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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20008204 No.20008204 [Reply] [Original]

I just shorted this market with $10k worth of SPY puts using my dad's credit card. He got super mad when he found out and went into full rage berserk mode and started breaking shit. I'm currently laying low at a friends place. But honestly the way I see it I did the old man a favor and saved his retirement. When the market crashes this July (which it will), I will make him $500k in profits. The only downside is laying low for the next 2 - 3 weeks. Its only been 13 hours since I ran away, but every hour feels like months. How do I kill my time in the meantime /biz/?

>> No.20008222


>> No.20008247

You made the right choice anon.

>> No.20008263

10k worth of spy puts so thats like 100$?

>> No.20008307

Make more LARP threads or study something useful

>> No.20008314

if it doesn't happen, do antifa media a favor: kill him.