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11537788 No.11537788 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11537820
Quoted by: >>11537853

Moving to the city

>> No.11537835

Buying Ethereum and then EOS and then HOT

>> No.11537845

Putting $8k into crypto in May 2017.

>> No.11537851
Quoted by: >>11539954

margin long 200k miota on bitfinex last december at ~3.5$, closed at ~4.75, the next day, made a fucking quarter million in a day, huge gable, 2 days later it crashed again kek

>> No.11537853

Poker game, $500 bluff into a $2k pot with 3 others in it. My trades arent nearly as risky.

>> No.11537858
Quoted by: >>11538523

going all in DNA (some etherdelta shitcoin) before the 2017 bullrun

>> No.11537873

Because of it I actually took my initial investment out.

It's dying now, though.

>> No.11537896
File: 37 KB, 498x522, nralink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Link in June when it hit 17 cents. Feels fucking good man. Weak handed fucks

>> No.11537931
File: 34 KB, 499x499, 6FD97ABB-E174-4B53-A252-F78D7716BCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11537974

My wife and I buy and flip properties...she’s been in real estate for over 20 years, has a good eye for shit properties we can fix up cheap and cheerful and make between 8-25k per property.
Found a decent price on one house and I was like nah not worth it cuz it was too much in my eyes. She insisted because she said ‘good spirits speak to me’ inside the house. She closed without me, I refused to even do anything but really the house needed little work for resell.
She asked me to place some mousetraps in the basement and attic and I went there cursing her in the dark cold winter night last January ...in the basement I crawled behind the furnace where it was thick with dust and cobwebs, moved a cinder block and found a strong box on the ground...opened it up and found about 60k in cash, jewelry and coins. All of the bills were from 1981 series so it’s probably been there since. Went home and fucked my wife extra hard and no one else knows of my find.

>> No.11537961

putting 95% of my money into BTC from 2013-2015. was down 65% at the worst moment in 2015.

>> No.11537974
Quoted by: >>11538046

>no one else knows of my find.
nice. did you have to get the bills changed over or are they still in circulation?

>> No.11537994
Quoted by: >>11538066



>> No.11538012

buying link purely for the memes.
>this shit is actually going up

>> No.11538046
Quoted by: >>11540971

I still have the coins and gonna keep them. The jewelry I’m trying to think of either giving to my wife or daughter, not sure but there’s not a lot. The cash has been ‘churned’ at the casino...my luck there has been amazing despite hardly winning a pull I’ve come home with a couple grand each time with new hundreds. My daughter just started college and wants a new car so that’s where it’s going.

>> No.11538066
Quoted by: >>11538099

With what dapps?

>> No.11538077

Putting 8k eur into crypto in april 2017

>> No.11538099

all of the ponzis/dapps that get started on discord

it's a pathetic community of incels and scammers

just have to know what you're doing

>> No.11538224
Quoted by: >>11539074

2016, put down 35k on Trump to win. 4.2x return.

>> No.11538523
File: 43 KB, 713x395, 1472666251147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also check that SKAM ID

>> No.11538588

$15 bitcoin

>> No.11539024
File: 1009 KB, 500x280, 1398313189135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in ODIN

>> No.11539065
Quoted by: >>11539545

Can he defeat sergey?

>> No.11539074

based and red pilled

>> No.11539489
Quoted by: >>11539495

I took a 20k load to buy a crypto in mid-early 2016. I own over 200 btc and the load is paid back.

>> No.11539495

20k loan*

>> No.11539530

Buying Link at 15-20 cents

>> No.11539545
File: 123 KB, 1006x640, 1A17A5C8-5D93-4343-8218-1FFB269C26FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that would be a battle for the ages

>> No.11539954


IOTA was best ever trade too, I was almost bombed out when I bought 10k at 33 cents and sold it all at like 4.20, then made more on those gains at the end of year

>> No.11539988

All in ETH at $10

>> No.11540879

Unironically accumulating AMB below the ICO price before the masternode onboarding and partnerships going public

>> No.11540892

putting 90% of my wealth into crypto in April 17 with no idea of what any coins did or how to trade. got lucky it was a mega bullrun otherwise I’d have lost everything.

>> No.11540901

8 leg sports bet multi. I used 4 anchors which I were confident in, then mixed & matched the final 4 legs. In the end I covered 32 possible outcomes, & outlayed about 5 grand.

All 4 anchors came through, & one of my combinations hit. took 70k profit

>> No.11540971

>daughter just started college and wants a new car
are you retarded? make that bitch buy her own car. youre gonna make her into a spoiled college girl. ive seen a thousand of them get drunk and drive. i hope u get her some kind of beater

>> No.11541023

Put about 5k usd on Trump to win the election at various odds totaling to about 15k. Along with various other high wagers on sports but that one sticks out the most. Also putting all I had in BTC (5k usd) and most of my savings (another 10k) all into ETH on the advice of a close friend back in early 2017. Been a roller coaster ever since and I'm still luckily up 10x on my initial after holding through earlier this year