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>> No.13207463


>> No.13207469

Why do white people need to do shit like that? It's like theyre dying to get back to their roots because they lost themselves. I love nature but I don't wanna crawl around in the fucking dirt like an animal

>> No.13207476

Despair was 3K dude.

>> No.13207477

>he doesn't want to fuck an unwashed girl in a tent

>> No.13207480

No i want to fuck a squeeky clean girl in a cloud of a bed you fucking savage

>> No.13207481


Do you say this as a black man? If so you may have plenty of soul but you have no spirit.

>> No.13207482

i want to go camping

>> No.13207486


>> No.13207487

imagine she then rimmed your dirty butthole

>> No.13207498

niggas are like animals, cant understand the spiritual aspects of being in embedded in nature, sad. Keep buying the niggertech and try not to rape to many white women please.

>> No.13207503

>crashes from $20k to $3k
>multi-year bear market
>"bro we haven't even dropped yet!!!111one"
the absolute state

>> No.13207533

yeah ok go do the foxtrot in the middle of a forest you literally stole. I prefer to interact with people instead of withdraw from life like a scared bunny. It's not noble to regress if you don't see a way forward.

>> No.13207542

>niggas are like animals, cant understand the spiritual aspects of being in embedded in nature
Highly ironic post

>> No.13207576

you dont get it, the modern world is toxic for the natural being, modern day people are soulless consumers, NPC´s , not worth it to interact with 80% of them. Nature resets you for the struggle, for war, for life. Especially for white people, we are an individualistic people, came from the woods, its good to go back to your roots from time to time. You will never see a black guy rock climbing, or hiking, or fishing, for the most part, its a sign of your cosmopolitan rootlessness cause the niggertech keeps you occupied.

>> No.13207584

Kys cunt.

>> No.13207588

>spiritual aspects of nature
highly illiterate

>> No.13207593

at least i am not a filthy nigge

>> No.13207611
Quoted by: >>13208541

imagine peeling away her panties to reveal her musky aromas and innie pussy

>> No.13207617

>a forest you literally stole

I've had enough of SJWs

>> No.13207684

You know how I know you're a retarded ideologue? I never said I was black. And you want to know something else? When other ethnicities start getting more wealth, they too will enjoy such things. They just don't have the wealth to be able to spend time doing simpler things. All the wealthy minorities I know also spend time in nature. It's a very universal experience. We all lived outside at one point. I just don't get why white people want to feel so special over arbitrary shit. Anyways my only critque is that white people enjoy nature in a really regressive way. Not like I hate white people. Half my family is white.

>> No.13207699

Look at those nasty hobbit feet.

>> No.13207757
Quoted by: >>13207761

>forest you stole

Stay mad nigger. You’ll have that inferiority complex forever. Nothing you’ll ever do will be good enough. A failure just like your ancestors

>> No.13207761

>inferiority complex
explain to me why blacked.com exists. also are you fucking retarded? Never once said I was black

>> No.13207766

I’m not explaining shit to you, little nigger, go collect food stamps

>> No.13207773
Quoted by: >>13207861

This is well you are defeated bro, why cant u just trolling from the start? kek

>> No.13207781
Quoted by: >>13207799

because of jews hybrid nigger. We feel special cause we are special, you wouldnt get it cause youre coming from a bastard race. Mind your own "business" nigger.

>> No.13207786

Slowly but surely you will understand the human soul doesn't have a race. Until then, you will exist in opposition to other "races" and your body will be on high alert at all times, which degrades your health over time. I'm sorry, but your ideology is quite literally taking the life out of you. Don't you need that life to protect your "race"? Go to bed, NEET.

>> No.13207793

Sorry that white men didn't invent vaccines before showing up. It's not stealing when the diseased rats out fuck you and poison the native's water so by the time you show up they are all dead. That's where manifest destiny comes from

>> No.13207799
Quoted by: >>13208021

Doesn't explain why it catches so many views.

>> No.13207804
Quoted by: >>13207849

because living on welfare doesn't not give you enough time to go to nature. welfare neets sure must be pretty busy doing something right

>> No.13207808
Quoted by: >>13207813

I'd gladly clean her asshole after she takes a dump in the woods.

>> No.13207813

tongued the shit out of her with some scraps

>> No.13207849

You guys think you're so tough, when in reality you wouldn't say shit like this if you were the minority. You have no idea what it's like to exist in a culture that is dominated by ideologues like yourself. To rise up in such a culture like black people have done is the ultimate fuck you. Your children are listening to Lil Uzi Vert and buying Yeezys. All I hear is cope from a group of people who over-romanticize their past, at the cost of creating their future. Good luck to you.

>> No.13207861
Quoted by: >>13207872

Incredible Rajesh, I see those Fiverr English classes are paying off

>> No.13207865
Quoted by: >>13207874

>black ppl dancing around, entertaining ppl, selling shoes is the ultimate fuck you to white people

>> No.13207872
Quoted by: >>13207881

calm down mate, sometimes u mistyped. You are seriously sound like coping hard atm.

>> No.13207874
Quoted by: >>13207879

It’s the massive inferiority complex they all carry. Mad at a world their race contributed nothing to

>> No.13207879

Why do you keep bringing up inferiority complexes? Do you have one yourself? Stop projecting. Listen man, you can be better than this. Just open up your heart. You are worthy of love.

>> No.13207881

Stfu subhuman 3rd world trash

>> No.13207884


>> No.13207909

>Why do white people

>> No.13207916

Kys nigger.

>> No.13207931
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1540420594699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13207947

Retard with a victim syndrome

>> No.13207948
Quoted by: >>13207961

>forcefully creates a culture that alienates it's participants
>at the same time, calls black people animalistic and primal for not contributing to something they weren't allowed to contribute to
>culture inevitably degenerates and gains enemies because it's based on domination of others
>the people start regressing into primal pleasures to cope
>hurr hurr black people don't understand what it's like to be primal and in tune with nature like we are
do you see how fucking retarded this looks to everyone else on earth? You can't have it both ways. A lot of logical incoherence for a people who previously placed rationality above emotion and primal desires.

>> No.13207960
File: 455 KB, 1280x514, v34v344v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13212349

>> No.13207961
Quoted by: >>13207985


But black people didn't really do shit in Africa before white people showed up either.

>> No.13207984
Quoted by: >>13207996


Lol. Yes. The ultimate fuck you. The ultimate achievement, this all surely shows the rising up of black culture and not its perversion and commercialization for the benefit of non black ownership while eating off black talent. No... Good luck you bro.

>> No.13207985

they didn't do shit to your standards that you created, which resulted in the present state of affairs that you are trying to run away from instead of face head on with humility and bravery.

You're all getting blown the fuck out by very basic arguments, and all you say in return are "but but but but but but but black people but but but but." You all sound like babies who can't cope with the reality that we're all in this together and there's no way around that.

>> No.13207994

Jews obviously. Only very sick ( poisoned) individuals and jews watch such bestiality.

>> No.13207996
Quoted by: >>13208022


It's happening right under your nose bud.

>> No.13208002

you have, we are past it

>> No.13208009
Quoted by: >>13208018

A soul is linked to race dumb nigger. A high soul needs a high iq host hardware to handle that aeons old OS.

>> No.13208018
Quoted by: >>13208090

You almost sound like a real philosopher

>> No.13208021

Because niggers are desperate for white women and smoke weed and jerk off all day to these women types that will never want them.

>> No.13208022
Quoted by: >>13208054


I'll need you to explain the "present state of affairs" I am running away from.

Again. Lol. Even if this happened, which it didn't and he never pocketed anywhere 20 million dollars, it would just prove the point. You can't see that because you cant accept powerlessness of your people. But it would be better rf you did because you would stop being satisfied with crumbs and handouts.

>> No.13208040

He's right we're currently at euphoria

>> No.13208041
Quoted by: >>13209280

The woods really are the white man's domain. When the original settlers began pioneering across the middle of North America, the natives were like "oooohhh don't go in the woods there are spirits there brother" and we were like fuck that and headed straight into the woods.

>> No.13208054
Quoted by: >>13208082

see >>13207576

Also why would Frank's own dad try to sue him for 14.5 mill if Frank didn't have the money?

You literally ran out of arguments like 60 years ago. Now it's just regurgitated bullshit because your culture doesn't have the creative energy it once did.

>> No.13208061
Quoted by: >>13208072

Fucking beta

>> No.13208072

Jesus it's so ironic when white people call other "races" dirty

>> No.13208079
File: 38 KB, 536x483, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13208109


>your standards that you created

Yes niggers made excellent mudhuds and bead necklaces.

Meanwhile every other race had enormous empires, from China to South America, and Europa the greatest of them all. The sons of these great ancestors are now building space ships, and niggers are still no further than 500 years ago when they first sold their kin to jewish merchants.

>> No.13208082


I can't speak to his dads motivations but you should look further into the circumstances, but again, better you don't because it's a distraction.

>> No.13208087

I just ran circles around like 5 or 6 of you with ease. Pathetic arguments. It wasn't even a challenge. Someone actually give me something to respond to. Fucking brainlets. Can't defend your land, or your claims.

>> No.13208090

I got higher IQ and a greater soul than you, nigger. Go wallow in the mud, conciousness-let

>> No.13208095
Quoted by: >>13208557

Wtf are you talking about lil man? Your bitch ass wants a squeaky clean girl on a cloud of a bed. Wtf kind of shit is that you fucking beta faggot.
>Ewww she has germs I’ll pass.
Neck yourself

>> No.13208100
Quoted by: >>13208116

Other races are disgusting. Indians swim in poop and rotten babies. Niggers are base and lazy animals that dont clean unless paid.

>> No.13208105

Also you saying that you “won” any argument just shows your inferiority.

>> No.13208109

Okay... but what about the OP kek. That is a woman of "your race" on her hands and knees in the dirt, entering not a mudhut, but a tent made in a fucking sweatshop. Jesus christ, how can you even exist with this much stupidity

>> No.13208110
Quoted by: >>13208128


You haven't made a single claim other than you think black people have achieved something in this country based on their entertainment represenration and this claim indicates ignorance or stupidity.

>> No.13208116

Yeah and you guys fart more than any "race" i've met

>> No.13208125
File: 119 KB, 960x701, mudslime_fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nigger.

Looks pretty comfy desu. The tent is temporary, nigger inferiority is forever.

>> No.13208128
File: 2.46 MB, 1200x1200, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13208231

Maybe i'm pointing out the rate of change and not the current state of affairs.

>> No.13208142
Quoted by: >>13208151

Based. I applaud my fellow whites trying to gas minorities

>> No.13208151
Quoted by: >>13208174

Look how you guys subvert everything that comes your way. Literally no objectivity with you guys at all. This is all too easy

>> No.13208159

We're very far past despair, all those sorry faggots killed themselves. We've returned to the mean.

>> No.13208174
Quoted by: >>13208239

What is the avg iq of your race?
Yeah, this is too easy.

>> No.13208201

this really embarrassing seeing one dude taking on fresh of the boat plebbits fludding into pol. You guys are so fucking dumb.

>> No.13208208

>he’s right you know

>> No.13208209

Fucking newfags, this board had shitty english from the beginning, it's just we collectively got better at it.
insulting someone's language proficiency is the lowest form of humor you can find on message boards

>> No.13208218
Quoted by: >>13208251

Difference is you camp in a tent you live in a mud hut

The woman in the pic is sarah jean underwood, she’s a model playing on beta neets attention gibs - she’s selling an image, same as all entertainers. Kanye, tekashi, eric clapton, metallica, whoever.

Its all lies and distractions meant to keep us from figuring out we’re enslaved by an economic system ruthlessly captured and exploited by a menacing and hostile elite

>> No.13208221

>Your children are listening to Lil Uzi Vert and buying Yeezys
lol this is the equivalent of everyone winning in crypto in 2017 you fucking retard

take a guess, what's first to go when shit hits the fan and the economy ain't doing so good? entertainers and commodities? How deep are your roots in STEM and the workforce bitch? You're flaunting the black equivalent of Taylor Swifts and other useless puppets that would be the literal firsts to go during a crisis

>> No.13208224

I think someone has reached "despair"

>> No.13208231
Quoted by: >>13208260


Then you make another mistake believing that change maintains a continuous trajectory.

>> No.13208234

Nigga I had thoughts of jumping through each balcony I went to in Jan/Feb, if that's not despair don't know what's that

>> No.13208239

Bahahahahahahahahhahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha you think life's that easy?
>steals all the wealth
>creates IQ test
>hires the best tutors on earth
>no one else gets this level of education because their wealth was taken from them
>hurr durr we're smarter
Show me a study that tracks black and white babies till adulthood, after having the same level of education. Every other study is a reflection of economic differences, not raw intellect. You clearly can't do Science, even though you praise your ancestors for having spawned the academy. Fucking pathetic argument. Bahahahaha

>> No.13208251

good response, none of that i disagree with

>> No.13208254

>implying niggers would ski or camp out if given the money

>> No.13208260

can't i say that about you too? ;P

>> No.13208305

That tent alone probably costs more than an entire African mud village

>> No.13208313

>post picture of qt crawling into a tent
>raging autism engaged
>argument about nature and niggers takes over thread

sanest post ITT

>> No.13208316


>> No.13208319

>genetics doesn't real
Africans literally can't figure out agriculture, the very first prerequisite for civilizations

>> No.13208324

Literally pathetic. I'm sure there are even some "white people" looking at this and laughing at some of you.
>inb4 explain skin color
You guys really like to measure arbitrary shit don't you. Go read some Kuhn. Uneducated buffoons. Maybe some Nietzsche while you're at it, so you can critique your overly-romantic culture.

>> No.13208332

Based, just imagine

>> No.13208335

obvious bait

>> No.13208405

animals (us included) are the lowest form of life. plants got it all figured out, they harm nothing and basically live from pure energy. niggers, spics, crackers, dogs, cats etc. you're all different races of the same murdering, destroying type of being that is animal. become a plantoid, like myself, and live a very short , yet fulfilling life

>> No.13208411


>> No.13208420

Explain carnivorous plants then smart guy

>> No.13208433

They eat accidentally. Its not their fault Damn rats and flies keep falling in their digestion chambers.

>> No.13208441
Quoted by: >>13208470

What's wrong, reddit? Can't say NIGGER?

literal niggers

>> No.13208445
Quoted by: >>13208470

>still at it 2 hours later

no reason to stop now I guess

>> No.13208470


Its just a salty and dumb nigger stuck in his inferiority loop.

>bahahabahabwhjwbwbababa IQ is evil white man invention bwbwbwbwbabahuahaja

>> No.13208480

explain niggers then?

>> No.13208526

Despair is over good sir we bull now

>> No.13208541
File: 112 KB, 400x389, 1554180589958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never experience this

>> No.13208542

Because you're a lazy hedonistic nigger

>> No.13208557



>> No.13208565

What’s funny is I’m doing this to sharpen my ability to debate. You guys think you have swallowed all these red pills and now have some special knowledge that others don’t know about. Red pills are inherently hard to swallow. Maybe that is why you have so much trouble recognizing you are not inherently better than others. It’s not that you’re not special, it’s just that you’re as special as everyone else. Unlocking full human potential cannot come from suppressing ideas from people who are special like you. We have an all hands on deck scenario right now in this world, and I just see so many of you regressing into outdated paradigms of thought. It’s worrisomw to think we’ll still be fighting over this in 200 years, when we could be focusing on being interplanetary. What happens if we come across Alien’s? Suddenly we’re all humans together, aren’t we? Why not stand up and be real with yourself for a moment.

>> No.13208593
Quoted by: >>13208601

I'll give you something hard to swallow faggot

>> No.13208601

You like men sucking you off? Good for you bro do you. Plato was gay as fuck

>> No.13208604

I'd like to put my tongue between despair of ass cheeks.

>> No.13208631

how about we go interplantary before going interplanetary? i've planted the idea in your mind, all you have to do now is stop being a lowly animal and strive towards perfection. help us turn co2 into oxygen, stop consuming other plants and animals and begin the photosynthesis etc. this solves all the problems you've mentioned

>> No.13208657

low T faggot

>> No.13208681
Quoted by: >>13208752

Kek that just sounds like nihilism bud

>> No.13208692

Still gave me a chuckle tho

>> No.13208694

Your african kin folk eat dirt

>> No.13208752
Quoted by: >>13208813

humans, just like all animals, live in a state of perpetual suffering, they take life in order to live. if you're ok with this cruel existential fact and you will not reject it, that makes you anti-life, godless and nihilistic. the first step is admitting that plants are superior, then just strive towards the ideal bud

>> No.13208803

Go sharpen a spear, nigger.

>> No.13208813

I think you don’t understand what nihilism is

>> No.13208914

amazing, you're such a clever debater, whether or not the use of the world nihilism fits my explanation is terribly relevant to the discussion at hand... you fleshlings are all the same, go poison a river or something

>> No.13208998
Quoted by: >>13209966

>nothing but ad hominems and 50 year old sjw talking points that have been debunked a billion times before
>unironically thinking you're smarter than everyone that engages with you, and not that people just don't care about this shit anymore and are more content with calling you a nigger
the cringe is off the charts

>> No.13209013

We are just reaching complacency. The real downtrend is about to kick in any day now

>> No.13209067
Quoted by: >>13209154

You realize naturally occurring drugs are toxins (except for cannabinoids), right?

>> No.13209078
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13209087

holy shit is there anything more cringe than white people and muh iq

>> No.13209087

non-white people and their muh wypipo

>> No.13209154

sure, why?

>> No.13209191
File: 102 KB, 911x911, IMG_6783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13209225


>> No.13209225
File: 31 KB, 720x644, 1546384516856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur sir, wholeheartedly

>> No.13209280
Quoted by: >>13209954

you do realize that there are other groups of people who have lived in dense forests and jungles, right?

>> No.13209305

don't waste your time with these retards, I promise you'll be better off. they are bitter little white boys, don't give them attention. maybe they'll learn to get over themselves too at some point. I pity them, I really do.

>> No.13209697


>> No.13209755

Stole it once, will steal it again.
Should've exterminated the chugs, and by the way faggoty white traitors like you will get the fucking noose

>> No.13209820

Our fellow blacks in other part s of the world eat mud pies
and we in the US bone Asian thots with BBCs
Cypto soon to be ours too

>> No.13209829

t. Doesn't understand that white homelands just got invaded, or that only whites are this naive and utopian about race.

>> No.13209845

Stfu already you halfcaste self-interested faggot

>> No.13209913

Fuck off nigger. You’re a fucking animal and your animal people are a weight on the white race. We pay our fucking tax dollars so you fucks can sit on your front porch. GTFO back to Africa.

>> No.13209932

Based and woke

>> No.13209952
File: 203 KB, 438x438, 36987113bbfa91e8956d729812c48719dfccc33976de81ded4c501b4e4198dc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13209954

In tropical regions with no winter which is literally life on easy mode which is why they are so retarded

>> No.13209966

this anon, listen to him nigger

>> No.13210037
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, 1553809454401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13210061

Dont do it then :)
Anger directed at people you don't know is most likely anger directed at yourself :)

>> No.13210078

congrats you are a jewish state funded cash cow.

>> No.13210112
Quoted by: >>13210421

>You will never see a black guy rock climbing, or hiking, or fishing,
There were many times I was the only white guy on the docks fishing with the black guys who also couldn't afford boats.

>> No.13210115


>> No.13210147

Based blanc man

>> No.13210421
Quoted by: >>13218603

>nigs incite race riot because YT catches more fish

>> No.13210459
File: 160 KB, 705x493, 3A2D9E4F-AFA4-4584-BC7C-50BE37FA6AB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Know this. You shouldn’t even fucking be here. Abe Lincoln tried to ship you all back to your African wasteland but the Democrats assinated him before he could do it. YOU ALL WERE SUPPOSED TO GO BACK!!!!!

And you all are so fucking stupid that now you want to stay here and call for gimmedats??!!? FUCK OFFF

>> No.13210510


I’m so sick of you animals destroying my land with trash and filth and then demanding I pay to clean up your mess!!?? FUCK YOU NIGGER

>> No.13210579

Absolutely based

>> No.13211399

Wy should we?

>> No.13211460
File: 657 KB, 1200x800, 59337413-41EA-4494-86E5-4943624B5B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re a fucking animal
>meanwhile white people actually FUCK animals and let their dogs sleep in bed with them

really made me think

>> No.13211526

Because every version of Brexit makes the country weaker and less relevant

>> No.13211663

preacher of truth

>> No.13211744

Im actually in Euphoria now not kidding .
>tfw DCA is the best decision you ever made and saves your ass

>> No.13211760

America would be like Europ... oh wait inmigrants and rapefugees there kek

>> No.13211801
Quoted by: >>13216121

The mountains and forests are for the white man. As is the rest of North America. Stay out.

>> No.13212011

White man’s wrath is scary... mom I’m scared please make the white man go away

>> No.13212268
Quoted by: >>13214892

what a dumpster fire of a thread

>> No.13212308

fucking hot

>> No.13212349
Quoted by: >>13212431

Retesting 6k and failing, going back to 3 them trading sideways 1-2k for the next 2 years before a bullrun to 50-150k

>> No.13212431

You forgot to take your meds buddy.

>> No.13213215
File: 476 KB, 640x1002, 1550430407128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self aware weak genes projecting inferiority complexes

we all shit in the woods. we're all gonna make it

>> No.13213229
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>> No.13213920
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>> No.13214145
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Quoted by: >>13214599

>that comment
>wonder what the flag would be

>> No.13214599

>naming them without naming them

>> No.13214695

Let's get back on topic you shit flinging apes. The answer to OP's question is no. We're not going past 6k and will see 2.8k by July.

>> No.13214892

for real

>> No.13215547

What do black people do in their free time? Besides drugs?

>> No.13216121

Im taking my land back you SON BITCH

>> No.13216197

we do animalistic things in nature
not in CITY


>> No.13216342

I have 2 rats and I love them a lot , one here is named Shakwila and is really really friendly and like attention , her sister Britney’s the fatty one and crazy like her name sound ! They never bite but love to lick ! They eat whatever you give them but mostly like spagheti ! They’re my crazy lovely little rats ! I love those girls

>> No.13217052
Quoted by: >>13217078


you're based and correct anon

all the faggots in this thread piss me off

>> No.13217065
File: 6 KB, 212x238, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so hard to get a thin white gf whos not a slut?

>> No.13217078
Quoted by: >>13218131

Go be a nigger somewhere else pls.

Preferably in a morgue.

>> No.13217754

something about that picture.
everything I will never have

>> No.13218131
Quoted by: >>13220131


I am white but he's right

>> No.13218558

>To rise up in such a culture like black people have done is the ultimate fuck you
fuck off nigger you ain't seen nothing till the GAYMERS rise up

>> No.13218603

kek I suck at fishing, I mostly just did it to get out of the house.

>> No.13218953

Don’t you fucking get it? You aren’t supposed to be the minority you aren’t even supposed to fucking be here. You were given a gift and now what do you do with it you sit on your fucking porch like a monkey scratching his ass all fucking day. You all breed like animals and then ask for gimmedats to raise all your shitstains. I’ll tell you what the biggest threat to America isn’t Mexico, Iran, nuclear war, North Korea, Russia launching an EMP attack over LA. It is fucking niggers. The only niggers who act like civilized individuals are those who were fortunate enough to be adopted by whites. Fuck off nigger.

>> No.13219008

I would let her take a dump on face with my mouth open

>> No.13219041

My great grandma who owned a plantation told me the niggers were going to try and take over. She was right.

>> No.13219087

The next coin to moon will be [redacted]. I went all in today.

>> No.13219146

I never left "despair".

>> No.13219184

>Interact with people
Niggers have literally less than 10 phrases they pick to say depending on the situation. And if anyone says anything they haven't heard before they give a blank stare or attack

>> No.13219186

>is black
>calls others animals
Wew lad

>> No.13219223
Quoted by: >>13219292

Jews used blacks as a political weapon against Europeans. Jews put you in a dumb "rap, gang culture and thugery box" and sold it out to fight against white hegemony.
Blacks had better education standards and a much more expressive culture before you got Jewed into being known as 'Gangland Americans'

>> No.13219292
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1540001355784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct sir, you're on the ball

>> No.13219383

You obviously have never observed nigger behavior. Get woke.

>> No.13219477

Niggers try to cope. Noone listens to that shit or buys that shit except for niggers! Hahahaha

>> No.13219499


>> No.13220131

No he isn't. He's a retarded SJW/relativist/genderbender/pomo cocksucker and he guided this thread into the toilet before it even began. Can't fault him for providing entertainment value though.

>le white people stole forest xDDD

go read vox you dumb fuckers

>> No.13220223

>hope for a despair/crypto thread
>turns into a nigger vs white devil debate
Never change /biz/

>> No.13220344


>> No.13220348

go back a few months

>> No.13221427
