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File: 268 KB, 1080x1440, 1039407_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16108734 No.16108734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This girl has more money than you ever will for doing something she loves meanwhile you make pennies on the dollar doing grueling work you hate compounding the negativity and poor health habits you've established while she gets romanced by Chads and has the best healthcare, food, and entertainment, all while you're slowly and consistently degenerating into less and less of a man, she's not even at her best yet, it's too bad anon, maybe if you didn't spend so much time fantasizing about anime girls and fake internet pixel money you would have a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, it's too late. Not gonna make it.

>> No.16108744
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>> No.16108746

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post...go back to /pol/ with that demoralization shit

>> No.16108748
Quoted by: >>16110927

ah yes the 1000 dick stare If you're fine with degrading yourself you can do it too op

>> No.16108753

>for doing something she loves
I don't think she loves being raped and injected with drugs by the Hollywood Jews

Saged and reported.

>> No.16108757
Quoted by: >>16111438

Why does she look dead inside

>> No.16108779

>manufactured success by hollywood parents and pushed by hollywood faggots

I’ll stick w my job, thanks.

>> No.16108792

>you make pennies on the dollar working
What does that even mean? Do you just string catch phrases together thinking you’re intelligent?

>> No.16108806


>> No.16108812
File: 348 KB, 2048x1246, B0D02036-E332-46A1-8B31-702CDC988E1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded her soul is unironically held captive by demons.

>> No.16108821

Yeah but i hear all her male fans won't stop groping her when they get their pics taken lel

>> No.16108828

Get this harlot off this board

>> No.16108833

>you make pennies on the dollar doing grueling work
Pennies on the dollar is a somewhat stupid phrase but this post reflects on your intelligence more than the OPs because what OP meant is clear as day if you aren't a third worlder

>> No.16108838

she looks like a dude (I'm sure "she" is one) and makes terrible christian hating music. The kikes love her

>> No.16108840

i have no idea who that girl is or what she does. it has literally zero influence on my life so why should I give a fuck?

>> No.16108867

OP sucks 1000 dicks

>> No.16108915

>another provocative thread made by an OP that instantly abandoned the thread after making it
why do they keep targeting us for psyops?

>> No.16108916

>be angsty preteen writing music
>get picked up on a label
>get processed into a marketable product and evaluated on success
>visions of career raped by modern music industry and spit up like last week's load
>strung out on drugs and in rehab by 24 with your parents in control of your funding
yeah, I'm sure it's the life.

>> No.16108920

Maybe but she looks dead on the inside and I am not

>> No.16108941

To many people jumped over from /pol/
and the psyops follow

Why do they do it at all? your guess is as good as mine. Something is very wrong in the world, i think.

>> No.16108963
Quoted by: >>16110509

I love when people believe for a second any musician except for white males in garages actually made it on their own

>> No.16108969

Would eat ass

>> No.16108979

Except I do make millions doing something I love.

>> No.16108998

Have you heard of this thing called "advertising"? It's where you make people look at your product over and over and then they buy it. Very sophisticated, I know.

>> No.16109005
File: 20 KB, 225x225, F5413318-047F-4445-9EDB-F65770A36C6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s why I’m for Sharia

>> No.16109010
File: 395 KB, 1080x1440, emcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I have been on SSRIs for the majority of my life, how could you tell?

>> No.16109022
Quoted by: >>16109105

I don't know who this person is and I don't care.

>> No.16109105
File: 52 KB, 285x202, download_20190522_093045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16109114

Don't lie. U love Billie Eilish. And so does every 14 yo girl with a smartphone. You'll never be a hero to them like her. You'll never have thousands of fans chanting your name. You'll never climb out of the despair of paycheck to paycheck poverty while you watch communists takeover the land you love. In the wise and humble words of the great Mike Myers, it's ogre.

>> No.16109114
File: 102 KB, 990x990, 1570275665921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16109123

Is that Kris Angel?! Damn, this is best illusion yet

>> No.16109141

Did they catch her in between blinking or is she really that dead inside?

>> No.16109159

ye but atleast i still own my soul.

>> No.16109165
File: 367 KB, 740x558, 36834291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16109320


Actually, I don't think she has more money than I do. And I don't even know who he she is, mind you.

>> No.16109198

had her sucking on my dick last week

>> No.16109260

oh no someone has more money than me :(

its over guys, absolutely fucking over :(

>> No.16109266


>> No.16109278
File: 58 KB, 635x480, Billie-Eilish-635x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suck his tits

>> No.16109307
File: 128 KB, 979x1300, 1538085786215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I'm not a demon possessed black dick sucking jew puppet with no divine spark whatsoever.

>> No.16109320
Quoted by: >>16109374

>And I don't even know who he she is
But yet you don't think she's wealthier than you? If you aren't worth more than 6m she is.

>> No.16109342

Noone here would swap lives with her anyways. Nice one, OP.

>> No.16109374


Well, then I win. I idon'thave it sitting on a bank account in cash, but in real estate. More than that.
Who is it?
Some new teenage musician?

>> No.16109382

How can she be saved?
I bet she will go into catatonia once the mind control drugs wear off.

>> No.16109414
Quoted by: >>16111409

Man I sure am glad I don’t feel like I need to compare my life to other people every day. That must be hell for neets

>> No.16109419


>> No.16109426
File: 55 KB, 680x673, 6c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16109633

You wouldn't get it boomer

>> No.16109429

she a soulles white nigger bitch owned by the jew kikes tho
i rather be kinda free than a slave like her

>> No.16109431
Quoted by: >>16109449

Gg sir. It's Billie Eilish, extremely popular with zoomers. I expect in a few years she'll be unfathomably wealthy if she isn't a flash in the pan.

>> No.16109449
Quoted by: >>16109512

She’ll be dead from benzos or opiates within three, cap this

>> No.16109512


Well then, she and I have something in common after all. I kid, I kid

>> No.16109550


>> No.16109567

Imagine too, this was your daughter, staring you in the eyes like pic with drugs staring at you. What the fuck did her parents do wrong to this kid?

>> No.16109633


If only you knew, with your Koker meme... thinking because I am older than your generation I am all correct and nice? That is exactly what you faggots don't get. The things you think of, we have done. The things you think are evil, we are and can be worse. Your generation is a fucking joke. Go tell me about diversity.

>> No.16109659

>jews pushing jewish shit using jewish tools like (((fiat))) in order to feed jewish degeneracy into the minds of the goyim
yeah no, not all of us are tools like op

>> No.16109662

>Can I suck your tits?


>> No.16109676

She was already rich m. Life is rough

>> No.16109691
Quoted by: >>16109768

Does she have tattoos?
If she doesn't she is probably jewish too.

>> No.16109768


Erm, wait a second... not that I care about who is jewish or not, but I knew jewish girls in LA who had tattoos.

>> No.16109792


>> No.16109808

I was at a festival and young girls started crying when she came on stage.

Then i found out her music sucks cock and left after 10 minutes. Rolando bruno for the win by the way

>> No.16110069
File: 7 KB, 215x234, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16110906

It's unbelievable that he predicted all that years ahead, I'm actually impressed, maybe he really has 160 IQ

>> No.16110107


>> No.16110114

she doesn't exactly radiate happiness

>> No.16110179
Quoted by: >>16110521

>17 years old
>1000 cock stare
>moving through life at 100mph
she's going to be worse than linsey lohan tbqh senpai

>> No.16110181


>> No.16110183
Quoted by: >>16110218

OK boomer

>> No.16110218


Well alright then

>> No.16110509
File: 287 KB, 953x541, 1561817260158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16110521 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait to complete the process
6 - Get your free BTC

>> No.16110528

I’m happy and free to do what I want without scrutiny, she is neither. I win.

>> No.16110578
Quoted by: >>16111012

It's all an act. She's a normie bitch

>> No.16110769
Quoted by: >>16110802

Why am I seeing this bitch everywhere all of a sudden?

>> No.16110789
Quoted by: >>16110838

Just look at those pinpoint pupils, she's so happy

>> No.16110801

1.she is being romanced by Tyrone’s not chads
2. She is 17 and already hit the wall
3. She’ll join the 27 club

>> No.16110802
Quoted by: >>16110948

newest tranny superstar

>> No.16110827
Quoted by: >>16110893


if you encourage white women to suck black cock, you too can be a millionaire

>> No.16110838

Pretty easy to see the extremely bright light on her face moron

>> No.16110864

Her white male sibling made it for her. Your hurr durr durr is equivalent to shitting on people for not winning the lottery.

>> No.16110893 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait to complete the process
6 - Get your free BTC

>> No.16110906

Luke, go back to your containment board on /g/

>> No.16110927

It's not the 1000 dick stare. It's the 1000 joints stare. Marijuana kills your brain.

>> No.16110948

True that

>> No.16111012


Dear Anon. Of course that creature is a norm. No matter what she does. I did honestly not even know who the fuck that is. Look at it from a total ruler's point of view. Judge her face, her eyes, her juvenile everything....

It is a drugged up girl that happened to get recognised.
We had many of those before.
A no-one really

>> No.16111067

At least I don't look retarded.

>> No.16111248


>> No.16111288
Quoted by: >>16111328

Who gives a fuck? There is 7 billion people in the world, some are born waaaay richer than you could ever be

>> No.16111328


I certainly hope you don't give a fuck fucker

>> No.16111369

Why do I get sad when I see her eyes?

>> No.16111381

you too can be a millionaire

>> No.16111409

for those that do, sure
but then again wagies do it too, it's a human trait after all
being a comfy NEET that never had the urge to compare to others is nice

>> No.16111418

Literally who?

>> No.16111438

that's her "aesthetic"

>> No.16111446
File: 1.96 MB, 195x171, tumblr_nlh82lIfFs1qi3y2jo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is actually a tranny mtf industry plant
Either way looks like the guy from Mister Meaty

>> No.16111455

Get the FUCK off my board ZOG

>> No.16111549

This kid has been given larger portion of sand in the sandpit by the adults and you other kids will never have as much sand as she does.

>> No.16111567
Quoted by: >>16111619

shes so fucking hot

>> No.16111619
File: 447 KB, 1079x2937, f092d0799821767fdd5e1505b90a5640977e599b77de9f10792563dc9bf9594a_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16111641


>> No.16111643

She's dead on the inside just look at her face.

>> No.16112773

one hit wonder

>> No.16112791
Quoted by: >>16113315

she is a dumb whore and probably unironically a tranny, she has no soul, her music sucks and when she dies she will burn in hell forever and when I die I will live forever. Objectively I am better than her in every possible way

>> No.16113027
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, Billie-Eilish-sexy-legs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16113051

Da bitch has great titties

>> No.16113096

the ifunny watermark is the icing

>> No.16113128


>> No.16113187

What's stopping you? :)
Or are you projecting?

>> No.16113211

bruh, as a fellow wagie, I can see the cope. Some people get lucky. Most dont. Only hope is gambling on crypto. Im margin trading to the moon

>> No.16113215

Anon, I...

>> No.16113238

>I’m happy and free to do what I want without scrutiny, she is neither. I win.

>> No.16113286


Is the goal of this to make me feel bad? I mean good for her she has money but people move in and out of poverty like that in this age. Gotta be honest she doesn't look someone who makes good financial decisions or someone who is emotionally stable. This is conjecture however. We'll see in a few years. Also can we talk about why she looks 10 years older than she is?

>> No.16113315

>when she dies she will burn in hell forever and when I die I will live forever.

Only people who stand outside abortion clinics holding stupid signs get to live forever in the A-suite. And they have to put in the time, at least 2 years, every weekend. You're never going to make it.

t. God

>> No.16113351

>projects own feelings onto anons