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19766865 No.19766865 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>19766890

Scoop them up now, before Don Lemon starts shilling.

>> No.19766890
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Quoted by: >>19766911

Saw that it's getting accepted by protesters in autonomous zones, but why would CNN give a shit about a coin during the riots?
It's d just be a detail they glaze over to show you more riot footage.

>> No.19766911

Cause CNN will take this as: 'wow, the peaceful protestors even have their own currency'.

Even though its full of retards robbing eachother and this is merely an ERC20 shitcoin. But my niece works in the editorial team of CNN and she will plug it.

I gave up on her a long time ago, but this might redeem her in my eyes.

>> No.19766915 [DELETED] 

OK man. Where can I pick up a bag? Also can you ship things out of ja?