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File: 91 KB, 1027x1069, Screenshot_Blockfolio_20200914-045358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22478923 No.22478923 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related a good Portfolio to do so?
I am 100% confident with LINK and PNK. But I am worried that STA is going to shit or doesn't do much.
Any advice on what I should buy and hodl instead?

>> No.22479033

Tbh for me its the opposite I am certain about STA but doubt PNK. If you really want to go away for that long put PNK into Link or sta pool, its way safer

>> No.22479056

get a small stack of KAT. 3mm MC, promising project, very high profile team, stanford backed. and robotics is the future.
i'm with you on STA, i don't feel good about it. i'd switch the PNK and STA stacks if i was you. since you have most of it in LINK, it is not that much of a loss anyways.

>> No.22479088

when did you buy into LINK and what's your eom/eoy predictions for it since you're holding it til summer 2021?

>> No.22479122

Same as other anons im sure about STA but not as much about PNK. STA works with no adoption or full adoption. PNK can’t work without full adoption, which makes it harder long term to be successful. Best of luck anon

>> No.22479143

Will probably be worth around the same amount or less. Sta will be worthless. Link $7-12. Pnk $0.27

>> No.22479153

You're delusional if you think an anonymous dev team line go up shitcoin project like Statera is a better and safer hold than PNK.

>> No.22479168

How many times are you going to post this thread?

>> No.22479183

Swap some link for eth or do some research into good lowcaps

Daostack is one but u need to dyor

>> No.22479239
File: 923 KB, 2400x2769, sddfdsa3434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22480872

Portfolio is looking quite good. Only thing missing is a sweet stack of AKRO

>> No.22479255

mate, if you're gonna forget about it for a year, look into akro/adel and cbdao.

>> No.22479295

FYI this is a sta shill thread, 90% of this board is either sta shill threads or uniswap/yield farm scams, portfolio threads are always trying to shill something (typically a shitcoin paired with something legit like btc/eth/link to make it look like the person knows what they’re doing).

>> No.22479299

LINK is guaranteed.
STA is 75% to make it
PNK is stabilizing out.

I own all 3 and rari and eth.

>> No.22479358
Quoted by: >>22479428

The team could die tomorrow and Id still be up half a year from now just by pooling. I really dont get why retards at least dont read whitepaper before making statements like this

>> No.22479388

Show your folio boomer

>> No.22479428

They believed the fud from the xmm idiots that got priced out.

>> No.22479470

Why summer 2021?

So you can avoid 15% difference in capital gains?

Retard. With a volatile asset you cash as soon as you can and pay the tax.

>> No.22479845
File: 425 KB, 508x585, 1597866561544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets out

>> No.22479909

OP, I think that's a sensible allocation.

>> No.22480196

it's all on ethereum, so maybe you'd wanna consider some project on a another possibly upcoming blockchain like ALGO, DOT, ADA etc.. But good coins overall and PNK is the most uncertain imo.

>> No.22480199
Quoted by: >>22480230

Sell your pnk and sta, add one of vet, icx, prq, stake, lyxe, sol or ksm.

>> No.22480213


ASK me how I know you fell for the biz memes

>> No.22480230

Seconding Stake

>> No.22480244

Move everything to LINK. Also fix your app, there is a bug that is switching commas and periods

>> No.22480281

STA will go to zero by summer 2021

>> No.22480293

Wow u base ur financial decisions on epic memes I take it

>> No.22480300

U ain't going anywhere bitch see you tomorrow

>> No.22480359

no rlc LOL

>> No.22480367

I hold both STA and PNK as well. I'm bullish as fuck on sta but not as much on PNK. Holding it more as a prevention in case the meme magic materialize

>> No.22480369

>no eth
>some shitcoins instead
are people retarded or is this a bait

>> No.22480525

You don’t have much tied up in STA so just hold it and set a stop loss to ~ .05

>> No.22480586

>STa/PNK shill thread
>when OP doesn't even have A suicide stack

>> No.22480612
Quoted by: >>22480866

How can someone with that much linkies can be thus much of a retard?

>> No.22480638


>> No.22480766

Sir u very wise men good decition praise Vishnu for approve me opportunity to collect more Vishnu tokens I beliefe it will be very prosperous project in future. LINK is a sure thing as is PNK and as long as Ethirium is number one which it wil Polkadot number two Stragtera will be big too.

>> No.22480797

Dec 2021 20k start of parabolic rise
Dec 2023 300k peak

>> No.22480840
File: 95 KB, 750x896, 693147AD-8238-4010-82A1-A7E7281AA1AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22481077

I want to consolidate and get rid of one. Too diversified to make decent gains or to make staking some of them worthwhile.

>> No.22480866
File: 59 KB, 1055x538, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how many OG linkers are holding STA.
>he literally doesn't know
Guess it's time for you to lurk moar faggot

>> No.22480872


>> No.22480914

This portfolio looks strong to me. I might pool it and add more STA

>> No.22480950

Don’t know anything about pnk or sta. But with 4K link you should be looking really good next year. Good luck fren

>> No.22481016

Guess they’re all holding ripple and rarible too huh lmao
Fuck off back to telegram nigger

>> No.22481077

Just hold what you have.

>> No.22481125
Quoted by: >>22481669

Good idea. Link and PNK will make it. I would do RSR instead of STA though

>> No.22481198

If you don't know you don't know

>> No.22481669

OP here again
Thanks for the opinions anons. I will propaply let it ride like that.

Good point, I would unironically buy RSR if it were cheaper at this point. I might wait for STA to pump and then switch over.
>he doesn't know

>> No.22481705
File: 1.36 MB, 1794x1080, 1598221481418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22483437

sell stat for PNK
Don't listen to statera shills, most of them are salty brainlets who sold Kleros early and are absolutely fucking REKT. Kleros is the ticket to the new club.

>> No.22481782

>coin is good because of a big paid shill campaign on biz
kys discord tranny. STA is fucking uselsss.

>> No.22481790
Quoted by: >>22482140

Get rid of that pnk shit, it's a big meme that will go nowhere

>> No.22482140
File: 224 KB, 2013x1134, 1583358627658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22483437

Kek always wins against the fuders and the color of your ID proves it. Imagine holding Stat instead of PNK...fucking braindead morons

>> No.22482293
Quoted by: >>22482879

>Guyz i am worried that 2% of my portfolio is going to crash.
Wtf just go 50% link, 20% pnk, 20% lit and 10% sta.
Dont be a pussy.
And yes sta is going to shit.

>> No.22482879

One in the pink two in the stink portfolio, classic investing style

>> No.22482890
Quoted by: >>22483450

Where's your fantom?

>> No.22483437
File: 231 KB, 1157x636, 35609635-15154421607882788_origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am gonna be epic internet juror along with the rest of my village
Neck yourself pajeets

>> No.22483450

Sold it quite some time ago
Fucking Chink Gook Nigger team
I don't care about Andre

>> No.22483544

kek that a look at your sta stack now

>> No.22484348

>no xrp
not going to make it anon