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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.17860858

s-s-sorry H

>> No.17860865
File: 34 KB, 190x300, SgIWUmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry hitler sama

>> No.17860895

How much do you want to bet this stays up because of the fascist sympathizing mods on this site?

>> No.17860902

this retard tanked his market way harder

>> No.17860910

Stay mad fag

>> No.17860924


>> No.17860931
File: 65 KB, 291x272, 1537282118863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the wait till 45, comrad.

>> No.17860945

If only I had access to the moon, I would go up there and say "sorry sir, but we opted for infinite fiat, aided half of all communist revolutions, and have been infinite pool of wealth for Israel"

>> No.17860946

Apologize for what?

>> No.17860952

fascism is based.

>> No.17860955
File: 38 KB, 599x600, missuhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back

>> No.17860959

If Hitler won we wouldn’t have this crazy complicating comic system that only serves the Jewish elite. Instead we’d have flying cars and bases on mars and also no niggers in our communities.

The good guys lost ww2 let’s make sure we win this time

>> No.17860963

>trad retard thought he could run a permanent war economy
nah. also he was a vegetarian, fuck vegetarians

>> No.17860964
Quoted by: >>17862186

Why would I apologize to a retard that raped Germany in half?

>> No.17860971
File: 9 KB, 231x218, 1554519252624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861024

>How much do you want to bet this stays up because of the fascist sympathizing mods on this site?

>> No.17860979
Quoted by: >>17861083

Serves you right, commie sperg

>> No.17860986
Quoted by: >>17861083

stay mad commie

>> No.17860989
File: 163 KB, 652x667, efedbdb31049fa3a0552adab0f688cb1-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews
>Muh jews
Muh jews

>> No.17860992
Quoted by: >>17861061

Will he ever return anons?

>> No.17860993
File: 652 KB, 1915x1273, 59c9138a85600a38003b3bc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17860997

I'm sorry I ever doubted you, my fuhrer. Forgive my sins, I embrace the miraculous labor backed currency!

>> No.17861003

He's right tho. look what they are doing to the US

>> No.17861006

shut the fuck up

>> No.17861018

Imagine thinking that 4chan is edgy

>> No.17861024

>Look! I's the bot again, let's laugh, we need to laugh, remember to laugh at his jokes, they are really funny

>> No.17861026

Sorry big H, you were right all along.

>> No.17861027


>> No.17861029
Quoted by: >>17861054


Get fugd retard. At least his economy worked.

>> No.17861033
Quoted by: >>17861188

Kike. We will rise again. You’re all going to be sent to Israel and we are going to dome it. You’ll only be stuck was other kikes and you’ll only have each other to parasite off of. This will be how your race dies.

>> No.17861041

Um sweatie veggies don't give corona so

>> No.17861042
File: 72 KB, 600x769, Fascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17861054
Quoted by: >>17861148

Did it though?

>> No.17861061
File: 188 KB, 990x741, 0a214aea45242666aac6a5d90529f0fc1dd75b45421c9f5807d7d51c76e95dd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our time will come again.

>> No.17861078

>Dead yids
I'm gonna COOOOOM

>> No.17861083

as if you're any better than commies

>> No.17861085

I am sorry, Adolf.

>> No.17861099

"Yes, thank you for the donations, they truly are bringing our campaign somewhere"
>rubs hands

>> No.17861108
File: 9 KB, 231x218, 1559730191098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Look! I's the bot again, let's laugh, we need to laugh, remember to laugh at his jokes, they are really funny

>> No.17861117
File: 2.01 MB, 3434x2959, image_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861116


>> No.17861124
File: 10 KB, 306x204, victims of communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism enters crisis
>libertarians become fascists

>> No.17861128

I was never mad at him or Teddy desu

>> No.17861142

sorry sergey

>> No.17861144
File: 479 KB, 2000x2000, leftypool btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861243


>> No.17861148

It didn’t. Germans lived worse in peacetime under the Reich than they did in the Weimar Republic

>> No.17861151
File: 2.17 MB, 480x270, ucryingaine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861212


>> No.17861156
File: 14 KB, 200x127, t_d47eb5ec23fdd80fdef5f69592608ddb-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861221

fucking kek

>> No.17861158
File: 180 KB, 900x859, 53BDB854-F989-4EA3-8DC2-7826A6D9E443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry porky but fascism won’t save you this time.
Time to line up for the guillotine

>> No.17861159

eh i do not have any sympathy for facism but if i did have hard choice then i would rather side with the far right that far left any day in week

>> No.17861168
File: 19 KB, 300x216, 300px-Reichstag_flag_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861176
Quoted by: >>17861297

>Hitler liked central banks

>> No.17861179
File: 48 KB, 612x446, mussolinis corpse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you guys all join his old ally mussolini

>> No.17861180

>the jews explain my failings as a capitalist
just realized national socialism is one huge cope for upper middle class wannabe capitalists who fail

>> No.17861184

>Look at this char man, it's the JOOS controlling the toilet paper!!!!1

>> No.17861188
Quoted by: >>17861570

found the vegetarian retard. learn basic economics, sweaty

>> No.17861193

it's the same exact thing on the other identitarian side desu

>> No.17861196


>> No.17861199
Quoted by: >>17861580

No one takes you seriously. All thats left for ya is shitposting here.

>> No.17861202
Quoted by: >>17861485

I am not dumb enough to believe physical and economic equality is real or even important. Class structure and hierarchy are proven throughout history and you will never change this. Every attempt at communism failed or turned into "not real communism" precisely because it's unnatural and won't last.

>> No.17861209
File: 238 KB, 540x720, ea1be09f5742fbd910760c87bea86deb19030bc198a0316d7011b323a49c2800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck capitalism.

>> No.17861211

>Germans lived worse in peacetime under the Reich than they did in the Weimar Republic

>> No.17861212
File: 29 KB, 463x430, 1574311078024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real cope is having to raid a board to even get a glimpse of Communism here

>> No.17861221
File: 196 KB, 727x463, 1413997989127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me that version was jpeged. Here you go

>> No.17861243

commiess must be in very schizo position to celebrate the Russians who were very conservative and would kill every single degenerate

>> No.17861245
File: 7 KB, 194x259, REERWFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861252
File: 245 KB, 552x744, 71d0ff30b4c7771cb135a0c35e98970f-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861369


>> No.17861253
Quoted by: >>17861672

bro stop coping

>> No.17861255
File: 12 KB, 236x307, F2900C0F-516E-4526-9CAB-05FCE9770517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862525

Petit bourgs showing their true colors!
Don’t worry I have your medicine right here

>> No.17861256

jews are not white lol

>> No.17861259

40,000,000 people weren't even alive at the time you retarded pinko.

>> No.17861265


>> No.17861273
File: 27 KB, 600x418, 1564990698417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt sympathize with fascism

>> No.17861274

I wonder what happens when the mods are all rightoids?

>> No.17861294

Hard proof that centrists are fascists who haven't realized it yet

>> No.17861296
File: 47 KB, 604x320, Spurdo_6e5aeb_5477551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861378


>> No.17861297

Hitler had a central banker who studied Yiddish direct his economy

>> No.17861302

You were unironically right about many things.

>> No.17861320
Quoted by: >>17861425

>board filled with and made for temporarily embarrased millionaires
>no commies but a shitload of nazis

>> No.17861319

ok newfag these threads are regularly deleted as well within an hour, just like your Marx threads

>> No.17861336

You'll probably start to cry.

>> No.17861341
File: 8 KB, 199x253, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861343
File: 105 KB, 951x599, leftypo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861344
File: 267 KB, 960x652, average polyps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862916

>> No.17861364
File: 311 KB, 748x1104, hib1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861368
Quoted by: >>17861448

you can't even refute it lmao

you'd be outright banned if that was the case
cope harder

>> No.17861369


>> No.17861373

>pls help me mods I need to call everyone bootlickers

>> No.17861374

Not unexpected amongst righties and c*pit@li$ts

>> No.17861378

I'd like to imagine how wide his anus would've been if he was captured alive.

>> No.17861380
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, rightoids seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was good because if it wasn't for him there would be no warsaw pact

>> No.17861393
Quoted by: >>17861512

>being a white leftist in the current year
Truly the dumbest and most pathetic people to ever walk on this planet.

>> No.17861398

I'm sorry

>> No.17861410
File: 21 KB, 654x362, screenshot-www.quora.com-2020.03.16-16_54_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually stupid

>> No.17861416
Quoted by: >>17861503

What am I looking at

>> No.17861417
File: 423 KB, 1276x714, pol infocrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861482

imagine basing your politics on uncited infographs you find on an imageboard instead of doing actual research.

>> No.17861424
File: 216 KB, 692x1102, hib3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861425
File: 857 KB, 996x748, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861492

Maybe Communists don't come to /biz/ because they believe the markets are rigged and they will never succeed in it? All you people do in/leftypol/ is hold your breath and hope that Communism will miraculously save you.

Leftists and Rightists have fundamentally different psychologies and world views.

>> No.17861428
File: 213 KB, 621x818, 21779EDD-3FE4-4A71-BD12-10D1F85C8907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861486

Going to drop some kino to make the petit bourgs here seethe even harder

>> No.17861429
File: 147 KB, 750x546, 1584020681443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

>> No.17861440

It's almost like people don't like living under corporate slavery where public funds are used to repeatedly bail out the same people who cause their suffering or something

>> No.17861442
File: 1.27 MB, 1076x2656, benis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17861447

Lmao when r*dditor shills out themselves.
Back to sandersforpres.

>> No.17861448
Quoted by: >>17861528

Refute what?, Everyone can make charts with data out of their asses, nothing new under the sun

>> No.17861456
File: 81 KB, 720x898, leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftoids in the thread

>> No.17861461


>> No.17861482


>> No.17861485

it's no wonder you brainlets keep getting duped and losing money

>> No.17861486
File: 159 KB, 611x681, 2FC039E9-940B-4F54-8102-5FB9D5C3EA5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861557


>> No.17861489
Quoted by: >>17861623

Jews were the ones that were in control of all ally nations and mobilized whites to attack Germany. Jews declared war on Germany because they were thriving in a new found economic system of national socialism that deprived Jews of their profits and they were scared of it catching on with the rest of the world, then Jews would have to work like normal people instead of just parasiting off others. To a Jew work is a worst fate then death so they did everything in their power to stop Germany. Sadly they succeeded and now we have our shit modern world of tranny, feminist and multicultural and consumerism shit. Everything to destroy the aryan spirit and replace our people so that Jews have a slave goyim race. Jews are literally the worst thing to ever exist, their evil throughout history is incomprehensible. We’d be on other galaxies by now if Jews simply did not exist also the world would be majority white. The reason whites are a minority is because Jews have gotten us into wars and did things like start the Black Plague and death camps and destroying crops for deliberate starvation

>> No.17861492
Quoted by: >>17861581

Don't worry bud, if you pray to the stock market enough maybe you'll get back in the green.

>> No.17861499
File: 65 KB, 462x343, ak5wl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this incredibly pathetic and stupid
How do you retards even manage to post?

>> No.17861501
File: 30 KB, 501x671, hib4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861503

Pretty sure that's Mussolini

>> No.17861508

kys jew

>> No.17861511

But hitler is the most based man ever lived

>> No.17861512

>Not being a socialist in current year
Pretty stupid desu but whatever floats your boat

>> No.17861515


>> No.17861528

Oh you see
that chart isn't pinning the guilt on jews alone
but you just refuse to see the correlation anyway and jumped to conclusions
wakey wakey pseud

>> No.17861529
File: 182 KB, 604x382, yiGneNh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, bre. This time we take Brandenburg, Pomerania and Lausitz and as well to liberate the last remaining Slavic lands under foreign occupation.

>> No.17861534
File: 333 KB, 716x851, 4e923faf788fe8ceae94f94a0625eb80-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861536

maybe you should realize that you trying to arguments for utopia that cannot work i have sympathy if you are 14-20 year old but if you are older then it is problem
learn how to make money take the world how it is and start being happy the utopia you seeking will never happen
it is not so hard i understand that the education system sucks and they do not give you the info that would make your life easier but there is enough information on the internet that can help you
stop being fool and make your life better

>> No.17861541

He installed a new economic system based in work instead of gold, wich has no inherent value. In this economic system you don't need money to create stuff, you only need the tools and people. Inflation and unemployment was practically 0.

Every jew who was rich because of usury was kicked out of the country.

>> No.17861555
File: 1.87 MB, 2400x3000, nea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commie subhumans

>> No.17861557
File: 129 KB, 623x599, 3DF7E2B8-DE0E-452B-9C79-438EC081AF9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861598


>> No.17861558
File: 101 KB, 911x891, 435234346457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please come back uncle a

>> No.17861570

Fuck your economics. When Germany got rid of the Jews and their usury the economy thrived. It was a power house during the worst world depression. They found the answer.

>> No.17861571
File: 38 KB, 499x338, 1581106865833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out this Federal Reserve nigger..

>> No.17861573

>liberals are left wing
Yikes on that one. You might wanna actually learn something about economics, buddy.

>> No.17861580
File: 89 KB, 640x960, C93F5F5A-C3D0-4743-B352-865CA95E09C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one takes you seriously
>We’ve just deplatformed you from every site and cut you ability to use the banking system
>we’re also running boogaloo propaganda systems making sure that every time you try to organize your group name is immediately slandered
Yea... no one takes us seriously.

>> No.17861581

Don't worry bud, if you pray to Sky Daddy Communism maybe it'll finally happen and get you out of your mother's basement

>> No.17861589
Quoted by: >>17861671

>I'll buy wholesale the myth that whites are uniquely evil and the cause of the economic suppression of the rest of the world but don't you dare point out that connecting tie of all the people who do the things I don't like

>> No.17861595

I can understand lenin or stalin, but why do you want the lazy nigger instead?

>> No.17861598
File: 155 KB, 624x755, C953B85F-0935-4877-A056-B5236BD14C4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861643


>> No.17861600

Retard, socialism is just a dishonest wealth transfer scheme between people with brains and idiots. In multicultural societies, that means that whites lose their money and browns and roasties benefit.

>> No.17861611
File: 789 KB, 874x1078, wwefcwef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme


>> No.17861623
Quoted by: >>17861908

That's a lot of words to just say you're coping because can't handle reality

>> No.17861624
Quoted by: >>17861757

Have sex, incel.

>> No.17861633
File: 39 KB, 700x467, butbutbut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861635
Quoted by: >>17861684

if aryans are the master race then why do they keep getting BTFO'd by the jews all the time

>> No.17861643
File: 216 KB, 637x767, BF1B54FB-4897-4B44-B846-5166B9E0B058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861685


>> No.17861647
Quoted by: >>17861706

>liberal meme
You're all rabid, marixst loons that hate whites and freedom. "People" that cheer for antifa, censorship, gun confiscation and don't give a shit about freedom in general shouldn't get to call themselves liberal.

>> No.17861651
File: 795 KB, 1154x640, pol meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861757

>> No.17861666

t. Retard who calls everyone who espouses the virtues of social liberalism and free markets right wing

>> No.17861671
File: 34 KB, 326x294, e415b8957cd7fcc7fa504e53a7c5a1d4116773957bdffc8bdd84b3932b1921a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861850

>I'll buy wholesale the myth that whites are uniquely evil

>> No.17861672

well I'm right

>> No.17861673


Kek cry harder tranny

>> No.17861679

>w-we totally aren't the same as these guys we agree with on 99% of issues
dilate and kys, retard

>> No.17861684
Quoted by: >>17861809

A century the Jews have been in charge nigger we conquered the planet

>> No.17861685
File: 334 KB, 628x811, DF90F374-AF22-4237-8769-27333DEFB24B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861758


>> No.17861686

Are ya sellin' son?

>> No.17861698

Quit sperging and take your meds lol

>> No.17861700
File: 477 KB, 600x600, approves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can apologize to this guy.
Sorry if I ever doubted you

>> No.17861706
Quoted by: >>17861803

Seethe harder, fash.

>> No.17861710
File: 325 KB, 472x472, 1533883564301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861732

>all these seething rightbois flustered by the very suggestion that fascism isn’t subversive

>> No.17861757
File: 84 KB, 597x822, 1570632520626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh hole
Leftists males are essentially women. You have no ability to reason and base your worldview on emotionalism.

>> No.17861756

>the useful idiot strikes back

>> No.17861758
File: 362 KB, 620x808, 70B0D603-BDF1-40C7-A9EA-655F98CBFB61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861801

Fucking fatass neet weebs looking at numbers in a screen be like “WE WUZ CONKIDTADORS” be like

>> No.17861779
Quoted by: >>17861889

>I base my ideology around complaining about not having enough gibs to consoom product
Based retard

>> No.17861782

But you're losing all your money under capitalism as well lmao. Cope harder
The allegedly subhuman slavic bolsheviks turned a backwards feudal shithole into one of the world's most powerful industrial and technological centres in 20 years

>> No.17861796
File: 1.99 MB, 420x236, 1488684454612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the problem, you raiding newfags, is that the mods here are definitely not fascist. They delete shit like this every day just like they do with your Marx spam threads.

>> No.17861801
File: 304 KB, 618x755, F23C2C9F-DA99-4B33-85D5-BA2AD241F5A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861803

>so what if we flood white countries with tens of millions of 70 iq browns?
The eternal leftist traitor never changes.

>> No.17861809
File: 7 KB, 215x234, GEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA HA HA, thanks for proving you're a retard

>> No.17861827

>mods still haven't deleted this

>> No.17861829

>now with 10% more onions-based chemicals, for compensating the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFORRRRRRRRRRCEEEEE you know

>> No.17861834

Leftists are literally against that, though.
The reason why so many immigrants are flooding to europe is because of the zionist wars that you rightoids support.
literally kill yourself, i'm not even joking, you're way too brainwashed

>> No.17861837
File: 300 KB, 636x483, 78DC4B83-E3E5-4B0A-BA5A-2A7F4486FD0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861836

>But you're losing all your money under capitalism as well lmao. Cope harder
Retard, if you're referring to the current recession, I'm actually making money. Must suck to be as retarded as you are. Wish you'd realize that you're too dumb for politics.

>> No.17861841

Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, seeing as they were such a good size and all.

>> No.17861850

t. Nervous kike

>> No.17861857

>implying jannies are efficient

>> No.17861863

Imagine being afraid of a skin color. White supremacy my ass.

>> No.17861875

Mods deleted your Marx spam threads a bit after an hour they were posted you newfag. Mods in this board are the slowest.

You should see how fast threads are deleted elsewhere

>> No.17861881

Yes natsoc is subversive to the current kike run capitalist system and thats a good thing.

>> No.17861889
Quoted by: >>17861962

>who cares about material shit like food lmao

>> No.17861895

>Leftists are literally against that, though.
You leftist subhumans never stop lying, eh? In literally every single western country, it's the left that wants open borders and mass immigration and the right that wants to stop it. You're the subhumans that censor wrongthink on race in the media and attack protesters that don't like open borders with africa. Who do you think you're kidding, you piece of shit?

>> No.17861898
File: 403 KB, 559x818, BBB48B1D-2606-42DC-8726-D3223A72A9E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17861938

>claims to hate low iq (lmao) browns
>votes for every Zionist cocksucker rightoid boomer that brings in more browns
Every time

>> No.17861908

Interesting how you kikes can only ever resort to derision whenever the extent of the damage you've caused is revealed

>> No.17861912

He literally had the greatest economic miracle in history and did nothing wrong

>> No.17861913
File: 19 KB, 304x219, heb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862985

>Yes natsoc is subversive to the current kike run capitalist system and thats a good thing.

>> No.17861918
Quoted by: >>17861960

>race is only skin deep

>> No.17861928
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1EE3383C-40F8-4B06-95A7-F359AAA4DFEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17861929
Quoted by: >>17861969

>literally kill yourself, i'm not even joking, you're way too brainwashed
100% projection and lies. that's what you always get from commies. Do the world a favor and jump from a bridge.

>> No.17861938
File: 402 KB, 665x821, 89BEDF54-1D4F-48AA-8ECF-2CFBE5812BD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862000


>> No.17861960

It is if you aren't a retard who believes /pol/ infographs.

>> No.17861962
Quoted by: >>17862131

It's not the 19th century any more and people don't care about being able to afford slightly bigger TVs and smartphones each year any more silly kike

>> No.17861969
File: 401 KB, 447x438, 1584382874196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862011

stay mad faggot

>> No.17861976
File: 2.20 MB, 1500x1000, beautiful.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White supremacy
That's your term, anti-white subhuman.

>> No.17861989
Quoted by: >>17862069

>liberals are leftists

>> No.17862000
File: 472 KB, 670x818, 5042B316-315F-4D8B-B39A-A75850D3C56D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862042

Try not to be too hard on the fashoids or they will go on another school/ mall shooting where they kill mostly white people LMAOOOOO

>> No.17862011
File: 411 KB, 1059x1420, 1573736787534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862116

dilate and kys

>> No.17862034
Quoted by: >>17862126

>You support THING!

>Uhh.. No... I don't


>> No.17862042
File: 237 KB, 664x667, 7AEEDCCA-8C2F-4B71-9B3C-14A14FB3742D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862121


>> No.17862045
File: 122 KB, 202x338, cringe nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftists base their views off of emotions
>Believes in irrational fear of minorities, probably never stepped in a minority neighborhood let alone talk to people in one so he has this irrational complex about them
>Irrational complex about jewish control and fears them as inferior yet also superior at manipulating, probably hasn't spoke to an actual working class jew
Cope more middle class suburban retard.

>> No.17862052
Quoted by: >>17862099

Anons on all sides. Can we at least agree that no matter what side is in charge, faggots and trannies will be against the wall? And that it is a good thing?

>> No.17862055
File: 126 KB, 1022x1024, 415a8babb6e99598b908f9d86287aa05-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862155

>the same tired webm every time

>> No.17862062
File: 68 KB, 739x628, refuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17862067
Quoted by: >>17862111

>because of the zionist wars
Immigration happens because our traitorous governments actively invite people to come live and work here
>that you rightoids support
Only boomer retards and overly propagandised leftoids support Ziowars no one on the right supports Jewish wars

>> No.17862069
File: 547 KB, 1200x893, 1569439279355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these rabid marxists aren't leftists
>be absurdly wrong about everything
>have 80 iq
>be smug about his infinite cluelessness
>muh inforgraphs
You're too dumb to live.

>> No.17862072
Quoted by: >>17862191


lol no

>> No.17862076

I'm with you

>> No.17862097

>190+ Posts
>Marc thread was taken down around 50

Natsoc is and always was a glow op. Hitler was employed by German military intelligence when he attended his first nat soc meeting

>> No.17862099

This board loves traps. So, no.

>> No.17862108

>probably never stepped in a minority neighborhood
The ones with empirically higher rates of murder?

>> No.17862111
Quoted by: >>17862192

>Immigration happens because our traitorous governments actively invite people to come live and work here
Yes and why do so many of them come in the first place you absolute baboon?

>> No.17862115
File: 83 KB, 1200x672, 1583356398521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being commie in 2020
As a citizen of an ex commie state this always baffles me

>> No.17862116
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 66b0e78eac913b3ed0c7ad38a57ae0fd-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17862121
File: 391 KB, 766x777, A9287F4F-94D2-4B75-9375-91B0A07A6E48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/cucks be like

>> No.17862126
File: 85 KB, 1024x767, onlywhitemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a leftist, you support those things, you braindead idiot. You're just lying anyway.

>> No.17862131
Quoted by: >>17862298

they care about accessing toilet paper but it's all been bought up by entrepreneuring /biz/ ubermensch who resell it at 4x the price like some fucking kulaks

>> No.17862133
File: 1.98 MB, 300x169, nazi gets hit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862308

cope more

>> No.17862144

>probably never stepped in a minority neighborhood
this is the real projection
i hate them because i see them everyday you retard
whilst you live in maine or some bourgeois suburb with the thomas sowel types
also daily reminder that it's postjudice and not prejudice
people in the south hate niggers
people in new H=hampshire do not hate niggers

>> No.17862146

How could we ever doubt you h eternal FÜHRER..

>> No.17862155

If you don't like them you can freely stop wasting your time here and go back to leftyboard

>> No.17862170
File: 327 KB, 676x676, National Socialism is not fascism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler was a fascist
Ok retard

>> No.17862176
File: 498 KB, 499x212, me on pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for winning

>> No.17862181
Quoted by: >>17862352

none of the people /pol/ proclaims as their leftist boogeyman are actually marxists lol

>> No.17862182
File: 84 KB, 1439x612, 1567089731784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you need some help getting into your pants sweetie?

>> No.17862185

>it's irrational to not like diversity and to be replaced by africans
You're incredibly stupid. You know nothing of the world. You also make it clear that whenever commies claim to not support open borders with africa, they're lying.

>> No.17862186

Based. Fuck germs.

>> No.17862191
Quoted by: >>17862433

>no argument
>you have to watch 4 lectures from literally who to understand why we want to kill niggers

>> No.17862192

For cheap labour and to destroy the cohesion of white nations none of which requires wars to achieve considering the majority of immigration comes from Africa countries and south and east Asian countries which aren't at war you cretin but good job on regurgitating an easily debunked talking point

>> No.17862210
File: 39 KB, 1000x893, 1492117200985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me on pol
lol, no

>> No.17862228

sigh... sorry Hitler

>> No.17862227

There's no way you have an iq above 80. You commies are the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.17862232
File: 372 KB, 786x753, 2C59F0F2-5B5B-4583-A1A9-48445CC10173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Manlet failed artist
>kill more white people than anyone else in history
>claims to hate degeneracy but become meth addicted vegan and literal soiboi
>get your ass handled by everyone and kill itself like a bitch
Nazoids truly resemble their leader

>> No.17862233

>he doesn't know he wasn't a trader

>> No.17862242


>> No.17862246
File: 91 KB, 960x1024, 1556253909982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your safe space shithole where mods ban anyone who has a different opinion

>> No.17862249

all citizens of ex-commie states i've talked to miss communism actually
they come here to work because their own countries are so shit after abandoning communism

>boomer-tier understanding of leftism
>leftism is one group where everyone thinks the same

>> No.17862273
File: 132 KB, 1242x978, 1570889205528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol You retards will never accomplish anything in your lives.

>> No.17862295

/pol/ and /biz/ are brother boards, just one is a little bit richer, and i'm talking about /pol/

>> No.17862298
Quoted by: >>17862344

No ones going to become a tranny lover because they were temporarily inconvenienced at the supermarket sorry you'll have to get better propaganda

>> No.17862308


>> No.17862314
Quoted by: >>17862396


>> No.17862320
File: 1.86 MB, 1458x1436, 1558479106527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862354

capitalism has failed today

>> No.17862326
Quoted by: >>17862402

>Leftists are literally against that, though.
Tf, I have yet to hear a single leftist party or person speak out against immigration. Destruction of national cultures cos muh power structures is literally the marxist dream. Year zero anyone?

>> No.17862336
Quoted by: >>17862420

>>boomer-tier understanding of leftism
You literally don't understand anything. Again, I wish you would realize how inadequate you are for politics. Turning america into commie mexico isn't in the interest of anyone who has a brain.

>> No.17862344

but you guys are the only ones constantly raving about trannies you retard
i don't give a shit about idpol

>> No.17862347
Quoted by: >>17862469

>Implying commies support trannies
Look up "Soviet Union", it was a small little commie country, don't know if you've ever heard of it

>> No.17862352
Quoted by: >>17862478

That's because you have an ever shifting definition of every term which applies to you to defend yourself against the critique of midwits but everyone else sees through it

>> No.17862354
File: 32 KB, 548x480, comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862476

...And Communism will still be an obsolete relic of the past

>> No.17862364
File: 273 KB, 793x794, 1491246259760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big government daddies save us!!!

>> No.17862369

This is what you deserve then, you just need to drown in your ouwn shit from now on, who needs toilet paper anyways?

>> No.17862396
File: 113 KB, 500x480, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862466

>vote for leftism, which always means 100% ánti-freedom, anti-white pozz
>i-i totally don't support those things though
Again, you're incredibly retarded. Don't vote.

>> No.17862402

You are once again lumping leftists and liberals together.
Liberals are pro capitalism, pro establishment, therefore they support mass imigration as it helps their profits

Leftists can see why mass immigration are bad, while we do not hate minorities like retarded /pol/fags, we decide that it should not be allowed

>> No.17862420
Quoted by: >>17862565

you're right, privatizing everything including the health service is of course in the interest of burgers
we can already see the results of what you right-wing boomers have sowed, and it will get far worse than this

>> No.17862433
Quoted by: >>17862482


I don't personally want to kill them at all but to say that race differences dont exist is an absolute lie.

>> No.17862435
Quoted by: >>17862509

Again, you're all equally anti-freedom and anti-white. Besides some minor disagreement on econmic issues, you march in lockstep. Noone's buying your bullshit, commie.

>> No.17862448
Quoted by: >>17862564

>all citizens of ex-commie states i've talked to miss communism actually
Nobody but ex commie higher ups, straight up lie
>they come here to work because their own countries are so shit after abandoning communism
They are shit BECAUSE of communism not because of abandoning it. They were shit during it as well

>> No.17862449

If you want wealth redistribution, you're going to go after them either way you know.

>> No.17862460

funny how historically it's the ancap business men who where betrayed by hitler and sent to camps

>> No.17862466

I don't vote you actual retard. What "left" parties even are there? In burger land there only is democrat and republican which are both right wing liberal parties. You are out of your fucking mind, man.

>> No.17862469

>>Implying commies support trannies
Yeah I must have been imagining the millions of tranny loving communists on twitter
And no tactically redefining words to not encompass them isn't going to work with me

>> No.17862473
File: 238 KB, 370x290, 1561303133818.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862612

>Meanwhile in bizarro Chan

>> No.17862474

who is we? you and your 10 friends? common now you know this is just silly

>> No.17862476

yeah but the critiques of capitalism are often valid. Governement should try to fix be the more glaring issues with capitalism

>> No.17862478
Quoted by: >>17862626

you have no definition of the term so you can apply it to everyone you disagree with, just like MSM

>> No.17862482
Quoted by: >>17862591

And those differences exist because...?

>> No.17862483

Just a quick question to the communists in this thread:
Given the fact that you are against interventionism, for nationalism, against the capitalist system, big banks and the zionist interference in foreign policies, and want the well-being of the working class above all, what points make you despite the doctrines of fascism/national socialism this much?
Genuine question here.

>> No.17862486
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, beautiful (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862547

>Leftists can see why mass immigration are bad, while we do not hate minorities like retarded /pol/fags, we decide that it should not be allowed
>unironically thinking that anyone's buying your cheap lies
It must suck to have 80 iq, huh?

>> No.17862493

heil hitler

>> No.17862500
Quoted by: >>17862663

>i don't give a shit about idpol
Right so you tacitly support the status quo which is the advancement of all of these fake degenerate "identity" groups thanks for your tepid attempt at tactical nihilism but it didn't work this time

>> No.17862509
Quoted by: >>17862609

2 can play that game
You're a vegan, you're a vegan bro, stop being a vegan, yes you are a vegan stop lying.

All of the soviet bloc was majority white you retarded inbred burger

>> No.17862511
Quoted by: >>17862681

The USSR was the fucking apex of Eastern European civilization, never before you had so high levels of quality of life and what you have now?
Ethnic wars, AIDS and gopniks?

>> No.17862525

Why are commies on a finance board?
Are you here to look at money?

>> No.17862536

Entschuldigung mein Fürher

>> No.17862539


heil hitler

>> No.17862547
Quoted by: >>17862756

Why are you a vegan anon? Stop being a vegan, you dumb vegan. I know you're lying, you're a vegan and you want to kill all meat eaters. Fucking vegan, I know you are a vegan

>> No.17862548

why do you like niggers so much

>> No.17862553

Why do you treat them like people? They're hopeless and lack souls. They lack the brainpower to appreciate abstractions like freedom, truth and logic. They're more of a manifestation of cancer or sickness than human.

>> No.17862557

Because Hitler is based and honest
Commies are cringe and dishonest

>> No.17862562

>against interventionism
>for nationalism
>against the capitalist system, big banks and the zionist interference in foreign policies
>and want the well-being of the working class above all
>what points make you despite the doctrines of fascism/national socialism this much?
Because it's anti working class and anti socialism.

>> No.17862564
Quoted by: >>17862811

>straight up lie
no, i talk to working class slovaks, slovenes, east germans, etc
>They are shit BECAUSE of communism not because of abandoning it. They were shit during it as well
they weren't perfect, but they became a LOT more shit after abandoning communism (see 90's russia). that was the common theme among those i talked to as well

>> No.17862565
Quoted by: >>17862694

>you're right, privatizing everything including the health service is of course in the interest of burgers
Based retard keeping regurgitating the talking points and arguments a Jewish intellectual fed you rather than listening to what the right actually says

>> No.17862591
Quoted by: >>17862622


primarily genetics

>> No.17862599
Quoted by: >>17862714

Lol reddit cuck. Hope a neo nazi fucks your bitch

>> No.17862609
Quoted by: >>17862680

>soviet union
That country wanted to erase all borders and exported anti-racism, cultural marxism and antifa to the west. Leftist whites are the ones that destroyed everything. You're a plague.

>> No.17862612

I bet the Jews did this.
Wait a second-

>> No.17862622
Quoted by: >>17862738

And how can you explain that to a normie like me?

>> No.17862626

I've seen this tactic a million times you don't define any of your terms because you want to perform this trick to shut midwits up temporarily it's not novel or intelligent to me

>> No.17862630
Quoted by: >>17862654

National socialists have betrayed the working class every chance they've got, lol
Capitalists start supporting fascists to defend their property from the masses when they realize liberalism is failing. if you support natsoc, you're literally betraying your own class over some retarded make-belief racial or national ideals

>> No.17862636
File: 124 KB, 600x363, sovietresidue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on a chopper, you lying trash.

>> No.17862654

you forgot the main thing National Socialism is known for. War.
Can america afford mutually assured destruction?
Hitler wouldn't have started world war 2 if everyone had nukes

>> No.17862663
Quoted by: >>17862939

No, we criticize it all the time
Also, the status quo is capitalism. capitalism is subverting your culture, not us you brainlet

>> No.17862677

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't Marx against immigration given the fact that it lowers the wages and conditions of the working class?

>> No.17862680

>wanted to erase all borders
How does that stop you from being white?
>wanted to erase all borders
How is that a bad thing? Yes, culture should be preserved, but being agaisnt someone because of their different culture just proves that you have a iq of 5
>cultural marxism
You keep using that word, yet none of you could ever define it
> antifa
modern antifa is agaisnt the old anti fascism of the 30's

Try harder next time inbred american

>> No.17862681
Quoted by: >>17862787

You are just baiting at this point nobody with access to internet can be this retarded

>> No.17862685

Bruh do you even know what communism means

>> No.17862694

the right says to privatize everything
your special flavour of right says "fuck niggers and commies" and is even more retarded for it

>> No.17862709
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17862714
File: 82 KB, 655x311, polconfessions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROJECTION DETECTED, why is cuckoldry always on your mind?

>> No.17862718
Quoted by: >>17862774

Yes, but he didn't hate people because of MUH SKIN COLOR

>> No.17862721
Quoted by: >>17862789

>You are out of your fucking mind, man.
You should take your schizo meds, you braindead cunt.
> In burger land there only is democrat and republican which are both right wing liberal parties.
The dems literally want to turn america into commie mexico. They have the same vision for the future as you subhumans. Rightwing? You're beyond nuts.

>> No.17862723 [DELETED] 



>> No.17862727
Quoted by: >>17862799

lol no we do not miss that at all you lying fuck

>> No.17862738
Quoted by: >>17862848


If at some point you have some time you really should watch those videos that I posted. Its not some emotionally charged rant against joos and nigs. Its just an analysis of well established statistical data. Its clear that its possible to be a black genius as there have been many but regression to the mean in a population is an issue on a large scale.

>> No.17862741
Quoted by: >>17862896

>trusting the fucking CIA

>> No.17862750
File: 521 KB, 1004x1500, e3515b9849f82044df1b1e0cd06788fb-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17862896

>muh helicopterz XDDDD

>> No.17862751
Quoted by: >>17862943

Lmao cappies getting BTFO proper ITT

It's too easy (and fun lmao)

>> No.17862752
File: 334 KB, 1800x900, 4AC60715-F649-4D60-9CAA-918D8D881F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17862756

>Maybe if I talk about my principled opposition to immigration people will ignore the fact that I don't care about the demographic damage which has been done and how I don't support any of the policies which would reverse this change and how opposing immigration as policy isn't even that high on my agenda because the end goal of my ideology is the abolition of nations anyway

>> No.17862757

Again, commie, you don't have a brain. You're the dumbest people on the planet. Stay away from politics, you worthless troglodyte.

>> No.17862760 [DELETED] 



>> No.17862771

Working class , no matter the race or religion, eat the same shit from this system, period.

You reap what you sow, people just ate the conspiracy bullshit from the righty bois, and we all ended up here, eating shit from the same people, always.

>> No.17862774
Quoted by: >>17862823

Are you rejecting the scientific consensus on racial differences? Are you anti-science?

>> No.17862780
File: 73 KB, 720x720, f6d9910a8f35443da98118a21835dbe2-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17862782
Quoted by: >>17862863

>not wanting immigration means you hate niggers
Room temperature IQ.

>> No.17862787

Did I hurt your fashy feelings?

>> No.17862789

>mfw the democrats wanted to seize all factiores and farms and give them to the workers
>mfw the democrats want to kill all billionaires
>mfw the democrats want to create a workers dictatorship
>mfw the democrats want to stop all zionist wars

OH WAIT, they literally don't
take your meds and try harder next time, you are literally autistic

>> No.17862799
Quoted by: >>17862877

maybe not you, but the majority of people i've talked to irl do. but of course you speak for all former east-blocers. my apologies

>> No.17862811
Quoted by: >>17862886

Economically eastern block is doing much better than ever. Look up the numbers
90s were transition period and were direct result of years of communist dictatorship and planned economy.

>> No.17862823
File: 214 KB, 900x611, like6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am rejecting your MS PAINT infographs, schizo.
Take your meds and try harder next time

>> No.17862825

>It's closer a Natsoc regime than commie

>> No.17862837

>Actually believing human history began 1960

>> No.17862848

I'm well aware that there are differences in IQ between what is considered white people and black people, but how can you explain materially where these differences come from and how I should even take IQ seriously as a measurement of "intelligence".

>> No.17862849

>democrat and republican which are both right wing liberal parties
I bet your Jewish "anti-"capitalist professor told you that didn't he

>> No.17862852
Quoted by: >>17862948

>How does that stop you from being white?
Tell that to south african whites. You commies robbed them of their country. Now they're ruled by marxist blacks. They're more numerous than ever, but that doesn't matter.
>How is that a bad thing?
You're beyond retarded. It'd turn the world into africa. kys, traitor
>modern antifa is agaisnt the old anti fascism of the 30's
No, you're against everyone that doesn't want open borders, the death of whites or cares about freedom. Do as so many commies before you and put a bullet in your head.

>> No.17862863
Quoted by: >>17863074

Not wanting immigration means wanting racial homogeneity. It does not necessary means discrimination, but it certainly means segregation.

>> No.17862876

Is this supposed to be an insult?

>> No.17862877
Quoted by: >>17863028

then tell from what country these commie lovers were from?

>> No.17862886
Quoted by: >>17862993

in terms of what? gdp? doesn't matter if it's in the hands of a handful of oligarchs

>> No.17862896

Put a bullet in your head, commie swine.
Subhumans like you should be gotten rid of before you hurt innocents.

>> No.17862902
File: 37 KB, 680x681, disgusten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds retard

>> No.17862910
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>> No.17862916

Hey wait
My ex-wifes lawyer WAS a filthy kike

>> No.17862918
Quoted by: >>17863005

>ruins the entirety of the 20th century with his total lack of understanding of economics
psshhhh nothin personnel goy

>> No.17862936
Quoted by: >>17863209

they literally are
but you think politics is about whether you like brownies or not so...

>> No.17862939
Quoted by: >>17863069

>No, we criticize it all the time
Great let me know when that results in actual support for policy and not tepid whining whilst you acquiesce anyway
>capitalism is subverting your culture
Capitalism isn't required for Jewish Hollywood directors to produce propaganda

>> No.17862943
File: 462 KB, 627x741, heychap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a brain. That's why you'd think that.
>muh totalitarian marxist dems aren't really leftists
Take your meds, schizo retard.

>> No.17862948
Quoted by: >>17863032

Yes, they are, read my other post, if the democrats do at least one of the things I mentioned, feel free to tell me, schizo

South africa is not marxist, if the world had no borders it wouldn't become africa.
Why would africans even immigrate to other nations like that? All african nations under socialism were extremely well developed and had no immigration problems, in fact, they wanted to preserve their homeland and culture, and not destroy other cultures

>> No.17862973

>Wanting libertarianism this bad

>> No.17862975

>The allegedly subhuman slavic bolsheviks turned a backwards feudal shithole into one of the world's most powerful industrial and technological centres in 20 years
Any retard could if they enslaved millions to achieve it.

>> No.17862980

I'm sorry my people didn't let you into art school You fucking sucked at art, but really it would have been for the best if we just let him in.

>> No.17862982
Quoted by: >>17863122

>the right says to privatize everything
According to your Jewish professor who defines right wing as loving fags and free markets

>> No.17862985

Bugmen are the product of capitalism retard.

>> No.17862992
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>> No.17862993

Yep and hdi. West annihilated us in terms of quality of living as well, only now we are catching up

>> No.17863005

Have you ever read his books?

I provide you my argument, you provide screams and crying, guess who wins (tip : facts win over feels)

>> No.17863028
Quoted by: >>17863149

east germany, slovenia and slovakia iirc
but that's just my personal anectodes. look up "ostalgie" to see that it's more than just my personal experiences

>> No.17863032
Quoted by: >>17863105

>Why would africans even immigrate to other nations like that?
Because they don't have the iq levels to handle organized farming, like you "people." That's why they're invading the rest of the world right now. Put a bullet in your head, subhuman.

>> No.17863065
Quoted by: >>17863152


>> No.17863069

it literally is, you retard. hollywood runs on profit and they produce for profit. holy fuck you nazi niggers are DENSE

>> No.17863068
Quoted by: >>17863152

>screaming and crying
Commies always project. You're little barnyard animals that desperately wants to be treated like people. You're too dumb for this.

>> No.17863074

The reason liberals want to immigrate so many third world workers is because they want a massive underclass of low skilled workers to further exploit for profit through poor working conditions and no citizenship, and it is a consequence of destroying third world countries in the first place. We don't care about the race meme and we don't deport them because of the race meme.

>> No.17863105

No, because you zionists keep invading their nations, and the ones which are not being invaded are destroyed by neoliberal capitalism.

Look up Sankara, look up Gaddafi
Look up Mengistu
All turned their neoliberal african hellholes into delevoped african nations, and had no such problems, meanwhile you zionists still are sucking porky's cock. SAD

>> No.17863112

>liberal meme
You're all rabid marxist loons. You all hate freedom, truth, reason and whites just as much. Do the world a favor and jump from a bridge.

>> No.17863113

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.
Heil Hitler!

>> No.17863122

>dems are marxist
that's what they are. just because you want the right to be about hating jews and brownies doesn't mean you can change the meaning of a word like the kike stereotype you accuse us of being you mong

>> No.17863126
Quoted by: >>17863196

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.17863145

Why are there so many commies on biz of all places?

>> No.17863149

If you think people really miss commies there, just look up how the commie parties are doing in those countries.
Take slovakia for example, they miss commies so much they have voted neonazis into their parliament

>> No.17863152
Quoted by: >>17863221

Then feel free to show me your argument, if you even have one, that is.
Then define Marxism, and Socialism.
You are a vegan who wants to kill meat eaters, why do you hate us so much? We know you're lying, we know you're a vegan

>> No.17863161

>would turn america into commie mexico, with zero freedom, in a decade
>b-but they're totally not leftists
dilate, you loons

>> No.17863164
Quoted by: >>17863240

>mfw the republicans want to stop social liberalism
>mfw the republicans want to reverse the demographic damage caused by 10s of millions of invaders of the course of 50 years
>mfw the republicans want to stop fighting wars for the benefit of foreign nations
>mfw the republicans want to stop treating America as a market with a nation attached to it
Oh wait they literally don't want to do any of that yet you call them right wing anyway

>> No.17863174
Quoted by: >>17863310


Because the replication rates of intelligence studies are higher than the entire field of neuroscience.They are the best social science studies we have and if you throw out IQ you may as well throw out entire other scientific fields. Just because we cant yet point to specific alleles in the genome (although that is around the corner) doesn't invalidate the implicit statistical phenomena whose best explanation to date are large scale genetic differences. Its all addressed in that 4 hour morass of information. I know its a lot but I think it would be enlightening to a degree.

>> No.17863196
Quoted by: >>17863310

Jump off a bridge, you worthless trash. Do the world a favor.

>> No.17863198

>dems want to turn america into commie mexico
>lol no
>yes because they're marxists
>lol no
>then why do they want to turn us into commie mexico
right-wing ideology is a brain disease

>> No.17863209

free markets and fags are antithetical to being right wing it's literally the definition of liberalism

>> No.17863221
Quoted by: >>17863297

>free shit lol

>> No.17863234

I still haven't seen your argument. How do they want to turn america into ""commie"" mexico? What is communism, in your opinion? Please define it by using at least more than 2 words

>> No.17863239
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>commies getting blown into little pieces
Love this webm.

>> No.17863240
Quoted by: >>17863398

>right wing is when you hate jews and niggers and that's it
based retard

>> No.17863242

Borders are just formal ways of protecting land and property, removing borders won't remove the will to protect what's yours. A snake doesn't have formal borders with other snakes, but will fight them if another one comes into its area. It's not a good or bad thing, it just is, it's survival

>> No.17863264

>what is considered white people and black people
Imagine writing this unironically how many levels of status chasing midwit pseud are you on?

>> No.17863297

But liberalism is right wing, my friend. Or are they secret commies now? Did the USSR support free markets? Am I not aware of this?
Yeah, that's what I expected honestly, take your meds and try harder next time /pol/tranny, maybe read a book or something

>> No.17863310
Quoted by: >>17863568

Well, until I actually run into any material evidence of "intelligence" I don't have any reason to believe in it. But sure, might give that whole shebang a listen later.
Damn, calm down son.

>> No.17863319

liberalism IS right-wing you mong
not your flavour of right-wing, but still right-wing. at least i don't deny that SJWs are leftists (but they're almost never proper marxists)

>> No.17863362

>that's what they are
Yeah according to the Jewish framework but not according to reality
>doesn't mean you can change the meaning of a word
Right wing has always meant support of the nation, hierarchy and social conservatism this isn't a dispute

>> No.17863365

Line up all black people and white people in the world in order of skin color and tell me where the black race ends and the white begins.

>> No.17863376
Quoted by: >>17863496

white and black are arbitrary racial conceptions. fucking germans weren't considered white by the brits 200 years ago iirc ("swarthy complexion" as i believe Benjamin Franklin called the krauts)

>> No.17863395
Quoted by: >>17863449

Genetic clustering with self report accuracy of 98-99%

>> No.17863398
Quoted by: >>17863460

>left wing is reactionaries crying about being poorfags
wow that was easy

>> No.17863418

>if i can't handle reality then reality is a jewish lie
the eternal juden has done the far-right a huge favour as the ultimate coping mechanism

>> No.17863422
File: 114 KB, 539x700, like4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish framework
take your meds and try harder next time

>> No.17863423
Quoted by: >>17863540

>Hitler wasn't a beautiful man

>> No.17863449

And those clusters make up a race because...?

>> No.17863455
Quoted by: >>17863561

Notwithstanding any racial angle (which i believe is important), how do you address cultural differences that are deeply rooted in the coming population? How does the newfound competition between the natives and the migrants, further fuelled by the cultural barrier, helps the native workers in any way? Tensions are bound to happen.
Furthermore, is keeping them not undermining the country which they left?

>> No.17863460
Quoted by: >>17863527

>yes worker, accept your poverty and work tirelessly for my profits without complaining
>remember, the jews and niggers did this to you
t. porky

>> No.17863496

>muh continuity fallacy
What a compelling and intelligent argument which has never in the history of man been considered
words are arbitrary symbols of meaning which no one is really able to agree on hence everything which you espouse is completely fake and gay
try a difference jewish talking point
>fucking germans weren't considered white by the brits 200 years ago iirc
Yeah hence why Germans had such a hard time getting citizenship in America whose immigration policy explicitly stated that you had to be a free white man of good character try another talking point

>> No.17863504

Because they cluster extremely well?

>> No.17863527

>lol this thing which you like is actually fake and gay. you = btfo
t. you

>> No.17863540
Quoted by: >>17863735

Yeah, go nut on him.

>> No.17863561
Quoted by: >>17863619

cultural differences aren't THAT deeply rooted desu. in norway, many paki 1st generation immigrants are appalled to find their daughters embracing norwegian liberal culture, for example

but yes, brain drain isn't beneficial for the country they left, and immigration DOES create problems if it's not properly handled or happens too fast. but there's a difference between aknowledging that unchecked immigration is dangerous and just hating people for being black (which is retarded)

>> No.17863562

And your words have meaning because...?

>> No.17863568


Fair enough. There really is no reason to hate an entire group of people based on race. Thats fucking retarded and most people on here are being edgelords when they say that shit. I've known retarded fucking whites and brilliant blacks but I think in order to avoid certain uncomfortable truths about racial differences we have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. I dont think we can fix problems until we actually address them honestly.

>> No.17863584
File: 118 KB, 1062x263, glass12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17863664

>jewish talking point
Here's one : East Germany shouldn't join the UN
>B-B-But muh jewish marxism!!!!

>> No.17863619
Quoted by: >>17863706

>many paki 1st generation immigrants are appalled to find their daughters embracing norwegian liberal culture, for example
>Culture = being socially conservative or liberal
based fucking retard

>> No.17863650
Quoted by: >>17863711

>Yeah hence why Germans had such a hard time getting citizenship in America whose immigration policy explicitly stated that you had to be a free white man of good character try another talking point
that's exactly what Benjamin Franklin lamented. irish immigrants arrived in droves as well, but were considered as low as africans for the longest of times

>> No.17863660

1- The theory of evolution teaches us that a geographical separation that spans tens to hundreds of thousands of years makes members of the same species evolve differently
2- Moderns genetics proved that intermixing between certain races and other hominids happened (for example neanderthals for Europeans and denisovans for Asians), thus making the differences between races larger

>> No.17863664
Quoted by: >>17863725

yeah that really btfoed my point about non-white germans getting citizenship in "free white man of good character" america

>> No.17863706

what is culture then? spicy food?

>> No.17863711
Quoted by: >>17863753

>that's exactly what Benjamin Franklin lamented
Yeah definitely not the fact that he favoured the British ethnicity more being as America was a British colony it's actually because of your Jewish revisionist conspiracy theory that Europeans aren't white

>> No.17863725

No, I was just showing you who is the real jew here.
You know what they say : If you keep smelling shit everywhere you go, look at your own shoe

>> No.17863735

You moderns and your inability to love without sex is sickening.

>> No.17863748
File: 147 KB, 1489x261, 8B0776D2-65F1-4DF4-A727-E25AD725F2FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine believing in the fucking spook known as race
Lnaooooooo what’s next? You’re gonna drop phrenology info graphics and dance to the rain god for a good harvest?

>> No.17863753

you're proving my point here
if people can just disregard snow-white germans as non-white due to political and economic factors, what does that say about white as a category? it's arbitrary