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24201400 No.24201400 [Reply] [Original]

Spiritual Wonder Boy edition

Do not use Droplet Wallet, is it a scam. If you send your XRP to it, your money will be stolen.

>What is flare?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMGWE6dJiw [Embed] [Embed]
>Flare snapshot date - December 12th 2020:

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMGWE6dJiw [Embed] [Embed]

>XRP Ledger

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Baba and Other insiders:

>Judy Shelton (Trump Fed nominee):

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet

>> No.24201468
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Quoted by: >>24201986


>> No.24201530


>> No.24201536
Quoted by: >>24201595

Anyone use bitrue? Need to get my ripplies off cb soon for the drop. What are you anons using, xumm?

>> No.24201592

Is binance supporting the drop or na? I want to keep accumulating before I chuck it in my ledger

>> No.24201595
Quoted by: >>24202334

if Bitrue still gives you 5% daily compounding interest, it could be a very profitable deal to hold on that exchange. then again, I don't like to leave money on exchanges any more than necessary.

>> No.24201654

Is David Schwartz the Spiritual Wonder Boy who will usher in the worldwide debt jubilee and NESARA/GESARA based quantum financial system? Is The Storm Upon Us? Do We Go One Where We Go All? Will we witness the coming of the Kingdom of God? Are there nanomachine microphones throughout our atmosphere and in our precious bodily fluids? Is risperidone a government conspiracy to hold us back from fulfilling our true potential? Please stop watching me through my webcam I can Feel it on my Face?

Use this thread to discuss these and other pressing issues of our time.

>> No.24201714

Massive selloff incoming at 75 cents. Huge pullback is well on it's way.

>> No.24201757

dying leaves get shook

>> No.24201778

I thought XRP was a complete shitcoin. am i wrong bros? should i go all in?

>> No.24201800
Quoted by: >>24202201

You should get a suicide bag immediately.

>> No.24201817
File: 84 KB, 1468x930, XRP Analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cock and ball formation says otherwise

>> No.24201842

10/10 and screenshotpilled.

>> No.24201853
File: 98 KB, 696x272, xrp 66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24201875

Already a thread here

>> No.24201892
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Quoted by: >>24203917

When's it hitting .70 bros?

>> No.24201942

Iraq Dinar scam 2.0 for newfags. Same audience of gullible midwits falling for decade old newage hopium scams.

>> No.24201986

is this a real projection or just autism?

>> No.24202125

i'm leaning towards autism. if true i'd be a multimillionaire

>> No.24202201

What is a suicide bag?

>> No.24202279
Quoted by: >>24202331

Probably autism because ISO 20022 will not be fully deployed eoy. 2k 2022 5k 2025 seems like an OK guess to me though. Maybe 100 eoy ?

>> No.24202281
Quoted by: >>24202467

it was confirmed this weekend
lurk more

>> No.24202331
Quoted by: >>24202467

but if Schizos are right they can always light the switch and make it jump to 2K to price everyone out. 2k 2022 is expecting the price to just grow naturally as use increases. If theres some evil plot 2k eoy is possible. Just buy the shakeout after the snapshot and hold, diamond hands. wagmi

>> No.24202334
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Quoted by: >>24202416

5.3%, up from 4.1%. Guess when they increased it.
>Nov. 20
Sup goys

>> No.24202416
Quoted by: >>24202581

Whats up with this ? Currently on binance. Should I switch them to bitrue ? If its flare ready for the claim and its giving me 5% compoun daily why are we not all using that ? Seems like too good to be true deal almost. How do they give so much interest ? Are you staking as collateral ? Could you explain how it works please ?

>> No.24202467

pls no bully
thanks fren.

>> No.24202504

Fuck i was able to buy a 1K stack at 0,42. But I wired from a savings account friday when it was 0,30 and im only getting the money tuesday when its at 0,70... Fucking banks are making me lose so much. One more reason XRP is the standard, i will never have this shitty problem and enjoy my instant wires at anytime.

>> No.24202555
File: 1.55 MB, 143x134, 1605728170520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on

>> No.24202581
File: 711 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201117-171211_Google PDF Viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24202650

you freeze your XRP so they can trade it. they pay you daily, about 1.5 XRP per 10k staked. And unfreezing funds takes about 20 minutes in my experience (sent to coinbase from bitrue). They also have defi, idk about that.
Heres the kicker, they only allow 500k XRP staked every 12 hrs for the whole exchange, so you gotta set your alarm and freeze it on time or youre out. it fills up in a minute.
>All frozen XRP count for spark airdop as well as the ones in your wallet.
They haven't said they're supporting DaoFlare yet. :( Idk if anyone has.

>> No.24202615
Quoted by: >>24203166

For my first 72h ever in crypto I feel like this is akin to losing my virginity in a reverse gangbang with 10 supermodels. IM MOOOOOOOOOOOOOONING

>> No.24202646

Value of total crypto 250 billion
Value of forex a day 5 trillion
Value of remittance market 600 billion
Value of derivatives 600 trillion

Divide any or all of this by 45 billion tokens, its really only a matter of time, the path of least resistance is natural

>> No.24202650
Quoted by: >>24202707

Thanks fren. How is 1.5/10k 5% though ?

>> No.24202663
File: 286 KB, 481x602, 1574324036312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your meme magic is making this happen.

>> No.24202691

It is actually more than this. Im fucking holding, and I'm not the only one. Real XRP liquidity isnt going to be 45 billion.

>> No.24202693

will i get the airdrop if i move my XRP to metamask?

>> No.24202697

It's mooning

>> No.24202707
File: 147 KB, 301x310, 1579541231121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24202735

5.1% APY paid out daily. Recompound every 10XRP they give you if you have the time to cus thats the minimum freeze amount.

>> No.24202735
Quoted by: >>24202841

Is it worth transferring over from binance and doing this if I'm a 2K stacklet ?

>> No.24202815
File: 109 KB, 700x506, avOP9rq_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is everyone going to keep their XRP for the snapshot? The XUMM route seems easy enough and all of the supporting exchanges are either Korean or literal whos

>> No.24202820

Just imagine all of that activity extrapolated over 20-30 years or more.
This is why XRP (exchange rate peg) is designed for $10,000 ea. and can each be divided into 1 million drops. At system stability AND maturity, $20K XRP.

>> No.24202841
File: 146 KB, 791x653, 1606074825749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats still gonna be 0.3 XRP a day i think?
>YFW passing up $600 a day cus you wanna stay in chinas liquidity pools that arent giving spark.
Of course binance will probably announce spark drop late but you can always just move them back over.

>> No.24202896
File: 125 KB, 640x960, 1575824319406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, sorry, but I saw that thats today and wanted to share.

>> No.24202897
Quoted by: >>24203048

I'm really new to this this is my first time. There isnt any fee for transferrng my cryptos around exchanges or wallets ?

>> No.24202905
Quoted by: >>24203073

Is coinbase down for anyone else? High traffic?

>> No.24202917

The storm is only limited to the amount of piss that be upon us. May god grant you a wealth o f xerpees across thy manscape.

>> No.24202996
File: 102 KB, 409x409, 1532305846676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24203463

I have 733 XRP.

>> No.24203048
File: 121 KB, 1600x2517, 1597522375025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the beauty of XRP. i think most exchanges are eating the transfer fee to post it as 0 rn cus i always transfer lets say 250 XRP and receieve 250 on the other exchange. Im sure eventually the fee will be $0.01 when 1 XRP is like 20k.

>> No.24203073
File: 75 KB, 495x528, 1521850810204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24203175

It's partially down. Funds are safu.

>> No.24203166
Quoted by: >>24203272

You're going to end up in a gangabang with 10 BBCs.

>> No.24203175

Are we talking half-mast, but works if you keep at it, or full blown scared turtle?

>> No.24203272
Quoted by: >>24203801

How do I avoid that ? Cause I feel you are right

>> No.24203463

Hey, that’s kind of a lot of money.

>> No.24203745
File: 256 KB, 750x975, 1606162578118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting here:
The airdrop is priced in. You guys need to understand that some people are afraid of XRP dumping after the snapshot and some are people circling like hungry sharks, looking for the first hint of blood in the water before they buy that juicy dip. Whether XRP will decrease in price is dependent on how fierce the competition for cheap XRP becomes. If people expect a sell off following the snapshot, we may even end up with a pump because so many bears will be drawn in. Consider the following:
>XRP is the normie altcoin of this bullrun
>This bullrun has barely even begun
>Normie FOMO has barely even begun
>USD currency has not yet realized it's inflation (once covid clears up, people are going to start spending the money they were hoarding and shit will get more expensive)
And if everything I said wasn't already enough
>A cabal of elites are planning on destroying the world economy and taking fiat down with them in order to usher in a NWO and breakaway civilization.

>> No.24203801
Quoted by: >>24204084

Don't get too greedy. Sell portions of your stack but ALWAYS set aside a piece that you will never sell. Try to part out your holdings so you will end up in the green even if your never sell stack goes to zero. Stick to your schedule and have discipline. If you aren't investing enough to be worried about losing completely, consider making your whole stack the never sell stack.

>> No.24203917


>> No.24203930
File: 60 KB, 640x279, One_US_dollar_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason Parser is fucking up Coinbase.

>> No.24204062


>> No.24204084
Quoted by: >>24204101

But god am I greedy and want to turn my 2K stack in 10k stack buying and selling the dump and pump around snapshot. I just want to buy the normies during the shakedown after snapshot. Maybe do it before too to get more spark.

>> No.24204101

If you're new I do not recommend swinging, but you're free to do as you wish.

>> No.24204860

83c!!!!! Holy shit anons this is it!

>> No.24204896
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>> No.24204913
Quoted by: >>24204985

Lost 30% of my xrp stack FOMOing into xlm AMA

>> No.24204935
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1538879481229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was 0.68 when I left what the fuck

>> No.24204972

I am scared frens this is accelerating too fast for my brain

>> No.24204971
Quoted by: >>24205237

Wtf the coinbase chart literally cannot keep up with the price lmfao

>> No.24204982
File: 12 KB, 231x218, 47707DB1-5B57-4DE6-9308-401FCB1C2FBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based coin holy shit!! We are billionaire $2000 EOY is real niggers
Fuck the doubters

>> No.24204985


>> No.24205203

It’s literally crashed Blockfolio wtaf!!!

>> No.24205237

bro i just lost all my 20 euro xrp wtf coinbase said its worth like 100 euro and now 0

>> No.24205304

If anyone wants a decent live chart


Volume is at $1m per minute

>> No.24205327

Based XRP destroying crypto as a whole.

>> No.24205358
Quoted by: >>24205440

this is some serious shenanigans what is happening ? The price litterally did like °+0,10 - 0,10 in 15min wtf

>> No.24205364

Good time to buy if you missed out before. No way it drops below .70 again

>> No.24205383
Quoted by: >>24205458

I just swapped 590 linkies on the top for xrp and it crashed, coinbase pro wasnt allowing me to trade and now coinbase says my wallet is worth 0

>> No.24205387
File: 12 KB, 253x199, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just waiting for a pullback to sleep comfy frens

>> No.24205431

The volume is crazy rn
Marketcap is changing billions every few mins.

>> No.24205440
File: 884 KB, 1010x916, 1606103706388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges are running out of Xerpies, no ones selling it before spark. This shit cray

>> No.24205451

Heavy manipulation. Coinbase showed .92 cents For a split second while other markets were showing .75. Coinbase then dumped back down to .75 and more people panicked.

>> No.24205458
Quoted by: >>24205605


>> No.24205468
File: 427 KB, 2048x2048, C1AD3C91-9531-44B4-B531-D760034A34DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24205505


>> No.24205488
Quoted by: >>24205514

It has to be Jed, high volume and high price means he just dropped a shit load. Good for us in the longer term.

>> No.24205505

i thought mnuchin and trump don't like crypto
what does this mean

>> No.24205514
Quoted by: >>24205734

if it was jed he would get his dick sued off for breaking the agreement

>> No.24205567
File: 204 KB, 436x340, newfags_get_out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like everyone here is forgetting XRP2KEOY
they're forgetting the fundamentals
the breadcrumbs, the synchronicity
and they have the audacity to post here

>> No.24205605

I got emails my XRP buy was cancelled but didn't get my linkies back I want to fomo XRP reeeeeeeee what is happening

>> No.24205651
Quoted by: >>24205886

ITT, newfags get trolled by cuckbase

>> No.24205669

literally never ever selling

>> No.24205675
Quoted by: >>24205717

If this hits .80 tonight we're going hyperbolic, the barriers are destroyed

>> No.24205712
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>> No.24205717

i'll see you on the other side bro
do good things with your wealth
this is a chance to change the world

>> No.24205734

I thought the agreement was he could sell when he wanted but only within a certain % of daily volume

>> No.24205737

fuck when my transfer will finally arrive in a few hours after 5 days waiting, really almost too fucking late and after the biggest pump so far.

>> No.24205749
Quoted by: >>24205797

>wake up
>10 cents higher
Did I really wake up or am I still dreaming?

>> No.24205788

Guys its showing 0 assets o nbinance ? Did I just get fucking cucked too ? Is this the switch and the theft already ??

>> No.24205797
Quoted by: >>24205878

You should've seen it twenty minutes ago

>> No.24205830

It stil shows my value in BTC but all the other indicators are blank like binance is half crashed or something. What should I do ?

>> No.24205878

What happened?

>> No.24205886
Quoted by: >>24207156

This. Every fucking time xrp moons one of these faggy exchanges start manipulating causing it to dump. This happened in 2017 but with coinmarketcap when for literally no fucking reason they decided to exclude Korean xrp prices

>> No.24205902
Quoted by: >>24205996

It hit 92, people are panic selling noq

>> No.24205909
Quoted by: >>24205996

It hit .90 and crashed Coinbase.

>> No.24205911

the chart is sizing up for a big reversal

>> No.24205921
Quoted by: >>24205996

Cuckbase manipulated the price to .92 and then dropped in like a stone in the blink of an eye and crashed causing people to panic

>> No.24205956

These exchanges are all ran by bitcoin maxi chinks afraid that their Dyson sphere btc farms are going to be useless. They can’t stop the inevitable

>> No.24205986

expect up to 71 again, down to 67, then back to the moon

>> No.24205996
File: 147 KB, 726x590, 1340154428859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I'm glad I woke up 20 minutes later, I would have shat my pants right there.

>> No.24206238
File: 149 KB, 400x128, 1518931521638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24206266

no sleep, it's a party all night baby

>> No.24206266

If I see two green candles in a row I'm going to bed.

>> No.24206267

This numbers are blessed XRP will hit 500$ next year

>> No.24206303
Quoted by: >>24206428

I want to warn swing traders; if you think you'll be able to time this run then I wish you the best of luck but I do believe it will be very prudent to not think you can predict the nature of this valuation.

>> No.24206352
File: 9 KB, 182x276, 802170215502175215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24206408

Honestly this current price action is bullish as fuck. It was like 54 cents at the start of today, and even with the dump from 92 it's at 69-70 cents. The price has been pumping during US hours the past few days. Just wait for burgerbros to wake up and do the needful.

>> No.24206408

it never made it to .90, that was a coinbase glitch. It capped at about .76

>> No.24206409

I just want money to give to my mummy I love her, please do well XRP

>> No.24206428

Swing traders are normies right?

>> No.24206640
File: 2 KB, 158x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The swing traders have fucked off for the time being

>> No.24206793

Timetraveller here. Hows the past? I heard xrp was still pumping?

>> No.24206877

We hit a bit of a snag but yeah it sure is!

>> No.24206952

I travelled through your moms bed last night

>> No.24207002
Quoted by: >>24207017

I bought some coins in January, forgot about them and saw they jumped. What the fuck happened?

>> No.24207014
Quoted by: >>24207084

Quick observation, algo, xlm and VET have all been ‘linked’ to xrp in someway recently and all apparently to be involved in the reset, vet maybe being the chink xrp.
Interestingly all 3 of these pumped at the same time as xrp while the rest of the market was relatively flat.

>> No.24207017

Hype for Flare.

>> No.24207084
Quoted by: >>24207571

Maybe even more interesting is all 3 coins had one big jump followed by that dip exactly like xrp just did. Wtf is going on here

>> No.24207104

None of these other 3 have anything to do with flare....

>> No.24207156


Shit I remember that fuckery...

>> No.24207309

I have 5k xrp, bought at 28c. Can someone explain if its a good idea to hodl/sell before or after the airdrop? Should I sign up for this?

>> No.24207571

Idk but it seems like it wouldnt be a bad idea to throw some money on it if you can afford it, never bet against the illuminati

>> No.24207590
File: 271 KB, 703x839, 1605950280387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did an insider magically predict hype for flare on the exact day xrp pumps? fuck outta here.