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16008106 No.16008106 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you niggers, just closed all my positions and liquidated my bitcorns for real fucking money, shouldt have entered this shit in the firrst time, fucking delusionals

>> No.16008109

proof of GTFO

>> No.16008155

Ahahah faggot doesn't have link, never gonna make it. Have fun with your jewbux.

>> No.16008301

Very smart, anon. Now you can reenter the market once the price goes up again.

>> No.16008308

you have to be willing to lose it all in order to make it big.

>> No.16008631

Bitcoins are something you want to hold for a few years for actual returns. If you want short term returns, you should have gotten alts. I for one made $30,000 from VID in just a couple of months when they reached 160x. If you want faster return, go for alts, but it goes without saying that it comes with a higher risk too

>> No.16008656
File: 20 KB, 480x337, D1634985-83E1-4F8D-AA5B-2EBF7EED6800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the catalog is literally all posts like this, that’s when I’m covering my short

>> No.16008882

>price moves almost $1,000 in 1 hour
>Im tired of this market