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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24640827 No.24640827 [Reply] [Original]

I lost $10K on base and pulled the sale trigger. I don't care if it's base, ample, xbtc, or the next rebase shitcoin, this is too high risk. Poos don't know what a rebase is and they can sell tens of millions panic scrambling to get out. XBTC is pumping now because only /biz/tards are in on it and they hold, but when thirdies and chinks get in on this it's all crashing.

Heed my warning: If you are in any rebase token now, pull out. Take the safe 3x over the volotile 50x.

>> No.24640845
File: 115 KB, 1024x904, qhYqosJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xBTC is legit though and will 6x today

Screencap this.

>> No.24640862

Its a scam. Shitty team and token what does nothing.

>> No.24640885
Quoted by: >>24641150

the majority of projects you idiots invest in is PURE GAMBLING. there's another way to play this game, anon.

>> No.24640892
Quoted by: >>24641023

lol. it's a scam project. Biz is pumping dumping it .

>> No.24640978
Quoted by: >>24643591

Pull out now or you'll eat shit, dump your bags on the poos early. These coins have a death spiral, once it gets close to crashing they'll all dump and when they all dump the first time, the second time every pump will be followed by a major dump as they try to get out.

>> No.24641023

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_laI8V-IIdg
muh scam project

>> No.24641150
Quoted by: >>24643591

Enlighten me.

>> No.24641315
File: 75 KB, 600x806, 1607420338948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject modernity and return to tradition. Don't try and get rich over night, get rich in a year or two with non defi/rebase tokens with anonymous team members and no use case. This fad will be over soon anyways.

>> No.24642269


>> No.24642385

xBTC is heading for the moon


> Can i have uuuuuuggghhh, a Big Mac and uuuuughhhh... French fries... no no.. Potatoes and uuuughh...

>> No.24643469


>> No.24643490
File: 223 KB, 2064x1292, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24643591

With such btc pumping more people try to find safe platforms and alts
Recently came across DuckDAO, do you know anything about it? Seems like it is the first crypto incubator with a well-build tokenomic.

>> No.24643591

All coins are gambles ok, and what you retards need to look closer at is Market Cap. Seriously, if you don't see the downside of investing in a PnD 30 mil + market cap coin you need to wake up.
Long running serious projects have Market caps at about 20mil, so how the fuck is a 90mil Base a good investment? IT WAS BOUND to crash.

The same goes the other way for all of you crying xBTC will collapse. It's at a mere 2-3mil MC which has lot's of room to grow before it's overbought. I'm not saying it's bullet proof, but it's obviously a far better bet than fucking Base god damn.
