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13434809 No.13434809 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> work a very lame job with a bunch of annoying normie sjw coworkers
> new girl starts on the same team as me
> first long conversation is about a boring career topic (its something I talk about as I suck at conversation until I'm comfortable with a person)
> turns out she was likely quite into it as she's shown me/told me stuff about it heck she waited for me to pass by her desk just to show me the job she wants to eventually get into
> seems a lot like me, reserved and awkward
> that makes it easy to get along
> others ignore her just like they ignore me idk why, shes a female you'd think she'd get more attention for that alone but nope
> actually initiates conversation with me unlike most coworkers who stare at me unless I say something first

Biz how do I befriend a female coworker without it backfiring or her thinking I'm trying to date her? I already started befriending this one guy from a nearby building like ago and I end up learning he's got a new job so that leaves only this girl.

>> No.13434821

Never stick your dick in corporate.

>> No.13434822

>not wanting to bang this broad
you gay anon?

>> No.13434838
Quoted by: >>13437310

Tell her that you love her

>> No.13434854
Quoted by: >>13435114

Offer to make her coffee then put some xanax in hers, when she's vomiting and collapsing on the office floor call her a lightweight loudly and point and laugh to earn reputation with the other workers.

>> No.13434870

If you don't want to date her then simply talk to her in the way you have been doing
I had a female fren (surprisingly for me) at my job until she had to move away to another one
It was actually good and fulfilling and nothing happened romantically so it is possible lol

>> No.13434874

Ask her if she wants to shoot up heroin with you on lunch break

>> No.13434911
File: 80 KB, 365x408, frontlobe11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask her out to make you company
>at sex offenders anonymous

>> No.13435114

I thought the ending of this blog was going to get dark

>> No.13435183

Thanks for the advice, it gets pretty dull and stressful when the only coworkers I would talk a lot with were superiors who have multiple personality issues and then a bunch of roastie/normie tier gals nearby.

>> No.13435211

Just talk to her anon

>> No.13435251

Dubs of truth
You see your coworkers everyday. Shes always there. Just keep talking to her as you've been. Natural, nothing forced. If she starts to talk a lot, let her keep talking and opening up - tempting as it may be to chime in with some relatable anecdote or something
Keep at it bro, go with the flow

>> No.13435446 [DELETED] 

Thanks anons maybe she'll be someone worth hanging out with outside work compared to when I'm siting around at home browsing the internet bored.

>> No.13435776

who the fuck befriends woman that he doesn't want to fuck?
are you retarded?

>> No.13436188
Quoted by: >>13438380

coworkers arent friends and dont shit where u eat

>> No.13436196


Give her your mix tape.

>> No.13436240
Quoted by: >>13438380

is she single? already doxed her social?

>> No.13436642

Just be friends with her, woman notice when someone is trying to fuck them.

>> No.13436818
File: 6 KB, 250x185, 1554993636088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13438229

Option 1 go for it but start looking for another job because it could blow up

Option 2 start looking for another job because it will be unbearable and distracting anyway

>> No.13436831

how is that a bad thing?

>> No.13437310


unironclicacally thaz

>> No.13438229 [DELETED] 


>> No.13438380

Op here again.

Simple and straightforward.

Lol I told an annoying older normie roastie that we're not friends even though we talk a lot. The old lady gives off a lot of pyscho vibes, her badge picture literally has her pictured with crazy eyes/deer in headlights look.

Not single, no social media. She is pretty though but considering her current circumstances I wouldn't actually consider her even if she was suddenly single. Had she been 10 years younger with no children that'd be a different story as she's a girl I can actually tolerate.

Simple enough.

>> No.13438456

Just be yourself man :)

On a slightly more serious note>>13434870

>> No.13438819
File: 23 KB, 500x375, B4C49A21-8C2D-4BF0-9155-01A4DCED8C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t shit where you eat, anon. It always ends up bad.

>> No.13438886

Keep doing what your doing now. Don't try to date her yet. You move things to fast she'll freak and word will spread. Some places take a dim view of co-workers dating. Sexual harassment charges are something no company wants to deal with. So if you move to quick and freak her out and she later claims "Sexual harassment" the company will fire you cause to them canning you is cheaper than dealing with her and any possible legal fees/bad publicity. As a bonus she'll get a promotion as a "bribe" to keep her month shut.