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16227894 No.16227894 [Reply] [Original]

>The tomorrow posters lied again

>> No.16227921


>> No.16227927

Then sell.
That’s the whole reason we do this.

>> No.16227986
Quoted by: >>16228031

Did I say tomorrow?? I meant the day AFTER tomorrow. Strap in

>> No.16228008
Quoted by: >>16228100

Tomorrowposting is actually good fud, in that case

Tell your supervisor that this method works far better than all others combined

>> No.16228014
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>> No.16228024

> Believing tomorrowposters

Exit all crypto, and fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.16228031
File: 33 KB, 1008x572, ooohhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I say tomorrow?? I meant the day AFTER tomorrow
everyone knows it's the day AFTER tomorrow

>> No.16228064

don't worry, fren. there's always tomorrow :^)

>> No.16228100

We find it works best with people who swing.
If they are constantly being reaffirmed that all news is lies, they are more comfortable swinging.
There hasn’t been any good FUD for holders.

>> No.16228110

Hello delphi, kys

>> No.16228215

Good strategy, I'm not mad

>> No.16228233

>believing any /biz larps regarding link

>> No.16228238

Or did they... days not over yet

>> No.16228247
File: 368 KB, 1312x1312, 216 canoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poaching filthy swinglinkers
good stuff

>> No.16228287


>> No.16228288

Fuck tomorrow. It’s happening NOW! This very second. Mooning to wealth you’ve never thought possible.

>> No.16228404
File: 36 KB, 474x474, many.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrowposters must suffer severe magik backlash. Everyone who hates Tomorrowposters please concentrate on the supplied hypersigil (pic) in 32 minutes from now - dark thoughts please.

>> No.16228745

Having to check myself. It’s literally happening NOW

>> No.16228763


minute chart on LINK/USD looks great let's do this

>> No.16228822

Happening now, Anon. Don't kill yourself yet.

>> No.16229582

you are all a bunch of gay idiots.

>> No.16229708

no good sir yesterday was always the day after tomorrow. it happens tomorrow

>> No.16230747

Dont worry Anon
It will happen tomorrow

>> No.16231187

>mfw people still fall for the "LE BIG HAPPENINS TOMORROW GUYS BUY LINK" after the 30th fucking time

>> No.16231240
Quoted by: >>16231257

Only a couple of people regarding chainlink were not LARPS.

whalekiller -> larp
assblaster -> larp or perhaps just wrong
drunkanon -> probable larp (or thought price action would occur in august september)


>> No.16231257


Roll trips and I drop the final linkpill, biz

>> No.16231259

the is not over