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File: 2.87 MB, 384x221, BOG Pumps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24817917 No.24817917 [Reply] [Original]

Because it's still happening.

Minimum buy in is 0.1 ETH and participating is effortless.

It's all straight forward on the website...

So what's the danger? None.

This first crowdsale (followed by a handful of successive ones) will be the lowest price so getting in on this one will put you a leg up. Later sales will cost a bit more so the early birds (you reading this post) will have an advantage.

What do you do once you get your BOG? Well, that's the fun part, this is a game token and involves puzzle solving to try and beat the Bogs at their game. You can hold and just benefit from the work of others, or you can try to dump (or pump) at just the right time to win big.

Full explanation of "the game" detailed on the medium articles (which are linked on the site above).

So tell me, will you be crying... Or will you BOG back?

>> No.24818077
Quoted by: >>24818136

what are these games and puzzles?

>> No.24818136
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Quoted by: >>24818361

Excellent question. This medium article is a short but pleasant read and will illuminate you as to the more esoteric secrets of BOG token.


>> No.24818315
Quoted by: >>24818336

Everysingle bogdanoff meme on /biz/ would be an ad for this token. I'm in, pls make me rich

>> No.24818322

Imagine buying this useless scam. It’s like biz hates themselves more than money.

>> No.24818336
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>> No.24818361

>for each transaction, there is a 25% probability of a pump or dump
so what you're saying is I'm going to get bogged six ways from sundown

>> No.24818397
Quoted by: >>24822378

I just skimmed the whitepaper.
This is obviously fucking retarded but at the same time it's the kind of retarded that just might also be brilliant.

I still don't know what to think

>> No.24818625
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The window for 1st presale closes in less than a week. Victory goes to the bold.

>> No.24818637
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 1601403667218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the article, I still don't understand how it works, and the article specifically says that "we would not recommend you to hodl" so I'm gonna avoid

>> No.24818660
Quoted by: >>24820809

It really reads like $MEME

That turned $1 into $130000.

....but maybe if I bought $meme, it would have somehow become worth negative?

Too boggish for me

>> No.24818728
File: 3.01 MB, 640x360, bogged.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL'ing isn't penalized at all. Solving the clues (which get posted on the website) for the seasonal events will provide opportunity to "gamble" for greater gains but HODL'ing is a legit option (I'm not dev, it's what I'm gonna do because I'm horrible at puzzle solving).

The losers will not be the HODL'ers... but those who misread the clues and time poorly.

That said, if you don't have room for risking small amounts, you should possibly steer clear of this and crypto in general.

>> No.24818748
Quoted by: >>24818822

hmm it's rather vague
>in other words, your share of the Bogdavault could increase simply by hodling BOG Token
>we would not recommend you to hodl. After all, the token is meant to be a strategic game
I'm guessing the "game" is whether or not you want to try your luck and swinging? ie to not get bogged? or you can just hold for the safer route? is that right?

>> No.24818822

Part of it is that your typical pajeet is not going to waste time puzzle solving and will more often than not time badly given the mechanics.

Everyone else will be somewhere on the spectrum of benefiting from low IQ's.

Those engaging with the community will have a probable advantage as well (puzzle solutions may get crowdsourced by community in-group).

>> No.24819656

Sounds like a good joke, might be like Doge who knows

>> No.24820809

I Hope for this

>> No.24820891

Boge Coin airdrop??

>> No.24821013

I'm in. The BOGs won't allow their own namesake to fail.

>> No.24821037
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OK, I'll bite.
Adding this one to my memecoin collection.

>> No.24821364
File: 39 KB, 690x960, 1602967421272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading the whitepaper; kek.
I'm near certain to lose money at this, but it actually looks fun.

>> No.24821422 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 2064x1292, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24821453

t is hard to find a good platform with crypto solutions to invest in.

Came across on DuckDAO, read twi posts of crypto experts. Seems like it is an open platform with an investment system. Have you read/found anything about it?

>> No.24821453

You just made an enemy of the Bogs

>> No.24821810

Is this is a /biz/coin? I remember getting a cheeky 2x out of clover

>> No.24822378

>This is obviously fucking retarded but at the same time it's the kind of retarded that just might also be brilliant.
just enough retarded to buy

>> No.24822442

>to try and beat the Bogs at their game.
Imagine tempting financial ruin like this.

>> No.24822771
File: 369 KB, 640x703, 634848634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is team white?

>> No.24823368
File: 244 KB, 411x383, pnkdonoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is buyers brown?

>> No.24823929
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x852, 1504620281909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a toast to our new overlords.

>> No.24825349

You're among frens.