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16353061 No.16353061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does day trading work similar in europe as it does in the US?? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16353135
Quoted by: >>16353144

Germany > Sweden > Russia

>> No.16353139

those bitches need to get BLACKED ASAP

>> No.16353144
Quoted by: >>16353160

roflmao germany is with difference the less attractive in there

>> No.16353154
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>> No.16353160

For me it's the most attractive by far. You can take Spain and Italy no problem

>> No.16353180
Quoted by: >>16353192

Russian, Spain, Italian or Portuguese for me thanks.

>> No.16353192

same as I would
except the Norway I think the middle at the top
THAT one is the best

>> No.16353200

All made for BBC

>> No.16353208
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Satoshi nakamoto negro

>> No.16353219

The girl from Spain isn't even from Spain. She is Dutch. Her Instagram is: @nochtlii

Happy fapping anons

>> No.16353240

Isn't that Swede a trap lol? Not tricking me op.

>> No.16353257

#1 lose 60-80% of your networth trying to support a lavish lifestyle + maintenance
#2 Parties a lot, expected to go out all the time and be someone "important" AKA doctor, helps homeless, travels to help poverty.
#3 Drinks thousands of dollars worth of wine to the point of alcoholism maybe with drugs. It never ends.
#4 Powerful Russian family member(s) either Russian government or Russian mafia speaks in Russian on the phone alot, you're forever nervous.
#5 Has strange dark fetishes that are off-putting to you but you go along with it anyway until you're too old and too tired of the crazy stuff so you part ways.
#6 Nerd who expects you to be as smart or smarter than she is and if you're not up to speed it's over.
#7 Falls in love with Raul the massage therapist and leaves you overnight
#8 Grow old together, spouse for life w/ nuclear family to literal grandma tier
#9 Divorces you easily with no remorse. Takes 95-100% of your networth

>> No.16353264

A wild jew appears!!

>> No.16353270
Quoted by: >>16354328

why is the tranny prettier than the rest?

>> No.16353279

>#8 Grow old together, spouse for life w/ nuclear family to literal grandma tier
Gib. Plz...

>> No.16353294

France is the only attractive one, the rest are ugly.

>> No.16353298

>#6 Nerd who expects you to be as smart or smarter than she is and if you're not up to speed it's over.
Am I expected to think that this is a bad thing?

>> No.16353300
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all i wanted to was to know what to do when i move to europe, not feels

>> No.16353309
Quoted by: >>16353866

That little Swedish pussy looks hungry for some Liberal USA dick. I am willing to spend 10K Udoo to have it sucked. Can I get a contact or Howdoo username?

>> No.16353356

>#1 lose 60-80% of your networth trying to support a lavish lifestyle + maintenance

>> No.16353818
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Quoted by: >>16354328

theyre all trash.. no asians. asian women = master race.

>> No.16353866

The swedish one is a man and I am not joking lmao.

>> No.16353898


>2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 8, 9, 7, 4

>> No.16353942

Add more beautiful European girls to this. But remove the trannies please.

>> No.16353944

It's weird, but I don't find women with sharp jaws like that super attractive. Portugal girl is wife-tier though. France is hot in a sexual way, but probably because of the slight gap in her front teeth

>> No.16354038
Quoted by: >>16354328

All I see are 9 white bitches who need to be fucked by BBC

>> No.16354328
File: 267 KB, 680x566, 1573732947110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok joomer