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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 495 KB, 1305x1265, 1526053105193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13876547 No.13876547 [Reply] [Original]

Bro. Just go talk to her.

>> No.13876567
File: 586 KB, 540x535, 1558562911804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13878373

>> No.13876593
File: 372 KB, 1248x1872, based god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13884583

Just introduce yourself and give her a firm handshake. Works every time.

>> No.13876610

I am volcel until further notice

>> No.13877611
File: 19 KB, 400x416, 5TcUUG0_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13877624

Don't need to she's already mine :)

>> No.13877636

Can't too busy watching my MATIC moon

>> No.13877648

>Bro. Just go talk to her.
Get out of my head. I'm trying to get my shit together first. I think she knows I like her but I'm too red pilled to be part of a church right now.

If only you anons knew how fucking beautiful and brilliant she was. She just likes niggas instead of woke black men. Goddamn it bros.

>> No.13877681
File: 16 KB, 882x758, 74B0D1B6-68E6-45CA-AD9F-6362B7C56D97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13877685

>the thought of approaching her causes stomach pain and dizziness

>> No.13877685
Quoted by: >>13879774

Beta male
Your ancestors fought bears and shit and you're scared to speak to a girl? Faggot turn off your PC

>> No.13877693
Quoted by: >>13879296

Imagine being so beta you can't even control your body and whip it over to another human being and force its mouth to say words, instead moving your body into a room to stare at a computer screen and type on keyboard lol.

>> No.13877721

I can approach people I just can’t talk too good

>> No.13878308
Quoted by: >>13879296

meeting the right person is rare. when it happens it wont be hard to talk, it will be hard to not talk. there will be a girl who will disarm you, these defenses that kept you away from girls will be disrupted by the obvious, instant connection that you have and that will be affirmed as you dive deeper and deeper into conversation each layer revealing more compatibilities and intriguing, surprising, discoveries about each other. most incel are blocking themselves from this by having really stupid ideas surounding people and communication in general. the worst is incels who seek physical attraction only while not being attractive themelves. the others can mostly all have what i described but they need to start from scratch. clean slate. forget everything you know type shit

>> No.13878324

thread theme


>> No.13878373

M O M O K U N, I . . .

>> No.13878749
Quoted by: >>13879296

It takes time to find the right words and the right situation, anon. If I went to her right now, it would end like the other times.

>> No.13879296
File: 770 KB, 900x600, 1552325822936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, when did /biz/ get so deep

>> No.13879338
Quoted by: >>13880098

>She just likes niggas instead of woke black men.
Woah there tiger, this is the mindset that pulls all of us down. Don't act like we're better than them.

>> No.13879364
File: 23 KB, 600x350, 1555687855387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ths hits too close to home AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

>> No.13879546

just b urself and if it dosent work b somebody else and then it will work if you made the right choice

>> No.13879695
File: 193 KB, 1080x1246, 1547892693943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one ticket to Alita Battle Angel, plea-
>*notices you standing awkwardly to the side of the ticket queue
>*make that two, another ticket for my friend Anon here!

>> No.13879720
Quoted by: >>13879803

I did and then the police told me to stop contacting her or it'd be considered harassment.

>> No.13879774
Quoted by: >>13879795


>> No.13879795
Quoted by: >>13883285

Alex Jones is consistently based, truly a dying breed

>> No.13879803
Quoted by: >>13880355

Yeah that's cause you spent a long time abusing her and won't leave her alone asshole, she went to the police to protect herself, not to make you sad

>> No.13879894

I feel like the "go talk to her" life is so fucking lame. What's so difficult about it? Get used to talking to people and not giving a fuck about it. Be a decent human being and chicks will complain to you about the jerk at the store and still want your dick. The "just be yourself" meme works if yourself is someone worth being around and the rest of the incels who think the world owes them something (read: sex) should KYS
To put it in terms you can understand, level up your charisma and you can get laid and still be an ethical person and not have to be some chad douchebag. but not leveling up your charisma and going WHY WONT ANYONE FUCK ME REEEEEEEE is a sure fire way to die lonely
Start by changing you

>> No.13879999
Quoted by: >>13880052


>> No.13880045


have sex

>> No.13880052


>> No.13880098

hey you pathetic faglord, he is right: >>13879338
the only reason why you are alone is because you are a narcissistic cunt.

>> No.13880173
Quoted by: >>13880445

Why lie?

>> No.13880287

Autists are biologically/temperamentally not equipped to make friends easily or get a woman. So it's true that "just be yourself" is not good advice for them and the meme is appropriate. However, the other common advice of trying to improve yourself and make yourself more attractive to women obviously is good advice and should be followed. The problem is that autists clearly don't understand anything about romantic attraction or what a woman wants and so they see improving themselves as pointless, because they suffer from an extreme form of a flaw which is not uncommon in men where you think the degree to which you desire a woman and display this to her will correlate to her receptivity and enthusiasm

>> No.13880355
Quoted by: >>13880445

fuck off white knight faggot. you dont know shit about what happened

>> No.13880392
Quoted by: >>13880449


whatever, have sex

>> No.13880404
File: 107 KB, 499x499, 0B7D4F39-589B-4C86-B973-39FF7E45D798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lotta normalfag cringe ITT.

>> No.13880445

What about any of that seems like a lie?
anon is real triggered by an obvious shot in the dark, maybe he's on to something
this anon has the right idea

>> No.13880449

thanks virgin

>> No.13880573

>I want women to sleep with me
>but board culture states it's not okay to defend them when I'm saying all women are whores cause ur a white knight
I trade shitcoins like the rest of you but the cognitive dissonance required to both want sex and hate women is palpable, why don't all of you just turn faggot so you can get your dick sucked and complain about women with the bros? Apparently someone with a decent relationship with women is a "normie" so what the fuck else would you expect if you don't make any effort to remove yourselves from toxic incel culture??

>> No.13880591
Quoted by: >>13880734

Pretty sure even people who beat/hate their gf/wife, still sleep with them. I dont think its cognitive dissonance.

>> No.13880600
Quoted by: >>13880734

hatred and sexual desire use the same circutry in the brain retardo. You need to hate women to want to have sex with them.

>> No.13880657
Quoted by: >>13880734

Guys who "defend" women are usually creepy virgins who hope they will be rewarded with sex. Women see right through that shit.

>> No.13880734
Quoted by: >>13880764

jesus christ incels are so fucked in the head. Yes I'm sure women will all see right through me when I say "all women are whores is a pretty shit thing to say". I'm certain that all that hatred is doing wonders at getting you guys laid. no, the abuse and sex connection comes from sociopathic desire for control and abusers are mentally ill.
I'm finished trying to reason with deranged incels, peace kids

>> No.13880764
Quoted by: >>13880804

Have sex

>> No.13880804
Quoted by: >>13880980

gladly, I have three women lined up for when I get back to my city but I don't wanna go through the effort of juggling them. sorry if that triggers you :)

>> No.13880980
Quoted by: >>13881099

Why would a monkey trigger me? One just watch it and poke it with a stick from time to time for entertainment.
Now do a little dance for me.

>> No.13881099

oh I'll dance alright, but not because you asked. same with fucking women. and having a reasonable life, and being successful, and bettering myself, and not dying lonely and filled with rage because I couldnt fit myself into the world and expected it to fit itself to me. you're pathetic and delusional and you hate people for having what you can't. I can't wait for you to go shoot up a nightclub and then blow your own head off.

>> No.13881136

yeah , i talk to her today and i say her she can kiss her ass and i dont care about her problems .. and she is my coworker .. my boss to be exact. She is 31 single and running out of time to get decent man. And she tries to shittest me ..I am not interested .

>> No.13881161
File: 78 KB, 1200x1057, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13881239

>oh I'll dance alright
Good little monkey. Have a banana

>> No.13881239
Quoted by: >>13881279


>> No.13881279

You want one too? You'll have to dance as he did, sorry.

>> No.13881374


have sex

>> No.13881503

Cringe and blue pilled

>> No.13881576
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x4036, slaying guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, since you're all clueless I can't not want to help you my fellown link marines. So here it is.

Have you ever wanted to know the absolute best way to slay women on the regular. Proven to work with a decent succes rate.

Well here it is, pic related. Enjoy sex lads.

>> No.13881643


>> No.13881769
Quoted by: >>13881898


wow this is great, i actually agree on so many points, this guy has sex totally

>> No.13881836

I'll give it a shot. So basically I have to stare down girls and if they stare back go talk and escalate?

>> No.13881898

>I'll give it a shot. So basically I have to stare down girls and if they stare back go talk and escalate?
Pretty much, I was surprised myself when I tried it and it actually worked. You just have to be dominant but don't force it if she isn't into it.

>> No.13881940
Quoted by: >>13882108

Tried to look at women recently while walking in the street. By my surprise, no woman started to chase me attempting to hit me with a purse. some even looked interested. The one that didn't, just turned their head away from me. Novel.

>> No.13882108
Quoted by: >>13882848


kek, this is why autists don't have a chance, the guy literally just overcomplicated a simple fact of life: look people in the eyes to gauge them

>> No.13882231

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.13882269
File: 90 KB, 720x872, dont-racemix-israel-911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I found literally the perfect person and she loves me back. Life gets better after 30.

>> No.13882270

Fuck man there's nothing I respect more than a based woke negro bro.

>> No.13882357
Quoted by: >>13882462

As true /biz/nesmen we think it is natural for sex to occur due to financial transactions therefore the only acceptable form of sex for /biz/ is prostitution.

>> No.13882360
File: 46 KB, 1500x1383, 3390990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13882432

I did it. She told me to fuck off.
no larp

at least I have more money than her

>> No.13882432
File: 271 KB, 500x461, betrayed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did it. She told me to fuck off.
It is what it.

>> No.13882462

>no true scotsman
>we think

>> No.13882540
File: 162 KB, 1200x818, based niggery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based niggers
Yea see how they turned out in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

>> No.13882563

>I'm too red pilled to be part of a church right now.
Blue-pilled af. Christpill is the final truth in this world.

>> No.13882626
Quoted by: >>13882642

There is only ONE redpill and that is that its always the Jew, /pol/ is always right. Id add, race>religion, youre talking to a nigger like hes allowed to stay here.

>> No.13882642

Youre talking to a nigger like if every white died itd be fine as long as the niggers were Christians. Again, Race>Religion. Without race religion doesnt mean jack shit.

>> No.13882671

based sex ID

>> No.13882848
Quoted by: >>13883666

>never participated in a high pressure masculine environment
It's a great way to get your skull caved in. Men in prison don't look each other in eyes because of this reason.

>> No.13882926
File: 157 KB, 633x758, hjfsladk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to learn how make money not to face my whole life.

>> No.13882930
File: 22 KB, 236x418, neettoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13884732

Where do you meet new girls realistically? Only clubs/parties? I'm 19yo, I feel like I should get gf or at least meet new girls this Summer or else my mental health will decline. After 5 days of nofap I feel like some hunter. Thankfully I worked out a lot this year so I have that nice fit look. Talking to a girl on the street seems like some movie thing or something a rich /made it/ guy would do though. Not there yet(need $50 link for that). It's so fucked up for me to think, cuz I literally have never talked to some new girl in a relaxing party setting. Jesus christ I should just hit up an old buddy of mine who parties more and go to some club.

>> No.13883165

>business and finance
incel begone

>> No.13883285
Quoted by: >>13883390

Is this a meme

>> No.13883351
Quoted by: >>13883422

I'm well past the atrophy point. I can be present places but nothing really comes to me to say, it's all just blank for the most part. It's difficult to get social momentum because I don't really have anything to give back, and especially now with girls and social groups in general if you don't knock it out of the park on the first swing you're never going to see them again. I don't really excel in any capacity so I live and die by making people laugh, and if that's not coming to me I have nothing. Also doesn't help that I don't want anyone to know I know crypto exists, so if anyone asks what I've been doing lately I have to uhhhh my way through the conversation.

>> No.13883390

No, unironically he's motivational sometimes lol

>> No.13883422

Know this feel. Reached a point before where I couldn't even bring myself to care about small talk. I just nodded and made grunting noises

>> No.13883457
Quoted by: >>13883648

Business and finance board.

>> No.13883648

Bugman mod detected

>> No.13883666


>thinks the job is the same as being in prison danger wise

full basedboy cuck

>> No.13883696

pussy whipped

>> No.13883997
Quoted by: >>13884511

Have sex incel

>> No.13884025

Haha yeah man wouldn’t it be so BASED and WOKE if he fucked your girlfriend too?

>> No.13884429
File: 60 KB, 650x566, IMG_1062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13884532

>saw sexy girl with killer legs enter restaurant with her hot girlfriend
>overheard that they're both single
>just went and talked to her
>they immediately took to me
>abandon my friends to drink with them
>go back to their place
>have a great time
>turns out they're both alt-right, weed-smoking, pistol-packing, jew-hating, nigger-hating, jannie-hating trump-supporters
>mfw revealing my power level of 1488 24/7 (except for unironically having real friends of every race, creed & color, including woke jews who hate (((them))) -- protip: niggers are the white man's ideal ally in the war against israel once you tell 'em how 85% of the slave trade was jew-owned)
>visit again another night
>all is well
>eventually she stops texting me for a couple of days
>she eventually contacts me again
>says her crazy ex came wasted to her place and kidnapped her before threatening to kill her but she was able to get him arrested and showed me the arrest log
>she just went to court to place a restraining order on him
>fml this girl is great but her associates make this a no-go due to the sensitivity of my business
>regretfully must distance myself from her despite her clean house and banging body plus ideal personality
>oh well
>she's a single mom with a history of scummy exes
>my new 65cm sex doll arrives in the mail today anyway
"Just talking to her" isn't really worth it with alarming frequency.

>> No.13884500

I went out this weekend with my bros, got drunk and started talking to a girl. I tried to talk to her but she wasn't interested. There was a fat, short, glasses wearing black guy that got all of her attention. At least my wife blew me when I got home though.

>> No.13884511

bend over

>> No.13884532

>I'm a degenerate upper-middle classer larping as an ideologue

>> No.13884583

This doesn't work at all. I worked up the nerve to talk to a girl I liked last month and introduced myself, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it like you guys said and she screamed and said I was hurting her. Her guy friends got between us and pushed me away and started cursing at me. Now no one talks to me anymore. fml

>> No.13884732

You don't get GFs at clubs or parties.

>> No.13884749

>obviously is good advice
Nope, that's just blue pilled cope.