938

You know you can only use a very limited part of the product for free right? Or are you stupid

>> No.24936079

this scam coin is posting a head and shoulders rn. buyer beware

>> No.24936289
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>> No.24936952
Quoted by: >>24937073

Okay but when is shit shit coming to coinbased?

>> No.24937073

Who knows, its a very fitting coin for Coinbase though so I think it will happen in the future.
Binance listing should come any day now, wouldnt be surprised if its this year even

>> No.24937236

Hi, Jeff here.
Nice thread bro

>> No.24937366
Quoted by: >>24937469

Thanks anon. Do you have the third page? Or link to the article? I’ve seen those screenshots pop up in a few threads and always missing the third page/pick. Paywall.

>> No.24937469
File: 18 KB, 230x477, 253253253235235253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24937933

You mean the third pick? Because all the pages about Parsiq have been posted here.
The third pick is LTO Network. I cant drop the entire PDF for you here

>> No.24937933
File: 33 KB, 618x496, 811AF026-CA39-402A-A7E4-0CEE81A212D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah my bad. Didn’t see it. Thanks fren.

>> No.24938568

Is 9k PRQ enough to be comfy ?

>> No.24938602

depends, are you really happy with $45k

>> No.24938624

You're probably going to wish you got more while it was still cheap

>> No.24938638
File: 279 KB, 600x798, 1606521494374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mastercard CEO: pajeet
>microsoft CEO: pajeet
>google CEO: pajeet

>> No.24938696

Streetshitter cope

>> No.24938823
Quoted by: >>24938885


Just tried to withdraw BTC from Coinbase to buy PRQ but Coinbase LOCKED MY WITHDRAWAL FOR 72 HOURS even though I have fully verified my ID with them.

Looks like I'm gonna miss out on the bull run guys. RIP

>> No.24938885

I think we will crab in the 20-25 range for a week, and next week when more news is dropping we go to 30 and beyond.
I think you have time.

>> No.24938989

I'm so fucking happy the graph launch splurge has happened. Makes way for all the upcoming announcements from PRQ.

>> No.24939582
File: 32 KB, 1145x433, 523523235235253523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24939704

I retract my statement, chart looking incredibly bullish we might send it to 30c and above

>> No.24939704

yep, nothing but upside here. if I miss the wave i'll kill myself

>> No.24940000
Quoted by: >>24940050

Can I buy PRQ with BTC? My ETH is locked in an exchange but I have access to BTC, but I can only find ETH echanges. I just can't figure out where to do so (am retard)

>> No.24940050
Quoted by: >>24940088

Exchange btc for eth on coinbase, binance, kraken or whatever then withdraw to your eth wallet and swap

>> No.24940061

Where is this from

>> No.24940088
Quoted by: >>24940282

That's my issue, coinbase has my ETH locked because I bought it recently through my bank a few days ago. Feels bad, pretty much just late to the party. At least I got some through on my debit purchase... still

>> No.24940282
Quoted by: >>24940367

That sucks. If you’re outside the US dump coinbase for binance. If you’re in the US I don’t know

>> No.24940289

Fully diluted market cap is 125,500,000

>> No.24940367

I unfortunately live in Washington state which has strict laws, and coinbase is one of the few allowed. I think Gemini is another, maybe I'll see what I can do. It's minor compared to some of you beasts but I at least want 1000 PRQ and I only have 277 right now, lul. Thanks for the kind ear, though

>> No.24940436

It’s all kikes giving affirmative action to their loyal shitskin servants why pajeets are in high status positions

>> No.24940497

But 80% of the supply is locked, so that is a useless metric

>> No.24940635

imagine being this retarded

>> No.24941098

Slavs aren't white.