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23040354 No.23040354 [Reply] [Original]

Is full stack web developer a pajeet career now in Australia?

>> No.23040459

that job will soon be automated

>> No.23040491


SEEK is 98% garbage, if you froth some LinkedIn recruiters you will find actual roles where the pay is 120k+

>> No.23040503
Quoted by: >>23041535

definitely, theres a fuck load of pajeets here. its either IT roles or 7/11 attendant

>> No.23040506

t. 70iq brainlet

>> No.23040663

Actually you’re right there

>> No.23040697

Do the needful sir.

>> No.23040762

I just finished uni and am working at a big 4 consulting firm doing basic ass SQL queries.

62k starting, kind of shit given I studied math and have 300IQ..

>> No.23040800
Quoted by: >>23040881

wtf did you study lmao

>> No.23040879
Quoted by: >>23040906


> Going to Uni
> 300 IQ

Pick one anon

>> No.23040881
File: 167 KB, 800x533, 800px-Shulgin_alexander_2009_hanna_jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematics and Physics, I have published 3 research papers.

Currently working at home meant to be waiting on access to some AWS shit. Shit sucks man.

>tfw did math but no 300k starting

>> No.23040906
Quoted by: >>23041032

true, but see
I actually did research at uni and wasnt a brainlet pass = degree = job

>> No.23041032
Quoted by: >>23041360


IMO academia at uni is still overrated for IT jobs, any non-pajeet with an ounce of motivation can make out like a bandit in Aus. Particularly given our low expectations and output in comparison to the US

>> No.23041054

wtf are you phd? how did you end up on only 62k? that is insane.

>> No.23041096

Low iq
I make 100k as a entry (1 yr experience) web dev

Just get to meet the right people at meetups/startup experience, work hard, study hard and it’s easy cash

Most autists here couldn’t write code for shit because they’d try and realize “fuck, maybe those iq tests I take online aren’t truly representative of my innate ability to problem solve and adapt to modern day careers”

>> No.23041216

Btw before someone asks, not NY or CA.

I’m in the south so it’s great salary
I understand that 100k is shit elsewhere

>> No.23041237

what did you study? how old re you?

ohh didn't realise you aren't aussie.

>> No.23041284

No formal degree in CS or IT but I have a degree

I’m self taught from online resources

>> No.23041300

I’m 25

>> No.23041331

whats your tech stack bruh?

>> No.23041349
Quoted by: >>23041877

whats the actual role called?
i was a "systems developer" before. might do "cloud developer". have full stack skills tho.
did the neet thing for a while instead

>> No.23041360
Quoted by: >>23041429

>low expectations
That’s interesting. There are less jobs though. I’m not in IT as a career, I do construction project management stuff, and I want to stab every construction management cunt I meet. Need to switch to either becoming a dev or a doctor

>> No.23041372

not aussie, not related
gtfo. ameritards have it easy in the IT sector

>> No.23041429


Honestly there's an abundance of jobs even with rona doing the rounds right now, as above with like 2-3 months training you can outskill the pajeets and learn the rest on the job.

>> No.23041440

interesting. thanks for the info

>> No.23041497

Charlotte area?

>> No.23041535

those pajeets produce absolute shit tier work. i don't even know how the fuck they get jobs.

>> No.23041711
Quoted by: >>23041747

Hard to get a gig? Currently going the self taught route with iOS dev, hard working 70/80h weeks in mining/energy tho. Was considering the uni meme for 2021 however I’m 33yo with fair amount of debt (investment properties) I don’t think I could do 4y study then go back to earning 50/60k @ 37

>> No.23041747

>investment properties

the primordial bagholder has revealed himself

>> No.23041877
Quoted by: >>23042113

don't become a cloud developer, that job will soon be automated

>> No.23042113

>t. outsourced pajeet who got outsourced

>> No.23042356

This. All the jobs posted are absolutely pathetic. I swear most of them all want "junior" roles anyway so they can pay them nothing.

>> No.23042567

at least that's the type of job you can exaggerate the fuck out of and shouldn't have trouble finding people to referee for you next time you apply for something else, a very good start straight out of uni in this country imo.

>> No.23043136
Quoted by: >>23043182

how do i get into big 4 with no connections? im in aus and just grad.

>> No.23043182
File: 535 KB, 640x636, 1601213988825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23043222

literally just do well on the aptitude test (IQ easy mode) and don't be an autistic fuck in the interview.

For the interview, either learn to sell yourself or just be an exemplary god like me.

BTW you'll wish you were a neet 2 weeks after you start. Luckily all I have to do is 1-2 hours of meetings and jack off the rest of the day. Going to quit before I go back to the office.

>> No.23043217

Always has been

>> No.23043222
Quoted by: >>23043424

>don't be an autistic fuck in the interview

yea thats where im going wrong i think. in my kpmg vid int i literally sperged about link and the 4th industrial revolution. bruh

>> No.23043424
Quoted by: >>23043452

You should probably just skip the big 4 anon, IT consulting is possibly the worst stint of my career.

The big banks + telecoms have far more interesting projects and challenges in comparison to run and manage with minor new development opportunities.

>> No.23043452
Quoted by: >>23043491

>not consulting at the telecom for 10x the wage of the offshore employees

>> No.23043491

> Implying IT consulting is anything more than borked cloud transformations and oracle datacenter replatforming now

In-housing is getting more common now and pays much better than trying to progress bands at xyz consultancy.

>> No.23043866

100% accurate, same here