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File: 242 KB, 1731x1267, deco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21997526 No.21997526 [Reply] [Original]

get the fuck in here bros!
This is huge!!!

>> No.21997555
File: 273 KB, 1161x869, legal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally i can make sure my thailand mail order lady boys are legal!!!!

>> No.21997579
File: 126 KB, 841x500, 1582934957433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he had 3 years
>made his presentation in 15 minutes with clip art

>> No.21997590

link for link

>> No.21997620

oracle needed

>> No.21997707
Quoted by: >>21997789

>that middle school tier powerpoint
what in the actual fuck

>> No.21997789

He is an academic. Believe it or not, every cryptography class I have ever attended looked like that. Business type faggots care about flashy powerpoints, tech people generally do not.

>> No.21997817

It's because they're degenerates and can't deal with the definitive proof that they're brainlets.

>> No.21997824

Fuck the last slide had a pic of his balls !

>> No.21997993

>be cryptographer academic
>come from sabbatean-family family
>worship Moloch and engage in occultism
>write novel where you self-insert as main character who is a classicaly-educated prodigy that reads works in original greek and latin, fences with professors, and considers himself part of the academic and intelectual elite who should and must have more control than the ordinary plebeians
>make powerpoint in 5 minutes with graphics aimed at little kids because "you cant be bothered with the presentation"

what in the actual fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.21998468
Quoted by: >>21998570

>make powerpoint in 5 minutes with graphics aimed at little kids because "you cant be bothered with the presentation"
That is your brainlet take. What actually happened is
>Distill enormously dense and complex matter in a way that is sort of understandable for the average "crypto" enthusiast, using characters and illustrations widely accepted as being the norm in the cryptography and networking world
Just look it up on youtube yourself. Every professor in the world uses these illustrations, because it just works and is sufficient in conveying the concepts.

Few examples:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5FEqGYLL0o <- Asymmetric public key encryption
https://youtu.be/Y-FEbeiCv7g?t=526 <- Diffie-Hellman

>> No.21998478

A jogger...

>> No.21998570
Quoted by: >>21998649

>missing the point this badly and attempting to sound smart

like I said, what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.21998622

instead of making nice powerpoints he turned that story into his real life
this is what separates ari from normal people

>> No.21998649
File: 24 KB, 558x614, 1511569352140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21998725


>> No.21998725

you went from "look at me im a smart cryptographer" to posting brainlet-wojaks in response to having no argument pretty quickly. Thanks for proving my point thus bringing us back to the question: what in the fuck is wrong with these people?
I think its a tinge of autism combined with an inflated ego

>> No.21998770
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 1515874643076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21998986

You think uttering the inane phrase "What the fuck is wrong with these people" 3 times in a row warrants any other response but a brainlet wojak? Here, have another one.

>> No.21998804

only thing missing is ending it with a dilbert strip desu senpai

>> No.21998836


>> No.21998930

what is DECO and how do i profit

>> No.21998953

I think the tinge of autism is on your end, the presentation is essentially like any masters level university lecture. You are missing the point, now take your meds.

>> No.21998966

Why does he want to make sure she's 18 so bad?

>> No.21998983

can a deco pee pee and poo poo?

>> No.21998986
Quoted by: >>21999057

clearly on the spectrum, but functionally intelligent and with a sense of accomplishment and superiority since childhood, but which also resulted in increasingly more hostile-feelings towards others when you failed to fit in and "get it" despite your ego telling you you were smarter than them and should be receiving more attention from them

>> No.21999034

Alice is built for BBT

>> No.21999057
File: 39 KB, 453x500, 1465518662744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy projection

>> No.21999111

He worships the Demeter you rube, not Moloch

>> No.21999155

I have shittier presentation slides at my UCLA computer science classes

>> No.21999160
Quoted by: >>21999384

That's the Greek lady farmers sacrificed children to for their crops, right? I guess that's why they constantly reference Yield Farming?

>> No.21999185
Quoted by: >>21999384

>muh demeter
>he doesnt know Ari comes from a sabbatean-frankist family and worships saturnian deities

>> No.21999384

I did, he just doesn’t worship Moloch. Unless they’re the same entity somehow
Makes sense