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16535953 No.16535953 [Reply] [Original]

Are vasectomies a good investment? I used to think so, but now that it's popular on reddit I'm questioning if this is really the case.

>> No.16535957
Quoted by: >>16535983

You have to go back

>> No.16535966
File: 6 KB, 248x204, 1567212941872s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16535983

just dont cum when she's on her period or use a condom, what's so hard about that?

>> No.16535983
Quoted by: >>16536092

I don't use reddit. I just keep seeing screenshots on /r9k/ and /pol/ of how popular vasectomies are on reddit.
Isn't a girl's period when she's least fertile though? She's discarding the fetus food.

>> No.16535995
File: 25 KB, 569x428, Consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Skallas said that getting a vasectomy is the equivalent of the guy who doesn't get a gun because he "doesn't trust himself" to have one around the house.

>> No.16536001
Quoted by: >>16536014

I don't know who that is, but I have several guns.

>> No.16536010
File: 123 KB, 490x490, 1389449304911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16536046

to put this back on a /biz/ theme, if you're considering the need you have for a vasectomy then have a look at your trading history. It's entirley possibly your poor returns are symptomatic of poor impulse control or just generally shit discipline.

>>Work on that if you want to make it.<<

>> No.16536014

Then don't get a vasectomy because you have self-control.
It's not like you don't know when you're gonna come.

>> No.16536019
Quoted by: >>16536046

You're truly a pathetic excuse for a man if your wife talks you into getting yourself fixed like some kind of house pet.

>> No.16536046
Quoted by: >>16536079

I have shit returns because I make wild gambles. Eventually one will pay off or I'll be so underwater that I blow my brains out. Either one is better than slow and steady boomer returns with a life of wageslavery.
I don't think guns and ejaculating have anything to do with each other. It kind of sounds like you're talking about the pullout method which doesn't really work anyway because precum has sperm in it.
Yeah, all the reddit screenshots look really pathetic which is why I question whether vasectomies are good in the first place. I always thought of it as a man's choice because he didn't want kids or anymore if he already had them. Reddit unironically really makes you think about other life perspectives, in a bad way.

>> No.16536056
Quoted by: >>16536062

would a chad sterilize himself? would tyrone?

>> No.16536062

Chad maybe if he wanted to be able to plow young chicks all his life even as an old man without ever slowing down to raise a kid. Tyrones just abort or skip town if that fails. So yeah they would if they weren't retarded and too poor to afford it.

>> No.16536079
Quoted by: >>16536829

>I don't think guns and ejaculating have anything to do with each other.
It's not a phallic thing, it's a "do I make poor decisions?" thing.
Another analogy would be when fatfucks want to lose weight yet time and time again still accept their dickhead friends offer of desert after dinner. That's the same as not pulling out of a girl.

>precum has sperm in it.
that's a myth and even if it was true, there isn't enough fructose in precum to sustain the spermatozoa nor the wall-climbing properties of the seminal fluid to help it reach the fallopian tubes.
Literally the only reason you should wear a rubber if to protect yourself form disease

>> No.16536082


Well Paul is a retard.

I have kids. When you're done you're done. Why risk the wife fucking up her birth control when you can just get the snip and you know there won't be any suprises.

You're better of being a good parent to the right number of kids than being a shitty parent to too many kids.

>> No.16536086
File: 8 KB, 250x238, 1575653111283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16536092

That anon is a moron.
Ovulation occurs before the period and is the time a woman is most fertile.

>> No.16536098

Go back

>> No.16536099
Quoted by: >>16536154

Why are you taking the risk of fucking her when you know you're about to nut!? It's not like "i'm hard, now I'm in you... whoops just suprize nutted out of nowhere".
You pull out!

>> No.16536101
Quoted by: >>16536807

No. Chad eventually settles with his 8/10 gf and raises a smart, charming and attractive white family.

>> No.16536113
Quoted by: >>16536127


Until your wife leaves you and you want children with your next one.

>> No.16536127


Having children by multiple women curses the children.

>> No.16536154
Quoted by: >>16536182


Like I said why even worry about that. This thread is composed of people who don't have kids. You know when you hit your limit. You can take a few days off work a snip and you know there's no surprise.

Kids in a home where one or both parents are constantly working because the family bills are so high, those kids don't grow up well.

>> No.16536157
File: 560 KB, 320x200, wtf-blackadder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but not your wife leaving you?

>> No.16536182

>Like I said why even worry about that.
Because it's not something you should 'worry' about because it's a tiny bit of impulse control.
I see where you're coming from, you're saying that it's an ongoing reoccuring risk with huge negative consequences that can be stimied in one fellswoop with single action which in your view is far outweighed by the reduction in risk.
Yes, i see where you're looking at it from anon.
But, the analogy that guy was making with the guns is that if you genuinely think that you can't control yourself and see it as a reoccuring risk, then your impulse control is extremley poor.
After all, we don't wear crash helmets all day just in case we cross the highway too impusively and get hit by a semi? We have enough impulse control to listen and look both ways before crossing, even schoolchildren can do it.
Does that make sense?
That by accepting it as a likley risk, you're suggesting something about your personality - understand? (even if you don't agree with it, do you understand the argument?)

>> No.16536186


A split hurts kids but half siblings hurts them much much worse.

>> No.16536209
Quoted by: >>16536213


Let me know when you come inside a woman anon.

>> No.16536213

I don't, because I like to go raw.

>> No.16536249
Quoted by: >>16536385


Not applicable if your children are in their 20s when you have your next batch.

>> No.16536293
Quoted by: >>16536890

Idiot western men, wake up, you are voluntarily cutting your nuts off for mr. Shberg to rub hands together with joy

>> No.16536385


Still somewhat applicable. It's a deep wound to your kids even if they are grown.

>> No.16536402

Vasectomy here. I have 3 kids though. I kinda regret doing it now. But I would really have regretted doing it if I had no kids. I'm happily married and I fuck all the time. That's the benefit. I'm older now and don't want more kids.

>> No.16536446

I know a guy who got with a girl who had two kids to a previous guy and she made him get a vasectomy.

I didn't say anything to him but I was thinking to myself, wow you fucking cuck.

>> No.16536525
Quoted by: >>16536702

Give this a watch and ask yourself who's pushing this stuff and how good an idea it is to go along with it.


>> No.16536702
Quoted by: >>16536731

I don't like niggerball, but having some beer and wings while my nuts chill on a special chair seems pretty cool. Was this a real thing or did they just make it up for the commercial?

>> No.16536731

It apparently was real but only in a few places.

>> No.16536764

wow the absolute faggotry itt
its as if no one is capable of doing shit they want to do or having their own opinion because they're so worried about what other peoples opinions might be
just kyss faggots

>> No.16536797

Jesus christ anon, do you read what you type or are you honestly THAT awful?

>> No.16536807

No anon, you are thinking of brad

>> No.16536829

Virgin here, But what if you want to finish inside? Doesnt that suposedly feel great?

>> No.16536854

I think everyone got what you mean, its just that its a dumb as fuck argument
most wont have perfect self control all of the time, good on you if you are capable of that tho.

>> No.16536856

They are only good investments if you want to stay unmarried and have no kids.
Other than that, rubbers and pills are not that expensive, and even free if you go to the local health center in most developed nations.

>> No.16536866

This shit sounds like something a redditor would write.

>> No.16536873

>It's not like you don't know when you're gonna come.

Please don't listen to this guy.
There is such thing as pre-cum and it WILL get your partner pregnant.
I'm in no way advocating for vasectomies.

>> No.16536890

Shit man, i know the purpose of life is to procreate, but must we all do it?
Not western myself tho.

>> No.16536909

Nigga. What?
This is the most civil thread rn, theres an actual conversation going on here

>> No.16537314

educated fool the post.