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>> No.22997637

>believing anything Jimbo says

>> No.22997640
Quoted by: >>22997840

>Believing the media

>> No.22997654
Quoted by: >>23000923

kek jinx

>> No.22997656

>Monday a bloodbath
You mean for the market?

I guess eating burgers all the time, getting attacked by people and being negative is not good for your health

>> No.22997675

Should I tether up now?

>> No.22997679
Quoted by: >>22999136

NWO FUD. if you sell now you are letting them buy your coins for cheap

>> No.22997766

So Trump is fine nice

>> No.22997785

Well this is the first I'm hearing of it.

>> No.22997814


>> No.22997831

Imagine not tethering up in case of trump keeling over. There would a sale lower than march and that's worth waiting for

>> No.22997840

Hivemind has spoken. Nothing to see here.

>> No.22997853

> Trump extremely ill
> Two Republican senators are positive and Republicans won't be able to push through the new Supreme Court vote before the election
> Biden will win
Damn, if only these retards wore their masks and listened to science.

>> No.22997938


>> No.22997999

>he still believes the political game matters

>> No.22998008

Ok pickle rick we get it you love science.
Yikes I hope you didn't forget your fedora at your mom's house!

>> No.22998027
File: 247 KB, 600x413, Nonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An absolute massacre

>> No.22998050
Quoted by: >>22998063

Why would crypto crash if Trump dies? He literally hates crypto, America has cucked crypto laws, what gives?

>> No.22998063

Biden will buttrape you with tax to give all of the immigrants free health care and welfare

>> No.22998065

I know right, so Trump can drop dead with his bleach injections and I could honestly care less.

>> No.22998096

citation needed

>> No.22998097
Quoted by: >>22998156

I'm not even American

>> No.22998099
File: 177 KB, 524x530, 1577649826167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22998156

drompf is already doing that, but for niggers.

>> No.22998100
File: 112 KB, 320x320, 7344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you not tethered already? the market was looking terrible even before bitmex negro was indicted and the leader of the free world started dying

>> No.22998156
Quoted by: >>23000010

I don't care
Just wait until you see what Biden will do

>> No.22998236

>oh yes so much freedom

>> No.22998498

i dont want to pay the taxes ;.;
t. amerifree

>> No.22998530
File: 699 KB, 777x720, Never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22998626
Quoted by: >>22998641

Based and sciencepilled

>> No.22998635

Newfag bitmex going down is bullish as fuck

>> No.22998641

Cringe & hoaxpilled.

>> No.22998666
Quoted by: >>22998684

Kek, your dear leader tell you that?

>> No.22998684


>> No.22998701

based if true.

>> No.22998710

they are implicating literally everything in defi + the most significant crypto exchange in the world, binance, under both the letter of the law + spirit of the law..

>> No.22998714

What's up world? Yeah, you! I'm Travis Scott, this is my McDonald's order. Follow me! There's my Quarter Pounder™ with lettuce, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard, and bacon. (Yeah!) Here's my fries. Sometimes, I do this... then I dip them into barbecue sauce. Oh yeah, and my Sprite. Same order since back in Houston. You could try it too. Gotta go! The Travis Scott meal, just $6. Say Cactus Jack sent you.

>> No.22999136

This. I’ll sell when I can make it. In the meantime I’ll add with cheapies.

>> No.22999149

Couldn’t* care less you stupid zoomer.

>> No.22999166

>jim acosta
why would anyone listen to this guy

>> No.22999582
Quoted by: >>23006382

this niggerworld is becoming too much to handle. your life doesnt matter the biggest (((lie))) is theif lives matter

>> No.22999832

So this is how it's going to be spun... Trump's not going to die, btw.

>> No.22999856

based truth poster making people seethe

>> No.22999908

Get a job, faggot.

>> No.23000010

>Just wait until you see what Biden will do
Fucking cope.

>> No.23000121

I didn't tether and now I'm down 60% in a month. It's too late for me. I have to wait for the bullrun that's never coming

>> No.23000210

>thinking one US president canstop the inevitable March of time or cause a crash harder than the last one.

>> No.23000235

I use dai if I have to but I'd rather use bitcoin/eth and hodl unless it's a swing trading account.

>> No.23000304

99.95% chance he doesn't die...

>> No.23000356


Obama was the deportation king, Biden will be no different. You fags still think you're running against Bernard

>> No.23000452

Good luck banning smart contracts

>> No.23000502

But I thought the masks were for protecting everyone else, cocksmoker?

You nebbish little liberal faggots wouldn't know the scientific method if it slapped your wife's boyfriend's dick out your mouth.

>> No.23000595


I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Impossible Whopper, than I'm getting on the actual Who- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Whopper BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A COOKOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the bag. BK. That bite is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the lettuce. Like I'm not even mad that I'm bittin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm eating lettuce right now and tomatoes.

You can really taste the onion because the sear, on this plant based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get onion but the onion's there so you get a crunch off it, with soft bun action with SBA? BK, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' BK, THE IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER SON!

>> No.23000655


You believe this shit? They're manipulating you through lies.

>> No.23000923

that's great kek, thought this thread was gonna immediately die. hivemind indeed

>> No.23000947


>> No.23000955
Quoted by: >>23001027

You do realize people view both Biden and Pence as more predictable than Trump right? I don't think the sell off would be as massive as you imagine.

>> No.23000963

>his symptoms are worse than those of the First Lady at this point
he is much older and fatter than Melania, why would anyone be surprised by this

>> No.23000984



But I wish him a swift recovery. He doesn't deserve to die.

>> No.23001027
Quoted by: >>23003227

You need to look at the bigger picture. Forget Trump, Pence and Biden for a second. We're talking about the POTUS dying of a virus that has had the world shitting it's pants for close to a year. You really don't think would have a massive effect on the markets?

>> No.23001042

bros i’ve lost hundreds of dollars already. ik im a poor rag but should i sell and cut my losses? I feel like it’ll bleed more over the coming months

>> No.23001804

>they are implicating literally everything in defi
Your link only talks about binance. Show us where "they" are implicating everything in defi. You can't because it is weak-handed paranoia.

>> No.23001826


>> No.23001872

well there are people itt who are literally posting HE SHOULD'VE WORN DE MASK AND BELIEVED IN SCIENCE and I don't think they're trolling, I think people like that really exist on 4chan now, so yes there are people here who will read a tweet from fucking Jim Acosta and just believe it unquestioningly

>> No.23001889
File: 89 KB, 623x743, bdd58e47f44474d1dd63e420e9532178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23003561

Here's some more fodder for you fucking morons - it's on Twitter (well, it was until she deleted it) so it's real

>> No.23001896

Jim Acosta is a literal retard who has been embarrassed multiple times today alone. This will just be another failure in his life of failing.

>> No.23001927

Do you really need sources to understand that Biden is pro global homo/anti-white agenda? There is literal speeches of him saying that the U.S whites will become a minority and that’s a good thing

>> No.23001955


Jews are the MMs for the American economy and they know it. Only plebs would dump, and they'd buy the short dip. All it would mean would be a clear winner (Biden) if Trump offs.

>> No.23001965

trump is the anti christ
this is the part where the anti christ gets wounded but he will heal.

>> No.23001984
Quoted by: >>23002012

If only you weren't gay and retarded I'd probably listen to you more often anon.
Why are you gay and retarded?

>> No.23002012

hue hue hue good one anon!

>> No.23002020

I've been seeing some of the biggest retards on this board lately. I know we get influxes of newfags when people post screencaps everywhere but fucking lurk before you post its so simple don't embarrass yourself

>> No.23002027

Uh, hey, sorry fellow anons that I couldn't report sooner.
>There was a failed assassination attempt on Trump
>He was evacuated to an unknown location
>The hospital is just a cover
>Marine two actually took trump after Marine one dropped him off.
>only a handful of us know the exact location
>You are still needed to vote for Trump even if the media declares death
>The media is going to declare death in 4 days
>a wax model of Trump has already been prepped by the Deepstate
>To avoid foriegn and domestic enemies knowing where Trump is, he has prefilmed several talks, some of these "speaches" are going to be modified with deepfake technology (current events and so on)
>I take pride in glowing
>I glow for you even when you don't appreciate what I do, you don't understand why I do, but I glow for you.

>> No.23002045
File: 19 KB, 400x400, rpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jim Acosta.

>> No.23002080

>Look mom, I learned how to use inspect element

>> No.23002081

Are you angry?

>> No.23002088

Another angry at science little bitch

>> No.23002107

Yeah, pure coincidence that everything plays out just the way Dems and the media want.

>> No.23002163

jesus you faggots are crazy. take your meds!

>> No.23002231

In 4 days you say? Perhaps I should screenshot this post for Oct. 7.

>> No.23002295

Trust the plan.

>> No.23002299

have a (you)

>> No.23002367
File: 257 KB, 1073x978, 1583978177546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acosta is a drama queen

>> No.23002378
Quoted by: >>23002449

>they're implicating all of defi

The entire concept of defi is that there's no person guiding the invisible hand of the market; the entire basis of the SEC's cases in these situations is predicated upon PEOPLE having the responsibility to validate users for a platform being managed by a legal entity.

If you have no legal entity, and no people managing the trade functionality, the SEC has no case. Doesn't mean they won't try to shut down the platform one way or another, though.

>however, imagine a world where your trading platform was hosted in a decentralized manner, either via web3 or tor networks, or an app built on a network of decentralized VPCs, where the removal of one container/network node would not significantly impact the functionality of the network.
>endless resilience, with market makers being incentivized not only to contribute liquidity, but also resiliency, either by operating nodes or providing compute space or other similar support tasks
this is the future of the crypto market. It will literally be whack-a-mole, with holders and traders basically just getting rich while watching the government laughably flounder, wasting tens of millions of dollars shutting down domains only to have the network circumvent their strategy by migrating the platform a la piratebay, over and over again.

Copyright laws can't effectively police the internet; why would we expect financial regulators to be able to do any better?

>> No.23002449

arrest the devs/people with admin key, arrest all the synthetix execs, seize the domain.
rinse and repeat for every fucking decentralized finance application. i dont think there's even a single defi app with kyc/aml...
the government has put sanctions on addresses. even if your cypherpunk reality played out, all they would need to do would be to put sanctions on contracts. we'll see how many people interact with illegal contracts.

>> No.23002502

1. SEC only cares about cash-out events (crypto-fiat exchanges)
2. KYC or not, there are a number of projects that are not US-based or hosted, so not useful from an enforcement standpoint
3. You're assuming two things: a) whatever is being used is built on eth and/or another platform where all transactions are on a single chain & public, b) whatever is being implemented from a sanctions standpoint will work for anonymized holdings

the concern troll that assumes FINCEN even has a clue what the fuck to do about crypto is cute. Give it 18 months and the reg overhaul will be obsolete before it even goes into effect.

>> No.23002819
Quoted by: >>23003191

>he still believes masks would avoid exposure or infection
>muh against science larp

>> No.23002861
File: 75 KB, 243x512, 1535690051104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious. Repubs don't take the virus seriously, dems do. Repubs get the virus as a result, dems don't. Repubs then claim that it's all a dem conspiracy because it played out the way the dems thought it would. How can this get any more hilarious?

>> No.23002902
File: 541 KB, 1263x1920, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23002932

But science is literally saying masks are a useless talisman...

>> No.23003009
Quoted by: >>23003240

Surely Jim Acosta wouldn't embellish the truth for attention?

>> No.23003191

Fuck you burgers are stupid. Masks are more about you not spreading the virus than you getting protection against the virus.

>> No.23003196

This. The US doesn’t have actual right wingers. Those people are forced into the shadows through social shaming and monetary threats. The only “right wing” people allowed to show their faces are the rednecks and dumb Jews like Pen Shabino.

>> No.23003207

Good thing I bought puts at the top of the bounce yesterday

>> No.23003227
Quoted by: >>23004839

COVID is largely priced in. Futures are reflecting the slow economic recovery we’re going to see. The markets will pump if the Democrats take all three branches of government for the simple fact they’ll be able to pass economic stimulus bills quickly. Rates are going to be 0% possibly for the rest of our lives, so everyone will be looking for yield.

The markets pumped on the Friday open, mere hours after trump was diagnosed.

>> No.23003240

This is such a cope. Acosta is a good reporter, you just don’t like him because he doesn’t share your worldview.

>> No.23003252
File: 265 KB, 750x650, 0E380413-50C8-4313-B089-2798AF3D77A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never going to happen fren. The bitmex case is unique due to the grievous misconduct by that company. Look at this statement from the cftc.

>> No.23003276

>Acosta is a good reporter
he's a clout chaser.

>> No.23003295

>also nk leader died of stroke

>> No.23003317

trump is surrounded by disgusting dem cockroaches and bugs. you can bet your ass on it many of them trying actively to infect him and they were successful. its an assasination attempt

>> No.23003341

>I guess eating burgers all the time, getting attacked by people and being negative is not good for your health

holy shit no wonder chainlink is crashing

>> No.23003353
Quoted by: >>23003386

I wouldn’t put it past them. They did kill thousands by mandating nursing homes take covid infected patients. Then another couple thousand by encouraging early intubations.

>> No.23003384

we're all being manipulated even on a meta level

>> No.23003386

Cope. Drumpf got covid because he’s a fucking idiot. Wear a mask, socially distance and don’t hold crowded events - it’s not fucking rocket science.

>> No.23003423

>too late
Fucking retard I swear.
You can easily get -90% from what you have today, especially if you are balls deep in shitcoins

>> No.23003425
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 55CD87ED-FADF-4E91-A2A9-5CD8E364C74D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23003457


Liberal democrats are the absolute most retarded. They pushed their vaccine agenda which is a complete failure with covid. Then they pushed their lockdown of the entire economy without thinking about the secondary effects. That was a complete failure. Now they’re pushing their face mask agenda. Every step has been to curb basic rights in the name of pseudo science and grow the government. Every time.

>> No.23003466

you should never really trust the FUD bears say, you could end losing money instead

>> No.23003489


>> No.23003497
Quoted by: >>23003525

>he believes the covid tests.

Lmao retard. Cats, dogs, tigers, papaya, pawpaw, semen, and motor oil tested positive. Governor of Ohio literally tested positive and then tested negative. You’re a complete moron. Trump said he felt no perfectly fine. There’s a reason why people in the medical field say treat the patient, not the machine (or test).

>> No.23003508
Quoted by: >>23003914

Tether tonight you fuckers

>> No.23003525
File: 67 KB, 352x264, 1597886889498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23003537

>But I thought the masks were for protecting everyone else, cocksmoker?
Exactly you retarded imbecile
The people who spread the virus didn't wear masks,
spreading it easily to the other people even if they wore one

>> No.23003561

Obv Jewess. The nose is poking out of my screen.

>> No.23003580

You dumbshits do realize Pence is just as appealing as Trump right.

>> No.23003625

Take your meds

>> No.23003879

lol this

>> No.23003914

Already did yesterday.

>> No.23003939

he got it because some dumb infected roastie was on his plane, he basically should have been flying alone with essential flight staff only

>> No.23003956

>serious concerns
Of course they do, he's the President, they are always concerned with his health.
>according to our sources
complete deniability of the entire statement

>> No.23004000
File: 262 KB, 2048x1300, EciS1-DWoAc6FDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23006189

Video for those who need to hear and see with their own sensory organs.


>There is a second thing in that black box. An UNRELENTING stream of immigration. NON-stop. Non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian European descent for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the United states of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than fifty percent of the people in America, from Then and on... will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing - that is the source of our strength.

Imprint this in your brain stem. Understand the gravity of what he uttered.

>> No.23004036
File: 99 KB, 679x317, FCBD710E-0DA6-47AB-A384-F174F46BFBC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23004039
File: 17 KB, 550x371, Acosta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically thinking this.

He is a traitor and will be convicted in a military tribunal along with the rest of the CNN staff.

>> No.23004159

whens all the q stuff supposed to happen

>> No.23004175
Quoted by: >>23004213

WTF are you talking about? What has irony got to do with this?
Stop being a retard

>> No.23004197

Two more weeks.
Right after the three gorges dam breaks.

>> No.23004198

First Q post is a 3 year delta. Read it again, and you will understand.

>> No.23004213

You know how I know you are a redditor?

These fucking newfag libshits lol

>> No.23004519

if Trump dies then you better prepare for WW3.

>> No.23004556
Quoted by: >>23005135

Is this how libshits feel when they see a happy family

>> No.23004562

Guys, are you fucking kidding me me? I'm literally selling all my USD for BTC and EUR. America is going down.

>> No.23004571

trump news already priced in faggets

>> No.23004582
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 2C1CB1BD-54E4-4682-89D6-941B21E33739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Patients 1 and 3 recovered and were discharged from the hospital on January 16, 2020. Patient 2 died on January 9, 2020. No biopsy specimens were obtained.

So the virus that actually killed someone was never sampled. Chinese assumed it was the same as pt 1 and 3.

> Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.

Trusting the Chinese. Sure, they’d never lie, right?

>> No.23004626


>> No.23004715

I love you nigger. A glowie many moons ago gave us some true insights into how protected our hug-box really is so our collective creativity can be fostered with just piles of dogshit instead of mountains upon mountains. Thanks mate.

>> No.23004805
Quoted by: >>23005167

Boris Johnson the British PM got the Rona in April or May and he was hopitalised with serious symptoms, but he ended up recovering.
Now is the time to buy as there is uncertainty in the air.

>> No.23004834

yeah it's almost like they achieve results lol

>> No.23004839

If Trump passes away, states are going to shut down again. Imagine every single "nothingburger why wear a mask when Trump thinks it's a hoax" will do. The president and leaders in general meant to be seen as invincible. Trump has all the money in the world to avoid feeling the effects of COVID. Yet here we go.

>> No.23004872

Trump is very aware of the markets, expect a “recovering well!” Tweet Sunday night or Monday AM. Good chance stim will pass too

>> No.23004961
File: 6 KB, 257x196, 1597854902106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to our sources

>> No.23005005
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>> No.23005058
File: 354 KB, 1024x1021, 1596791090808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, if only these retards wore their masks and listened to science.

>> No.23005117

the magical world of non-medicated schizos ladies and gentlemen

>> No.23005135

No, its only you who hatin'

>> No.23005167

Dude nothing even happened in the markets yet. Everything recovered already

>> No.23005567


> Stock impact of JFK murder steep but short
> ...market plunge was short-lived%2C and market regained all its losses 2 days later

Even if his conditions are worse the impact will be small.

>> No.23005986
File: 661 KB, 622x621, angryCat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this cartoon nigga? is he supposed to make me want to get some McDs?

>> No.23006168
Quoted by: >>23006189

Are you really positing that trump is any better? At least Biden is upfront with you about your replacements. Name one pro-white policy that bastard has implemented. I'm voting for him to make money, I have no illusions about him stemming the flow of brown hordes into this shithole.

>> No.23006189


>> No.23006382

it’s actually called Astroworld™