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File: 3.35 MB, 1688x1224, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14991433 No.14991433 [Reply] [Original]

for me it will be 10 acres land, some solar power, and a comfy underground shelter

>> No.14991439
Quoted by: >>14993893

That looks super comfy.

>> No.14991451
Quoted by: >>14991476

enjoy being constantly flooded & mouldy

>> No.14991476
Quoted by: >>14991512

i'd presume there would be a steel cage surrounding the wood walls.

>> No.14991484
Quoted by: >>14991524

if i found that setup i would piss on your solar panels every day

>> No.14991493
Quoted by: >>14991525

You need sunlight for vitamin D though

>> No.14991497
File: 471 KB, 747x706, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it costs 35k before installation costs so if I get up to 50k plus some money for snacks and land I could swing it

>> No.14991507
Quoted by: >>14991545

until a tree falls over your entrance hatch and you die.

>> No.14991508

no internet tho

>> No.14991512

what do you think that will do? It will get dank as fuck down there and mould will take over in no time.

>> No.14991524
Quoted by: >>14992528


>> No.14991525
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>> No.14991533

That's pretty cheap.

>> No.14991544

That does not look comfy at all, it looks gross and you will become a literal troll. By land, punch a well, build a comfy house and cultivate the land around it into a big productive garden. Get a wife and have like 7 kids, have a bunch of animals like chickens, goats and a dog, own some guns, etc. Fuck living underground in some fucking spooky ads woods.

>> No.14991545
File: 161 KB, 750x725, tumblr_nyqjhqnIFc1v0pigno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until a nuke falls and I'm ok and all the normies are radiation burned and dying

>> No.14991552
Quoted by: >>14991589

Buy your land in the middle of nowhere surrounded by hills and mountains

>> No.14991589

that's the plan but I need to be able to dig a hole big enough to put the shelter in
rocks and mountains would make this difficult

>> No.14991597
Quoted by: >>14991630

>you will become a literal troll
fucking normies

>> No.14991598

solar power can run a dehumidifier

>> No.14991617

stick o dynamite like the pioneers did boyo

>> No.14991629
Quoted by: >>14997267

>uses thermal camera to find exhaust ports
>pump CO into OP's shelter.


>> No.14991630
Quoted by: >>14991664

Nigger, you can be an unwashed neet all you want, but go live in some scary hole in the ground in the woods in isolation and I guarantee you will go insane in less than a year and start eating your own shit.

>> No.14991664

once that hatch is closed it'll be the optimal comfort where I can watch as much anime and movies as I want without any disturbance
there can be a literal full on nigger riot civil war and I'll be comfy as fuck

>> No.14991668
Quoted by: >>14991680

So you'll crap in the woods and never shower/do laundry?

>> No.14991680
Quoted by: >>14997050

I'd crap in a 5 gallon bucket with lid and empty it once a week
no laundry or washing up

>> No.14991863
Quoted by: >>14997792

A large piece of land
A mini excavator
Have a large house built with a massive shop
One fast hot car
Travel the world with a young beautiful woman
stay /fit/
Only snobby WholeFoods groceries in my house
Best healthcare money can buy
Hire a nutritionist to optimize my health and cognitive functioning
Thats about it, I'm a simple man.

>> No.14991908

>Wood walls?
>Solar panels exposed to the environment
I feel like this could go wrong easily

>> No.14992528

you are legit a brainlet if you do not place these at the canopy of the trees
definitely won't make it
You need an imaginary even to even the playing field for you to even make it. You didn't even consider how to start making it in the non imaginary world

>> No.14992534

Look after my sick parents

>> No.14992798
File: 38 KB, 698x519, dpdk1eq06ke21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14995694

Buy an apartment and never leave. Why would I need to live in the woods?

>> No.14992894
Quoted by: >>14997040

just buy a hole and have it moved to where you want

>> No.14992899

I just want enough money to have a lot of threesomes with two lesbians

>> No.14992908
File: 50 KB, 599x563, 1564140119592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will hire hitmen to take out the rich leaving a power gap. I will steal all the wealth and control America. Then, I will distribute money to fund computer science like crazy. Automate as much work as possible combines with UBI. I would try to abolish as much work as possible. I would try to create affordable housing and universal healthcare. You're welcome. This is why it is in YOUR best interest to make me rich.

You know you want to

>> No.14992948
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 6dBt2Oj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will come over to your shelter and tape your door hatch shut. How will you cope?

>> No.14992993
Quoted by: >>14993083

Firstly I'll buy a house for around 150,000 to 200,000. I'll buy my dream car, An AMG mercedes coupe, I'll also get a honda civic for a backup car. Already have a gaming PC. I'll buy a sport bike too for fun, Probably a Yamaha R1. All this shit doesn't even go over $500,000.

>> No.14993072
File: 338 KB, 1346x2000, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993103

I wonder where do these cucks come from

>> No.14993083
Quoted by: >>14993147


And then you have no money left but a bunch of stuff that comes with high recurring costs.

>> No.14993097
Quoted by: >>14993112


>tell everyone killing the rich is the right thing to do
>become rich

Great plan

>> No.14993103
Quoted by: >>14993146

What does what I said have to do with him?

Has he ever tried implementing the same idea I would like? Well, anon? Are we just shitposting here or will you answer my question?

>> No.14993112

It is because I wouldn't be corrupt namely because I'm a simple person with simple desires. I want food, shelter, internet, phone, computer, and to be left the fuck alone.

I want to give everyone an easy life (except you).

>> No.14993145

You're a retard anon, godspeed.

>> No.14993146
Quoted by: >>14993222


You suggested doing what literally every other communist either has done or dreams of doing. Promise the world, steal everything and kill anyone who resists slavery.

>> No.14993147
Quoted by: >>14993197

Having a luxury car, a reliable car and a sportbike is reasonable for someone with 5 million in the bank which is making it for me. who put you on the planet mr never spend your money and live on rice everyday.

>> No.14993161
Quoted by: >>14993241


You want to become a government. You want to play God and have people beg you for favors. You want unearned power over others through violence. This is not healthy. This is what psychopaths do.

>> No.14993171

A modest, small house from the initial TRV gains.

An island with with the flip.

>> No.14993173
Quoted by: >>14996055

you bet it will be dank 8)

>> No.14993177

Where's the ventilation setup?

>> No.14993182

That little shanty cellar wont protect you from a nuke

>> No.14993184
File: 880 KB, 1688x2352, comfy underground bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14993197


But you see, that's the catch. That's the secret to making it. It's not increasing your earnings, it's reducing your costs to an absolute minimum and reinvesting your earnings.

Oh and rice is not very healthy. Eggs are far superior.

My idea of making it is either having enough money so you can't burn it all in your lifetime if you live frugally or generating enough passive income to not have to worry about money all the time. Five million is not enough. Inflation is rampant, easily over 10% without the doctored government calculations. Look at any cost-price index that hasn't swapped out products for cheaper variants. Of that 5mm you are losing 50k a year JUST to government printing. You need to earn 50k a year on your 5 million just to not lose money, and that's without you using ANY of it for anything.

Then there's taxes. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy yourself, but you should have realistic goals for what you're aiming for. 50 million is a more reasonable amount for what you're describing. This isn't the early 1900's, a million dollars is not much these days.

>> No.14993222

>killing everyone who resists slavery
>as if america isn't slavery already
Also, that is very vague. Give me specific examples of communists that wanted to go all in automation and ALSO wanted to give out a ubi system.

I'll wait.

>> No.14993228
Quoted by: >>14993239

of course I will reinvest it, Though who said all of the 5 million is in cash ;).

>> No.14993239
Quoted by: >>14993248


Sorry, I was still half-asleep. I meant 500k. That's your yearly target for keeping up with inflation.

>> No.14993241

>You want unearned power over others through violence.
That's literally every rich person ever. Rich abuse people. They buy real estate and leech off of others. I wouldn't call that "earned power". They are the reason all for-profit jobs happen to be as cutthroat as possible. They (basically republicans) brainwash people into being anti-union. They brainwash people that universal healthcare is wrong (even thoigh we are LITERALLY the only 1st world country without that).

Calling me a psychopath makes no sense. Might as well call all presidents ever psychopaths lol.

>> No.14993245
File: 81 KB, 600x536, laughing_whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine willingly turning yourself into a prisoner

>> No.14993246


Why does it matter what manner of specific Utopia is offered through magical means? The end result is the same. You promise paradise through magical solutions and then reality hits in the form of death camps for the disobedient. Every single time, without fail.

>> No.14993248
Quoted by: >>14993265

If I were to cash out all my crypto when it reaches 5 mil what would you do to combat inflation, if it exists by the time we make it. CD's or dividends?

>> No.14993253

What part of what I said was "magical"? Try again.

>> No.14993255
Quoted by: >>14993266


There's a difference between buying up places to rent out and actively breaking into houses to lift people out of their beds for not conforming to your unreachable utopian ideals.

>> No.14993257

Is ubi and affordable housing this far out to you? That's anything but "magical". Those are actually ACHIEVABLE

>> No.14993259
Quoted by: >>14993279

>I’m too fucking stupid to become rich in an open market with my intelligence/skill set so I have to murder the rich for their shit

>> No.14993262

no u

>> No.14993265
Quoted by: >>14993278


There's no much you can do. The printing presses run day and night. All you can do is buy actual things with it. Businesses, land, properties, metals, crypto. Anything but USD or any other centralized shitcoin that can be printed into oblivion at a moment's notice.

The fed has actually suggested minting 1 trillion USD coins to "balance the books". That's the kind of people you're trusting when using USD.

>> No.14993266


Also, the rich are basically what I described above minus the actual violence. Whoopie. Big difference.

>> No.14993272


Ok, how would you achieve UBI and what do you expect to happen once you implement this? Are resources somehow no longer finite?

>> No.14993278

I'll just keep my fortune in crypto, Do you think in the future inflation will still be a thing or fiat will still be around, This uncertainty fucks with my head when I think about cashing out.

>> No.14993279

Are you even rich yourself? You're basically calling yourself a retard lmao
>inb4 larp

That aside, most in this country fail. That's a fact. They fail in life because that's literally how this system is set up. That's why 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck, why 50% of renters are cost burdened, etc.

>> No.14993286
Quoted by: >>14995025

shit like this will give you cancer due to radon poisoning
thank me for saving your life, dumbass

>> No.14993294
Quoted by: >>14993312

Just copy and paste yang's policy of vat tax and pollution tax


>> No.14993305
Quoted by: >>14993312

Also fyi, alaska has had ubi for over 30 years.

>> No.14993312
Quoted by: >>14993326


Well if you're not going to even bother explaining anything, know this is the inevitable result:


>> No.14993326
Quoted by: >>14993342

Not watching that.

Make a tldr comment.

Also, funny you say I "won't bother explaining anything" when I literally just did. What the fuck..

Also, again, what argument do you have against alaska having ubi for over 30 years??? Not that far out now is it??

>> No.14993342
Quoted by: >>14993407


Do you mean welfare? You can't just say things and expect me to know what you mean. I asked you for a simple thought experiment wherein you explain the basic mechanisms of your system. I'll humor you and try again.

So you give everyone a 1000 USD. Where does the money come from?

>> No.14993407
File: 257 KB, 1080x772, Screenshot_20190727-020605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993445

>Do you mean welfare? You can't just say things and expect me to know what you mean

No, dummy. Literal UBI. Literally EVERY citizen in Alaska gets FREE fucking money just for being alive. Only difference is they only get it per year

>So you give everyone a 1000 USD. >Where does the money come from?
I literally said vat taxes and carbon fees.

"Alaska’s UBI is called the Alaska Permanent Fund, and it directs oil revenue towards a yearly dividend which pays every Alaska citizen $1,000 to $2,000 a year. Yang wants to do something similar but with all of America using the USA’s massive and un-taxed tech industry."

To be more specific on why oil gives alaskan citizens money: "However, in 2008 Governor Sarah Palin signed Senate Bill 4002 ******that used revenues generated from the state's natural resources******** and provided a one-time special payment of $1,200 to every Alaskan eligible for the PFD."

That's where the vax tax comes in in america. Tech will be what oil is to alaskans

>> No.14993445


>I literally said vat taxes and carbon fees.

Now that you've made products much more expensive, is 1000 USD going to be enough for basic living expenses?

I'll take a look at this alaska UBI while you think on this

>> No.14993477
Quoted by: >>14993511

>Now that you've made products much more expensive, is 1000 USD going to be enough for basic living expenses?

It's not like money is being printed, but the inflation thing isn't something I'm able to measure. The whole point of the ubi is to provide more Buying Power (meaning even with inflation, it should still be a net gain at the end of the day).

Also, if homes were made to be cheap as shit, it could be doable.

One major problem with this country is the lack of affordable housing (again, 50% of renters spend over 30% of their income on rent and of those, half spend over 50% of their income on rent. That's like spending over 2 weeks of working JUST to pay the fucking rent. Not even food, gas, utility, etc. JUST the fucking rent ALONE. Fuck that garbage. We need affordable housing to be a thing).

>> No.14993511
Quoted by: >>14993587


I'm not talking about inflation. Carbon taxes are basically taxes on the production of products. All taxes are always forwarded to the consumer, increasing their price. However, over the total price VAT or value added tax must be paid. Combining the two will easily make products 50% more expensive for end consumers.

I agree that the price hikes on homes are ridiculous, but that's another subject. They are the direct result of the Fed giving money to banks and buying stocks to transfer wealth to banks and the rich. Everyone gets a loan for everything so demand surges but supply does not. Eventually the money flow must end and at that point supply will have tried to catch up. There will be an economic crash of unimaginable proportions once this happens. Huge amounts of supply but no demand. But again, that's another subject.

Getting back to the Alaska dividends, can we really call that UBI? It's not guaranteed. It's a percentage of the profits made on allowing companies to exploit the natural resources of the state. If the price of oil tanks, the dividends are reduced. For total dependence on oil handouts, see venezuela for what you can expect. Can we say the same can be applied to the tech industry? Natural resources can't leave, but tech companies most certainly can. The whole reason why they're in silicon valley in the first place is because of the pretty much non-existent taxes.

>> No.14993527

>I'll take a look at this alaska UBI while you think on this
>while you think on this
You're wording here is hilarious. It's like you are being smug and still trying to take control of this argument to not look stupid.

The only inflation that could occur is from goods and rent. Thing is, competition can lower the cost of goods from over inflating (for instance, if prices are too high, someone out there will offer a cheaper price and they will attract more customers making it so that prices everywhere won't go through the roof).

The rent thing is the only thing I'm worried about with ubi. I don't know how the ubi affected the cost of living in alaska.

At the end of the day, all that matters is that it ends with a net positive for citizens (where the possible inflation doesn't over weigh the actual 1k. The fact that alaskan citizens are happy about it https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1018413/new-survey-by-the-economic-security-project-finds-alaska-residents-strongly-support-preserving-a-universal-basic-income-ubi-from-the-alaska-permanent-fund-dividend-rather-than-cut-taxes/amp/ shows me they probably DO have more buying power as a result of the ubi).

>> No.14993553
Quoted by: >>14993619


And how will these competitors reduce the costs of their products exactly? By suppressing their production costs. That includes wages. This pushes the boundary for working and not working much closer together faster than you think. If working isn't profitable and free money is offered, people will simply stop working.

>> No.14993579
File: 109 KB, 870x960, 1546699620119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993630


>> No.14993587
File: 144 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190727-023652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993617

>Natural resources can't leave, but tech companies most certainly can. The whole reason why they're in silicon valley in the first place is because of the pretty much non-existent taxes.
Where do you think they will take their business?

140/195 countries have a VAT tax. What yang proposes is a VAT tax (10%) lower than what most other countries have (pic related).

>> No.14993589


Would you end welfare and social programs to replace it with UBI? Or would they be complementary programs?

>> No.14993617
Quoted by: >>14993649


You do realize this entails tracking every grain of rice from its source to the end consumer to determine whether VAT applies? Have you seen the bureaucratic hellhole that Europe is? People there are ready to lynch their governments.

>> No.14993619
Quoted by: >>14993634

>And how will these competitors reduce the costs of their products exactly?
I didn't say they would reduce their current cost, now did I? I said they wouldn't be able to **inflate** their costs willy nilly due to competition.

As for this part:
>If working isn't profitable and free money is offered, people will simply stop working.
That is 1. False https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1205591/a-universal-basic-income-experiment-in-alaska-shows-employment-didnt-drop/amp/

2. Even if people DID work less, how would that even be a bad thing (fyi I'm not arguing for 0% employment. I am saying how is reducing the current 40 hrs a week norm a bad thing? It's not).

>> No.14993630
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1544922551582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993685

>when the retard anon is a dogmatic sheep with no argument so he shitposts

>> No.14993634


Does Alaska have its own currency or did I miss something here? Can't they just buy things from productive regions where people have to produce value in exchange for money?

>> No.14993649

Do what yang wants to. People will get to choose between the two. One or the other.

>they want to lynch their government
I notice you keep saying stuff without backing it up like I am. Show me data that shows europeans are pissed at their government due to VAT taxes.

>> No.14993664
Quoted by: >>14993704

>Can't they just buy things from productive regions where people have to produce value in exchange for money?
I genuinely don't understand what you're asking.

>> No.14993671

Better wording:
>I notice you keep saying stuff without backing (which is what I'm doing by citing sources)

>> No.14993679
Quoted by: >>14993819


Are you unfamiliar with the Yellow Vests? They are still on the streets today.



>Do what yang wants to. People will get to choose between the two. One or the other.

Ah but you see, now you have given every working person a 1000 USD more spending power while people on welfare programs don't get access to this because welfare is ~60k USD a year mostly in goods and services provided and tax exemptions. By giving everyone else 1k, you've reduced their share of the pie. Do you think they'll be happy with that? Will they vote for you?

>> No.14993685
File: 3.28 MB, 777x777, 1539957214307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14993825


>> No.14993698

yeah they have switched over to United Nations Dollar via their UBI dividend fund. Buy UND.

>> No.14993704
Quoted by: >>14993825


You call it UBI but it's not universal. Not all participants in the economic system using the USD get it. So you give a small portion of people in a sparsely populated area a small amount of money that has no noticeable impact on the economy. That's different from 330 million * 12000 per year. That's 3,960,000,000,000 which is more than the entire current US tax revenue. It's also restrained by natural resources, it's not mandatory government spending.

>> No.14993737
Quoted by: >>14993784

>Would you end welfare and social programs to replace it with UBI? Or would they be complementary programs?
If you had read the link that anon posted at the beginning of the debate you would have the answer to this already. You are wasting everybody's time by not informing yourself before entering the conversation.
>You're wording here is hilarious. It's like you are being smug and still trying to take control of this argument to not look stupid.
Yeah this guy is hilariously uninformed, yet still acts superior. Dunning–Kruger in action.

>> No.14993784


Well, taxation is taking money under threat of violence so the debate was already conceded right at the beginning of the conversation. I'm just trying to figure out how people like this think. The answer appears to be that they don't really and instead refer to things without being able to explain them simply.

>everybody gets free shit!
Ok, who is going to pay for it then?
>you do!

Taxation is robbery, it's that simple. You want to use violence to create a utopia. That makes you a communist and communism doesn't work. If half a billion dead isn't enough to convince you of that, how can mere words achieve anything?

>> No.14993819
Quoted by: >>14993869

>The movement is motivated by rising fuel prices, a high cost of living; it claims that a disproportionate burden of the government's tax reforms were falling on the working and middle classes,[67][68][69] especially in rural and peri-urban areas.[30][70] The protesters have called for lower fuel taxes, a reintroduction of the solidarity tax on wealth, a minimum-wage increase, the implementation of Citizens' initiative referendums,[40] as well as the resignations of President Emmanuel Macron and the Second Philippe government.[citation needed]

Notice what they hate is feeling poor? Ubi would help with that.

>now you have given every working person a 1000 USD more spending power while people on welfare programs [have less spending power]
Then they can fucking choose the ubi if it results in more buying power then. Simple.

>because welfare is ~60k USD a year mostly in goods and services provided and tax exemptions.
Um no. You KEEP saying shit without backing it up and it's either incomplete knowledge or just simply wrong.

"The state with the highest total value of welfare benefits was Hawaii, at $49,175. The lowest was Mississippi, at $16,984. Welfare packages in only 10 states, plus Washington, D.C., exceeded Grothman’s threshold of $35,000. Hawaii may be distorted by the high cost of living, researchers said. The rest of the states were below Grothman’s mark, including his own state."

Nowhere NEAR 60k even at best case scenario

>> No.14993825
Quoted by: >>14993869

You're literally a child. Go to sleep. Boys need their rest to grow

What are you talking about? Even the freaking children in alaska recieve ubi so ya,it is universal. Have no clue what your talking about here.

>> No.14993851

Stupid. First off, VAT tax wouldn't affect most of anyone so... "you do!" Is a stupid retort.

Secondly, even if the average citizen did get taxed more, at the end of the day it's a win IF IT RESULTS IN MORE BUYING POWER for the average citizen.

>> No.14993869
Quoted by: >>14994008


If we are to omit schooling and everything else that would cost money in a sane system you can suppress the total benefits received expressed in USD I suppose. Those things measured even with this skewed measurement it still says 40k in wisconsin. Perhaps I should use the word subsidize to indicate "benefits through taxation not necessarily in the form of USD"?

>What are you talking about? Even the freaking children in alaska recieve ubi so ya,it is universal. Have no clue what your talking about here.

I knowwww but you still want to lead the world somehow, crazy isn't it.


And where does the buying power of money come from? If you can answer this question, you've arrived at the conclusion.

>> No.14993883

sell signal general

>> No.14993888
Quoted by: >>14994046


Wait what? What do you want to tax with VAT then? In Europe everything has VAT or other more specific taxes. Medication, food, services. All non-products are taxed with ~20% VAT in most EU countries.

>> No.14993893

Do it at high altitudes in a mountain, it'll be like your very own dwarf fortress

>> No.14993933

>nuke blasts
>rubble over your shelter
>cant get out
>or you can
>nowhere to decontaminate
>die of radiation poisoning

>> No.14994008
Quoted by: >>14994047

>I knowwww but you still want to lead the world somehow, crazy isn't it.
Don't pretend what you said above made any bit of sense. It IS universal income as again, literally everyone in that state gets it as long ad they are a citizen.

>And where does the buying power of money come from? If you can answer this question, you've arrived at the conclusion.
In simplest terms, the prices of goods and cost of living affect the value of your money. So...??? What point are you even trying to make here?

>> No.14994029

The idea is that it's far away from any centers of civilization that she might conceivably want to nuke. No one is going to drop a nuclear warhead that costs probably tens of millions of dollars in the middle a random forest on the off chance of killing one autistic neet

>> No.14994046
Quoted by: >>14994055

What I mean is the tax to citizens is irrelevant due to how it would be offest by the ubi anyways meaning it basically wouldn't affect you. The large companies themselves are who will basically have to fork out the real money.

>> No.14994047


It's not universal because not everyone in the US gets it, but everyone in the US uses the USD to trade. Thus citizens of Alaska can import goods and services from outside. Universal literally means it applies to all members of an object that fall under the rules of its classification. It's a term from formal logic, but let's not get into that.

>In simplest terms, the prices of goods and cost of living affect the value of your money.

Yes, good. Now you're getting there. Money is a claim on value. It's a social contract. I provide labour in exchange for money on the expectation that said money can buy me goods and services from others at a later time.

This poses the question, can you remove the exchange from this equation and still call it money? No, you can't. If I have to work for the same money someone else just gets or prints money, we can buy the same things. The pool of available resources for sale doesn't increase, it's just divided into smaller pieces. Money not exchanges for goods or services doesn't exist. You cannot have a 100% tax system, it would grind to a halt because nobody would work. Tax removes value from the system, it doesn't redistribute it.

>> No.14994055


Companies don't pay VAT, it's an end-consumer tax.

>> No.14994249
Quoted by: >>14994301

Copied and paste:

1) The farmer grows the wheat and sells it to the baker for 20 cents (so the person that offers the resources to the tech companies = farmer). The VAT is 2 cents. The baker (tech company) pays the farmer 22 cents (20 from sale and 2 for VAT), and the farmer sends 2 cents in VAT to the government.

2) The baker (tech company) makes a loaf and sells it to the supermarket (idk some middle man) for 60 cents. The VAT is 6 cents. Now the supermarket (middle man) pays the baker (tech company selling to the middleman) 66 cents, of which 6 is VAT. The baker sends the government 4 cents -- he pays 6 cents in VAT but receives a two cent credit from the government

3) The store sells the loaf to me (consumer) for a dollar. I pay $1.10. The store sends the government 4 cents total - the 10 cents it collected in VAT on its sales, minus the 6 cents it paid to the baker in VAT, which it gets back in a credit. In total, the government gets 2 cents from the farmer, 4 cents from baker, 4 cents from the store. That's 10 cents on a final sale of a dollar — for a 10 percent VAT."

VAT will affect the consumer. In this case, it doesn't look to me as of the average citizen will be the consumer.

We don't buy technology for automated trucks for instance. Amazon wants to buy that. They will pay the VAT tax to the government when purchasing from tech companies. Comprende?

>> No.14994278
Quoted by: >>14994288

Now the thing is idk is yang wants to implement vat tax with everything, or just with technology meaning it may affect citizens. Either way, even if it's not just with technology related things and just all types of businesses in general, the ubi generated should still offset the cost creating more buying power to citizens.

>> No.14994288
Quoted by: >>14994471


Do you think setting the legal precedence of allowing VAT on goods and services will result in more things being taxed over time? I've never seen a government shrink and reduce taxes before. I think Trump might be the first to attempt it and actually make some headway.

>> No.14994301
Quoted by: >>14994471


And does Amazon charge its costs to its customers?

>> No.14994471

>Do you think setting the legal precedence of allowing VAT on goods and services will result in more things being taxed over time?
No clue. Don't have reason to believe so.

Yes, but this way large companies will NOT be able to avoid paying taxes anymore (such as how amazon paid 0 in income taxes in 2018).

Are you insinuating that amazon paying a VAT tax on the automated trucks for instance will cause them to price their goods in such a way as to offset that cost unto THEIR consumers? I don't see how they could do that when it comes to random people buying stuff online. If YOU see how, then explain because I see none.

>> No.14994477
Quoted by: >>14994490

Are you actually stupid?

>> No.14994481 [DELETED] 

To clarify a bit, amazon isn't the only seller for instance. There are many amazon sellers competing with one another. I don't even know how the VAT tax would like like there.

>> No.14994490
Quoted by: >>14995017

What the fuck do you mean, faggot?

Stupidest people are the ones that just say a random insult without backing it up.
Explain or kill yourself.

>> No.14994498

You have not lived/worked underground ever, I can tell.

>> No.14994504
Quoted by: >>14994561

a sex change

>> No.14994537

how long do you need to stay indoors if you need to wait radioactivity to go away outside ?

>> No.14994558

You forgot the utilities and fiber internet anon

>> No.14994561
File: 23 KB, 608x427, 8q014ghzfob31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Imagine having millions and not getting the body you want.

>> No.14994578
File: 27 KB, 300x300, t-mcdonalds-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14994683

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.14994597

Earning over 3% is easy on any amount of money, except multi-billions or trillions. It becomes harder to earn more % as investment size increases.
You can get safe as fuck return over 3% and if you can wait long term you can EASILY get 12% annual return. You can just cash out 3% for yourself a year a shit will keep growing. If everything in life is paid for and you take in +50k a year that is kush as fuck

>> No.14994674
File: 446 KB, 1344x1008, 8435798725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14994859

Comfy lakeside cabin

>> No.14994683

>McChicken sauce
It's fucking mayonaise you fuck

>> No.14994723


>No clue. Don't have reason to believe so.
See, this tells me that you likely
>trust your government
>don't mind the use of force to get people to do what you want
>think that your government is there to protect your interests

I don't like my government and I don't trust it one bit. I expect them to use legal precedence to install more taxes. What's my basis for this? Almost every tax we have today came into being exactly like this. So it will start with VAT on tech, then as the government needs more money, more VAT will be introduced. And before you know it, you're Europe 2.0. 70% of your monthly income going to the tax man is considered normal if you live very, very frugally.


Companies don't pay taxes. Their customers do. And that's always the end-consumer. It doesn't matter how you increase costs. It's always included in the cost of the product or service sold. That's just basic economics my man. I'm sorry to say this but it's quite disturbing to me that you don't know this.

>> No.14994746

A philosophy degree

>> No.14994753

Bread and a warm coat. And i will wear shoes, like the rich people.

>> No.14994859
File: 529 KB, 1800x1199, fc69b14d9e7af368f4c7918a786874d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even thinks to live like this? What are you so paranoid for? At least go for something like this >>14994674 would make sense if you want to live far away from a city. OR just build a bunker under an actual house that you can live in like a normal and sane person.. like pic related, but a fucking tiny random ass bunker in the middle of the forest? Kek'd

>> No.14995013
Quoted by: >>14995025

Enjoy dying of radon gas

>> No.14995017

You prob need to kill yourself or go back to redd*t.

>> No.14995025
File: 108 KB, 1650x244, radon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14995074
Quoted by: >>14995726

Not gonna lie, this is the same thing I want to do.

>> No.14995077

USA hasnt been first would country in a long time anon

>> No.14995258


> By land, punch a well, build a comfy house and cultivate the land around it into a big productive garden. Get a wife and have like 7 kids, have a bunch of animals like chickens, goats and a dog, own some guns, etc.

This is literal my make it dream, based af.

>> No.14995694

property taxes, that's why

>> No.14995722

>all these retards ITT who believe in nuclear bombs

>> No.14995726
File: 5 KB, 300x168, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're both cucks.

>> No.14995740
Quoted by: >>14995761

Are you suggesting that nuclear bombs are a hoax or some shit? Because that's pretty fucking stupid if you are.

>> No.14995761

They are.

>> No.14995816
Quoted by: >>14995844

How on earth could you possibly come to that conclusion?

>> No.14995844

Grow up anon.

>> No.14995878

shelters are cool and all (definitely planning on having one of some kind myself), but with that one in particular, what if the ladder broke
also, solar panels are good and all—but what if your lone solar panels were discovered sitting out in the open by a patrol going through your area? it'd pretty much be a dead giveaway that someone was receiving power on the other end; all they'd have to do is follow some cable
if you were to go solar, you'd have to latch them onto some preexisting abandoned property where they wouldn't look out of place, and just run the cables—hidden, of course—to your bunker

i bet you they think that property taxes and the government are real too, lol

>> No.14995897
Quoted by: >>14995927

Grow up? One shitty youtube video is gonna prove to the world that nuclear weapons are fake and that some how I haven't grown up? You're an idiot and I'm likely 2 - 3 times your age. Have a good day.

>> No.14995927

>You're an idiot and I'm likely 2 - 3 times your age.
Yeah, retarded boomer indoctrinated by nuclear scare and moon hoax. Again, grow up.

>> No.14995943

And before your snide boomer response - yes, the moon landing hoax. I'm not stating the moon is a hoax.

>> No.14995947

>he hasn't seen videos of nuclear bombs exploding

You need to google more

>> No.14995960
Quoted by: >>14995973

That's one of the reasons it's so obviously fake. I encourage you to go rewatch the footage.

>> No.14995973
Quoted by: >>14995977

ask survivors of hiroshima they will tell you its real

>> No.14995977

Yes those places were firebombed immensely.

>> No.14995986
Quoted by: >>14996046

>He hasn't seen that scene from Independence Day where the white house blows up

You need to watch movies more.

>> No.14996046
Quoted by: >>14996062

>watch movies
I don't willingly indoctrinate myself with that bullshit

>> No.14996055
File: 6 KB, 174x245, bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you will never hotbox a doomsday bunker with your bros while the nukes drop in a maximum comfy moment

>> No.14996062
File: 164 KB, 300x300, 1502639521808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14996126

Damn that's some irony.

>> No.14996081
Quoted by: >>14996541

Why are there so many zoomers on this board? The sky isn't falling you paranoid faggots

>> No.14996121

>The bunker is 5 minutes away!

>> No.14996126
Quoted by: >>14996132

Movies =/= Videos

I'm not here to teach you kid, just educate yourself please. I am sick and tired of living on this planet with baboons

>> No.14996132
File: 98 KB, 378x485, 1544852468056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14996194


>> No.14996194
Quoted by: >>14996290


Anon please go to the cinema and pay 20 dollars for these tickets to the (((h*llywood))) movie of the month and give them your money for soulless scripted movies that just repeat themselves over and over again in the same way.

Oh this is an educative documentary video detailing some kind of history or science so I can actually grow as a person from this and make the world a better place

>> No.14996217
File: 1.74 MB, 200x151, 1534584574346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14997081

this is pretty interesting, mate
what the fuck

>> No.14996290
Quoted by: >>14996297

Seethe harder brainlet.

>> No.14996297
Quoted by: >>14996318


>> No.14996318
File: 25 KB, 272x306, 1475377106542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14996335

>no you
I think the indoctrinated goy has broke.

>> No.14996335
File: 129 KB, 556x611, 1562504426421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h..h.ee broooo..k..e

>> No.14996477

I will hire a hitman to stop this anon

>> No.14996541

It will be to late when it starts

>> No.14996655
Quoted by: >>14997009

No one has posted about the obvious flaw in this set up which is that there's no bathroom. No shower, no sink, no toilet.

>> No.14997009
Quoted by: >>14997316

Dude... it's the woods.

>> No.14997040

He could buy a small hole now and when it's value increases and it gets big enough he could put it anywhere he wants conveniently.

>> No.14997050

Holy fuck you're gonna be living like a fucking pajeet TOPKEK

>> No.14997066

I'll buy the finest shitposting station and associated furniture that a shitposting neet could need.
Also I'll buy snacks.

>> No.14997081
File: 96 KB, 1542x594, 1526093716456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this information, anon
to get an idea of how exaggerated the dangers of some nuclear materials are gives me great hope
may we all make it, and at long last be free from government control

>> No.14997153

there's definitely going to be a political party that pops up that you'll be able to join with people that align with you. There are definitely lots of people who want this, including me, and another poster. You're definitely not qualified to lead the country on that platform because technocracy doesn't pop up out of nowhere, and we aren't close enough to it yet for that to happen, but you're definitely qualified to get involved in the discussion.

>> No.14997254

If what you described happens OP won't have radiation contamination as he won't have been hit by the blast radiation wave. There is no such thing as lingering radiation like we're told about nukes. Nukes are basically fake as well. I say basically because they are not what we are told they are. Yes you would get fucked up if in path of initial blast wave just as you'd get fucked up if you laid out in the suns rays for days on end but as long as you can get out of the way of that blast you'll be perfectly fine afterwards. Oh, don't believe me? Do some research on Hiroshima/Nagasaki you ignorant fuck.

>> No.14997267

>He thinks he have figured it out.

>> No.14997289

You are going to have to have a robot army to kill anyone who goes against your perfect paradise!

>> No.14997316

Ok.... so what is the point of living in a fucking underground bunker if you have to leave multiple times a day to use the bathroom?

>> No.14997323

There is no “making it”. Its always more to achieve

>> No.14997344

>I'm just trying to figure out how people like this think.

I BET you most communists are the kinds of people that have no inner monologue or are unable to picture things in their mind.

>> No.14997357

You would be massively fucked from radiation short term.

>> No.14997364

Put a greenhouse on top connected to the shelter. The air in the greenhouse heats up and drags the moist air from the shelter.

>> No.14997378

And you have it all figured out. Its so easy!
Simply ignore all of the reasons the above stuff happens and it poofs away like human nature simply had no part in it!

>> No.14997411
File: 37 KB, 220x293, 220px-Sacking_of_Suzdal_by_Batu_Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the thinking that a fortified bunker state will protect you if the world falls apart.

Most history shows that those that band together and become raiders (i.e., Mad Max) have no problems ransacking all the fortified normies shit anyway.

If and when the world falls apart, I'm going to band together with the baddest hombre's around and rape and pillage all you bunker bitches.

Try and stop us.

Pic very related.

>> No.14997560
Quoted by: >>14997692

>swims in pool

>> No.14997692


>> No.14997731

The hatch is going to rust and you're going to drown while it fills with water as your feeble NEET arms fail to force it open.

>> No.14997762

Actual communists on /biz/
We really are being infested with reddit

>> No.14997792

This but i'd collect older cars, gotta have more than one

i'd also borrow OP's underground house idea but I'd build an oehler house instead of his faggy panic room

>> No.14997946

Lol a fucking one room apartment with no windows, no kitchen, no bathroom.
For fucks sake
Poorest of the poor think this is "making it."
I hope for my sake OP isn't invested in any of the same shit I am.
Lowest-tier 70IQ brainlet idiot