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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12058730 No.12058730 [Reply] [Original]

BAT is the only alt thats got shit going for it. huge news. keep crying brainlets while i keep acumulating


>> No.12058749

htc hahahahaha

>> No.12058755 [DELETED] 

Which do you prefer Anon?

>> No.12058760

> Htc

yeah nobody gives a fuck

>> No.12058763
Quoted by: >>12060687

what real world news has ur alt got brainlet

>> No.12058766

HTC is a dying brand. Bullish anyway...

>> No.12058774
Quoted by: >>12059384

They sold their whole R&D department to Google.
This will be unironically their last phone.

>> No.12059384

HTC could get huge again. Also it’s going to want to make other companies jump on the band wagon.

>> No.12059440

Is anyone who isn't already super interested in blockchain going to spend 1k on the HTC Exodus when they could buy the new normie iPhone, Galaxy, Pixel, etc for same or cheaper?

>> No.12059452 [DELETED] 

>BAT is the only alt thats got shit going for it.
it's not tho. stop shilling this way. immediately everyone but your fellow bagholders thinks you're retarded.

>> No.12059483


> calls bagholders retarded
> coinbase, HTC and Peter thiel are bagholders

lol k

>> No.12059499
Quoted by: >>12059651

it is the only one though. name any other project you think is legit and i'll tell you why it's bullshit

>> No.12059516

I know fuckall about bat, why does a phone browser need a coin?

>> No.12059530 [DELETED] 

you mean to tell me BAT devs created Brave? Wtf I use this shit all the time

>> No.12059651

From the threads current on the board.


Explain to me how all of those are bullshit. Some of them are I'm sure but you claimed you could do it with any as BAT is the only legitimate one.

>> No.12059662

>HTC in 2018

>> No.12059679
Quoted by: >>12060411

heard Gateway is using Brave as their default browser too. bullish AF

>> No.12060070

What do you think is happening here. Brave is internet 3.0 this is how humanity moves forward. Now we will see where the people's attention really goes. Free from algorithmic manipulation and media brainwashing. This is it .

>> No.12060122
Quoted by: >>12060362

BAT is already 185 million marketcap.. already on binance, coinbase.... it cant go any higher

>> No.12060362
Quoted by: >>12060491

why cant it

>> No.12060398

Sorry anon. Bat token is not a financial investment, brave stocks are.
Check their website faq

>> No.12060411
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1542097558249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12060477

I already have it running on my new cowputer. Pentium III , 512mb ram, 40gb 5300rpm hdd running XP

>> No.12060474


>> No.12060477

anon thats a nice pepe

>> No.12060491

No purpose

>> No.12060660

Why the fuck do all these faggots type no one as 'noone'? That's not a word you retards

>> No.12060677

you're the wrong one daumb arse

>> No.12060686

yeah they do that alot

>> No.12060687

XRP literally being used by American banks this very second.

>> No.12060769

spotted the brainlet of course its a fucking word

>> No.12061022
File: 82 KB, 1129x529, HTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12061265

Holy shit, they ARE dead...

>> No.12061198

-- The mobile version of Brave doesn't even have BAT payments to websites integrated into it. Only the desktop version has it.

-- The promise that users will get paid to look at ads hasn't been fulfilled yet.

-- No way to withdraw the BAT grants in the desktop Brave; they expire in a couple of months; you can only use them to pay websites you visit. Will this happen to the BAT tokens users receive for viewing ads? Then it's useless.

-- Why does it even include sites that haven't got a way to receive BAT tokens in the monthly payments? Where do the BAT tokens go in this case? Back into Eich's wallet?

-- What happens to BAT tokens from expired grants?

So far, Brave is a nice alternative to Chrome + adblock. On the phone, it's probably the only browser with a decent adblock which gives decent battery life. But the phone version has nothing to do with crypto :(

>> No.12061256

Apple was a dying brand too, trying out new innovations worked wonders.

>> No.12061265
Quoted by: >>12061544


lol ok

>> No.12061274
Quoted by: >>12061307

Learn to separate permanent issues from temporary issues, please.

>> No.12061307
Quoted by: >>12061476

Sure, the technical ones be fixed. But my point is that Brave is not quite there yet. And, I'm not sure anything is being done to address these.

The main one being - no way for the user to get paid watching ads. Which was supposed to be the main value proposition of Brave.

Adoption is not a technical issue, but if you build it, people might start coming.

>> No.12061363

P/E ratio looks really good though

>> No.12061380
Quoted by: >>12061521


>-- The mobile version of Brave doesn't even have BAT payments to websites integrated into it. Only the desktop version has it.
True but that's not only BAT, most crypto projects aren't mobile ready yet.

>-- The promise that users will get paid to look at ads hasn't been fulfilled yet.
The technology is built and has been user tested, but needs to be fine tuned before general release, this type of privacy preserving ad matching has never been done before, the team deserves some time to get it right.

>-- No way to withdraw the BAT grants in the desktop Brave; they expire in a couple of months; you can only use them to pay websites you visit. Will this happen to the BAT tokens users receive for viewing ads? Then it's useless.

BAT grants are meant for contributions to content creators, not to just put into your pocket. When ads are ready that BAT will be available for withdrawal or whatever users want to do with it.

>-- Why does it even include sites that haven't got a way to receive BAT tokens in the monthly payments? Where do the BAT tokens go in this case? Back into Eich's wallet?

Those tokens go to an escrow account that can be verified by the content creator at any time to receive their held funds. After a threshold has been reached the owners of tokens in escrow are contacted by e-mail

>-- What happens to BAT tokens from expired grants?

They're returned to the UGP and recycled into more grants.

t. BATholder

>> No.12061476

No you misunderstand the goal of BAT.
BAT allows attention itself to be monetized. This is ideally done through setting up a subscription payment to go out to content providers you enjoy.
These content creators (everyone) get rewarded for attracting and keeping attention.
Imagine how this changes content creation itself. The most interesting will be highlighted and enabled and attention itself will optimize.
Ads are just to enable someone to enter the ecosystem. Ad-free is the end goal.

>> No.12061521

Thank you.

>> No.12061527

Makes sense. And the part you're talking about is already up and running in the desktop version.

Let's hope it works out.

>> No.12061544
File: 89 KB, 1151x586, HTCded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a more clear picture for your peanut-sized brain

>> No.12061571
File: 62 KB, 600x885, 1511692194868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12061617

No YOU misunderstand the goal of BAT.
The goal is to make Eich fat stacks of fiat for copypasting chromium and sticking an unnecessary token on it.
Mission accomplished!

>> No.12061640
File: 106 KB, 856x960, IMG_0713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12061654

anyone know how I can customise the new tab / home page? add-ons don't affect it.

>> No.12061692
File: 59 KB, 720x497, 1542342278906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get why you retards just continue to FUD each others shit coins.. so fucking confusing.. just join a fucking team and spread the word you morons

If everyone here bought BAT and went on reddit or any other stupid fucking place to talk about BAT it would move higher.. but noooo.. not 4chan.. they're too fucking stupid and have to go against the grain on EVERYTHING!!

i'm buying BAT fuck you guys!! join the party or shut the fuck up!! lets make fake internet money great again!! All in BAT!!! YEEEHHAAAWW

>> No.12061704
Quoted by: >>12061722

>If everyone here bought BAT and went on reddit or any other stupid fucking place to talk about BAT it would move higher..
lmao he really fucking believes this. This may be news to you, anon, but pathetic poorfag pageet shills have zero effect on the market. Zero.

>> No.12061711

Many on /biz/ hate BAT for the same reason they want to keep reddit from knowing about Chainlink; Brave/BAT will be the gateway to mainstream crypto use and development. They want to obscure normies from adopting crypto for as long as possible, Brave challenges that.

>> No.12061722
File: 72 KB, 615x615, 1536899771314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy it.. spread the word..

>> No.12061727

Isn't this crypto phone project almost bankrupt?

>> No.12061731

I hate BAT because it's a dumb idea. Pageeting dumb ideas isn't going to benefit crypto.

>> No.12061801
File: 296 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-09-08-05-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use brave literally right now and its a good browser and all, but it doesn't even use BAT (yet and possibly never will if they don't find advertisers that give a shit about their meme money)

And even if they gave me free meme tokens for looking at ads, there is no way to prevent me from botting it in VMs while just keeping the full-block on for personal use. It's all just a massive meme tbqh.