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File: 209 KB, 1435x1936, Screenshot_20201202-223924(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24580251 No.24580251 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone remember when RLC hit $2.14 a couple months ago on a rumor alone?

>> No.24580262

What was the rumor?

>> No.24580299

that they weren't dogshit

>> No.24580378

I honestly dont remember. It came after the Google news. It was kind of random if I remember correctly.
Either way, US legal opinion is this month. Hope youve been stacking.

>> No.24580834

that is was a pnd scam so all gamblers pumped it

>> No.24580860

870 suicide stack

>> No.24580966

Alts and defi were pumping in august my portfolio ath is still from august

>> No.24581285

That Gilles had finally cracked the Boolean

>> No.24581294
Quoted by: >>24581382

that the tech giant AMAZON AWS was joining iexec in it's mission for privacy
it turned out it was google..
but the terms were marketed poorly, iexec was working on the alpha version of googles confidential compute platform under an NDA
We still have no idea what the work is and what google thinks about it...

>> No.24581382
Quoted by: >>24581488

Negative that was the previous spike

>> No.24581488
File: 823 KB, 574x806, doomrlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24581595

oh you're right, but that was the "rumour" that went around.
methanon got together with chico and dumped on chicos stupid followers
essentially we were all waiting on some giga announcement but the community/marketing is DOG SHIT so everyone realised it's a nothing burger and backed off.
RLC has always been a long hold, and high risk high reward.
there is a good chance it crabs for years, but IF it takes off it will explode

>> No.24581595

Yeah, everything is happening behind closed doors.
That's how you know whatever is coming will be monumental. Their silence + product development + legal compliance milestones speaks volumes.

>> No.24581620

Classic pump and dump. Many such cases.

>> No.24581681

Why does RLC not pump with BTC? It doesn't do fucking anything

>> No.24581723

>a couple months ago on a rumor alone?
was that when it successfully executed 2 out of 3 tasks? https://explorer.iex.ec/mainnet

>> No.24581744
Quoted by: >>24582462

What is with the sudden uptick of RLC FUD? Is RLC about to do something big? If RLC is a pile a shit / a scam then why are there multiple threads being made about it? Something about this feels...manufactured. I'm going to buy more bags now. Thanks Pajeets.

>> No.24581760

Yes, that's where smart people sold it.

>> No.24581904
File: 195 KB, 680x457, polkadot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alot of the coins on the Polkadot ecosystem seem to be either PNDs, elaborate scams or have got hacked, very strange. Also RLC is digital dogshit.

>> No.24582462
File: 642 KB, 904x884, ICO funds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the same 5 people making these threads. Sometimes shill, sometimes reverse fud trying to trick people into buying.
Just stay away from RLC. Its always a black flag when the founder seems to have a greatly increased standard of living after fundraising.

>> No.24582527
Quoted by: >>24582789

this, newfags stay away from this shitcoin

>> No.24582789

I think I will buy more, thanks

>> No.24582893
File: 16 KB, 400x400, fusezeia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exit pump. Sorry bro it's over.

Fuse is your daddy now.

>> No.24583072

this man has no shame

>> No.24583152
Quoted by: >>24583217

0.001 RLC = $1 USD.

>> No.24583217
Quoted by: >>24583338

More like 1000 RLC = $1
EOY 2021

>> No.24583338
Quoted by: >>24583386

Go KYS 2021 looool

>> No.24583386
Quoted by: >>24583453

Shillers can't even make memes about RLC being a stablecoin anymore, because it won't reach $1 ever again.
Dead shitcoin is dead. Imagine still buying ERC20 token in 2021.

>> No.24583453

Lol this lad gunna go suicidal 2022 KEK