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File: 37 KB, 1000x501, API3 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24436010 No.24436010 [Reply] [Original]

See you guys at 10$. Brainlets still thinking the Mesa exploit was a bad thing, we all knew the Mesa exchange was a total shitshow, but ONE guy getting tokens cheap is a lot better than tons of pajeets waiting to take profit.

>> No.24436100
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>VCs bought in a .20
>sale was a complete shitshow, half the supply bought by a whale who manipulated the dex then dumped on the retards
>now at 1.30
>for a fucking DAO token ran by literal biz scammers
>not even a fucking testnet
>not even a fucking network
>it's fucking pointless
>everyone holding this trash is already a doomed bagholder
>he thinks it'll do another x10
>when he's just gonna get dumped on
>he learned nothing from DMG

>> No.24436170

checked and truth pilled.

>literal white paper and website
>failed token launch
>holding on by the peen on chainlink

this reminds me of something.... oh yeah! CLCG round 2

Fuck off timo baggins

>> No.24436198

kek if the price is going up or crabbing even with a guy relentlessly dumping, it's going to pump into the stratosphere when he's out

>> No.24436204
File: 21 KB, 250x239, 1597036236832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24436264


incompetent at best, scammers at worst, which is it, trannies?

>> No.24436264
Quoted by: >>24436313

the fact this is their 2nd failed token sale in less than 3 years i'd call it incompetence.

I look forward to their future refund and walk away with their tails between their legs. I will also stick my dick in Sasa for a few link when shes on the street

>> No.24436313
Quoted by: >>24436632

literally every other message on their trannygram was people whining about how mesa is shit and how it would get manipulated, they insisted it was fine, they learned it was getting exploited at the last minute and did not even alert their buyers """because we couldn't reach a DAO voting consensus", top kek great start

>> No.24436581

Not getting close to this. Will rather buy TRB or DOS...

>> No.24436632

think about how fucking stupid this sounds "we couldn't reach a DAO voting consensus" do people really think a DAO is suitable for DeFi oracles? By the time a DAO came to a consensus for "manipulation and refund" for faulty data it'd be too late. Just like this. DAOs are fucking stupid

>> No.24436657

You would think after two years of being a scamming retard, Timo would be half competent at pulling off retarded scams by now.

>> No.24436873

I grilled these guys hard in their telegram. They simply could not understand how having a 1st party run node is less secure than numerous randomly selected nodes. They couldn't fathom that just because you have one attack vector that could be exploited doesn't mean you should just say "fuck it lets just add another". Finally after already being pawned off from one admin "Sasa" the "data scientist" I was told to come back tomorrow when hopefully more "knowledgable team members would be present". I'm going to go back and hopefully save at least one or two plebs from this shit.

>> No.24436952

A whale bought for cheap and sold, happens every token sale

>> No.24436984

Can someone tell me what does CLCG mean ? I keep hearing whenever chainlink or api3 gets mentioned

>> No.24437037

>They simply could not understand how having a 1st party run node is less secure than numerous randomly selected nodes. They couldn't fathom that just because you have one attack vector that could be exploited doesn't mean you should just say "fuck it lets just add another"
What are you talking about? Are you the one that asked about ancient Chinese art?

>> No.24437124

CLCG was the last failed scam by these retarded "chainlink community" faggots. They've had two years to improve their scams and they're still pathetic failures, it's ridiculous.

>> No.24437134

They know, anon. But it doesn't matter. It's just a cashgrab. They're not driven by some grand noble goal to revolutionize anything, or by some big dick ambitious to get billions to their names, they just saw a new trend and knew they could get their foot in the door while it was still early, get a few mils for themselves for only a couple years of lazy work.

>> No.24437135

Yeah I'm sure this trash will have a 1 billion dollar total cap. You fucking retard.

>> No.24437167

CLCG was "Chainlink Consulting Group" basically a bunch of retarded neets on biz banded together and formed it with the hopes of running an ico to help grow Chainlink. Their ICO failed bc they were retarded but Sergey let them be jannies in the Chainlink telegram they ended up starting a thing called honeycomb.market (that also no one used) with a bunch of api providers with the hopes the Chainlink network could use them and they'd make cash. Chainlink realized it would be more secure to have the data providers also run nodes and there also wasn't really demand at the time for the data they found api's for. Honeycomb ran a Chainlink node for a bit but they were only on a select amount of feeds, which is also why they say they were a top performer. Easy to do that when you are only on a few feeds. Anyways, Johann told them to kick rocks and they started API3 with some funding from VCs who all hate LINK because they missed it

>> No.24437211
Quoted by: >>24437378

can confirm every single word of this is accurate

>> No.24437215

>they ended up starting a thing called honeycomb.market (that also no one used)
Can’t get usage for something intended for independent node operators when Chainlink doesn't have any independent node operators. It’s a permissioned “network”

>> No.24437236

>trying to defend themselves
lmao how's API3 going you retarded scammer faggot?

>> No.24437322

>Can’t get usage for something intended for independent node operators when Chainlink doesn't have any independent node operators. It’s a permissioned “network”
there are hundreds of independent node operators on market link, there's just no demand for them
hence the "public good" model; chainlink company as to step in and do insane bizdev to onboard hundreds of teams, so they'll share funding and make it economically viable
now ask yourself how burak will manage to do this with their airmeme model, and how their inexistent bizdev team will successfully achieve this
protip: zero. fucking. demand. = zero. fucking. paying. customers. = dead shitcoin, just like band, tellor, witnet, etc

>> No.24437378

Forgot to mention the best part. They begged Sergey for money and he turned around and gave it to LinkPool and Reputation.link instead. That was the final straw for them to start Zeus capital and start working on API3 which is basically a glorified honeycomb.market.

Sasa was also some chick in the community. Big tits. I'd def stick my dick in her butt. She doesn't handle the jannygram very well though.

>> No.24437409
Quoted by: >>24437578

>That was the final straw for them to start Zeus capital
Doesn't make sense that they'd frame Simeon and Nexo though. What do they have against them?

>> No.24437442
File: 46 KB, 1695x561, 1588966767609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no relation to zeus, that was nexo
sasa really is a dumb whore confirmed though, cuntish, incredibly stupid, yet incredibly arrogant
this was her in 2017

>> No.24437491

That’s not Sasa. You think the person that wrote that also writes this? https://link.medium.com/jsgNXqb2Qbb

>> No.24437511


>> No.24437578

I think they were a part of Zeus in some way. It just seems like something they would do and the writing styles are similar. Especially the blog that came out today. Its liek you can know when they are lying.

>Utilizing this novel and — according to Mesa team — sophisticated attack
>The fact that somebody was creating fake tokens on the Gnosis Protocol with the potential of these being used for malicious purposes was brought to the attention..

They may have been working with Simeon or wrote some of the later blog posts

>> No.24437616
File: 1.46 MB, 1360x1359, 1_1r81ErwJtVDln-4EvoZ7Ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trusting this gypsy kek

>> No.24437935

whats a ealistic short term sell target? i dont care about these shitcoins technology, i just want to peacefully 3x or 5x, bought in at 1.30

>> No.24438544
File: 78 KB, 1080x1619, 1594604034750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Timo and Fuck CLCG

>> No.24438562
File: 79 KB, 1080x640, IMG_20201201_075608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rrrreeaaaallly think she wrote that article?

Tell me, what's more likely: there being two people using the nickname sassy milk that are women interested in ethereum OR she posts articles written by Timo or another of those fags?

Seeing how you are whiteknighting her you probably ARE one of them CLCG fags. Which one is it? Turkish basedboy? British Catboy?

>> No.24438741


>> No.24438788

ITT: seething linkers doing anything they can to fud the superior project.

>> No.24438855
Quoted by: >>24439133

timo as in crypto twitter timo harring? he's part of CLCG? he's part of API3? If API3 is CLCG round 2 then what's round 1?

>> No.24438872
Quoted by: >>24438907

This is accurate.

Been in the same groups for years now and with few exceptions, they are really opportunistic, looking to cash in while they can. Many have deleted accounts or all but went silent months ago in anticipation of the coming questions that they didn't want to be exposed to.

>> No.24438907

so does anyone know who is actually behind CLCG?

>> No.24439051
Quoted by: >>24439131

early linkers larping as devs looking to flip a profit off of gullible biztards

>> No.24439110

the API3 team

>> No.24439131

if this was their 2nd coin what was their 1st coin?

>> No.24439133

round 1 was CLCG failing their first ICO. They had to refund everyone who invested and as you can see ruined their reputation. Sergey hated them for it and never respected them. Its why he never invited them to the core team like LinkPool and never gave them any money

>> No.24439168

Um API3 is based

>> No.24439187 [DELETED] 

Sup, share you opinion anything about duckdao.io?

Looked through this platform, looks interesting with open source crypto card game and investment plugins with long-term partnership.

>> No.24439215

why did ICO fail? no interest/demand?

>> No.24439234

so Timo is part of CLCG but not part of API3?

>> No.24439284
File: 176 KB, 620x459, 1606225882007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24439446

Someone front ran and got all the cheap tokens or something.

>> No.24439937
File: 572 KB, 1080x1801, Screenshot_20201201-093247_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this

>> No.24440114
Quoted by: >>24441691

why the price dont go up, volume exceeded marketcap,

is this a new fucking stablecoin?

>> No.24440266
File: 327 KB, 1080x768, 143923770c8d68e6e68b7d9922f06189cfd21d892aba1b952b0ed02b5cf1873f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLCG gave themselves 40,000 ETH valuation and were generous enough to sell 10% of the shares to us and keeping 60% for the founding team. That's how deluded they were. It's a shame we as a community wasn't good enough for them.
API3 won't end well.

>> No.24440774

the fud is strong. this must be a winner

>> No.24440981
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>> No.24441691
File: 32 KB, 1000x446, 1_AZZ8nDRfr2A3yhOkZiaRHg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be at $2.00 in a few days if we reach 20M token sold