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File: 14 KB, 226x260, ETHEREUM-ICON_Black_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14803321 No.14803321 [Reply] [Original]

bought 40 @ $530

>> No.14803354
Quoted by: >>14803398


>> No.14803398
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>> No.14803413

Still holding from 1k

>> No.14803414

Last buy was in December, so no damage.

>> No.14803419
File: 897 KB, 800x430, 2EF33381-D2A8-4999-B8C4-C8EAF6DBD50B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14804071

>Still hasn't taken the L and bought LINK with whatever he has left

>> No.14803513 [DELETED] 

a fool and his money shall depart.

>> No.14803770

My average buy in was $230 over the past year and a half
I'm on the verge of getting into the red for the first time and I thought this was the most guaranteed way to make money. I'm now worried

>> No.14803981
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>> No.14804013

imagine not DCA once

>> No.14804033

bought 600 eth yesterday at $212, current up $11k

>> No.14804047
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Why is it correcting so hard? Any theories?

>> No.14804065

I bought at 280. I am financially devastated. Will this ever recover?

>> No.14804071


Doesn't ETH have to be successful for anyone to even consider using LINK?

>> No.14804076
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>> No.14804078
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Quoted by: >>14804260

I had a dream last night that it flash crashed to $8.

>> No.14804260

Set some low buy orders

>> No.14804458

slowly dying and will never beat bitcoin.

>> No.14805000

Wait 2 years and it will be $10,000

>> No.14805047
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>> No.14805053

Pretty much only use case is gone.

>> No.14805101
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>> No.14805164
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Quoted by: >>14805641

>I thought this was the most guaranteed way to make money.
he believed the ETH cultist bagholders

>> No.14805182
File: 66 KB, 988x704, 218A71E1-4CA3-4A69-8DE6-EE7BD7E2945C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14805425

>the absolute state of ledditors

>> No.14805185
Quoted by: >>14805198

Just bought 50 at 219

>> No.14805198

Fucking based

>> No.14805425

State of /biz/

>> No.14805549

Just Hodl brah, it will be guud

>> No.14805641

Using James Corden gifs is a guarenteed way not to make it.
Why are you Americans keeping that chode around.
Same with John Oliver, such arse holes we couldn't stand them here but you made them ridiculously famous.

>> No.14805954

Will yhis fucking horse shit ever go up

>> No.14805980
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 9ab2cda85739a7db8b440c7810f3ba407e7235a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 32 at $80 FEELING COMFY. Bought 2000 LINK at .50 FEELING COMFY TOO.

>> No.14805993

holding from fucking 376, painful as fuck.

>> No.14806382

intense cope

>> No.14806418
Quoted by: >>14808241

Americans have shit taste in almost everything.

>> No.14806434

bought while it was between 300-400. i pray that it goes up.

>> No.14806442

my ETH was bought at $90. Still pretty comfy.

>> No.14806625

Ur down in sats
So ur down

>> No.14806818
Quoted by: >>14807291

337 ETH purchased at $260.

Kill me.

>> No.14806960
Quoted by: >>14808507

Bought 220 between 7 - 27. Sold a bunch; now have 175... worst ting i did was sell... but still feelin comfy. Its the only coin where the future growth potential is nearly infinite if you consider 2.0, up coming tentening and a possible up coming coin burn within a year or two... Yes future coin burn was spoken about within past 2 months... the freaking possibilities of this coin is off the freakin chart considering link will essentially be the sister coin. Its also the one coin that is loved by the SEC and govt. in general. BTC is its own thing but your a fool for not owning at least 10 as they'll be worth hell of a lot more once use case starts to pop up.

>> No.14806983
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>> No.14807012

Bought 60 eth at $41

>> No.14807061

is anyone still wondering if Ethereum was a mistake?

>> No.14807239

Fuckin kek, ether addiction is a serious addiction problem. Money skelly has fucked all of the ether investors in the ass by trying to integrate with bitcoin cash LOL. Sell before single digit!

>> No.14807256
File: 661 KB, 746x714, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 2.03.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey don't worry man at least you can still wank it

>> No.14807273

Iron hands

>> No.14807291
Quoted by: >>14808507

Just try to relax for the next 5 years, uninstall blockfolio and stop coming here. Check back in when ether is 5000 a coin if not 10000. Defi is a trillion dollar market easily and eth will destroy any competitors. I wish I had 337 eth, I bought 100 at average buyin of 215. Hoping for 1 mil someday

>> No.14807362

Because its not supposed to go up to $1000

>> No.14808241

Can't really take anything you say seriously now.

>> No.14808255

bought 10 at 1k

>> No.14808336
Quoted by: >>14808395

all ICOs were funded in ETH. all ICO holders dumped their ETH during bear market. hard to bring that kind of dump back up

>> No.14808350

DCA that mess.

>> No.14808395

>hard to keep that kind of dump up
fixed that for you

>> No.14808405
Quoted by: >>14808518

This will be $5000-$10000 each by December 2021.

If eth fails, the entire crypto ecosystem fails. I hope you all realize this.

>> No.14808507

This is what I don't understand about BTC maximalists.

ETH has a lot more devs and a DeFi up and coming scene, compound.finance is solid and their "savings account" feature is really cool. I don't understand how people are saying ETH is shit.

I'm like 99% ETH and still own 5 BTC.

>> No.14808518
Quoted by: >>14808675

Most of all the shit we see now that's online is built on ETH.
MKR, LINK, compound, all on ETH.

>> No.14808650

I have been Holding ETH since it was 6$ I have steady bought with every pay check , but i regret no selling at 1140$ everyday, it haunts me every night. My theory is that miners / early holders( that control the market supply) have been dumping slowly and surely.
I'm beginning to doubt that it will ever reach 1000$ again. I have been doing some day-trading trying to recover some of the loss, but it's not going that great.
A lot of people are pushing for LINK here, it seems solid idea but I don't trust it.

>> No.14808675

>Most of all the shit we see now that's online is built on ETH.
that's the thing
it's all shit
they will all find their proper value at $0.00, and ETH will dump alongside them all

>> No.14808696

In that case BTC is shit too only it's more popular!

>> No.14808702

Yeah LINK is pointless if you dont have a dapps platform.

>> No.14808704
Quoted by: >>14808941

How is compound shit?

I get you don't like opening a CDP due to high fees, but how is fucking compound.finance shit?

It's literally better than all the fucking banks in the world right now in terms of savings APR.

Put $100k there and get 10%+ / year.

>> No.14808710
Quoted by: >>14808715

This should hit $65 by EOY. Buy TRV.

>> No.14808715

also, you had your chance to sell at only 35% loss, you shoulda taken it.

>> No.14808734
File: 53 KB, 554x554, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is right with the world.

>> No.14808753

Have 6 from various levels 300-500
Live and learn ppl

>> No.14808831
File: 216 KB, 996x458, sayori hanging ETH 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14808879

i dcaed in 2017 and as a result my avg buy in was $139
i could have gone all in at $20. that would have given me enough gains to hit my price target in december/january, too, and i would have cashed out a sizeable chunk then
dca is a complete meme for speculative assets. if you see an asymmetrical opportunity, you go in fast
the hardest part is knowing to let go when the train has left the station. buying eth anywhere above $200 was a complete gamble when that was already a 20x from its january 2017 price

>> No.14808941

we all know the anon you're talking to is either a buttcorn maxi or a shitcoiner holding his whole stack on a centralized exchange
he gets his news from coindesk and twitter
he bases his investment decisions on youtube and reddit
he has never used metamask much less opened the code tab of a contract on etherscan
this is 99% of /biz/ and memes aside this place is ahead of the curve
which should let you appreciate just how long it will take for normals to get crypto
and this isn't even thinly disguised "we're early guise" bagholder cope. it might very well be that in the long time between now and crypto ubiquity, ethereum will fall and be replaced
but ethereum is indeed where development happens now, so it's only rational to bet on it for the time being

>> No.14808967

$180 EOY

>> No.14808985

Anyone who tells you "don't sell at a loss" is a fucking retard. If resistance gets broken and fails its retest then gtfo. I'd rather lose 5% immediately because I was scared and dumped rather than losing 50% in a slow and agonizing bleed.