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10315640 No.10315640 [Reply] [Original]

Hottest picks for new bull run?

Skycoin. Easy 5x and more. Don't believe idiotic FUD. DYOR and you will be surprised.

You're welcome

>> No.10315653

once we see one reward

>> No.10315667

thanks bought 100k

>> No.10315671
Quoted by: >>10315691

This is a risky trade but has potential for a lot of profits. Could even see the price going up 6x-10x if the dev team actually get their shit together.
Accumulate in the zone for now

>> No.10315677

We re gonna see it go up yes. My bet us on miner rewards though

>> No.10315686

icon is probably the most promising. It is the korean version of Eth.

>> No.10315691

Sure thing. No way it can go sideways if they start good comms

>> No.10315721

crypto giants will be dethroned
the market turned to a bullish trend
Skycoin is performing better than other cryptos maintaining this uptrend

>> No.10315722
File: 62 KB, 577x387, 1531816682685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think skycoin could go to number 1 within the next 5-10 years.
Its a definite top 10, the question is this year or next. Once businesses actually start using blockchain rather than just speculating on its potential uses, than sky takes over since its hands down the best technology (apart from urbit - but don't think that's even for sale)

>> No.10315730

Miner rewards for the month of June it was released last week, Sky soars so high because it's dedicated to it's community members and investors

>> No.10315737

Takin a bath in coin hours, i wish i could trade it or smtg

>> No.10315779
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Quoted by: >>10315846

loving the feeling to be part of smtg really meaningful. dyor feels right. wallet looks just right. project is fuckin ambitious and coin is one of the few that has potential to moon

>> No.10315781
Quoted by: >>10315801

I did my research and was surprised about the comprehensiveness of Sky's approach. The decentralisation, the apps, and the network of Obelisk, all sounds sensible. I have some Sky and I'll hang on to it, if only to be part of the ride.

>> No.10315789

An 'easy 5 times' would bring it back tot he price it was at before it epically dumped last month. lol

>> No.10315801

The next move I recommend is to invest in a miners, a DIY or an offficial Skyminer. Trust me, the miners are the next move in the new internet era

>> No.10315824

A remark like that is what ruins initiatives like Sky. Speculation is only focused on short term benefits. Sky and similar initiatives have a long term focus.

>> No.10315836

You think miner rewards will go up higher wih time?
I was thinking about it, now that the maret is going up so fast, maybe the rewards will be more too

>> No.10315846
Quoted by: >>10315879

Yeah, I love the smell of success! Sky it is for me!!

>> No.10315866

This one sided rhetoric of the shillers is straighforward stupid. Oh this is bound to go up, the blockchain is the best, we re gonna take over etc. Might as well discuss real market issues and show how sky is able to solve them.. even shortcomings of the coin. Also, far too less tangible information. You can do better

>> No.10315879

Lol, this is what i was talking about

>> No.10315908
Quoted by: >>10318293

i got 700$ for running my miner

>> No.10315965

Pajeets, Pajeets everywhere.

>> No.10315971

Dear newbies google skycoin pump and dump
And thank me for saving you money later

>> No.10315999
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Think about it, some people paid $50 a pop for these. Other suckers spent a whole btc on their 'miner' which consists of six $2 chinkpis and a router.

This coin is a scam and always will be. Their original intention of the miner was to 'durr just broadcast the bandwith through the internet dude; durr take down isps'

What the studdering chinks who facilitate this project (and use synth as a frontman) failed to notice is that ISPs paid for those copper and fiber lines. You can't just 'broadcast' internet through their shit.

So when people started asking questions they pivioted to 'le wifi antena' meme.

Guess what chucklefucks, /g/ already did that and it was shit cause of the latency. Pretty much unusable.

Nearly all the replies are sockpuppets from their discord soiboy dungeon. The posts here are delusional and inorganic. Skyscammers are gonna get the rope.


>> No.10316008

Somehow operating a Skyminer seems like a hassle to me. Me, cables and plugs don't go together very well. But I agree that Skyminers (running a node) is the way to go.

>> No.10316020
Quoted by: >>10316048

Wow. A fudder showing emotions. It's almost realistic..almost....

>> No.10316048
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Quoted by: >>10316110

>get objective criticisms
>post that it's fud like a reddit cancer drone.

Ooops I'm sorry, I was wrong about the price of the chink pi's. You can get them for $0.13 or as low as $.01 in bulk orders.

>> No.10316063
Quoted by: >>10316110

Yes I trust you anonymous internet person.

I trust you so much, I will give you skycoin.
Post le address and le reddit username and I will uboat your account.

>> No.10316070
File: 93 KB, 600x899, 30430021_10212433043320811_803534531_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt bother to read it all but if you bought the miner for a bitcoin, you paid for the actual cost of the miner and you get returned the rest of the money in skycoins.

I swear these fudders can't even comprehend 1 single sentence. Just like there are fudders with such low iq they can't understand why you need a 'miner' when it's premined. Maybe this is a good thing though since it seperates the low iqs from the reasonable people, who will make bank. Low iq biz doesn't deserve this anyways

>> No.10316104
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Quoted by: >>10317693

High iq people know this is the ultimate anti-signaling board and you do the opposite of what this board says.

It takes a retard to justify giving a chink 1btc for a $600 marketed miner (that is really $20 in materials) and force you to get a bunch of shit tokens for a whole btc.

Many people say that icos and other shit-tokens are scams to amass as much eth/btc for the scammers as possible. In 90% of cases they are right.

>> No.10316110

Lmao just look at this fag, I really hope you get paid to fud or you're wasting your time arguing about shit you would know is totally false if you wouldve been able to understand just one single sentence.

>> No.10316112
Quoted by: >>10316129

>I swear these fudders can't even comprehend 1 single sentence.
>Didnt bother to read it all but


>> No.10316129

The absolute state of skycoin fudders. I'm not wasting my time when I read your first few sentences and know you're not gonna bring anything of value to the discussion since you're already bringing up shit that's easily debunked

>> No.10316137
Quoted by: >>10316177

Then debunk everything I said faggot. You literally can't slant eyed fuck, so you just say 'fudd' and 'le hodl' fucking retard.

>> No.10316154

One word


>> No.10316166
Quoted by: >>10316177

You know they allow DIY miners as well, right? You don't HAVE to buy their miner. Just check out their website for 1 min if you care about truth and you realise all your statements are false. You probably don't care anyways seeing you all emotional like this. Again, I really hope you're getting paid for this or this is just pathetic

>> No.10316177
Quoted by: >>10316312


>> No.10316216
Quoted by: >>10316223


>> No.10316223


Only bought $250 of this, think it could grow to $20k for a quick dump

>> No.10316312

how much have you lost so far

>> No.10316379

Iotex upbit listing soon

>> No.10316571

Haven't lost a bit, since I haven't sold what I have. But thanks to the rubbish fud I have gained a lot of confidence, since there must be a lot of value if Fudders put so much effort into bringing it down. If Sky was unimportant and without value Fudders would have long got bored and moved on. Or am I overestimating the iq of the average Fudder?

>> No.10316582

Lost -15%
I didnt lose anything buddy but nice to see you sharing your loser mindset

>> No.10316605

Neo is "Chinese version of eth" and look what a piece of centralized shit it turned out to be.

>> No.10317635

let s make it fucking diversified first of all, them grab smth with a chance to moon

>> No.10317693

the miner runs on a software... software costs monies... some people do not have the expertise to assemble hardware.. manufacturing has its cost...so does profiling aluminum... hardware, shipping etc. plus you re supporting the ecosystem, not to mention you can dump after the rebate and get back your 0.9BTC... so GTFO

>> No.10317710

COLX, easy 10x

>> No.10317869
File: 282 KB, 1078x865, 1529555055251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10318074

My psychic says Sharder (SS) currently at $0.024 will do as well as Digibyte.
I'll be picking up on some of that soon : )

In other news, Litecoin will be considered as silver if Bitcoin was gold. It's easy to foresee Litecoin positioning itself to 1/5 the value of Bitcoin. In other words, If Bitcoin reaches $1M then we can see Litecoin at $200,000/coin.

>> No.10318074

macafee needs an asylum, and apparently you do too

>> No.10318293

do you have it set up to go through a vpn?

>> No.10318413

How many fucking 'versions of eth' do we need?
Does this shitcoin add any additional features to eth's?

>> No.10318999
Quoted by: >>10319506

June rewards are distributed. July coming soon.

>> No.10319121
Quoted by: >>10319559

when will i get my rebate? i got the skyminer a few days ago

>> No.10319184

are you high on SKY already? bull incoming, maybe 2-5x?

>> No.10319269
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>> No.10319318
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>> No.10319506
Quoted by: >>10319995

this is bound to skyrocket the coin, as much as others like to think otherwise

>> No.10319559
Quoted by: >>10322189

every 5th of the next month, if the uptime is at least 75%

>> No.10319586
Quoted by: >>10319886

Another thread full of deluded Minecraft kiddies from the Sky telegram.

>> No.10319886
Quoted by: >>10319974

fudding is paid these days. another mofo looking for affection on 4chan

>> No.10319935



>> No.10319974
Quoted by: >>10320072

What's the matter can't find diamonds in your minecraft server?

>> No.10319995

>rewards distributed
>supply increases
>everyone will want to buy more skycoin now guys

Huh? The price is bound to go up because miners are finally getting paid out? Where is the logic? Do you think the public is hinging their bets on this single pointless factor? Hey everyone, skycoin paid people their funny money finally, it's not a scam after all!

>> No.10320021
Quoted by: >>10320131

it s making a point to the community and it will cumulate with other things... but seems pretty hard to understand, right?

>> No.10320072

piglet fun is over, go back to the cave

also the miners becoming a safe stream of income will generate positive PR and more sales

>> No.10320131

>its making a point to the cult
There is no level headed rational community behind sky.

>> No.10320156

These posts are paid for and this coin is a scam. Just use google.

>> No.10320195
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>> No.10320413


anymore maymays you drooling retards wanna vomit into this thread? Where is the BRAP? 8 SCOOPS CUMMON!

>> No.10320944

So what, Bitcoin supply increased way faster early on also. Also way more max units of Bitcoin than there are of Skycoin.

>> No.10322189
Quoted by: >>10323281

i'm talking about the rebate, not the actual reward. you know, the 650 sky i was promised i would get if i bought a skyminer

>> No.10322235
Quoted by: >>10323385

technology don't matter it's only the hype

>> No.10323281

Probably depends on the timing of you buying one. Though it seems as though you would get the rebate first and the skyminer after in most cases. Lots of noobs think that they didnt get paid their skycoins or whatever cause they didnt sync the wallet all the way.

>> No.10323385


For short term yes. Long term though?

>> No.10323496
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 2577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10323635

>no ico
>hardcore hodling mining community
>no whales
>delivering on roadmap
>tZero platform integration
>overstock backs it relentlessly
>literally never shilled, has been under the radar all year

Why isn't biz buying the one, true Bitcoin 2.0? It's like you don't even understand crypto.

>> No.10323507


>> No.10323585

Exactly every coin that isn’t a complete hoax will go well above 5x.

>> No.10323589
File: 19 KB, 236x310, tif5r6lbjma11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this garbage. snag this Malta binancebro setup for a 1000x https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.10323635

Literally never shilled? Lmao

>> No.10323762

that's the point buddy, 5x is a recovery. just the start

>> No.10323960

I have an official miner it's the future

>> No.10324984
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