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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22685933 No.22685933 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22685958

fuck you.

>> No.22685990

What happened to uni?

>> No.22686011

Zoomers and indians BTFO

>> No.22686012


>> No.22686043


>> No.22686071

Why did /biz/ think this was going to go up? Just because there's a use for the token? Right now the only use for it is to cash out and buy ETH or something. Literally the whole market is speculators and people who are excited about free money. People are continuing to discover their free Uni as word of mouth spreads.

I guess it's possible it will go up in the future but trade volume can only carry the price so far on this thing. I predict a rock bottom of $1 and then crabbing for about a year.

>> No.22686085
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>> No.22686305


>> No.22686358

>we fly high, no lie, you know that...

>> No.22686368

mfw away from home all week and couldn't claim my tokens, much less sell them.

>> No.22686378
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Quoted by: >>22686466


>> No.22686387
Quoted by: >>22686435

How can you dumb idiots fall for this every single time? Look at binance. 99% of all the coins get a huge first day surge them crash down. Every single time, every single coin. Hell most of them crash within the first 60 minutes

>> No.22686392


>> No.22686394

I sold at $3 because I want nothing to do with a faggot unicorn, it's all money laundering of the gay mafia.

>> No.22686399

the CHAD warden

>> No.22686435
Quoted by: >>22686583

Franky I really thought it was gonna hit 10ish and then dump like a motherfucker. I planned to sell half at 9 and then let the next 400 ride. Guess I really fucked up because I felt fine when it was above 5. Oh well.

>> No.22686466

Can't wait to play as MR.MOTIVATED.

>> No.22686572

I really want to kill myself

>> No.22686583

That coordinated dump at 8.6x was a dick move by the whales. It took a while to pump from 6-7 and then it sped up and when it hit 8 it was rocketing through 8.1-.4 stupid fast. Psychologically the fomo was aiming for 10 so that whale asshole crashed the entire fucking party just when everyone was at peak euphoria.

Many stop losses were laid to rest that day.

>> No.22686611
Quoted by: >>22686647

It´s 100% going below $1. High IQ market analyst here. We are entering a long bear market, that will last around 2 years,. Most coins will die, get outwhile you can and screencap this post. Whales are getting ready to dump huge

>> No.22686647
Quoted by: >>22686741

Ok ill sell for 3 ps5s I guess

>> No.22686741

its smart to get out with a nice profit. I don´t know exactly when it will dump, but it will. Fundamentals are not good at all, it´s dependent on indian pump and dump scammers, and an overvalued crypto market. Sell, and be happy with your profits, beacuse this can go a lot lower. As said, we are entering a long bear market now, trust me, it´s set in stone pretty much

>> No.22686786

>tfw still feel like i lost ~$30k for selling at $3.5 rather than $8.6

>> No.22686878
Quoted by: >>22687003

listen up new fags this is why you cant spend much time on this board. Faggots want you to panic sell

>> No.22687003

You mean they want you to buy the top