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17341759 No.17341759 [Reply] [Original]

The airdrop is over! You didn't miss out, did you?
If you did, don't despair. You can still make it, anon! CoronaToken is available on all your favorite exchanges!

->> CoronaCoin (NCOV) - ERC20-compliant token. Total supply is based on the world population (7,604,953,650 NCOV). Token will be burnt once every 48 hours based on the number of INFECTED + FATALITIES, so the token is deflationary; and also non-mintable.
->> ERC-20 up, website up (coronatoken.org), (metamask) airdrop up, DEX listings underway!

For more details join our discord(d0t)gg(/)MpHC2kQ


Best Exchanges:

Forkdelta - https://forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0x10ef64cb79fd4d75d4aa7e8502d95c42124e434b-ETH
Saturn - https://www.saturn.network/exchange/ETH/order-book/0x10ef64cb79fd4d75d4aa7e8502d95c42124e434b

Other options:

Ledgerdex- https://app.ledgerdex.com/#/app/erc20token/0x10ef64cb79fd4d75d4aa7e8502d95c42124e434b
Tokenjar- https://tokenjar.io/NCOV
VAYLADEX- http://vayladex.nl/#nCoV-ETH
LOGICDEX- https://logicdex.pro/#nCoV-ETH
MCAFEEDEX- https://mcafeedex.com/#nCoV-ETH
Bamboorelay - https://bamboorelay.com/trade/NCOV-WETH
Etherdelta - https://etherdelta.com/#0x10ef64cb79fd4d75d4aa7e8502d95c42124e434b-eth-ETH

Don't miss out on making it, anon!

>> No.17341963
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>> No.17342011
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Stop ignoring me anons. You're only hurting yourself.

>> No.17342080

Chinese government is hiding a lot of infections. I'm sure this currency will rise in the following weeks. Even more so if it gets popular.

>> No.17342082
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Im packed and ready

>> No.17342102
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Quoted by: >>17342164

This garbage is going to work based on sheer meme appeal, and if the virus takes off, who knows?

>> No.17342141
Quoted by: >>17342194

My stack in pretty large.

>Green means go.

>> No.17342164
File: 353 KB, 564x776, plague.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the death toll hits 600 million this fucker is going to top 10 CMC.

>> No.17342194


>> No.17342245
Quoted by: >>17343197

The infuriating thing is I posted this Idea here on 4chan before this token existet, whoever made the coin, stole my fucking idea. But whatever would have been too lazy to do it anyways probably kek

>> No.17343197

sureee, bet u invented BTC as well

>> No.17343219
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>> No.17343312
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>Green ID
We're gonna make it

>> No.17343360
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>> No.17343766
File: 156 KB, 600x600, san_ncov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]