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16085337 No.16085337 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16085344
Quoted by: >>16085368

futures fucked BTC and crypto at large for good

this is what aminstream adoption looks like by the way, this is what you morons screeched for a couple of years ago - and now you have it

>> No.16085354

wow thanks just sold 100k

>> No.16085355

>biz 2019
>retarded charts from faggots who are always wrong

>> No.16085368
Quoted by: >>16085389

Futures rely on paper money being printed more and more.
Something is going to give first, and it ain't going to be bitcoin, not with those fundamentals.

>> No.16085389
Quoted by: >>16085395

If that's the standoff then I'm pretty sure they'll 51% it or something before they let it endanger their foolproof racket

The geronts at the wheel will rather nuke the world 10 times over than relinquish 1 iota of their power

>> No.16085395

That would be right, if bitcoin was the only issue for paper money.

It is not.

>> No.16085397
Quoted by: >>16085500

You should abandon this shitty indicator like the french abandoned Paris in WW2

>> No.16085500

France has the biggest country in Europe, we are the alphas of the alpha continent.

Try to invade bro, just try.

>> No.16085622
Quoted by: >>16085743

we did more than once

>> No.16085627

before you there was capslockanon.
might want to check out what happened to him. twice.

>> No.16085633
Quoted by: >>16085853

he renamed himself to frenchbro

>> No.16085638

You're getting invaded at this very moment

>> No.16085651

>try to invade bro, just try
>30% muslims who will flee the moment
>70% chain smoking baguette-wielding white flag-waving mime artist frogs

>> No.16085658

You don’t need guns to invade mon petit ami you’re already overrun with muslims

>> No.16085670

What are you gonna do pédé? Pull another Maginot line?

>> No.16085743
File: 25 KB, 400x400, ours972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it ended up well for you right?

versailles treaty and total annihilation for your race

meanwhile i fuck your sisters in thailand and you wagecuck to pay (((taxes)))

pic related is the future of germany

>> No.16085826
File: 109 KB, 1213x583, fuckfrenchfrogcunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im using this for commercial use soon cunt

>> No.16085838

jeah well, you just needed the support of the damn whole world to stand a chance

>> No.16085853

no, capslockanon is dead now

>> No.16085871
Quoted by: >>16085886

200 dma at $9005. Looking for a bounce there to keep the bullish momentum

>> No.16085886
File: 20 KB, 480x337, 1570037185150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try weekly ma200 bulltard

>> No.16085915

No offence ma cherie, but after the revolution that place sealed its fate. You were good before that tho, I give you that

>> No.16086496

This, we're not falling to 3k ever again.