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20380145 No.20380145 [Reply] [Original]

Currently hold 1000 LINK and about 4.5 BTC. BTC is shitting the bed right now, so would it be a smart play to move it all over to LINK for the near future to take advantage of all this hoopla? Normally I avoid all other coins and usually just swing trade 1-2 BTC at a time

>> No.20380188

Stop living in the past

>> No.20380210

Let me just take out my crystal ball so I can tell you the best way for you to become a billionaire.

>> No.20380262


>> No.20380288
Quoted by: >>20380414

>holding BTC in 2020

>> No.20380298

why would you unironically hold btc

>> No.20380310
Quoted by: >>20380414

This. Are you really one of us and still holding Dino coin?

>> No.20380360
Quoted by: >>20380501

put it this way - I had 0.8 BTC and put it all in link - now ive almost doubled the money that just sat in btc for 2 fucking years doing jack shit

>> No.20380414

>Oh FOR SURE go all in on link during its new ath and don't hold btc which has been the crypto market index since the very beginning

>> No.20380432

anything under 100 dollars for 1 link is a buy you subhuman

>> No.20380501
File: 11 KB, 174x290, 1581700169785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the first non-snark answer here anon. Much appreciated.

>> No.20380521

You always should hold some BTC anon.

>> No.20380604

Lots of shitcoins had thier moments in the sun then continue to dump. Don't delude yourself into thinking your js parser is the new oracle paradigm, it's still is and will remain a shitcoin

>> No.20380654
Quoted by: >>20380958

10 million net worth long-time BTC holder asking for crypto advice
Yeah no once more OP is a fag

>> No.20380734

Why would you bet on btc when you could bet on link. If you're willing to hold longer than a year, move the money over to LINK

>> No.20380777

Well link is has been on a 3 year uptrend with an actual use case and BTC just barts and crabs

So yes

>> No.20380781

Sell half for Link. Do you really think BTC will match Links growth? BTC is amazing, but it's peaked more or less. Link is still finding it's price.

>> No.20380798
Quoted by: >>20382773

This. Imagine trading actual hard money featuring absolute scarcity for premined tokens of which a “team” holds 60% of the supply with no locks.
Link is doing really well but let’s be realistic.

>> No.20380832

You don't know what irony is. Suggest you go look it up

>> No.20380958
File: 77 KB, 223x264, IMG_4226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more or less what I have been doing since last night - I just wanted to pick everyone's brains in case there was something obvious I was missing.
Lots on good advice here frens. Thanks for the insight.
Except for >>20380654
As far as I'm concerned that jabroni can go eat a never-ending buffet of dicks.

>> No.20380991

ok normie

>> No.20381043

BTC will be 9k for the next 3 years.
Other coins will experience massive growth. Your choice.

>> No.20381065
File: 27 KB, 564x552, 5050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell half for LINK
yeah I listen to that, could sit on 22500 gayro paper gains.
OP go all-in

>> No.20381117

everyone will tell you yes. However do the opposite. Where do you think profits from the ALTseason are going to go?

If you want more exposure to link maybe sell 1-2 BTC but not your whole stack.

>> No.20381256

Altfags forgot about 2018 real quick...You're going to get a reminder alright

>> No.20382019
Quoted by: >>20384782

>Buying at ath
Never change biz

>> No.20382074
File: 64 KB, 390x512, tfw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC is shitting the bed right now, so would it be a smart play to move it all over to LINK
Buy high, sell low - never change /biz/

>> No.20382277
File: 178 KB, 798x770, 1572505194388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he fell for "stack sats" meme

>> No.20382773
File: 492 KB, 1600x2047, 1555936258113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every time link pumps same cope for 2 years

>> No.20383626
File: 175 KB, 1936x1348, Screenshot 2020-07-15 at 17.18.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.20384754

>but muh boomer digital rock

>> No.20384782
Quoted by: >>20384918

Actually LINK made a new ATH today and it's consolidating at 8.5 right now, the previous ATH.

Cope were going to $10 soon

>> No.20384918
